eBay Huckster
What the hell, NBC...
GOAT headline
What the hell, NBC...
Goddamn.What the hell, NBC...
What the hell, NBC...
That's an unfortunate choice of words if I've ever seen one...
I know people are high on Warren, but how will she be sold as ready to take over the Presidency at a moments notice? That not really what her experience is about.
I know people are high on Warren, but how will she be sold as ready to take over the Presidency at a moments notice? That not really what her experience is about.
My point is that every new country has road-bumps.Have you not seen China's labor practices? Or how about the Tiben or Taiwan situations? The way they censor their media and limit the sort of information their citizens have access too? I can go on for a while. All that stuff you mentioned was in our past, this is stuff that's in China's present. They make us look like angels.
My point is that every new country has road-bumps.
What do you know about China? Did you know they have unions? Better wages than they did 10 years ago? That there are labor and safety laws? That the Chinese workforce is becoming increasingly more educated?
What do you imagine when you think of Chinese people working? Sweatshops? The working population of China is almost a billion people, but only 100 million work in manufacturing. Where do the other people work? Are their conditions poor, too? And so what if manufacturing conditions aren't optimal? Do you even know how literally back breaking rice farming is? You think the people of China love their premier for no reason?
Is it even POSSIBLE to industrialize without having serious humans rights abuses? The women working spinning looms used to have their fingers chopped off by the machines. Look up the Triangle Fire.
On the contrary, I think China makes the US look like ugly, wretched dogs in comparison. What a clean, smooth transition to a modern country compared to our long and shitty road.
I don't think they have any worse of a human rights record than we do in many respect, and I think the other "rights" are actually artifacts of your viewing their country through your westernized lens. Is free speech really more important than healthcare? How about legislated equality of genders and races? What good is democracy when Trump is elected president?I'm confused by Kristoffer's posts sometimes. I don't know if he's actually saying China has a good human rights track record?
Show me how terrible China is, and then I'll show you photos taken at Abu Ghraib.Of course the US has committed many atrocities and there are many areas where we need to get better, but saying China is somehow not as bad or better is trolling or ignorance
The Monroe Doctrine was stated in 1829, a mere decade after the War of 1812.And so? Do know that was literally centuries ago? Just because they were are enemies now doesn't mean we can't be allies and before you think that is exactly it; that is because we changed policies towards each other and the British lost their empire.
I don't think they have any worse of a human rights record than we do in many respect, and I think the other "rights" are actually artifacts of your viewing their country through your westernized lens. Is free speech really more important than healthcare? How about legislated equality of genders and races? What good is democracy when Trump is elected president?
China is not the West. Don't put your values on it.
Show me how terrible China is, and then I'll show you photos taken at Abu Ghraib.
The Monroe Doctrine was stated in 1829, a mere decade after the War of 1812.
Show me how terrible China is, and then I'll show you photos taken at Abu Ghraib.
meanwhile, poligaf is now embroiled in a chat client civil war
(for some reason we just switched from discord to slack)
meanwhile, poligaf is now embroiled in a chat client civil war
(for some reason we just switched from discord to slack)
So r/enoughsandersspam and r/hillaryclinton have been getting brigaded, people getting downvoted like crazy. I think the Trump/Sanders debate brought many an angry Bernie Bro back.
I hope r/politicaldiscussion does not get brigaded as well.
Whatever you have from there can and will easily be one-upped by Tienanmen Square alone.
EDIT: Hell, I can't even post the more graphic pictures of what happened here without getting banned.
meanwhile, poligaf is now embroiled in a chat client civil war
(for some reason we just switched from discord to slack)
Wait? What? When did this happen!?
That's a shame. Even r/gaming isn't immune to Hillary hate. r/enoughsandersspam is such a nice palate cleanser from most of the big subreddits:
The famine alone from the Great Leap Forward, you can even put in the gender disparity as a result of government policy.
So r/enoughsandersspam and r/hillaryclinton have been getting brigaded, people getting downvoted like crazy. I think the Drumpf/Sanders debate brought many an angry Bernie Bro back.
I hope r/politicaldiscussion does not get brigaded as well.
Um... no...We have a chat. :O
Um... no...
That's a shame. Even r/gaming isn't immune to Hillary hate. r/enoughsandersspam is such a nice palate cleanser from most of the big subreddits:
I frequent r/politicaldiscussion and have noticed a decline in the quality of comments since the fracturing of r/The_Donald.
What the hell, NBC...
Wait... r/The_Donald fractured?!?!?
Tell me more!
