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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Bernie's numbers here literally couldn't be any lower if he marched downtown in a Klan outfit

Ok I lost it for a bit with this one.

Are you serious right now? The dude has been working with racial minorities this whole campaign. Nina Turner, Killer Mike and many others have worked with him on these matters. Not to mention his history of civil rights.
But noooo, gotta claim a guy who clearly cares/works with minorities is racist. And that the racial minorities he does work with don't exist too? I mean really, what are you arguing here? This is just ridiculous.

How in the world do you interpret an obvious joke as a sincere declaration of Sanders as being racist (you could argue its a shitty joke if you wanted to though)? You are being way too thin skinned for your own good right now. The voting bears this truth out - Sanders was unable to get his message to resonate with Black voters and while his lack of presence on SC and other minority heavy States may make sense from certain perspectives (have to conserve cash, concession speech might not look much better), it was bad optics. It made it seem like he gave up on their vote and left them - something that joke touches upon.
Jebus, this is beyond "blowout."

So when your likely nominee has an 81% unfavourable rating with Latino voters, and your likely opponent has demonstrated the ability to garner black support at higher levels than Obama, how freaked out as a GOP strategist do you get?

I would argue Obama's numbers in 2008 suffered from Clinton being opposite him. Had it been anyone else he would have crushed the competition.
So when your likely nominee has an 81% unfavourable rating with Latino voters, and your likely opponent has demonstrated the ability to garner black support at higher levels than Obama, how freaked out as a GOP strategist do you get?

but he won the latino vote for one small state according to an unreliable early voter poll with a super small sample size


So when your likely nominee has an 81% unfavourable rating with Latino voters, and your likely opponent has demonstrated the ability to garner black support at higher levels than Obama, how freaked out as a GOP strategist do you get?

Double down on the "silent majority" coming out in droves like never before. That's the only path.
Then how else is that supposed to be read? "get away from minorities" it suggests he has a problem with them personally.

it can suggest any number of things, but you see what you want to see there.

That he doesn't want to interact with them. Which is demonstrably false if one pays attention to what he has attempted to do this campaign and throughout his career. Even as a 'joke' it falls flat and reads that way.

It can also suggest he's fleeing because he's inept and doesn't know how to appeal to them, which is very much the case here. Positioning yourself as anti-establishment when black people LOVE the current president was never going to end well for him.
Clinton won AA's older than 65 by like 96%.

Honestly, Bernie's campaign collapsing is his fault. He could have hired young political writers of talent to tie minority issues into his overall campaign message in an intelligent, cogent way, but he decided to stick to the old class-based model of leftism and got nowhere with it. Even if you genuinely think racial issues are a subset of class inequality issues, as I think he probably does, part of being a good leader is knowing how to gauge, and engage with, the political climate you find yourself in.

The problem is either there was no talent left (Clinton had already scooped them all up) or Bernie stuck to his Vermont people + random hires who were obviously not ready for prime time.

Again, I hate to be conceited about this, but I could've a sketched out a better left wing insurgency campaign that could actually defeat Hillary while remaining viable for a general.

Funny thing is I read somewhere Republican Hispanics make up 1% of the population in Nevada.

Any Hispanic who's voting for Trump is probably somebody with little Mezsito (ie. 100% Spanish) background who has been in Nevada for longer than America does and is probably damn successful and has zero connection with undocumented immigrants.


So when your likely nominee has an 81% unfavourable rating with Latino voters, and your likely opponent has demonstrated the ability to garner black support at higher levels than Obama, how freaked out as a GOP strategist do you get?

I think they're pretty well aware. What they need to do is focus on the rust belt and try to flip Wisconsin or Michigan if possible. Trump has a lot of ears among white union members in those areas.


As a european who mainly cares about this election due to the effects it might have on the NSA and the internet etc. (and by that I mean actually care, not "will upvote net neutrality on reddit" care) I'm pretty salty about Clinton doing this well.

She's going to be absolutely draconian about this crap which actually worries me since it matters a great deal outside the US.

That said the election still has some pretty high caliber entertainment value.
I think they're pretty well aware. What they need to do is focus on the rust belt and try to flip Wisconsin or Michigan if possible. Trump has a lot of ears among white union members in those areas.

Trump will likely win the 35-40% of union voters who already vote GOP due to cultural issues.


Then how else is that supposed to be read? "get away from minorities" it suggests he has a problem with them personally. That he doesn't want to interact with them. Which is demonstrably false if one pays attention to what he has attempted to do this campaign and throughout his career. Even as a 'joke' it falls flat and reads that way.

As for the Wall Street thing, I don't know how many times I need to link to his issues page or to any video after video demonstrating him sharing his views on the issues before that Hillary talking point stops. Seems like that doesn't matter to people so I may as well let that talking point slide at this point.

If you aren't aware of his history throughout the decades, you really have no grounds to speak on his efforts to help the people. I mean it's just flat-out ridiculous to suggest he doesn't have a history in the civil rights movement both in the past and through the years.

I didn't know the AA support he has doesn't exist. Clearly those people aren't actually AA.
Are you serious right now?

Him doing absolutely nothing in SC and running away to his more favorable i.e. white states is not a good look no matter how you slice it. He did jack shit in SC, and ran away. The optics look terrible for him.

Edit: Didn't even have the decency to give a speech to his supporters supporting him in a state where he had no real shot. Some revolution.


