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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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The main problem with a national popular vote IMO is then it makes smaller states have even less influence. It would simply switch resources to all the largest states instead of swing states. A system that mimics Congress seems like the best compromise.

But it would expand the influence of large population centers in every single state. For example, Democrats don't bother campaigning in Texas and Louisiana, but with a national popular vote all of a sudden Dallas/Austin/NO become very important. Same for places like Salt Lake City, Atlanta, etc.

On the other hand Republicans will campaign in places like the Chicago/NYC suburbs, and rural areas in Washington/Oregon/Maine etc. which are also usually completely ignored.

Yes, states like Idaho will be ignored by the candidates but who fucking cares. They are ignored anyway. And why should they have any special status? I think the map would actually be expanded in terms of reaching people who are usually ignored with a national popular vote.
Let me put it differently then. If you care about what the Democratic Party supposedly stands for, and not just getting Hillary Clinton elected in 2016, then I think you are very likely to regret your glee.

And I don't see the value in "exposing" the Republican id. It has long been obvious. The fact that it has been upgraded from dogwhistles to open appeals is not an encouraging development.

It's hard to believe these days, but a lot of Republican voters bought into the dog whistles. Anecdotally, my mom is thinking about switching parties, and a lot of people seem to be like her. They genuinely believed that their party (my mom still only refers to it as The Party of Lincoln) stood for small government and strong values. Now people like her can realize that it hasn't stood for that in a while, and they'll either leave or clean out the trash.

We didn't drink the Kool-Aid, but a lot of people have been for years and are just now thinking about what was in it.


I don't understand the glee among certain Democrats over the Trump nomination.

You have the unleashing of a demagogic force openly based on xenophobic and racist hate. This force doesn't disappear even if Trump loses. Yes, the Republican Party, including Romney, has huge responsibility for cynically exploiting this force for many years, but this is clearly a whole new level.

I don't think so. That's a little like the argument that police brutality suddenly got worse in the last two years because suddenly there are all these news stories.

I don't think anything got worse. The Republican Party has been a demagogic party of white supremacy for fifty years. We literally made up cute terms like "Southern strategy" to talk about it without having to say "party of racism." But, I mean, David Duke was a Republican politician. They've been flying the Confederate flag for the last century. Mitt Romney just four years ago ran on a strategy of completely abandoning the votes of people of color and maximizing the white vote -- mostly because people of color are very clear on what the Republican Party stands for and so vote against it.

The only people who don't know that the Republican Party is the party of white supremacy are Republicans who'd prefer not to know that.

I think it can only be good for them to have to face the truth. Then they have to start making real decisions about who they are and what they support.
I think it can only be good for them to have to face the truth. Then they have to start making real decisions about who they are and what they support.

I'm kinda excited for how this will make democrats change and adapt. Once racism is dropped and the most conservative segments of PoC again vote republican, i wonder in which way dems will pivot.
I'm kinda excited for how this will make democrats change and adapt. Once racism is dropped and the most conservative segments of PoC again vote republican, i wonder in which way dems will pivot.

I think the GOP has done so much damage to their public perception that we're probably looking at 2028 or maybe 2032 before that really starts happening.
I don't think so. That's a little like the argument that police brutality suddenly got worse in the last two years because suddenly there are all these news stories.

I don't think anything got worse. The Republican Party has been a demagogic party of white supremacy for fifty years. We literally made up cute terms like "Southern strategy" to talk about it without having to say "party of racism." But, I mean, David Duke was a Republican politician. They've been flying the Confederate flag for the last century. Mitt Romney just four years ago ran on a strategy of completely abandoning the votes of people of color and maximizing the white vote -- mostly because people of color are very clear on what the Republican Party stands for and so vote against it.

The only people who don't know that the Republican Party is the party of white supremacy are Republicans who'd prefer not to know that.

I think it can only be good for them to have to face the truth. Then they have to start making real decisions about who they are and what they support.

I would add to this that reckoning is inevitable. Democrats joining in some sort of stop Trump effort in the Republican primary just pushes it off for another four to eight years, all to preserve a status quo of a party that uses racism to win votes because their ideas wouldn't be popular enough on their own and that has abandoned any semblance of governing in no small part because the president happens to be black. The current incarnation of the Republican party isn't worth saving and quite frankly can't be saved anyway.


