That's basically the only way. The constitution would have to be amended. No way that's ever happeningAt this point we're just going to need to get a movement and program together to pass UHC as a constitutional amendment.
My point isn't that partisan courts don't exist or are bad, my point is that if you can pack the court so that it will never rule against you, it defeats the purpose of the court!
That's basically the only way. The constitution would have to be amended. No way that's ever happening
Okay but once the ACA is gutted even if there's a Dem wave in a few years there's no way a Trump and Bush SCOTUS uphold what comes next for UHC. That's just common sense.
I don't think you understand the goal of court packing.Except unlike the conservatives, the liberals on SCOTUS have been very consistent AND willing to vote like the other side when there is reason to do so. A lot of the 5-4 conservative decisions were bullshit ones like "we don't have enough time to do a recount in Florida" and "racism is over since we elected Obama so fuck the VRA's pre clearance"
.@Costareports on @MSNBC "rank and file GOP members don't like having the ethics committee around making them feel vulnerable all the time."
You think Scalia-like or even worse judges give a fuck about reason nowadays?Except unlike the conservatives, the liberals on SCOTUS have been very consistent AND willing to vote like the other side when there is reason to do so. A lot of the 5-4 conservative decisions were bullshit ones like "we don't have enough time to do a recount in Florida" and "racism is over since we elected Obama so fuck the VRA's pre clearance"
Except what would even be the reasoning for claiming that UHC is unconstitutional?
Yes. Trump's SCOTUS shortlist includes at least one person who thinks Medicare is unconstitutional if I'm not mistaken.The Supreme Court gonna strike down Medicare in your scenario too? I have to imagine any future attempt at UHC will be based somewhat on "Medicare For All."
No I do, but I'm saying that packing the court with a bunch of RBGs is still a million times more ethical than packing the court with people like Scalia who literally contradict themselves within 48 hours.I don't think you understand the goal of court packing.
You think Scalia-like or even worse judges give a fuck about reason nowadays?
Yes. Trump's SCOTUS shortlist includes at least one person who thinks Medicare is unconstitutional if I'm not mistaken.
Yes. Trump's SCOTUS shortlist includes at least one person who thinks Medicare is unconstitutional if I'm not mistaken.
So they say in public! I think that has as much merit as the idea that Democrats preferred Bernie Sanders.Are most Trump voters out of play? probably, but it's a FACT that unlike with Bush, Romney, and McCain, MOST Trump voters were mostly voting AGAINST the Dem nominee rather than mostly FOR the GOP nominee:
Well, yeah, except no-one was running on Black Lives Matter to begin with but yes, each candidate should be tuned more towards their constituency than national, sure.Just FYI I'm not one of those guys who thinks the Dems should abandon civil rights issues on a national level.
HOWEVER, You can't have a democrat win an IOWA Senate Seat by running on BLM.
50 state strategy means that on a state and local level you have each candidate catered to their voting base. National is all about just energizing the Coalition to vote.
The real goal of our party should be in insulating and protecting government institutions from party tampering not opening them up for further manipulation from either political party.Except we know that the GOP is thinking of doing it if they ever get the chance. Dems are gonna need to play dirty or the GOP will walk all over them.
Well, is it? I think it remains to be seen honestly. I don't think we should assume shit before it's happened. Heck for all we know things get so bad that a conservative court allows it just to keep the Barbarians from storming the gates. Got no idea how things will go down in the future. All I'm saying is if there's a will and a need for UHC then there's a chance to implement it. Period. Maybe through an amendment. Maybe normally through legislation. If there's no will or need because things are going great on that front, then yeah, it's dead. But in that scenario it doesn't matter because things are great!Okay but once the ACA is gutted even if there's a Dem wave in a few years there's no way a Trump and Bush SCOTUS uphold what comes next for UHC. That's just common sense.
Good thing it takes 5 justices to make that decision.
Besides, no way AARP lets a justice who thinks Medicare is unconstitutional get confirmed.
So they say in public! I think that has as much merit as the idea that Democrats preferred Bernie Sanders.
Can you imagine the backlash? Everyone thinks Kennedy voted in favor of gay marriage for his "legacy"? Here's the reason why: Kennedy knew that if he didn't vote for Gay Marriage, then it would become a major driving force for the Democratic Party.
Now imagine what it would look like if a GOP court struck down MEDICARE. And struck down would mean that it goes away INSTANTLY. The clusterfuck that would cause would hurt the GOP for a generation.
I agree that conservatives have been conditioned to HATE Hillary Clinton for decades. I don't dispute that.Except if the data showed that this was the first POTUS election where the GOP nominee's voters were mostly voting AGAINST the democrat instead of FOR the GOP.
And who said anything about Bernie? When did I claim that democrats preferred Bernie?
I get that this is kinda hard to understand, but the GOP was trained to hate Hillary THAT much. Not even democrats. SPECIFICALLY HILLARY.
I know of numerous republicans that could never get themselves to vote for Hillary, but would gladly vote Trump out of office so long as it doesn't involve voting for Hillary or Bernie or Warren.
At this point we're just going to need to get a movement and program together to pass UHC as a constitutional amendment.
That's never going to happen.
What we really need to tort reform. Now that the Dems are out of the picture we might be able to finally achieve this.
My hottest take: If other countries didn't respond by boycotting the United States, Trump would suffer no political penalty from nuking North Korea and killing all 25 million people there.
.... Tort Reform has been estimated to reduce health care costs by 2%.
........ You need a bit more than that.
Would love a source for that zinger.
I'm genuinely interested in how little discussion of the Supreme Court there has been in the last two months.
