After elected farm worker leaders from companies under UFW contracts discussed the presidential race for a year, studied the candidates words, actions and careers, and recently spent an hour closely interviewing Hillary Clinton on key farm worker issues, the United Farm Workers believes Secretary Clinton is the strong, most respectful leader our country needs now.
Hillary Clinton has consistently stood with farm workers and immigrants, fought on behalf of and voted for comprehensive immigration reform, repeatedly sponsored the UFW-negotiated AgJobs legislation as a senator, supported farm workers in their fights for union contracts and worked to end discrimination against them.
The consistent respect Hillary Clinton has shown farm workers over her career, her willingness to answer tough questions, her commitment and work to end prejudice and her determination in the pursuit of progressive change have earned our support. Hillary Clinton has the strong resolve needed to make change happen. She is the most experienced candidate for president in recent memory. And she is the best equipped to defeat the nativist, hateful forces of the current Republican front-runner.