I floated this idea in the other thread but the more I think about it the more I believe Tulsi Gabbard might be a big player in 2020. I think she managed to pull off what we thought Ted Cruz was going to do with his convention speech and railing against Trump to position him self for 2020 in case Trump lost badly.
She's clearly ambitious but she bet her entire career by holding out and not falling in line with the DNC, and not backing Hillary and I believe it might pay off. Almost no one else who might be in the picture is going to be able to pull an "I told you so" like Obama did in 08 that other candidates aren't going to have much off an answer for. Being able to say she stood up to the establishment and stood against what she thought was wrong with the party is going to play really well with voters in Iowa and New Hampshire I think..
She also to me seemingly has an ability to move past sexist double standards in a similar way Obama was able to get people to look past racist double standards.. I know that we dismissed social media and YouTube or whatever as being a vocal minority but based on the election results that crowd I think is a better indicator than we give it credit for.. like look at any YouTube comments section or social media post/blog about Tulsi and compare it with Hillary. There's a clear and obvious difference there and I think she has done probably what she thought she needed to do in order to maintain street cred with voters she feels she may need in the future
And I know before anyone says it,"but she's more conservative than Hillary so progressives won't like her". If we learned anything it's that people will look past flaws and make excuses for candidates that they like and want to win. Facts don't matter as much as perception and I think she has the capability to maintain that on her side.. or at least has so far
How she'll perform with minority voters, I'm not too sure.. but even if she does poorly based on the amount of candidates that will likely run and the options that are out there it's hard for me to imagine anyone who has the ability to win minority voters by such massive margins like Obama and Hillary did. There's likely not going to be anyone in the running that has deep connections with the obama coalition and Obama (and probably Hillary too) will likely stay out of the primary and not support anyone till the dust settles like he did this time.
Now I'm just throwing this out there as a possibility for what might happen rather than something I would want. Like it's crazy risky to even consider her, and not sure if she would have the capability to mount a run that could potentially win but I think she has a lot of upside and a lot of things going for her. She's young, she's hot, she's a vet, she's got a comparable experience to Obama prior to being POTUS if not slightly more by 2020 considering her time in the military and she has set herself up well for 2020 if she actually wants to go for it and I don't think it would be crazy to somewhat prepare for her being a factor.
Joe probably has the potential of getting the minority vote easily I think, but she is largely unknown which doesn't always work out . Bernie succeed in competing while being unknown for the most part, but he still lost. If Joe runs in 2020 he'll crush her probably in many demographics. Bernie had a good message during the primary, maybe Tulsei will too.