Heck if I know who, that's why primaries are held, to allow the process show us the candidate that connects with the most voters.Who is a credible avatar for actual solutions, and what are those actual solutions, long term solutions though? That are acceptable to these voters. That they actually want.
You're not reversing automation. You're not reversing operations management techniques.
I guess you could start a trade war with China.
Count update.
Stop doing this to yourself.
😔Trump is going to trumpet to his Trumpeters that he saved jobs, built the wall, stuck it to Cghyna, and drained the swamp regardless of what he actually does. He'll probably say he saved Medicare from Obama when he lets Paul Ryan gut it.
Trump throws the TPP out, it does or doesn't actually do anything for jobs, but he claims he made the best deals, the best deals. Because he's a businessman. Just as he did this election.
Now what do the Democrats run on being against to prove their Make America Great Again bonafides, and magically reverse a 50 year decline in the goods-based employment as a share of the US economy.
If it were up to a popular vote then they would have run different campaigns and who knows who would have won
Duh, Trump would because he would campaign in NY and CA.
Stop doing this to yourself.
Alright, I've devised a plan to finally clear out my youtube queue from all those bad political recommendations due to watching all those live news streams.
- Queues up a marathon of WatchMojo Top 10s
You can't fix them. You need hospice care.Yep, I agree. The free market is killing these places, and lies won't fix them. We need to push for real solutions, which involves some hardcore economic lefty policy hopefully wrapped in some libertarian-sounding social statements (need more Kanders, JBEs, and Kaines who can relate to pro-gun, pro-lifers without actually breaking from the Dems on those policies).
Edit: I'm extremely confident that Trump will see those jobs decline and will lose favorability with those people. Extremely confident. Reality doesn't change because you will it to, and obsolescence doesn't get re-written if you wish really hard.
If it were up to a popular vote then they would have run different campaigns and who knows who would have won
Trump is going to trumpet to his Trumpeters that he saved jobs, built the wall, stuck it to Cghyna, and drained the swamp regardless of what he actually does. He'll probably say he saved Medicare from Obama when he lets Paul Ryan gut it.
Trump throws the TPP out, it does or doesn't actually do anything for jobs, but he claims he made the best deals, the best deals. Because he's a businessman. Just as he did this election.
Now what do the Democrats run on being against to prove their Make America Great Again bonafides, and magically reverse a 50 year decline in the goods-based employment as a share of the US economy.
The Democratic Primary is close to 60% female and almost 40% minority.Heck if I know who, that's why primaries are held, to allow the process show us the candidate that connects with the most voters.
I don't disagree, but telling them that those jobs are gone for good won't solve their lives problems.
Edit-unless you want them to burn all your nice things, cause nobody is going gently into that night in such a polarized country like this one.
http://www.salon.com/2015/11/29/the..._its_really_allergic_to_voting_for_democrats/Is there a link or article to those graphs?
The Democratic Primary is close to 60% female and almost 40% minority.
Those jobs are gone and disappearing, whether they're told or not. It apparently offends working class male dignity to retrain to become a nurse or educator, to fuel the continuing growth of the education and health services sectors. Or to take the unskilled service sector jobs.
So that means either tell the bigger lie or tell the better lie. Or I guess there was the proposed massive Federal subsidization of a widget making scheme.
But then that all still brings you up against this:
And pandering to this sentiment, while telling the big lie.
And that Donald Trump has shown how little the electoral penalty is for pandering to it.
Democrats should never stop doing this.
Republicans used Romney's losing percentage to claim they had a mandate, or fucks sake.
I don't believe anything will come of this, but Democrats should never forget that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. By millions. That has never happened before in the history of our country. When the losing candidate walks away with a surplus of votes equaling the entire city of Chicago, our democracy is broken.
Another reason Democrats should not go into a Trump presidency so ready to capitulate. Fuck the electoral college. The people voted for Democrats.
That totally would have worked.
I agree with most of that but posting the margin tweet updates just makes people more miserable. Also, that last part was unfortunately not true down ballot. 😐
We know that Trump doesn't have a mandate--hell, he doesn't even have one in his own "party". 47% of the electorate had no desire to vote so who knows how that breaks down.
