Macho Madness
93% reporting
74-26 Clinton
74-26 Clinton
93% reporting
74-26 Clinton
Holy fuck just saw the margin
How is Bernieverse taking it?
SE is one of nature's greatest tragedies. So hot, but so damn wrong about everything.
Remember how salty The Young Turks were last time? Back at it it seems.
Holy fuck just saw the margin
How is Bernieverse taking it?
Holy fuck just saw the margin
How is Bernieverse taking it?
Doesn't that make her a little hotter, though? ;P
Holy fuck just saw the margin
How is Bernieverse taking it?
if hillary can't win by 40 points, her campaign is over
93% reporting
74-26 Clinton
My Facebook has been a lot more quiet since Nevada surprisingly. I've got a good five or six Bernie people that have been real outspoken, but nothing since last week. I'm sure the reddit hive is still active, but it seems like the people I know in the real world seem to know that the revolution has been canceled.Like you would expect
GAF's mostly alright, Reddit is a nuclear hellscape
Rubio is at 21c, is this really not a good buy? It seems like he should be higher than that.
Isn't that basically betting on a brokered convention?
Like you would expect
Rubio is at 21c, is this really not a good buy? It seems like he should be higher than that.
plot twist: ted cruz directly profits off of cancer
Thats just income earned from the speaking fees the growth at the end of his neck earns.![]()
isn't it "gross income"
not "growth income"
Real life leslie knope vs bobby newport is really happening isn't it?
Nice Hillary
Real life leslie knope vs bobby newport is really happening isn't it?
I wonder if Trump is really hiding something in his taxes. I people basically have to!
In all likelihood, woefully tiny net income.
This is even more brutal than the most brutal of smackdowns I dared imagine.
Bernie can't seriously pretend to be a national candidate after this.
I mean, he will, but still.
Maybe he needed to send more dank memes to the south. That would probably fix it.
In all likelihood, woefully tiny net income.
Trump is probably hiding that while he's still rich, he's not actually a very good businessman (which isn't that big a secret) and not as rich as he pretends to be.
Trump is probably hiding that while he's still rich, he's not actually a very good businessman (which isn't that big a secret) and not as rich as he pretends to be.
Yeah, I've commented on it before, but the development of the "breaking down all the barriers" message has been very good for her. The first time she used that in a debate was probably a turning point.
It turns her tendency to be all over the place in terms of talking about issues, her laundry list approach, into a positive.
And it lets her underscore her gender without talking specifically about it.
And she can thank Sanders for making her hone that message down.