If the Democratic Party's conclusion from 2016 is that they need to embrace islamophobia, I don't see that I have any choice except for voting for an actual progressive party, even if it means I have to start one.
Based on the shit Merkel's pulling - I'm starting to worry that the entire Western world might go all in on the islamaphobia thing. :-/
That said, if Ellison wins the DNC chair, at least we know that won't be an issue.

(well, that and prepare for Bernie or Warren 2020, cuz you better believe the primary voting schedule for states will get massively changed to aid Bernie/Warren if he becomes DNC chair). In terms of the Dems, I'm not genuinely worried about the Dems embracing islamaphobia any more than greater western society will. If the US as a whole embraces it more than it has, then it turns into a fight that is outside the two party system and aimed at the general populace and current politicians in office (aka, civil rights in the 50s and 60s as well as gay marriage in the 2000s).
EDIT: Dang it, you added more
Like I said, Trump's presidency is a great opportunity to identify which people have moral principles, and which people acted like they have moral principles because they perceived a societal expectation to do so.
Which one could argue is a consequence of using the "name and shame" philosophy that has been pervasive in modern social media, no?
Also, Tulsi's not getting nominated, lol. If the Bernie / Warren camp pushes a nomination candidate, I think, barring unforeseen circumstances, it would be Warren.