And also, regarding unfavorables, I think there's always an element of people telling you what they think you want to hear. Like take Hillary Clinton's unfavorables, you had people in our party feeling they had to play that game too, acting as if they didn't like Hillary Clinton but that she was the lesser evil against Donald Trump.
The media did such a good job making both of these names so toxic that people who want to support them many times feel they can't because "objectively" they're shitty people who otherwise should never be in office or some shit. I'd like to see the real number on how many people had unfavorable views of Clinton truly felt that way versus how many felt they needed to say that because she was seemingly unpopular nationally.
Thank you. I was referring to tort reform with the entire U.S. medical industry, top to bottom.I mean, I was literally reading through these papers yesterday so I definitely have sources for these claims...
Thank you. I was referring to tort reform with the entire U.S. medical industry, top to bottom.
I have zero faith for 2018 and 2020. I don't see the rifts that exist today in the Democratic party going away in two or even four years but maybe eight which is why I'm looking ahead to 2024. I personally do not think trump will be beatable in 2020. If he could pull off a win with as little republican support this year, how the fuck do you beat him in four years with the full weight of the repub party behind him? What scapegoat will people fall for in four years? This year it was Muslims and immigrants, will it be black people in 2020?
This will not significantly lower costs, and it certainly won't slow the overall rate of growth.Thank you. I was referring to tort reform with the entire U.S. medical industry, top to bottom.
I agree that conservatives have been conditioned to HATE Hillary Clinton for decades. I don't dispute that.
However, I'm not convinced that most Trump supporters actually dislike him. People know his positions are unpopular, people know he's unpopular and they know what saying they support him means to the minorities and liberals around them. I'm not sure I can really trust any data on this point because it relies on voters telling the truth about something they know is in their best interest to lie about.
I also don't trust the mindset of anyone who says they thought Trump was the lesser of two evils. Those people are either complete idiots not worth our time or flat out lying. If someone supports Trump because they agree with them, I can sorta respect that, as much as I could respect, say, a foreign army that I must kill at all costs but respect none the less, they're my enemy but I can respect that, if they blanket themselves with some bullshit excuse like "lesser of two evils" they can fuck right off.
Edit: And I brought up Bernie because a popular narrative for some is that Bernie was the preferred Democratic nominee but was cheated by his party, which is false he lost and Hillary got more votes. Same with Trump, for being so hated he sure did beat down a bunch of other candidates by getting the most votes.
Greta joining MSNBC and her new show will be on soon. >_>
Well sure. Like I said, I know the story, I know lots of people myself who think she's the devil.I know this person (who is a woman) who absolutely detests Hillary and think she is the most evil person there. I have never seen her hate Obama as much as she does for Hillary which was beyond infuriating to even reason with her at all. She's a sucker who wholeheartedly believed Hillary was a hypocrite for liking Beyonce and Jayzee and defended shit like Trump proudly boasting about how he raped women because it was just "entertainment"
The Republicans would not keep the house with an 8% gap in popular vote.
Where is this 8% gap exactly?
Where is this 8% gap exactly?
That was the margin of victory nationwide in House elections in 2006. You asked if the Democrats would have won in 2006 with 2010 gerrymandering. The answer is yes - not even that level of gerrymandering can stop a 8% loss nationwide.
The GOP has drawn a bunch of R+5 districts that, with a +3 incumbency bonus, makes a lot of R+8 districts in reality that would fall if there was a gap of 8 or 9 points nationally. They have set up a system where they could get completely wiped out in the House if there is a wave actually...
If Trump has 25% approval in 2018, there will be a 8 or 9% House voting gap.
Ohh, I see.
Hmm, careful guys, you're giving me a little too much hopium here.
Why would Trump have 25% approval? There's no way it will drop down that low.
It's okay man. Just one hit never killed anyone. This one is free.Ohh, I see.
Hmm, careful guys, you're giving me a little too much hopium here.
I agree with xenodude, it took george bush jr 7 years, the iraq war and a billion other scandals to get to 25% (katrina, abu ghraib, valerie plame and so on) and trump's supporters are more rabid and die hard than george's were, many of them felt he wasn't conservative enough for pandering to the latino vote and not cutting entitlements enough for their liking
I agree with xenodude, it took george bush jr 7 years, the iraq war and a billion other scandals to get to 25% (katrina, abu ghraib, valerie plame and so on) and trump's supporters are more rabid and die hard than george's were, many of them felt he wasn't conservative enough for pandering to the latino vote and not cutting entitlements enough for their liking
I doubt that Roberts, Kennedy, or even Alito would rule in favor of striking down Medicare.
And a GOP court would never strike down medicare for the same reason that a GOP court won't overturn Gay Marriage: It would hurt the GOP to have such major wedge issues under the Democrats' motives.
Worth remembering here that Bush got a huge, huge influx of approval after 9/11 such that he had a good midterm in 2002.I agree with xenodude, it took george bush jr 7 years, the iraq war and a billion other scandals to get to 25% (katrina, abu ghraib, valerie plame and so on) and trump's supporters are more rabid and die hard than george's were, many of them felt he wasn't conservative enough for pandering to the latino vote and not cutting entitlements enough for their liking
You guys have an impressive amount of faith in the guy whose base stuck with him through grab them by the pussygate to lose their favor
His base is 25% of people.
The primaries are over. The election is over.
His base are the people who voted for him.
Look at the Southern states. Look at Alabama. Republicans habitually vote in people who then continue to plunge their states into poverty. Do not underestimate the loyalty of the Republican voter. Any winning strategy for Democrats moving forward needs to take into account the (very real) possibility that every single person who voted for Trump in '16 will vote for him again.
How do you get the votes? How do you mobilize YOUR base? How do you mobilize the voters who didn't come out? These are the questions Democrats need to be worrying about. Stop salivating over Republican voters. We don't need them.