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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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I visited r/SandersForPresident and it's a haywire. They're focused on Vermont.

Avoid Warren's Twitter and Facebook if you want to avoid cringe as people try to threaten and beg her for and endorsement for Bernie

Ask me a month ago, and I would have said Warren's endorsement would go a long way towards getting young Bernie stans upset by his loss to stay involved and join Hillary's fold. She's held up as a god of progressivism among Bernie's camp (a title I think is deserved. I rather like Warren).

But now, I'm not so sure. Seeing how things have worked for other high ranking politicians/activists, it seems that this very crowd is more likely to throw anyone not supporting Bernie under the bus. We've seen it happen with prominent feminists, civil rights leaders, and hell fucking Planned Parenthood. Warren's esteem might not hold up if she doesn't fall in line with Bernie.

Which would ultimately make her endorsement pretty useless to Hillary.

Check her Facebook, it's about one step away from a 'anti-PP' meltdown.
Both candidates have been working overtime this past week, starting with Nevada, then South Carolina, and now with Super Tuesday that they're running themselves ragged. Trump looks a little tired too but not so much because he doesn't work as hard as they do. Rubio looks the same because he's a robot. I haven't seen Cruz since the debate because looking at his face makes me want to die.

Yeah, they've both been working their asses off. Nothing but respect for the both of them and their efforts.


I'm probably in the minority in that I kind of don't really pay much heed to Elizabeth Warren's endorsement, and don't really know why she's held up on some huge pedestal.

The people she would sway if she endorsed Sanders are already voting for Sanders.
She'll be thrown under the bus by those people if she endorses Clinton.

Furthermore, Clinton doesn't need her endorsement, and I don't know what the thinking is behind the idea that she'll be able to hold out against a presumptive presidential nominee after Clinton has an insurmountable lead.

Ask me a month ago, and I would have said Warren's endorsement would go a long way towards getting young Bernie stans upset by his loss to stay involved and join Hillary's fold. She's held up as a god of progressivism among Bernie's camp (a title I think is deserved. I rather like Warren).

But now, I'm not so sure. Seeing how things have worked for other high ranking politicians/activists, it seems that this very crowd is more likely to throw anyone not supporting Bernie under the bus. We've seen it happen with prominent feminists, civil rights leaders, and hell fucking Planned Parenthood. Warren's esteem might not hold up if she doesn't fall in line with Bernie.

Which would ultimately make her endorsement pretty useless to Hillary.
I visited r/SandersForPresident and it's a haywire. They're focused on Vermont.

Earlier today everything was pinned on Mass. Now that Mass looks like it might be trending away from Bernie, they've latched onto making sure Hillary isn't viable in Vermont so that he'll net all 16 delegates.I'm actually legit impressed by some of the stuff I saw on /r whatever it is Bernie 2016 or whatever. Legit impressed. Wish they would turn their passion towards other races if Bernie isn't the nominee.

EDIT: I edited this cause I came off like a dick instead of clever.

In other related news....

I made a delicious pie this evening. It had apples, cranberries orange liqueur...called it a Coronation Pie. :p Was delicious.

Yeah, they've both been working their asses off. Nothing but respect for the both of them and their efforts.

I have respect for both of them as well....however, I lost a little for Bernie in the way he handled the L in SC. That wasn't okay. I admit I'm probably in the minority on that but....it rubbed me the wrong way.
I visited r/SandersForPresident and it's a haywire. They're focused on Vermont.

Not really.They are focusing on the 40 million Bernie got during February. Theres only one or two Vermont threads in the first page.

Tomorrow the battle for the nomination is over for Bernie, but he will begin his battle for the party platform. I dont think he is dropping out as long as theres cash.
If the media lets him get away with this pathetic of an excuse...

Interestingly, my local new's consumer reporter (? not sure why her, but okay) ran some tapes of Trump in 2000 refusing to run for some 3rd parties nomination because it was associated with Duke. I was legit surprised my local station was trying to do anything with this. I hadn't seen that on MSNBC today, although they may have done it one of the evening programs.


Ask me a month ago, and I would have said Warren's endorsement would go a long way towards getting young Bernie stans upset by his loss to stay involved and join Hillary's fold. She's held up as a god of progressivism among Bernie's camp (a title I think is deserved. I rather like Warren).

But now, I'm not so sure. Seeing how things have worked for other high ranking politicians/activists, it seems that this very crowd is more likely to throw anyone not supporting Bernie under the bus. We've seen it happen with prominent feminists, civil rights leaders, and hell fucking Planned Parenthood. Warren's esteem might not hold up if she doesn't fall in line with Bernie.

Which would ultimately make her endorsement pretty useless to Hillary.

Don't forget one of the godfathers of the economic argument for increasing the minimum wage!
Ask me a month ago, and I would have said Warren's endorsement would go a long way towards getting young Bernie stans upset by his loss to stay involved and join Hillary's fold. She's held up as a god of progressivism among Bernie's camp (a title I think is deserved. I rather like Warren).

