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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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24 hours from now, we'll know a lot more about how the rest of the year unfolds.

I'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight. Might be time for a nightcap.
Or three.


That was no flub. It was calculated. We know that because when he was first asked his response was "David Duke endorsed me? I disavow it." Then suddenly the next day on CNN he pretends he doesn't know who David Duke is.

The result is he dominates the media cycle the day before Super Tuesday. No one else gets a word in. Southern Republicans, also known as racists, will lap it up. Mark my words, this is only going to help him when the returns come in tomorrow.

I think that's his intention to use it in the primary but I seriously think he's underestimating the cumulative impact of all this behaviour, partially because of the Teflon Don meme.

Because he's said outrageous things in the past and they haven't doomed him he can continue to do so, even though the nature of the race he's running, and the type of coverage he's receiving is about to change dramatically.


24 hours from now, we'll know a lot more about how the rest of the year unfolds.

I'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight. Might be time for a nightcap.
Or three.

I'm drinking this pretty awful craft beer that I bought for some reason, and about to play the warhawk expansionist caveman simulator videogame.

Tomorrow will be interesting.


I decided to show a little solidarity with FiggyCal.


I'm all in for Super Tuesday. Let the chips fall where they may.

God speed


I'd agree with you....

But who has he endorsed in Senate/House races? I'm not throwing shade, I'm asking. I get that he's running for a nomination, but has he made those connections with potential allies?

He's also not pledging to raise money for those candidates like Hillary is. I'd love to be wrong, but I have yet to see evidence that Sanders is trying to actually put this plan into motion (rather, continue a progressive movement past his presidential run, sustain his progressive movement into something meaningful, etc). Someone needs to, but I'm not sure Sanders is the person who's going to do it.


Unconfirmed Member
24 hours from now, we'll know a lot more about how the rest of the year unfolds.

I'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight. Might be time for a nightcap.
Or three.

On the republican side, Trump wins, pundits still question if there's still a chance to take him out March 15th or at the convention. Everyone stays in for the same longshot chance that the pundits hold onto.

On the democrat side, Hillary wins. Pundits question if Bernie will drop out but he stays in a bit longer to continue the message campaign he started with.

So there. Not much left to wonder about.
I'm still holding out hope for Bernie. I'm a big fat mess.
No, you're one of the brave few struggling vainly at the edge of the abyss, fighting for the constitution, personal liberty, the poor, and the dissolution of the oligarchy and their predatory banks.
Thanks for standing with us, tomorrow the revolution dies and the grey queen and her minions sweep us into the dustbin of history
Trump has come under heavy fire in the last two days for not immediately renouncing former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke’s support in a TV interview. But Marino, citing Trump's daughter Ivanka's religion, said Trump isn’t racist.

“Trump’s daughter, who converted to Judaism in 2009 -- I don’t think Trump has any feelings and concerns about the KKK, other than he doesn’t like them," Marino said. "He renounces them and given the fact that he supported his daughter in that move shows that.”

...... Okay then.



That was no flub. It was calculated. We know that because when he was first asked his response was "David Duke endorsed me? I disavow it." Then suddenly the next day on CNN he pretends he doesn't know who David Duke is.

The result is he dominates the media cycle the day before Super Tuesday. No one else gets a word in. Southern Republicans, also known as racists, will lap it up. Mark my words, this is only going to help him when the returns come in tomorrow.

He already had the white supremacists fired up around him. There was no reason to wade into the pool like he did. It's finally given the GOP some real ammo because they refused to touch things like his Muslim ban.

He took a risk he had no reason to take. Hubris might finally be catching up to his Teflon.
I'd agree with you....

But who has he endorsed in Senate/House races? I'm not throwing shade, I'm asking. I get that he's running for a nomination, but has he made those connections with potential allies?

I think he probably figures that he'd make more effective endorsements as the nominee, but if that doesn't pan out, there's no more sense in waiting.

As for connections, he's probably going to be looking to endorse mostly anti-establishment progressive candidates, so I don't expect him to settle on those until he can take the focus off of him securing the nomination.


