This would require people at the DNC to actually know how to run an effective marketing campaign today, which seems to not be the case at this juncture.
This would require people at the DNC to actually know how to run an effective marketing campaign today, which seems to not be the case at this juncture.
Is this satire? You do realize who just won the election?
Damn. Even Fox News watchers think Trump's presidency will be the worst.
It isn't required to win but it's probably required to actually do a good job.
Hopefully he runs for Governor and wins in the future. A lot of Obama's problems are down to real lack of experience. I'd like us to have more viable options for Governor's to run down the road. The Senate sucks.
Reminder: Trump won with a plurality of primary voters and a minority of GE voters.Damn. Even Fox News watchers think Trump's presidency will be the worst.
I believe there are a surprising amount of people who voted for him who are not happy he won, are incredibly nervous about him being in power or even flat out hate his guts
We just nominated like the one person who they were programmed to believe was worse and had zero ability to sway voters from the other side
That poll's sample isn't only Fox viewers.Damn. Even Fox News watchers think Trump's presidency will be the worst.
What were Obama's problems due to lack of experience?
Less than 100k votes in 3 states.
But please, let's continue to talk about how Clinton was the worse candidate in modern history.
Less than 100k votes in 3 states.
But please, let's continue to talk about how Clinton was the worse candidate in modern history.
I remember a guy hyping up the Hispanic wave in Florida like there was no tomorrow before the election.
I remember a guy hyping up the Hispanic wave in Florida like there was no tomorrow before the election.
What happened to that Hispanic wave? It got wiped out by a racist wave, I suppose.
Yup. Clinton got almost 300,000 more votes than Obama did in 2012.It happened. Hispanic vote in Florida was way up. White vote was just also way up.
Yup. Clinton got almost 300,000 more votes than Obama did in 2012.
Pity then that Trump got over 400,000 more than Romney.
Whatever we do let's just kerp pretending that the popularity of overt White Supremacy isn't an attractive selling point.
Nope it's all Clinton... she's the worst ever.
Russia, Media, FBI no factor. Clinton is just the worst ever...
Man I acknowledge she made mistakes can you acknowledge that doesn't make her the worst ever?
Anything to keep white folk from being held responsible eh?
I remember a guy hyping up the Hispanic wave in Florida like there was no tomorrow before the election.
What happened to that Hispanic wave? It got wiped out by a racist wave, I suppose.
Let's be real here. Russia's involvement was limited to hacking and leaking information related to hillary's email scandal that would have and should have been put to bed a long time ago by any competent candidate. the fact that she couldn't shake that scandal OR the label of being competely untrustworthy is her own fault.
The FBI issue? same thing. all goes back to clinton's own hubris and inability to improve her negatives biting her in the ass.
ON TOP OF clinton being completely unable to connect with voters and deal with her email scandal, she ran the most asinine campaign possible- intentionally camping out in blue state strongholds to run up the score and intentionally ignoring any area that wasn't completely favorable to her- this was against the explicit advice of B.Clinton and Ed Rendell in the case of pennsylvania.
Hell, that's exactly what her strategy was in the 2008 primaries- camp out in democratic strongholds and run up the score on super tuesday- and she got dismantled when Obama campaigned hard in caucus states and ended her campaign that way. She learned nothing from that.
Clinton is excellent on policy and policy details, but has no desire or ability to actually get on the road and campaign as Obama did, or B.Clinton did everywhere they possibly could. But sleeping in her own bed was more important than busting your ass to get elected, because she assumed (wrongly) that she had the election in the bag. She thought didn't NEED to campaign in red counties or reach out to the white working class. And I'm sorry, but white working class democrats are still democrats, and deserve to have their needs addressed.
No one in modern presidential history has run a campaign that badly, TWICE, the exact same way. Kerry might have lost and Gore might have lost, but either of those two would have won in 2016.
yup. and I admitted I made a bad call. Hispanic turnout was astronomical, but the panhandle came out in force and wiped it out- possibly BECAUSE the huge turnout from hispanics was getting so much press. Even WITH that, Clinton should have been able to win easily without florida- but lost democratic strongholds nationwide like dominoes due to piss poor strategy. I along with many other people were led to believe she was using Obama's playbook from 08 and 12, with plenty of boots on the ground and outreach. She was absolutely not doing that.
Let's be real here. Russia's involvement was limited to hacking and leaking information related to hillary's email scandal that would have and should have been put to bed a long time ago by any competent candidate. the fact that she couldn't shake that scandal OR the label of being competely untrustworthy is her own fault.
The FBI issue? same thing. all goes back to clinton's own hubris and inability to improve her negatives biting her in the ass.