Which is a point that's going to destabilize the whole "state legitimacy" thing for a lot of people I'm guessing. In the aggregate, that's probably bad too.It was true downballot, but with the exact same issues with vote distribution. If America were a country with a popular vote for president and proportional representation for Congress Democrats would control every branch of government.
I can't know what you're trying to say when you're this snarky other than "you are dumb."If we had ham we would have ham and eggs if we we had eggs
That totally would have worked.
If it were up to a popular vote then they would have run different campaigns and who knows who would have won
The Democratic Primary is close to 60% female and almost 40% minority.
Those jobs are gone and disappearing, whether they're told or not. It apparently offends working class male dignity to retrain to become a nurse or educator, to fuel the continuing growth of the education and health services sectors. Or to take the unskilled service sector jobs.
So that means either tell the bigger lie or tell the better lie. Or I guess there was the proposed massive Federal subsidization of a widget making scheme.
But then that all still brings you up against this:
And pandering to this sentiment, while telling the big lie.
And that Donald Trump has shown how little the electoral penalty is for pandering to it.
Honestlylol trump on a early morning twitter tirade again
Really not praising him just think this whole recount is so stupid.* checks twitter*
Seems there were some new, recent stories about Trump's conflicts of interest. This bitching about the recounts (which are dumb to be fair) seems just an attempt to divert attention. Please don't fall for it of give him praise for being "right" or whatever.
The Atlantic's Trump's Takeover (updated with news as it comes)
VP: Mike Pence
State Dept:
Attorney General: Jeff Sessions (former Alabama Senator who is a racist)
Commerce: Wilbur Ross (billionaire "king of bankruptcy" investor known for buying companies on the cheap)
Health and Human Services:
Housing and Urban Development:
Education: Betsy DeVos (billionaire with no experience in education)
Veterans Affairs:
Homeland Security:
Chief of Staff: Reince Priebus (political operative)
Environmental Protection Agency:
Office of Management & Budget:
United States Trade Representative:
UN Ambassador: Nikki Haley (former South Carolina governor)
Council of Economic Advisers:
Small Business Administration:
Senior Counselor: Stephen Bannon (a white nationalist formerly the editor of a far-right blog)
National Security Advisor: Michael Flynn
CIA Director: Mike Pompeo (former Kansas House rep that likes surveillance a lot)
+ [Healthcare] In Depressed Rural Kentucky, Worries Mount Over Medicaid CutbacksNorth Carolina Republican Gov. Pat McCrory, champion of the country's most notorious anti-LGBTQ law, lost his bid for re-election on Nov. 8at last count, by 7,448 votes. Yet nearly two weeks later, McCrory still refuses to concede. Instead, he and his legal team are baselessly alleging that the results were tainted by fraud, petitioning election boards to review the results and determine their validity. McCrory is not so obtuse as to think he can actually overtake his opponent, Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper, in raw votes. His strategy is more insidious: He seems intent on delaying the formal declaration of a winnerand delegitimizing the voting processin order to let the Republican-dominated legislature ignore the true result and re-install McCrory as governor for another four years.
+ [Healthcare & Charts] Trump succeeds where health is failing. According to our model, if diabetes were just 7% less prevalent in Michigan, Mr Trump would have gained 0.3 fewer percentage points there, enough to swing the state back to the Democrats.For the sixth time in the last seven presidential elections, Democrats won a plurality of the presidential popular vote on November 8 (Hillary Clintons lead over Donald Trump continues to grow as those last West Coast ballots are counted; its currently at over 1.6 million votes, or 1.3 percent of the total).
Yet Democrats are in a decisively minority position when it comes to wielding power in the United States. They lost the presidency via the Electoral College. They are a minority in the Senate and facing a terrible Senate landscape in 2018. They are a minority in the House with little hope of retaking it before the next cycle of reapportionment and redistricting after the 2020 census. And at the state level, their weakness is even more evident. Only 16 of the 50 governors are Democrats (and that assumes Roy Cooper will eventually be named the winner in North Carolina). Republicans control 68 state legislative chambers as opposed to 30 controlled by Democrats. Republicans hold trifectas (control of the governorship and both legislative chambers) in 25 states as compared to 6 for Democrats.
