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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Rubio endorser (Risch) is literally crying saying "buh buh buh it's not fair!!!!" on CNN right now about the report of people wanting Rubio to drop out

looking real weak!


and I thought Cerium was the biggest Hillary stan
It may shock you, but I don't have any strong emotions attached to Hillary. I don't particularly like her personality. I don't think she's a very nice person. I fought her very hard in 2008. The reasons I want her to win are mostly strategic and policy based. Without Obama's pseudo-endorsement, I might even have sat out these primaries.

I do, however, dislike Bernie and many of his vocal supporters.

Obama will always be #1 in my heart. We may never see another President as purely benevolent and selfless as Obama.


Damnnnnnnn Trump going in on Rubio in this new ad https://youtu.be/_pvirKqHy1g
Trump! I thought Ted was your biggest threat.
Rubio and Romney and Paul Ryan are so hated by Republicans now that how would a compromise candidate even come out of a brokered convention?

Wouldn't be surprised if Cruz and Trump both end up with negative favorables among Republicans after they spend the three months after March 15th knifing each other.
Kasich really needs to start hitting Cruz on the whole "you are friends with a psychotic pastor that wants to personally murder gay people."

Trump's voters hate gay people too so he can't execute this attack, but Kasich can help his RINO cred even more by attacking Cruz from that angle. Would make it hard for Cruz to win California if Cruz gets attacked on that subject.
I'm legit so happy right now.

Two college aged kids just knocked on my door to encourage us to vote for Hillary. They drove up from Columbus and we're like the last place they're hitting today. My mom gave them money to go get dinner.

Anybody have any links to articles re: why I should care about Bernie voting for the PLCAA? Because it seems fairly commonsense to me that gun manufacturers selling a lawful product probably should not be able to be sued because that product was co-opted by someone with the intent to harm others.


You have got to be kidding me...

It's the standard claim of "you can't be a Bernie supporter and a minority/democrat yourself nor can you actually care about the issues unlike me" attack I've frankly come to expect from some Hillary supporters, unfortunately. Ironically it tells me they care less about the issues at hand and more about bullying their fellow democrats.

At work, curious how this debacle of a Town Hall is going.


She was talking about wanting debt free college as opposed to tuition free college and someone shouted "Explain it" or "What's the difference?" Something like that And she immediately did and acted like she was having a good time doing it.

That transition when she was heckled and turned it around for her benefit.

Anybody have any links to articles re: why I should care about Bernie voting for the PLCAA? Because it seems fairly commonsense to me that gun manufacturers selling a lawful product probably should not be able to be sued because that product was co-opted by someone with the intent to harm others.

PLCAA Fact Sheet


If guns are an issue you care about, I'd point to the five times he voted against the Brady Bill. Or when he voted to allow guns on Amtrak. Or when he voted to allow guns into national parks. Or the $20,000 the NRA spent to help him win an election.
I'm actually very concerned.

Kasich is going to win Michigan and then Ohio+Illinois next week. He'll use that momentum to clean up the Mid-Atlantic states and the West Coast giving him enough delegates for the powers that be to give him the nod in a contested contention. He'll then beat Hillary and nominate Ted Cruz to the supreme court, where he'll sit for the next 50 years.


Kasich is going to win Michigan and then Ohio+Illinois next week. He'll use that momentum to clean up the Mid-Atlantic states and the West Coast giving him enough delegates for the powers that be to give him the nod in a contested contention. He'll then beat Hillary and nominate Ted Cruz to the supreme court, where he'll sit for the next 50 years.

I thought the darkest timeline had already been discussed, but this. This...
Kasich is going to win Michigan and then Ohio+Illinois next week. He'll use that momentum to clean up the Mid-Atlantic states and the West Coast giving him enough delegates for the powers that be to give him the nod in a contested contention. He'll then beat Hillary and nominate Ted Cruz to the supreme court, where he'll sit for the next 50 years.
Cartoon soldier respond if ur ok
PLCAA Fact Sheet


If guns are an issue you care about, I'd point to the five times he voted against the Brady Bill. Or when he voted to allow guns on Amtrak. Or when he voted to allow guns into national parks. Or the $20,000 the NRA spent to help him win an election.

