Or a circle jerk.
That then turns into a dumpster fire.
Or a circle jerk.
Yes, PoliGAF rather does tend to make Sanders threads unbearable.
Yes, PoliGAF does that. Not the legions of people who come into them to defend him and make insane arguments as a result.
Asshole endorses fellow asshole. Makes sense.To no one's surprise, Martin Shkreli endorsed Trump over Hillary.
A circle jerk...that turns into a dumpster fire?
a circle jerk thread eventually comes into its ownOr a circle jerk.
I kind of want to make thread about Bernie's Univision interview. Although if the Trump Sanders debate thread is anything to go by, the thread will become a dumpster fire.
The volunteer application was thorough and personal. I was required to sign a pledge vowing to practice abstinence (if unmarried) and monogamy (if married). Even though I knew the center's philosophy (promoting full-term pregnancies and condemning abortions), I was still surprised that the volunteer requirements were so strict and intimate. Regardless, I signed the form and began training immediately.
The volunteers at this center were mostly stay-at-home moms and grandmotherly types who felt a special connection to the pro-life movement and the women who needed maternity services. Many of them attended my church or other evangelical churches in the area, and in addition to their services at the crisis pregnancy center, they organized pro-life marches and pickets.
The goal of the center was to convince women that an abortion was an act of violence toward an innocent human life. The training consisted almost exclusively of providing me with a script of answers for questions commonly asked by the pregnant women.
If a woman asked about her options, we were instructed to give her two: parenting and adoption. If she asked specifically about abortion, we were told to explain that abortion was not a responsible or wise choice and focus instead on the "miracle of life," emphasizing how many women want so much to get pregnant but can't.
The young woman took the pregnancy test, but was not given her results. Instead, the three of us sat down while the young woman listened as the lead volunteer told her that the only ethical choice was to carry the child to term, and the moral choice was between parenting and adoption. The volunteer also told the woman that abortionists were, without exception, heartless and unethical and were "just trying to make a buck" off unwanted pregnancies.
Just as the training manual stated, the girl was warned of the supposed negative physical, emotional, and psychological effects of abortions. She was told an abortion would lessen the likelihood of conceiving later and the depression from getting an abortion would potentially leave her unable to support herself or have a decent life. The young woman didn't say a word, and had yet to receive the results of her free pregnancy test.
The center, it should be noted, had no medical license.
Quite lengthy and detailed about the author's experience as one of the volunteers on the anti-abortion side of the process at a crisis pregnancy center.There was no discussion about how the center would assist her, and she was not provided a list of resources or aid. It felt like we weren't meeting her needs, but I wasn't sure yet if this initial experience was representative of the center's interactions with women.
After the pregnant woman left, I asked if the center provided anything for women who did choose to carry their pregnancies to term. I was taken to a room packed with used baby equipment and told women could come and sign up to receive things they needed. But most of the equipment was so old and dirty that even a thrift store would turn it away. There were no standards in place for monitoring the safety or quality of these items, and the room lacked the truly necessary child care supplies like diapers and formula.
I never saw the girl again.
My point is that every new country has road-bumps.
What do you know about China? Did you know they have unions? Better wages than they did 10 years ago? That there are labor and safety laws? That the Chinese workforce is becoming increasingly more educated?
What do you imagine when you think of Chinese people working? Sweatshops? The working population of China is almost a billion people, but only 100 million work in manufacturing. Where do the other people work? Are their conditions poor, too? And so what if manufacturing conditions aren't optimal? Do you even know how literally back breaking rice farming is? You think the people of China love their premier for no reason?
Is it even POSSIBLE to industrialize without having serious humans rights abuses? The women working spinning looms used to have their fingers chopped off by the machines. Look up the Triangle Fire.
On the contrary, I think China makes the US look like ugly, wretched dogs in comparison. What a clean, smooth transition to a modern country compared to our long and shitty road.
I don't entirely agree with Kristoffer, but I think China as a country is simultaneously not as bad as it is portrayed in the west AND as bad as it is portrayed in the west. It's a big nation with a lot of people, and there are dramatic disparities between the rich and the poor, the urban and the rural, same as any other country.The disconnect between reality and this post is astonishing.
Yes, PoliGAF does that. Not the legions of people who come into them to defend him and make insane arguments as a result. Bernie could shoot a guy in Times Square and the usual suspects would show up to defend him.
Crab. Your guilty of it yourself sometimes. HillaryGAF sometimes too like in that email dumpster fire thread. All threads about Bernie or Hillary have been dumpster fires over the last year.
You do it all the time in Mafia, that's part of the gameOh, sure, I admit that, but there's only one of me. It'd take real talent for me to circle-jerk all by myself.
You do it all the time in Mafia, that's part of the game![]()
I'm normally ok with Bernie supporters. Melkr and Daniel B are my favorite.I'm sorry but whilst Hillarygaf, me included, can be smug and patronising one of the reasons they now seem so loud outside of poligaf is because so many Sander's supporters got into trouble due to the outright vile sexism thrown round in every non-poligaf thread. Go back 6 months ago and she was being called a bitch, a murderer, a replican, an ambitious power-scheming shrew and more. The mods cracked down on all of that.