He actually would, since he wouldn't have to spend time in Iowa or New Hampshire.
What makes you think California or New York is immune to a populist (and many other ists, believe me) message that everywhere else isn't immune to?
Interestingly enough, in two of those crucial Midwestern states that flipped to Trump, Democratic Senate candidates campaigned on economically populist platforms but they did notably worse than Hillary Clinton. Russ Feingold underperformed Clinton by 2.4 points in Wisconsin, and Ted Strickland underperformed her by 12.8 points in Ohio. Feingold amassed a populist record of challenging big money and special interests when he was in the Senate, and Strickland harshly condemned trade deals during his campaign against Rob Portman (who served as George W. Bushs US trade representative).
Meanwhile, the two Democratic Senate candidates in competitive races who outperformed Clinton the most both self-consciously presented a moderate image rather than running as liberal firebrands. In Missouri, Jason Kander overperformed Clinton by 15.9 points, and in Indiana, Evan Bayh did 9.6 points better than her (though they both lost).
Meanwhile, the two Democratic Senate candidates in competitive races who outperformed Clinton the most both self-consciously presented a moderate image rather than running as liberal firebrands.
The followers of Saint Bernard who want purity tests and a hard shift to the Left to win elections need to look at this data and realize it isn't going to happen. America isn't going to shift hard left and there isn't some untapped voting block of hard lefties just waiting for the Democrats to go even more left to vote for them.
It's dumb but he's not wrong tbh
Love this article. I've talked about this before, but the Identity Politics hottake is fucking embarrassing.
The followers of Saint Bernard who want purity tests and a hard shift to the Left to win elections need to look at this data and realize it isn't going to happen. America isn't going to shift hard left and there isn't some untapped voting block of hard lefties just waiting for the Democrats to go even more left to vote for them.
The word I use is "revealing."
Anyone saying that Dems everywhere should run on full fledged economic populism is taking the piss. But I hope one does not look at this data and get the impression that Dems should moderate in Ohio and Wisconsin. Sherrod Brown is obviously an economic populist, and Tammy Baldwin has a voting record to the left of Sanders according to DW-NOMINATE. What happened to Russ Feingold this year is a head scratcher (Ted Strickland not so much, that was never a competitive race), but he is still a solid model of the type of candidate Wisconsin Dems should be running.
I can't know what you're trying to say when you're this snarky other than "you are dumb."
Anyone saying that Dems everywhere should run on full fledged economic populism is taking the piss. But I hope one does not look at this data and get the impression that Dems should moderate in Ohio and Wisconsin. Sherrod Brown is obviously an economic populist, and Tammy Baldwin has a voting record to the left of Sanders according to DW-NOMINATE. What happened to Russ Feingold this year is a head scratcher (Ted Strickland not so much, that was never a competitive race), but he is still a solid model of the type of candidate Wisconsin Dems should be running.
Unlike Rick Astley and Melania Trump, they WILL always let you down.I agree that we can't run hard left if we want to recover.
But I disagree about the possibility of untapped left leaning voters.
There are absolutely an untapped liberal and progressive chunk this election, but the way to tap into them isn't by running a Bernie Sanders. You tap into those voters by running a New Blood democrat. Obama was able to tap into them. Harris and Masto could tap into them.
And like Obama did with Biden, you check off the "experience" box by having some experienced old white dude as VP. Sheldon Whitehouse would be a great example.
The Feingold thing is worrying. I would have thought every Wisconsin citizen who voted for Clinton would be onboard with Feingold. I have no explanation for it.
Unlike Rick Astley and Melania Trump, they WILL always let you down.
A certain candidate loses and everyone says she's the wrong candidate for the time, but Russ Feingold loses and he's somehow still the "solid model of the type of candidate WI Dems should be running"? lolAnyone saying that Dems everywhere should run on full fledged economic populism is taking the piss. But I hope one does not look at this data and get the impression that Dems should moderate in Ohio and Wisconsin. Sherrod Brown is obviously an economic populist, and Tammy Baldwin has a voting record to the left of Sanders according to DW-NOMINATE. What happened to Russ Feingold this year is a head scratcher (Ted Strickland not so much, that was never a competitive race), but he is still a solid model of the type of candidate Wisconsin Dems should be running.