The tension at r/The_Donald began when one of r/The_Donald's former head moderators, a user by the name of CisWhiteMaelstrom, deleted his account. Allegedly, he'd been threatened with doxing — the unauthorized, public reveal of an internet user's real name and address, typically so the the info can be used to harm or threaten the victim. Proof of this threat against CisWhiteMaelstrom has yet to surface, but many members of r/The_Donald believed it came from members of another, notably progressive subreddit.
Before CisWhiteMaelstrom left r/The_Donald, he allegedly hand-picked a number of lower-ranking mods, most of whom remained loyal to him after his departure. But according to the Reddit gossip machine and a post by CisWhiteMaelstrom himself, not all the mods who stepped up to replace CisWhiteMaelstrom were happy with the lower-ranked mods he left behind.
Immediately after the demise of r/European, the community at r/The_Donald saw an influx of new users. With those new users came new posts that were only obliquely related to the subject at hand — as one user put it, "this went from shit about Donald Trump to shitting on Islam, Feminism, and anything outside of the norm." So the senior moderators of r/The_Donald did what any good Reddit moderators would do: They quickly instituted a new rule declaring that any posts in r/The_Donald had to be directly related to Donald Trump.
Many r/The_Donald members believed that the newer, high-ranking mods (who were each named by their predecessors) were too liberal, and under the thumb of progressive Reddit admins who wanted to censor free speech on the subreddit — hence all the accusations that r/The_Donald had been taken over by shills, cucks, and SJWs. This week, the female mod who replaced CisWhiteMaelstrom, TrumpGal, announced she was stepping down from her position after she claimed to have received yet more doxing threats — this time, not from outsider progressives, but from members of her own Trump-loving community. When she did, redditors accused the new moderators she left in her wake of being sockpuppets and liberal infiltrators. As a consequence of all this, several of the lower-ranking mods who'd been stripped of their mod status moved to the newly minted, unpopulated r/Mr_Trump in protest. And many users followed.
spoiler: It's because it's absurdly presumptuous, much like referring to Hillary as Madam Clinton would be.Is it just me, or is it something about "Mr Trump" that is just cringe inducing. I've never seen another politicial referred to as Mr before, other than by Trump supporters. Like they're trying to bestow a sense of legitimacy to a deranged carnival barker. Like they're bestowing respect to somebody that brought legitimacy to their racist, misogynistic, hateful views. Saying Mr Trump is like having a tag that says "Yeah, I'm a white nationalist."
The fact that was chosen as the name of the new Trump subreddit only confirms this feeling.
spoiler: It's because it's absurdly presumptuous, much like referring to Hillary as Madam Clinton would be.
It's because he doesn't have a political title.Is it just me, or is it something about "Mr Trump" that is just cringe inducing. I've never seen another politicial referred to as Mr before
What the hell, NBC...
Is it just me, or is it something about "Mr Trump" that is just cringe inducing. I've never seen another politicial referred to as Mr before, other than by Trump supporters. Like they're trying to bestow a sense of legitimacy to a deranged carnival barker. Like they're bestowing respect to somebody that brought legitimacy to their racist, misogynistic, hateful views. Saying Mr Trump is like having a tag that says "Yeah, I'm a white nationalist."
The fact that was chosen as the name of the new Trump subreddit only confirms this feeling.
I seem to remember from my journalism classes that former Senators are allowed to be referred to as Senator, even if they're no longer seated as such. It's been a while though, so I could be misremembering.It's because he doesn't have a political title.
Steve Forbes, Ross Perot, etc. got the same treatment.
In reality, Bernie Sanders is the only one who ran on the Democratic side who should be referred to by a political title (i.e. no Secretary Clinton, Senator Webb, Governor Chafee, Governor O'Malley) as he's the only one currently in office. You're not supposed to take the title of the office with you in REAL America.
The NYT or someone like that has editorial policy to only refer to a political figure by their title once and then Mr./Ms. in the rest of the story. Which is surprisingly appropriate, considering how they otherwise hate America.
I don't recognize the authority of The State Department Office of Protocol to set such standards. Their last boss was extremely sloppy in terms of protocol.I seem to remember from my journalism classes that former Senators are allowed to be referred to as Senator, even if they're no longer seated as such. It's been a while though, so I could be misremembering.
No, I was right. Senators, Supreme Court Justices and Governors get to keep their titles. Supposedly, Presidents and Cabinet Secretaries don't.
Hillary could be referred to as Senator Clinton. I wonder if first lady can be kept as a title? Probably not but you know who knows
Once she wins she needs to go by her full titlePeople should refer to Hillary as Queen Clinton because everything else is beneath her.
Am I missing anything?