I'm kinda excited for how this will make democrats change and adapt. Once racism is dropped and the most conservative segments of PoC again vote republican, i wonder in which way dems will pivot.

maybe actually do something instead of just acknowledging and handwaving the problems.


Is any network covering this? MSNBC is all about Mrs. Reagan's death.

In a way, Bernie has the worst luck when it comes to the media cycle. He could win by a bajillion points today, and the media is going to be "Meh."

it just shows how on the opposite side of America Bernie and Rubio are. They both dare win on the day a Regan died. This isn't the America I want to live in!
it just shows how on the opposite side of America Bernie and Rubio are. They both dare win on the day a Regan died. This isn't the America I want to live in!

There's something almost poetic about a socialist winning a primary on the day Nancy Reagan dies.

No disrespect intended to Nancy. I'm not so partisan as to downplay someone's death over political purposes, but it does kind of symbolically sum up the direction our country is moving toward.
But it would expand the influence of large population centers in every single state. For example, Democrats don't bother campaigning in Texas and Louisiana, but with a national popular vote all of a sudden Dallas/Austin/NO become very important. Same for places like Salt Lake City, Atlanta, etc.

On the other hand Republicans will campaign in places like the Chicago/NYC suburbs, and rural areas in Washington/Oregon/Maine etc. which are also usually completely ignored.

Yes, states like Idaho will be ignored by the candidates but who fucking cares. They are ignored anyway. And why should they have any special status? I think the map would actually be expanded in terms of reaching people who are usually ignored with a national popular vote.
Yup. The electoral college just creates an unnecessary distinction between "red states" and "blue states." Think of all the liberals who are like "Fuck Texas, they're all Republicans!" while throwing the 4 million some Obama voters under a bus because they're slaves to a rigged system. It's stupid.


It looks it's already been called for Rubio.

Rubio gets a reprieve plus 23 free delegates. This is probably his best day of the campaign (in terrible week).
Not really. Nance Reagan getting a ton of the media time today, and I think tomorrow the news will shift to Michigan.


There's something almost poetic about a socialist winning a primary on the day Nancy Reagan dies.

No disrespect intended to Nancy. I'm not so partisan as to downplay someone's death over political purposes, but it does kind of symbolically sum up the direction our country is moving toward.
What an insane comment.
Wives, husbands and kids are off limits to me. Possibly with the exception of Bill, because...he's a former President.

However, this story is sucking up all the oxygen on the weekend primaries and even the debate tonight. It's just the way it is. Not that winning PR and Maine would help either candidate anyway.

I read on Twitter where someone confirmed that Bernie's people's new goal is to get 1000 delegates and hold onto them at the convention. That way he can force some policy positions into the platform, supposedly.

Edit: Nicole Wallace is just the worst.
Wives, husbands and kids are off limits to me. Possibly with the exception of Bill, because...he's a former President.

However, this story is sucking up all the oxygen on the weekend primaries and even the debate tonight. It's just the way it is. Not that winning PR and Maine would help either candidate anyway.

I read on Twitter where someone confirmed that Bernie's people's new goal is to get 1000 delegates and hold onto them at the convention. That way he can force some policy positions into the platform, supposedly.

Edit: Nicole Wallace is just the worst.

That means he isn't dropping out.
That means he isn't dropping out.

Is he really gonna do this?

Kind of indefensible to me.

Not sure if he'd drop out or what would happen. His 1000 delegates can still vote for him on the 1st ballot. Of course, we could just call the order in a way in which Hillary gets the nomination before we get to Bernie's better states. Not that I think we'd do that. I'm sure Hillary, like Obama in 2008, would be more than willing to let his name be put forward and then just vote by acclimation.

If Bernie wants to be an ass, he won't release his delegates, forcing a roll call vote.


Bernie Sanders puts 20 staffers in state, opens Seattle office

The 2016 presidential campaign is on its way to Washington state.

Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders added a campaign office in Seattle on Sunday and has 20 paid staffers in the state preparing for the March 26 caucuses. Those workers have begun canvassing and phone-banking.

Judging by the volume of campaign donations that residents have committed to Sanders, he already has a strong base in this state.