So when your likely nominee has an 81% unfavourable rating with Latino voters, and your likely opponent has demonstrated the ability to garner black support at higher levels than Obama, how freaked out as a GOP strategist do you get?

If we're gonna pretend that the record breaking turnouts and moderate working class voters showing up for trump don't matter because it's just the primaries then in all honestly you shouldn't really put any weight in the percentage of AA among the voters in a single democratic primary. Actually it matters even less because it's just a percentage, are there any numbers on the actual turnout compared to Obama?


It's all down to tribalism vs unity. Love vs hate.

Am I a bad person for audibly laughing at this?

And I think that's a rhetoric that wins in the end.

It's kind of poetic. This stirring message that Clinton gave as her father (whom she had such a complicated relationship with) that was mocked by the press will be the message she uses to win against Donald Trump.


Hillary's spread has changed my mind that the Bernie wing could win a nomination any time soon. That's great news, frankly. Move left slowly from Obama and keep winning nationally.


Trump will likely win the 35-40% of union voters who already vote GOP due to cultural issues.

Oh for sure. I'm just saying that's what the GOP strategists, or at least Trump's strategists, will try to focus on. Hammer Hillary on NAFTA, talk about illegal immigrants taking ar jerbs, tariffs against companies shipping jobs overseas, etc. He has to try to run up the white vote and he's better positioned to do that compared to any other GOP candidate since he's not basing his policies on ideological orthodoxy but on what the aggrieved white middle class wants to hear economically.
The problem is either there was no talent left (Clinton had already scooped them all up) or Bernie stuck to his Vermont people + random hires who were obviously not ready for prime time.

Again, I hate to be conceited about this, but I could've a sketched out a better left wing insurgency campaign that could actually defeat Hillary while remaining viable for a general.

Honestly, Bernie fucked up big when he didn't make a big pivot after the BLM fiasco. He released a pretty damn good set of promises relating to racial justice after that, but he never wove them into his campaign in any kind of deft way, nor made a strong case for why his policies would be better for that group of voters specifically. What a big fat mess.


Uh ... you remember that Obama's level of black support came when he was running against Clinton, right? :p

I'm pretty sure that in an Obama vs Sanders primary, Obama would win black voters at an even greater margin than Clinton vs Sanders.

Probably, but the continuing hope that critical parts of the Obama coalition won't show up for anybody else might have taken a hit today.

If we're gonna pretend that the record breaking turnouts and moderate working class voters showing up for trump don't matter because it's just the primaries then in all honestly you shouldn't really put any weight in the percentage of AA among the voters in a single democratic primary. Actually it matters even less because it's just a percentage, are there any numbers on the actual turnout compared to Obama?

No, and this is what I suspect they'll hope for. Though I don't know if Trump can turn out the white vote to the levels needed to overcome.
I think they're pretty well aware. What they need to do is focus on the rust belt and try to flip Wisconsin or Michigan if possible. Trump has a lot of ears among white union members in those areas.
Trump's favorables are -43 in Wisconsin.

Obama won Michigan by 10% without spending a single cent there. And the state has the largest Muslim population in the US.

It ain't happening.


How in the world do you interpret an obvious joke as a sincere declaration of Sanders as being racist (you could argue its a shitty joke if you wanted to though)? You are being way too thin skinned for your own good right now.

It's a pretty shitty joke. Be real. Saying "can't you take a joke" is not a good look.
About a third of black voters said that Mr. Sanders was not liberal enough for them, about three times more than said so about Mrs. Clinton, despite the fact that Mr. Sanders’s policies tend to be further to the left.

From the NYTimes.....

I mean, Bernie is to the left of Hillary on economic inequality, but it seems weird to say that Bernie couldn't be perceived as "liberal enough" if black voters think he's not enough to the left regarding racial issues and social justice. Liberalism isn't just economic.
Oh for sure. I'm just saying that's what the GOP strategists, or at least Trump's strategists, will try to focus on. Hammer Hillary on NAFTA, talk about illegal immigrants taking ar jerbs, tariffs against companies shipping jobs overseas, etc. He has to try to run up the white vote and he's better positioned to do that compared to any other GOP candidate since he's not basing his policies on ideological orthodoxy but on what the aggrieved white middle class wants to hear economically.

But if he does that, every moderate suburban Republican who's secretly sketchy about the GOP on immigration, abortion, and gay people says, "fuck it, why I am voting for the Republican's if not for lower taxes and shit?" Hillary, here I come!"

Honestly, Bernie fucked up big when he didn't make a big pivot after the BLM fiasco. He released a pretty damn good set of promises relating to racial justice after that, but he never wove them into his campaign in any kind of deft way, nor made a strong case for why his policies would be better for that group of voters specifically. What a big fat mess.

Yup. He never really changed his stump speech, even after that.


But if he does that, every moderate suburban Republican who's secretly sketchy about the GOP on immigration, abortion, and gay people says, "fuck it, why I am voting for the Republican's if not for lower taxes and shit?" Hillary, here I come!"

I just don't think they'll vote.
@GlennThrush: Best night of @HillaryClinton ‘s political career — nothing’s close

@BobCusack: Earlier this month, Hillary Clinton campaign in supposed chaos. Rumors of staff shakeup. Now, she is back on top w/big wins in NV & SC.

So proud.
Axelrod thinks Sanders is staying in until the convention.

will be interesting to see how he justifies that after its mathematically impossible for him to win the nomination.

At least hillary could still lean on "florida and michigan should be included" back in 08
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