But now, I'm not so sure. Seeing how things have worked for other high ranking politicians/activists, it seems that this very crowd is more likely to throw anyone not supporting Bernie under the bus. We've seen it happen with prominent feminists, civil rights leaders, and hell fucking Planned Parenthood. Warren's esteem might not hold up if she doesn't fall in line with Bernie.

Which would ultimately make her endorsement pretty useless to Hillary.

There were people on Reddit calling for a primary challenger for her if she doesn't endorse Bernie and he loses Mass.


As long as Bernie keeps things clean and doesn't try to tear Hillary down, I think it's good for him to continue on till the end. Forces her to at least have the pretense of competing for votes and it can't hurt to make a pitch to the electorate in every state before the general.
Is anyone else crushed by the death of the Mellissa Harris Perry show like I am? Writing was on the wall after many weeks of it getting booted by election coverage, but still sad to hear it's official.

I really don't know what could replace that as an academic show look at the actual issue as they relate to real life humans.

I guess Democracy Now does that, but it's light on domestic issues, does a worse job at presenting the arguments of the other side, and is generally is hard to stay awake through.

Hopefully MHP will make a podcast or something to fill the void.
One of the best new shows they had. Talking about sexual and racial issues every weekend no one else did was amazing at the time. She was funny and lovable to boot
Don't forget one of the godfathers of the economic argument for increasing the minimum wage!

My favorite was everyone calling Paul Krugman a neo-liberal sellout after he opposed Sanders' single payer plan. I get the age difference, but for someone who can remember when Krugman was one of the earliest people warning about Bush, that was brutal to see.
Sanders Says He's Running until all 50 states vote

Okay, that's fine. However, something in that article stuck out to me:

“Tomorrow, all over the country our campaign is taking on the political establishment,” the Vermont senator said. “We’re taking on governors and senators and mayors who know how to get out the vote. They do that very well.”

This is why his revolution has failed. He's running it against everyone. The only people that are invited to the party are the people who feel the Bern. He's been trying to run against the Democratic party from within the Democratic party. All of the governors and senators and mayors were not his enemy. By refusing to court these people, he cut himself off from a ton of potential supporters and GOTV effort.

I found this line very telling.
Sanders Says He's Running until all 50 states vote

Okay, that's fine. However, something in that article stuck out to me:

This is why his revolution has failed. He's running it against everyone. The only people that are invited to the party are the people who feel the Bern. He's been trying to run against the Democratic party from within the Democratic party. All of the governors and senators and mayors were not his enemy. By refusing to court these people, he cut himself off from a ton of potential supporters and GOTV effort.

I found this line very telling.

Which goes directly against his claim that he's the only one who can increase turnout.
Sanders Says He's Running until all 50 states vote

Okay, that's fine. However, something in that article stuck out to me:

This is why his revolution has failed. He's running it against everyone. The only people that are invited to the party are the people who feel the Bern. He's been trying to run against the Democratic party from within the Democratic party. All of the governors and senators and mayors were not his enemy. By refusing to court these people, he cut himself off from a ton of potential supporters and GOTV effort.

I found this line very telling.
how can he claim to be running in 50 States when he already conceded The South?

Oklahoma is a dustbowl, LOL


Sidhe / PikPok
Interestingly, my local new's consumer reporter (? not sure why her, but okay) ran some tapes of Trump in 2000 refusing to run for some 3rd parties nomination because it was associated with Duke. I was legit surprised my local station was trying to do anything with this. I hadn't seen that on MSNBC today, although they may have done it one of the evening programs.

I'm confused as to why someone with "the worlds best memory" seems to be so forgetful on so many topics.


Sanders Says He's Running until all 50 states vote

Okay, that's fine. However, something in that article stuck out to me:

This is why his revolution has failed. He's running it against everyone. The only people that are invited to the party are the people who feel the Bern. He's been trying to run against the Democratic party from within the Democratic party. All of the governors and senators and mayors were not his enemy. By refusing to court these people, he cut himself off from a ton of potential supporters and GOTV effort.

I found this line very telling.

Bernie is who he is. Firmly outside of the establishment and not all that interested in courting or befriending people who are not as ideologically pure as him. He is an idealist. He is also, largely, an island. He has never been and will never be a leader within the democratic party.
What is wrong with these people.
Are they criticizing Trump for not disavowing Duke, while at the same time throwing Romney shade?
At some point Bernie really should consider whether he's doing his followers any favors by taking their grocery money.
I feel the same way for adam. Hillary does not need a monthly pledge of anyone's money.
To be fair a blowjob is not intercourse so Bill was technically correct.
It is, however, "sexual relations."
Bernie is who he is. Firmly outside of the establishment and not all that interested in courting or befriending people who are not as ideologically pure as him. He is an idealist. He is also, largely, an island. He has never been and will never be a leader within the democratic party.

Which is why he is unfit to be President, in my opinion. Everyone is not as pure as he is. He has no allies in the Senate who have gone to bat for him. If he cannot build coalitions, he cannot be President. Hillary will be able to control the Democratic caucus. If Bernie can't even play nice with freaking mayors, why in the hell did he do this? Unless it was to prove a point, at which case I think his fleecing his supporters for cash is a bit hard to justify.