“We have a ton of supporters here who have been active and volunteering for us even before we got on the ground,” said Joan Kato, who helped lay the groundwork for the state operation and is now going to work at the campaign’s national headquarters. The campaign expects more office openings in the coming days.

Sanders has also performed well so far in states that hold caucuses instead of primaries. On Saturday, he beat rival Hillary Clinton in caucuses in Kansas and Nebraska. Clinton won Louisiana, which held a primary.

Kato said campaigns with enthusiastic supporters tend to perform well in caucus states — something she said also happened eight years ago when she was working on Barack Obama’s campaign.

Clinton’s campaign did not immediately return a message Sunday about its staffing plans in Washington state. Republicans will allocate their delegates during the primary on May 24.

I though campaigns already had operations in March states?




Wives, husbands and kids are off limits to me. Possibly with the exception of Bill, because...he's a former President.

However, this story is sucking up all the oxygen on the weekend primaries and even the debate tonight. It's just the way it is. Not that winning PR and Maine would help either candidate anyway.

I read on Twitter where someone confirmed that Bernie's people's new goal is to get 1000 delegates and hold onto them at the convention. That way he can force some policy positions into the platform, supposedly.

Edit: Nicole Wallace is just the worst.

Lord have mercy, WHAT policy positions?

Like, seriously, what policy positions of Bernie's does Hilary need to adopt? It seems like even Bernie is forgetting that he and Hillary agree 93% of the time. Hillary ALREADY agrees with most of his policies, and the ones she doesn't she'd never adopt because they're poorly thought out.

"Bernie is pulling Hillary further left" is the biggest crock I've had to read all cycle. He's made her a stronger campaigner. That's about it.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Cruz is still way behind where he needs to be. What states give him the wins where he can make up that gap? Can he pull off Ohio or Florida?
Wives, husbands and kids are off limits to me. Possibly with the exception of Bill, because...he's a former President.

However, this story is sucking up all the oxygen on the weekend primaries and even the debate tonight. It's just the way it is. Not that winning PR and Maine would help either candidate anyway.

I read on Twitter where someone confirmed that Bernie's people's new goal is to get 1000 delegates and hold onto them at the convention. That way he can force some policy positions into the platform, supposedly.

Edit: Nicole Wallace is just the worst.

I hope Clinton just ignores him after awhile.
I am going to call it now, rubio will drop. Support cruz and this will be the whole idea they have to stop trump. they will figure his 10 percent will mostly add to cruzs

I thought people really didnt like cruz as he seems like a straight liar (trump too) but I feel cruz has been finding the right things to impress people while trump focuses on insults and the same ideas too much. How many times I gotta here the guy say we can save, we can build without details...
does 1000 do something magical? I'm not well versed in primary numbering, but ... does losing mean anything?

Not really. I think his goal is actually 1669 delegates out of the pledged 4051 delegates. That way, Hillary cannot get the nomination without super delegates. (Which is the norm anyway, but he could prove some type of point.) I don't think he can hit that, though, definitely not before Hillary has enough pledged and supers to secure the nomination. She's essentially at the 50% mark right now.

He's already going to get a prime speaking slot at the convention. And I'm sure Hillary's people would give him almost anything to drop out after it is 100% improbable that he could actually win. (Which would be after the 15th, although I know he will never drop out then.)
Lord have mercy, WHAT policy positions?

Like, seriously, what policy positions of Bernie's does Hilary need to adopt? It seems like even Bernie is forgetting that he and Hillary agree 93% of the time. Hillary ALREADY agrees with most of his policies, and the ones she doesn't she'd never adopt because they're poorly thought out.

"Bernie is pulling Hillary further left" is the biggest crock I've had to read all cycle. He's made her a stronger campaigner. That's about it.

Single payer health care?


Bernie has too much integrity to consider a compromise win-win obvious acceleration of the inevitable sellout move like that.

I maintain that his campaign is a Ben Carson style ponzi scheme and his advisers and their consultant buddies are making a private fortune while campaigning on socialism. It's brilliant and I'm not even sure if the candidate is in on it or not.

Single payer health care?

This has been discussed to death. Hillary tried to push single payer in the 90s and it didn't work. Obama tried with 60 Democrats in the Senate and was forced to compromise. The way forward is eliminating state barriers, price transparency, and a public option.

Social Security wasn't perfect in its original form either.
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