It isn't worth losing anything for as the result of not winning in 2020 and getting back in the White House ASAP would be far worse.
We lost the fight on the Supreme Court. We're going to be dealing with some massive changes as a result of global warming. Any attempt to curb it even slightly is now over. Trump's going to be able to do massive damage on so many fronts in 4 years.
Losing in 2020 won't have the dire consequences of losing in 2016.
I honestly think there is a massive over exaggeration as to how long the "purity test" list of the socialist liberal base is.
It's pretty much "don't be a corporate stooge bought who plays footsies with wall street" and that's it. Like I mentioned before and I'm sure poligaf is sick of the mention but the fact that they like Tulsi despite her basically being a republican on a massive number of issues shows it isn't difficult to get on their favorable side when someone knows what they are doing.
I think it's dangerous to appease that type of philosophy. It's vacuous policy based on appearances rather than actual beliefs.
It's a smear that could be used against anyone who decided to work in the private sector. It's very similar to Tea Party politics.
I don't want Democrats & Republicans to both be parties of shouting screaming demagogues.
Reality is we need them. It shouldn't be hard to find someone to run who both the larger liberal base and the green tea party both like. Most of them ended up voting for Hillary anyway despite not liking her at all.
We don't need them if they are going to turn Democrats into a left version of the Republican party.
We're at the point now, where we are so scared of losing them that the most important reason to nominate someone to a position of leadership within the party is, "It will make the Bernie supporters happy."
That's a cult of personality. I think better reasons would be, "Would this choice represent our diverse cultural identity?" or, "Does this candidate align with the beliefs we want the party to represent in the coming years?"
Lol, is this throwing minorities under the bus? I don't know anymore.
Why would I throw myself under the bus?