No, you're one of the brave few struggling vainly at the edge of the abyss, fighting for the constitution, personal liberty, the poor, and the dissolution of the oligarchy and their predatory banks.
Thanks for standing with us, tomorrow the revolution dies and the grey queen and her minions sweep us into the dustbin of history

Channel the passion into local and state races. Socialism ain't gonna happen without us pushing for it from the bottom. Fight, fail, fight again, fail again, until the people's victory.


remember me
I really really hope all these Trump endorsements end up biting these pieces of shit in the ass. There has to be some justice at some point. Right?
So 538 switched from a 78% projected Clinton win yesterday in OK to 84% Sanders win today. Wtf happened
It flips very easily when there are few polls. The weighting of the polls also seems to be largely or entirely based on recency.

I'm still holding out hope for Bernie. I'm a big fat mess.
No, you're one of the brave few struggling vainly at the edge of the abyss, fighting for the constitution, personal liberty, the poor, and the dissolution of the oligarchy and their predatory banks.
Thanks for standing with us, tomorrow the revolution dies and the grey queen and her minions sweep us into the dustbin of history
A new poll came out.
Also, those percentage means nothing (for the most part, I can expand on that but it will be boring).

don't those percentages basically mean "based on the polling aggregate, you'd expect a margin of victory for that candidate greater than zero x% of the time"?

(at least in polls-only they do, plus turns it into AGGREGATE PLUS MAGIC)
Salt Lake City's new mayor is not handling her first "your police department just executed a black child in a pretty public way" well.... Come on, Jackie :/


This is a rather long Bloomberg article where the author has solicited testimony from the #NeverTrump faction of the Republican Party.

The Die-Hard Republicans Who Say #NeverTrump

They cover a wiiiide breadth of topics: the fate of the GOP, the prospect of a Clinton back in office, the balance of the Supreme Court, authoritarianism, a grande meteor to end it all.. Really enjoyable bedtime reading. It's angstier than a Creed concert with My So-Called Life episodes playing on the Jumbotron screens..
I never have donated a penny that I didn't have to spare. I'm lucky in that I have almost no bills at all. I live cheaply, and I was able to donate what I did to a cause that has a good chance of winning. However, I won't be giving any more to her campaign for the primary.
I just recall you talking about not having a job, etc. and then seeing posts of "Sending my queen $200! Sending another $75! I've got a monthly pledge!" My opinion of political donations is less that a person can afford it, than if a candidate needs it. Hillary definitely doesn't. Bernie obviously did, but damn do some of his supporters go overboard. Nobody should sacrifice their food money for a politician. I so wish that money could be removed from politics. It shouldn't take a billion dollars to elect a president, and that money could certainly go to better use.

Hey look, Greg Abbott is a fucking asshole racist with no courage:

"Who am I to say if Obama is a Muslim or was born in Kenya? I'm not a scientist."


% each candidate has winning every state, polls only, going into tomorrow, from 538:

Alabama (D): Clinton >99%
Alabama (R): Trump 97%

Arkansas (D): Clinton 96%
Arkansas (R): Trump 62%

Georgia (D): Clinton >99%
Georgia (R): Trump 88%

Massachusetts (D): Clinton 92%
Massachusetts (R): Trump 99%

Oklahoma (D): Sanders 52%
Oklahoma (R): Trump 79%

Tennessee (D): Clinton >99%
Tennessee (R): Trump 95%

Texas (D): Clinton >99%
Texas (R): Cruz 81%

Vermont (D): Sanders >99%

Virginia (D): Clinton >99%
Virginia (R): Trump 83%
I just recall you talking about not having a job, etc. and then seeing posts of "Sending my queen $200! Sending another $75! I've got a monthly pledge!"

FWIW, the latter posts actually preceded him losing his job (to some bullshit related to him taking time off so he could see someone about a nerve issue, IIRC)


Funny enough, the Socialist Party of Oklahoma, an affiliate of the Socialist Party of America, was one of the strongest socialist parties in the US.


East Lake

Well, of course :)

I actually finally watched one of his rallies all the way through for the first time in the last week. The way he goes on tangents and never gets to the point is so frustrating. You get on the edge of your seat waiting for him to make that remark to close out the thought, and it is just one "By the way..." after another. He usually never circles back, and then moves onto another topic.