Remember when we did the poll of gaf sanders won quite comfortably.
I'm smug & dismissive of Bernie fans because Bernie Sanders as a candidate doesn't even pass the "Is his temperment fit to be President" test for me.
It's not even a question of ethics. If you're incredibly thin skinned, then I don't want you anywhere near the Presidency. One bad day... Do I even need to finish the thought?
To no one's surprise, Martin Shkreli endorsed Trump over Hillary.
Yeah he'll launch nukes! He's crrrrrrrrrazy like that!
Hillary wants to continue Obama policies. People claim to want an Obama third term if he could run again. Hillary is offering them Obama 2.0. They like Obama and yet hate Hillary.
Huh? It is because they don't like Hillary's personally compared to Obama or something?
Hillary wants to continue Obama policies. People claim to want an Obama third term if he could run again. Hillary is offering them Obama 2.0. They like Obama and yet hate Hillary.
Huh? It is because they don't like Hillary's personally compared to Obama or something?
I'm smug & dismissive of Bernie fans because Bernie Sanders as a candidate doesn't even pass the "Is his temperment fit to be President" test for me.
It's not even a question of ethics. If you're incredibly thin skinned, then I don't want you anywhere near the Presidency. One bad day... Do I even need to finish the thought?
I mean, even Kucinich & Rand Paul passed that test, so I'm not trying to make this a high standards test.
I don't think he'd nuke people, but the idea of Sanders being a part of any deal with another nation is unthinkable to me. The guy's got terrible negotiation skills. He'd be at the table for maybe half an hour before he stormed out.
What the hell, NBC...
"BREAKING: Chairs" got me to chuckle.
Crayons haven't you been up for 47 hours now? Go to sleep
She's run solid campaign. What the heck are you talking about?Also, I don't think, true - her favourables were relatively good coming into this campaign, and there's been a significant difference between the start and now that can't be explained by what happened in the last thirty years. I think what's more probable is just that she's run a really bad campaign so far, and has been saved by the fact she's running against an independent 74-year old socialist and Donald Trump.
Crab. Your guilty of it yourself sometimes. HillaryGAF sometimes too like in that email dumpster fire thread. All threads about Bernie or Hillary have been dumpster fires over the last year.
I guess Sanders was in my county last night and held a large rally? My younger sister was hyped about it yet she isn't registered to vote lol. Haven't gotten to watch the Univision interview, taking a gander at it now. From the sound of it, I'm guessing he's just stumping through the entire line of questions as the NY Daily News one but we'll see I guess.
When Trump bullshits after being asked a policy question.
She's run solid campaign. What the heck are you talking about?
She's become less liked at a rate of about 1.1% a month since her campaign started, and is now the second least favourite presidential candidate of all time, overtaking such luminaries as Bob Dole and Walter Mondale. The only reason she's not the first is because she's running against the person who is. Let's not be delusional here: Clinton is going to win, but that's in spite of her campaign, and not because of it. She's literally polled worse than Trump in some of the presidential polls. Obviously they're only a snapshot and will change after the Democratic convention, but even as a snapshot you have to be doing terribly to be falling behind Trump in a presidential electorate sample.
She's become less liked at a rate of about 1.1% a month since her campaign started, and is now the second least favourite presidential candidate of all time, overtaking such luminaries as Bob Dole and Walter Mondale. The only reason she's not the first is because she's running against the person who is. Let's not be delusional here: Clinton is going to win, but that's in spite of her campaign, and not because of it. She's literally polled worse than Trump in some of the presidential polls. Obviously they're only a snapshot and will change after the Democratic convention, but even as a snapshot you have to be doing terribly to be falling behind Trump in a presidential electorate sample.
She's become less liked at a rate of about 1.1% a month since her campaign started, and is now the second least favourite presidential candidate of all time, overtaking such luminaries as Bob Dole and Walter Mondale. The only reason she's not the first is because she's running against the person who is. Let's not be delusional here: Clinton is going to win, but that's in spite of her campaign, and not because of it. She's literally polled worse than Trump in some of the presidential polls. Obviously they're only a snapshot and will change after the Democratic convention, but even as a snapshot you have to be doing terribly to be falling behind Trump in a presidential electorate sample.
Yeah he'll launch nukes! He's crrrrrrrrrazy like that!
I don't understand how these are related. Campaigns are not favorability reversal machines. A sack of poo could run a great campaign and it's still going to have the favorability of a sack of poo. In terms of voter organization, fundraising, voter turnout...the things I think competent people in charge of a campaign actually do...I think she's been largely unremarkable. I don't think you can blame a campaign for the candidate.
I think they botched the email thing early but I think it's hillarys fault.
If Hillary is Poo then Turdie Sanders needs to be her VPee.
edit: top of page whyyy
No, I'm saying she ran or is running a largely unremarkable campaign. Not great. Or even good. But I think she's basically sack of pooish.
Poo/Pee 2016
I mean Axelrod's right. I think a lot of hate tossed Hillary's way is gendered, but after a while the issues facing a candidate have to be assigned to them and not to their "campaign".
Kev daddy please bani can't vote for someone who still uses 50 posts per page