I'm all for going after dealers that do not follow state and federal law in their sale of weapons and ammunition, but manufacturers simply make and sell a product. The government already has a system to determine who is and is not allowed to sell guns, and gun manufacturers seem largely to follow that law in terms of who they sell their guns to. If they don't, they absolutely should be held accountable, but it does not seem reasonable to me that they should have to go above and beyond what is already legally mandated of them or be sued for massacres they are many steps removed from. If a gun doesn't include a safety on it, they should be able to be sued in the same way that car manufacturers should be able to be sued if they produce cars that are not safe enough, but why, legally, should the Sandy Hook families be able to receive money from the manufacturer of the gun used because of a failure elsewhere in the chain of commerce? The gun did not malfunction, presumably did not lack a safety. You can argue the gun should not have been available for sale in the first place, morally, but legally, the manufacturers did nothing wrong. The failure was in who the gun eventually got to, which the manufacturers have no control over once they sell their wares to those the state has deemed acceptable to conduct such sales.


Kasich is going to win Michigan and then Ohio+Illinois next week. He'll use that momentum to clean up the Mid-Atlantic states and the West Coast giving him enough delegates for the powers that be to give him the nod in a contested contention. He'll then beat Hillary and nominate Ted Cruz to the supreme court, where he'll sit for the next 50 years.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Kasich is going to win Michigan and then Ohio+Illinois next week. He'll use that momentum to clean up the Mid-Atlantic states and the West Coast giving him enough delegates for the powers that be to give him the nod in a contested contention. He'll then beat Hillary and nominate Ted Cruz to the supreme court, where he'll sit for the next 50 years.

Except for the Ted Cruz bit, this could happen so please don't scare us.
Well in brighter news, More Latinos Seek Citizenship to Vote Against Trump

DENVER — Donald J. Trump’s harsh campaign rhetoric against Mexican immigrants has helped him win a substantial delegate lead in the Republican primary, but it is also mobilizing a different set of likely voters — six of them alone in the family of Hortensia Villegas.

A legal immigrant from Mexico, Ms. Villegas is a mother of two who has been living in the United States for nearly a decade but never felt compelled to become a citizen. But as Mr. Trump has surged toward the Republican nomination, Ms. Villegas — along with her sister, her parents and her husband’s parents — has joined a rush by many Latino immigrants to naturalize in time to vote in November.
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“I want to vote so Donald Trump won’t win,” said Ms. Villegas, 32, one of several hundred legal residents, mostly Mexicans, who crowded one recent Saturday into a Denver union hall. Volunteers helped them fill out applications for citizenship, which this year are taking about five months for federal officials to approve. “He doesn’t like us,” she said.
Over all, naturalization applications increased by 11 percent in the 2015 fiscal year over the year before, and jumped 14 percent during the six months ending in January, according to federal figures. The pace is picking up by the week, advocates say, and they estimate applications could approach 1 million in 2016, about 200,000 more than the average in recent years.

While naturalizations generally rise during presidential election years, Mr. Trump provided an extra boost this year. He kicked off his campaign in June describing Mexicans as drug-traffickers and rapists. His pledge to build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it has been a regular applause line. He has vowed to create a deportation force to expel the estimated 11 million immigrants here illegally, evoking mass roundups of the 1950s.
Many Mexicans have been content to live in the United States with their resident green cards. The naturalization fee is high and Mexicans often underestimate their English and worry they will fail the test, said Manuel Pastor, a sociology professor at the University of Southern California who studies citizenship. Many Mexicans have family members who are undocumented, and they think twice before engaging with the government, he said.

Yet many Mexicans joined a naturalization rush in 2007, when the threat of a fee increase right before the 2008 election prompted more than 1.3 million immigrants to apply. This year, no such increase looms. There is no hard deadline for immigrants hoping to vote in November, but with the citizenship agency currently approving naturalizations in about five months, immigrant groups are pressing to get applications in before May 1 to allow new citizens time to register to vote.
Hm, I didn't know so many liberals were in favor of late term abortions. People are chiding Hillary's pro-choice record for not being fully in support of it on Twitter but honestly, it's probably not something I'd go to bat for in an argument. I am heavily pro choice but being anti late term would most likely probably reasonable to me.

Are there any polls showing the public opinion on it?


Rubio and Romney and Paul Ryan are so hated by Republicans now that how would a compromise candidate even come out of a brokered convention?

Wouldn't be surprised if Cruz and Trump both end up with negative favorables among Republicans after they spend the three months after March 15th knifing each other.

Surprise finish: to avoid Trump, the GOP nominates Hillary Clinton.
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