ON TOP OF clinton being completely unable to connect with voters and deal with her email scandal, she ran the most asinine campaign possible- intentionally camping out in blue state strongholds to run up the score and intentionally ignoring any area that wasn't completely favorable to her- this was against the explicit advice of B.Clinton and Ed Rendell in the case of pennsylvania.
Hell, that's exactly what her strategy was in the 2008 primaries- camp out in democratic strongholds and run up the score on super tuesday- and she got dismantled when Obama campaigned hard in caucus states and ended her campaign that way. She learned nothing from that.
Clinton is excellent on policy and policy details, but has no desire or ability to actually get on the road and campaign as Obama did, or B.Clinton did everywhere they possibly could. But sleeping in her own bed was more important than busting your ass to get elected, because she assumed (wrongly) that she had the election in the bag. She thought didn't NEED to campaign in red counties or reach out to the white working class. And I'm sorry, but white working class democrats are still democrats, and deserve to have their needs addressed.
No one in modern presidential history has run a campaign that badly, TWICE, the exact same way. Kerry might have lost and Gore might have lost, but either of those two would have won in 2016.
yup. and I admitted I made a bad call. Hispanic turnout was astronomical, but the panhandle came out in force and wiped it out- possibly BECAUSE the huge turnout from hispanics was getting so much press. Even WITH that, Clinton should have been able to win easily without florida- but lost democratic strongholds nationwide like dominoes due to piss poor strategy. I along with many other people were led to believe she was using Obama's playbook from 08 and 12, with plenty of boots on the ground and outreach. She was absolutely not doing that.
Whatever we do let's just kerp pretending that the popularity of overt White Supremacy isn't an attractive selling point.
Nope it's all Clinton... she's the worst ever.
Russia, Media, FBI no factor. Clinton is just the worst ever...
Man I acknowledge she made mistakes can you acknowledge that doesn't make her the worst ever?
Anything to keep white folk from being held responsible eh?
Kasich isn't going to get the insane rural turnout.Yep to all of this. Even imagine if she went up against a more reasonable and agreeable GOP candidate like Kasich. If she barely lost to Trump, I'm willing to bet she would've been annihilated by Kasich. We of course don't know if that would've happened, but the fact that she lost to fucking TRUMP should be a HUGE red flag for Democrats.
Kasich isn't going to get the insane rural turnout.
It happened. Hispanic vote in Florida was way up. White vote was just also way up.
Not as much as Trump, no, but he did win Ohio (which is his home state of course, but let's go into this). A big part of the reason why he won Ohio was rural support. That's already a benefit to him for other states. Not only that, but he's considered much more moderate and would pull more waverers and would most likely pull people who hated both candidates but voted Hillary so Trump wouldn't get elected. With the penchant of the GOP coming home and how hated Clinton was by people in the middle, yeah I think it is very likely Kasich would've dominated her.Kasich isn't going to get the insane rural turnout.
And policy gets to be talked about. Focused on.
And that overt racism/white supremacy isn't offered.
This is just the broadest brush notice of key issues. It's neither terribly detailed or original. My point here isn't to offer that critique or to pose a solution. My aim here is simply to highlight that fact that multiple things produced the November 8th result. Some are enduring and will be there in 2018 and 2020. Some are contingent events that will likely never happen again or at least not in any predictable way. They all happened. They're all important. They get addressed, dealt with in different ways. But standing them up against each other, shouting one down in favor of the other has far more to do with the self-destructive score settling which the bitterness of defeat brings in its wake than anything that is productive of building a different, better future.
I don't have any unified theory of the problem. I also see no point in exaggerating the problems. But I can also see a list of 4 or 5 things that need working on right now. Getting to work on those seems more important than any grand unified theory.
Trying to shut down congress in response to a Trump presidency is dumb. It is not a good idea. It is a complete waste of people's time, money, and energy. If you try to block people from doing their jobs there, you will not be there anymore. It will not be tolerated (and shouldn't be.) And shutting down Wall Street? We saw how well a bunch of upper-class kids camping out with a lot of time and money to burn worked out last time. (spoiler: it didn't, nothing changed.)
Kasich also wouldn't have lost the college educated whites that Clinton picked up.
Yes, they were looking for attention for something undercovered by the media. That allows you to get support from larger institutions. Ferguson has gotten better as a result of the exposure- they were able to do voter registration and ran a candidate (winning!) in order to try and change things. Attention is a worthwhile goal, and there was a clear goal in mind with what they wanted to do with it. (improve things- any things)All of these are arguments against BLM protests, which you tried to cover up by including them in your list of "Approved Moderate Protests" but you could only give them "they were looking for attention." This is basically the white moderate MLK quote.
Like with working class rural whites, this is where margins do matter. Trump still won college whites but did much poorer with them than typical past Republicans, in the same way Hillary losing some rural counties is expected but the margins she lost them by are not. Kasich would have had much better margins with that group than Trump did which would've helped make up with probably not getting the insane Florida panhandle like turnout.Trump still won college educated whites, but in a lot of states college educated women supported hilary.