I feel the same way for adam. Hillary does not need a monthly pledge of anyone's money.

I never have donated a penny that I didn't have to spare. I'm lucky in that I have almost no bills at all. I live cheaply, and I was able to donate what I did to a cause that has a good chance of winning. However, I won't be giving any more to her campaign for the primary.
I think if his campaign and supporters really can't see how Clinton as a candidate and campaign has been approaching, particularly Southern, black voters differently then that speaks to the problem in itself.

you're just not part of the political revolution of 2016 that has less revolters than 2008.


Which is why he is unfit to be President, in my opinion. Everyone is not as pure as he is. He has no allies in the Senate who have gone to bat for him. If he cannot build coalitions, he cannot be President. Hillary will be able to control the Democratic caucus. If Bernie can't even play nice with freaking mayors, why in the hell did he do this? Unless it was to prove a point, at which case I think his fleecing his supporters for cash is a bit hard to justify.

Yes I agree. Bernie has never been a leader, not even within "his own" party. He is an independent thru and thru and has no record of political leadership on that national stage or in congress that would suggest he can be an effective president.
Bernie has always stood for fairness in representative democracy, so I'm not surprised that he wants every state to have a chance to vote for their candidate. In this specific context, it has nothing to do with winning, and everything to do with principle.
Bernie has always stood for fairness in representative democracy, so I'm not surprised that he wants every state to have a chance to vote for their candidate. In this specific context, it has nothing to do with winning, and everything to do with principle.

I mean, his name is on the ballot so even if he suspends his campaign, anyone who wants to vote for him totally can. But I get your point. And that's fine, as long as he's realistic and doesn't do harm to Hillary, I'm fine with it. Not that anyone needs or wanted my permission or approval lol
He's a message candidate who became a contender that is shifting back to a message candidate.


I mean, his name is on the ballot so even if he suspends his campaign, anyone who wants to vote for him totally can. But I get your point. And that's fine, as long as he's realistic and doesn't do harm to Hillary, I'm fine with it. Not that anyone needs or wanted my permission or approval lol

Just like Hillary says that she's going to work for every vote (very commendable of her, BTW), Bernie will want to do the same, and treat each state as if their votes actually matter by actually asking for their vote.


I'm honestly very happy Bernie has got this far and has had the impact he's had on the campaign. Definitely not money wasted. Hillary is a stronger candidate with clearer objectives because of him. And the campaign between the two has been cordial and professional. The big supporters will come back to the same team, even if it doesn't appear that way now.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'm honestly very happy Bernie has got this far and has had the impact he's had on the campaign. Definitely not money wasted. Hillary is a stronger candidate with clearer objectives because of him. And the campaign between the two has been cordial and professional. The big supporters will come back to the same team, even if it doesn't appear that way now.

It is day and night between the two parties right now in maturity. Especially with Rubio trying to be Trump 2.0.


I'll forgive Bernie for everything if he works hard to unite the party when it's over.

I'm not sure that he'll do that though.


Sidhe / PikPok
The simple explanation is that he's boasting. A lot of time at his rallies he can't even finish his own thoughts.

Well, of course :)

I actually finally watched one of his rallies all the way through for the first time in the last week. The way he goes on tangents and never gets to the point is so frustrating. You get on the edge of your seat waiting for him to make that remark to close out the thought, and it is just one "By the way..." after another. He usually never circles back, and then moves onto another topic.

He kind of sounds like the broken conversation between two drunk uncles at Christmas airing their many grievances about the world peppered with exaggerated personal anecdotes, except he is having that conversation on his own.


Yeah you don't want an inevitability candidacy where you don't ever face a serious challenge and are simply coasting and get so overconfident you flub something like denouncing the Klan.
I'll forgive Bernie for everything if he works hard to unite the party when it's over.

I'm not sure that he'll do that though.

My personal opinion is that Bernie will continue to lead a progressive movement outside of his own candidacy. That means he'll aim for high turnout at the presidential election, and rally again for the midterms.

It won't be so much about promoting Hillary Clinton as it will be about voting to promote progressive values (which includes voting for Hillary).


Yeah you don't want an inevitability candidacy where you don't ever face a serious challenge and are simply coasting and get so overconfident you flub something like denouncing the Klan.

That was no flub. It was calculated. We know that because when he was first asked his response was "David Duke endorsed me? I disavow it." Then suddenly the next day on CNN he pretends he doesn't know who David Duke is.

The result is he dominates the media cycle the day before Super Tuesday. No one else gets a word in. Southern Republicans, also known as racists, will lap it up. Mark my words, this is only going to help him when the returns come in tomorrow.
My personal opinion is that Bernie will continue to lead a progressive movement outside of his own candidacy. That means he'll aim for high turnout at the presidential election, and rally again for the midterms.

It won't be so much about promoting Hillary Clinton as it will be about voting to promote progressive values (which includes voting for Hillary).

I'd agree with you....

But who has he endorsed in Senate/House races? I'm not throwing shade, I'm asking. I get that he's running for a nomination, but has he made those connections with potential allies?
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