Super Tuesday winners:
Democratic race: Hillary Clinton
Republican race: Hillary Clinton
Super Tuesday winners:
Democratic race: Hillary Clinton
Republican race: Hillary Clinton
Yo Carson winning 1 district in Alaska WTF?!
So basically, it's not happening. I'll happily vote in the CA Rep. primary.
Well, he was selective and blanketed the airwaves in the places most likely to be receptive to his message. I'd expect this type of strategic bombardment to continue.I'll play Devil's advocate for a moment and note that based on this:
Where he did outspend her on the airwaves he did win.
The exception being MA.
Although those places were already identified as places that were favourable.
Given Sanders is Mr Moneybags now, he could blanket the airwaves I guess in upcoming states.
Can you imagine being a Republican in extremely rural Alaska?Literally pry one family and they caucus in their house.
I'm proud of you, gays.
Tanks for all the gays in Provincetown!![]()
I'm proud of you, gays.
So Trump dominated, but instead of my shares going up, I'm down over $200. People are weird.
So Trump dominated, but instead of my shares going up, I'm down over $200. People are weird.
But I would imagine Cruz's stock shot up after today.
My biggest issue with the Bernie argument is turn out. Even for the work he has done with getting younger voters energized, turn out has been a loss sans a select few states. Even if you want to factor 08 being the outliner, for the platform sanders claims to be leading it hasn't been showing.
It surprises me at times given the fundraising machine sanders has built...
Much less losing in key voting demographics for democrats... Assuming these voters just come with the territory has led to defeat for the party before.
Cruz went down to 7 cents and Rubio's at 12. Doesn't make much sense.So, I commented on this earlier. But while he won across the board, I don't know if I'd completely call it dominating. I think he's very likely the nominee.
But I would imagine Cruz's stock shot up after today.
Now that you mention it:
This should worry Clinton, too.
Cruz went down to 7 cents and Rubio's at 12. Doesn't make much sense.
I think so, but if you had told me that these would be the results before South Carolina (on both sides), I would have been surprised.If I understand correctly it sounds like tonight wasn't quite as good as expected for Donald Trump, but still very good for Donald Trump, and tonight wasn't quite as good as expected for Hillary Clinton, but still very good for Hillary Clinton
Well, it's a bit different. She's not really running a contested race like in 2008.
Basically whichever Senators and Governors okay with a candidate that says overtly racist things and won't disavow the KKK immediately, probably for fear of alienating his racist base.
Christie looked like a hostage to his stupid decision.
Both Sanders and Clinton overperformed. Expectations were low for Sanders after Nevada / SC, though.
What exactly is the argument for "not as god as expected for Clinton"? Sure, she lost a couple of toss-up states, but she destroyed her polling projections in the south
Sanders thought he could win 5 states, lost a state in his backyard that he overspent Clinton in, and got decimated in the delegate-rich South. That overperforming?
He overperformed in the places he won.
Clinton was ahead by 7 points in Massachusetts average of polls. He narrowed it down to less than 2.
What exactly is the argument for "not as god as expected for Clinton"? Sure, she lost a couple of toss-up states, but she destroyed her polling projections in the south which more than offsets that
I think (here at least) expectations for her shot sky-high after South Carolina. Some people thought her margin there meant a big shift towards her, but it seems like it was either mainly in the black community or that they were underrepresented in polling. Any of her supporters would have been ecstatic for these numbers a week ago.
It seems like Hillary won the popular vote today by ~23% (61-38)
He overperformed in the places he won. Going by polling and expectations after the Nevada and SC failures.
Clinton was ahead by 7 points in Massachusetts average of polls. He narrowed it down to less than 2.
But he didn't win Massachusetts, and failed to win big in any state that is going to net him delegates to even come close to closing the gap that he needs to.
He needed a better night to stay viable. He didn't.
Trump is gonna lose Alaska. Dammit
Yeah I think Cruz's got this. Oh well.
He wasnt expected to win Massachusetts, but he did better there than most pollsters expected and in every single state he won. Thats the definition of overperforming.
Doesn't matter as long as it's not to Rubio. The more Cruz wins the better. You have to keep things split up.
Yeah, it looks like he does.
He also didn't win Massachusetts and should've done better given its proximity to Vermont, its demographics, and the targeted ad campaign and money that Bernie put into the state. That's underperforming.
This was a terrible night for Sanders.
Bernie managed to meet his 538 targets in Vermont.
So far, that's it. Saying he narrowed it down, ergo he over performed means the only metric he needs to meet is outdoing his polling. That's just not the case.
The scientific expecations, aka polls, expected Clinton to win by 7-11 points. She did by 2. Dont be obtuse. Sanders path for the nomination effectively ended in Nevada, that doesnt mean he didnt outperformed polls today.
You should probably provide an accurate reflection of the range of margins that February polls had, if you're going to try and make a point. Since, you know. It's really not hard to find.The scientific expecations, aka polls, expected Clinton to win by 7-11 points. She did by 2. Dont be obtuse.
Yeah, it looks like he does.
He also didn't win Massachusetts and should've done better given its proximity to Vermont, its demographics, and the targeted ad campaign and money that Bernie put into the state. That's underperforming.
Honestly Melkr you can have Oklahoma, bunch of racist conservadems who voted against Clinton to send a message to Obama.
Some of this is psychology. Some of it is math.
No question, this was a bad math night for Bernie, but it was good for morale. Many of his supporters expected much worse. Enthusiasm was starting to wane, and the bottom had started to fall out of his poll numbers.
I think there's a good chance that trend reverses after tonight.