Real talk, if there is a credible primary challenger to Trump in 2020 I will probably vote for them in lieu of participating in the Democratic primary unless someone really abhorrent (Gabbard) catches fire for whatever reason and I'm compelled to vote against them.
I (and many others) treated 2016 very much like a game because I didn't think Trump had a chance, and it backfired immensely.
Remember when we were mad at Virginia Democrats for crossing over to vote for Rubio against Trump? They fucking knew.
If I were a one issue voter my one issue would be "who isn't going to get us nuked." We can debate the merits of Kasich vs. Booker (as an example) when the general election rolls around, I just want Trump out of the picture.
Sure but that doesn't explain 700k extra people on its own.There's also just a larger overall electorate than there was 2012.
Yes, they were looking for attention for something undercovered by the media. That allows you to get support from larger institutions. Ferguson has gotten better as a result of the exposure- they were able to do voter registration and ran a candidate (winning!) in order to try and change things. Attention is a worthwhile goal, and there was a clear goal in mind with what they wanted to do with it. (improve things- any things)
This does not apply to something like OWS. OWS was protesting Wall Street immediately after the biggest financial crisis in decades. This is like trying to draw attention to a car crash on the side of the road by pointing a neon sign at it. It's a car crash - people are going to look. They made a lot of noise and achieved nothing, because they weren't trying to achieve anything in the first place.
Attention for attention's sake is not a noble goal. This is why Susan G. Komen is reviled by many.
To try and equate these two types of things is gross and ridiculous. And especially randomly bringing BLM into it simply to invoke MLK for the sake of invoking MLK.
Protestors can be removed in a situation like this, but at severe, severe cost to those doing it. The bad PR from physical injury and such is why you have people with guns allowed to run wild over Government property for a month, because after the incidents in the '90s, officials are scared shitless of the backlash.Nah, I brought it up because I think it describes you well. Protests are cool as long as you aren't late to work. Because God forbid bad traffic happens.
And you misunderstand the Dakota pipeline protests. They had no leverage. Just like you gleefully mentioned above, protesters can be removed. Their obstruction was that they drew negative press for those involved.
But they also probably held up some postal workers, so fuck them.
Gretchen carlson got pissed off on tv for getting wrecked by a Harvard law prof lol.
Also Poli gaf I got a dilemma.
So some friends of mine are very pro trump. They told me that the democrats are a bunch of losers for waiting until now for the elector thing and said that this qould have happen with Democrats not caring about popular vote.
What should I do?
No, I didn't. They got massive negative PR backlash from that and backed off it once it started circulating. (if I'm recalling the sequence of events correctly.) And that's without trying to physically remove them by going in with police, rather than being gigantic dicks trying to get them to move. If you think the stuff getting circulated was bad from that - imagine it if you see them fighting protestors hand to hand....did you miss the part where they where spraying freezing water and the woman got her arm blown off?
Gretchen carlson got pissed off on tv for getting wrecked by a Harvard law prof lol.
Also Poli gaf I got a dilemma.
So some friends of mine are very pro trump. They told me that the democrats are a bunch of losers for waiting until now for the elector thing and said that this qould have happen with Democrats not caring about popular vote.
What should I do?
Protestors can be removed in a situation like this, but at severe, severe cost to those doing it. The bad PR from physical injury and such is why you have people with guns allowed to run wild over Government property for a month, because after the incidents in the '90s, officials are scared shitless of the backlash.
This is the leverage they had. It's not visible, but it was very much there. Why do you think they never made an actual sustained attempt to forcibly get them out?
It really upsets me about it especially when we havent been this heated until this election.Find new friends.
Bad Idea: Trying to shut down the US congress to draw attentiong to Trump/GOP being a bunch of poopyheads1) There were a lot of attempts to run them off.
2) Now explain how none of these things you've said here could apply to the protest suggestions you dismissed earlier.
Bad Idea: Trying to shut down the US congress to draw attentiong to Trump/GOP being a bunch of poopyheads
Good Idea: Protesting in NC's congress right this second to attempt to delay/stop/draw attention to their coup.
Then you will never understand my point of view.I see no real difference between these.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.No, I didn't. They got massive negative PR backlash from that and backed off it once it started circulating. (if I'm recalling the sequence of events correctly.) And that's without trying to physically remove them by going in with police, rather than being gigantic dicks trying to get them to move. If you think the stuff getting circulated was bad from that - imagine it if you see them fighting protestors hand to hand.
Then you will never understand my point of view.
But if it helps: people already think Trump/GOP are a bunch of poopyheads. They really don't need a reminder.