He kind of sounds like the broken conversation between two drunk uncles at Christmas airing their many grievances about the world peppered with exaggerated personal anecdotes, except he is having that conversation on his own.
Oh ok lol, when I read it I thought you were taking his memory thing somewhat seriously.

Yeah it's frustrating to watch. I've watched a bunch and you can almost guess the moment he's going to forget what he was talking about. Like he's talking about trade deals and then the Iran deal will pop into his head and whatever previous point he was making is totally gone.


HuffPo Pollster Final Aggregates:

Texas (D)

Clinton: 61.4%
Sanders: 33.4%

Texas (R):

Cruz: 35.9%
Trump: 30.3%
Rubio: 16.6%

Georgia (D):

Clinton: 62.6%
Sanders: 36.9%

Georgia (R):

Trump: 37.4%
Rubio: 21.9%
Cruz: 19.2%

Massachusetts (D):

Clinton: 51.1%
Sanders: 42.0%

Massachusetts (R):

Trump: 50.3% (!!)
Rubio: 20.0%
Kasich: 14.1%
Cruz: 10.0%

Tennessee (D):

Not enough polls

Tennessee (R):

Not enough polls

Virginia (D):

Clinton: 55.9%
Sanders: 35.0%

Virginia (R):

Trump: 39.1%
Rubio: 25.3%
Cruz: 15.5%

Alabama (D):

Not enough polls

Alabama (R):

Trump: 45.3%
Cruz: 17.8%
Rubio: 16.6%

Minnesota (D):

Not enough polls

Minnesota (R):

Not enough polls

Colorado (D):

Not enough polls

Colorado (R):

Not enough polls

Oklahoma (D):

Sanders: 42.2%
Clinton: 41.4%

Oklahoma (R):

Trump: 34.0%
Rubio: 21.4%
Cruz: 20.1%

Arkansas (D):

Not enough polls

Arkansas (R):

Trump: 34.0%
Cruz: 27.0%
Rubio: 20.0%

Vermont (D):

Not enough polls

Vermont (R):

Not enough polls

Alaska (R):

Trump: 28.0%
Cruz: 24.0%
Rubio: 7.0%


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Sanders Says He's Running until all 50 states vote

Okay, that's fine. However, something in that article stuck out to me:

“Tomorrow, all over the country our campaign is taking on the political establishment,” the Vermont senator said. “We’re taking on governors and senators and mayors who know how to get out the vote. They do that very well.”

This is why his revolution has failed. He's running it against everyone. The only people that are invited to the party are the people who feel the Bern. He's been trying to run against the Democratic party from within the Democratic party. All of the governors and senators and mayors were not his enemy. By refusing to court these people, he cut himself off from a ton of potential supporters and GOTV effort.

I found this line very telling.
Sanders makes it sound like this whole getting out the vote thing is new to him rather than a strength he's previously touted and one that forms the underpinning to achieving his lofty policy agenda.

Which is why he is unfit to be President, in my opinion. Everyone is not as pure as he is. He has no allies in the Senate who have gone to bat for him. If he cannot build coalitions, he cannot be President. Hillary will be able to control the Democratic caucus. If Bernie can't even play nice with freaking mayors, why in the hell did he do this? Unless it was to prove a point, at which case I think his fleecing his supporters for cash is a bit hard to justify.

I'll be curious to see what he actually does once the math is very clearly against him.


remember me
Fake New York Times Article Claims Elizabeth Warren Endorsed Bernie Sanders

A webpage that masqueraded as a New York Times article and claimed that Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts had endorsed Bernie Sanders for president circulated widely on social media on Monday.

The fake news article, which mimicked The Times’s typefaces and design and included the bylines of two of the newspaper’s political reporters, appeared with the headline “Warren Endorses Sanders, Breaking With Colleagues.”
sad and pathetic
Well I'll be in meetings so preemptive reactions/predictions:

I guess everything's close enough that it's going to the convention for Rubio/Sanders out of denial/principle.
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