Why isn't California primary this week?😡
Because of snail mail. Already sent my vote in and my wife's. Two + votes for the Queen. That's why a California debate is useless...but whatever Sanders.
Why isn't California primary this week?😡
1) I don't think it's unimportant that his comprehensive minority rights program only really materialized after Black Lives Matter stormed his stage and directly confronted him at multiple events. Nor did he seem to care about it enough to modulate his message and approach when it came to appealing directly to those voters.
2) "But he's not going to say that live on air" is not an excuse for his blatant dog-whistling. Sure, he has poor name-recognition among black people and he doesn't have the reach of Hillary Clinton (I'd argue all of these things are his own fault, but that's neither here nor there), and these may not be things he wants to publicly admit while competing against her. The point is there are plenty of ways he could address his deficiency with minority voters that doesn't lead to what many, many people have questioned as dog-whistle rhetoric. You can address your poor performance with certain segments of the electorate without maligning that group. This was a reality Hillary herself had to face early in the race when confronted about her poor performance with young voters. "Well, young people may not be for me. But I'm going to be for them." Boom. Easy. And I'll point out that every time Hillary has veered from that message and into a tone that is even slightly dismissive of young voters, she and her campaign have been rightly called out. Bernie doubles down.
Black voters know who Bernie Sanders is but they have KNOWN the Clintons for decades. 66% of Americans thought race relations were positive at the end of the Clinton presidency. It has dipped below 50%. They remember Bill Clinton. And Hillary doing all the right moves has maintained it but yes, there is definitely name recognition of the Clinton family. Stop denying this statement!
I'm glad this happened. I had a problem with Salon for a long time, and now a lot of my friends are starting to agree with me.
Black voters know who Bernie Sanders is but they have KNOWN the Clintons for decades. 66% of Americans thought race relations were positive at the end of the Clinton presidency. It has dipped below 50%. They remember Bill Clinton. And Hillary doing all the right moves has maintained it but yes, there is definitely name recognition of the Clinton family. Stop denying this statement!
What is even the point of this whole worthless discussion? To try to snag Sanders for dog whistling? Do you all seriously believe that?
It's frankly the second biggest surprise this primary behind the GOP nominating Trump.
So much of the "left wing" media has gone insane and is no longer based on reality.
It's depressing.
I think Black Lives Matter ended up doing Sanders' campaign a world of good, and bluntly I think you're just wrong to say that he didn't modulate his message as a result.
You can't just double down on "it's dog-whistling" when it very clearly wasn't. Sanders has not maligned that group. He's done his best to address a message towards them. He could have done better of course, but the constant attempts to make Sanders out as some sort of closeted racist are pretty disgusting. Sanders has not, in any way, been dismissive of black voters. He went to the National Action Network Convention to give a 30-minute address. He dedicated a huge amount of effort to trying to meet with Black Lives Matter activists to try and modify his platform in a way suited to helping them best. He spent a lot of time on his HBCU tour and gave a passionate speech in the problems facing African Americans at Morehouse. I'm pretty disgusted by some of the assertions in this thread right now, to be honest.
Cab, should Hillary pick Elizabeth Warren?
But he was clearly joking. How could the perfect Sanders possibly be racist. MLK marched with Sanders after all.
It was a stupid joke and bad optics at best. Dog whistling at worst.Wasn't he giving that speech at a college? I'm pretty sure he just said that as a joke about students being smart. It wasn't meant to be "black people are dumb, you're a white state, you'll vote for me."
Still bad optics. You don't call voters stupid because they didn't vote for you. Joke or not.To a crowd that contained a large number of Sanders' own minority supporters. Yes, calling your own supporters smart is clearly much dog-whistling, you should obviously call them stupid, how could I not see that.
Remember how President Obama had to actually work to get the black vote? He had a little name recognition, but then put in the time and thought to reach out different communities. Basically, he had to sell that he would be a good advocate for the various segments.
Didn't just hire on a couple activists and call it a day.
Marcia Fudge might be a nice outside option.
He is losing among the post-college educated, the very poor and the older.
Black voters know who Bernie Sanders is but they have KNOWN the Clintons for decades. 66% of Americans thought race relations were positive at the end of the Clinton presidency. It has dipped below 50%. They remember Bill Clinton. And Hillary doing all the right moves has maintained it but yes, there is definitely name recognition of the Clinton family. Stop denying this statement!
What is even the point of this whole worthless discussion? To try to snag Sanders for dog whistling? Do you all seriously believe that?
That poll shows that with people under 36, he's supported by people at all levels of education. IIRC, education level differences were only significant early in the race and it's evened out -- I can't find numbers though. Do you have any up to date national demographic numbers for education/income levels?
Age seems to be the biggest schism, but there are other trends, especially on race -- I'd love to see a discussion on why the race divide is specifically so much stronger for people over 36. Or is it just "young people are ignorant"?
You can't just double down on "it's dog-whistling" when it very clearly wasn't. Sanders has not maligned that group. He's done his best to address a message towards them. He could have done better of course, but the constant attempts to make Sanders out as some sort of closeted racist are pretty disgusting. Sanders has not, in any way, been dismissive of black voters. He went to the National Action Network Convention to give a 30-minute address. He dedicated a huge amount of effort to trying to meet with Black Lives Matter activists to try and modify his platform in a way suited to helping them best. He spent a lot of time on his HBCU tour and gave a passionate speech in the problems facing African Americans at Morehouse. I'm pretty disgusted by some of the assertions in this thread right now, to be honest.
Because he genuinely prefers Clinton to Trump? Come on, he's always worked closely with the Democratic Party and opposed the Republicans. His policy platform is obviously much closer to Clinton than Trump, and he consistently talks about how awful Trump is - he attacks Trump much more strongly than he ever does Clinton. Regardless of what else you think of Sanders, he is a man of principle and has a long career that attests to that. He's not going to risk a Trump win.
He could have done better of course, but the constant attempts to make Sanders out as some sort of closeted racist are pretty disgusting. Sanders has not, in any way, been dismissive of black voters. He went to the National Action Network Convention to give a 30-minute address. He dedicated a huge amount of effort to trying to meet with Black Lives Matter activists to try and modify his platform in a way suited to helping them best. He spent a lot of time on his HBCU tour and gave a passionate speech in the problems facing African Americans at Morehouse. I'm pretty disgusted by some of the assertions in this thread right now, to be honest.
Is that why he falsely accused Roberta Lange of stealing the election from him and acting in massively fraudulent ways in a statement that should have been about speaking out against the harassment she's received.
Is that what a man of principle does?
Votes show she won the post grads, the very poor and the older.
I'll take votes over polls.
Remember how President Obama had to actually work to get the black vote? He had a little name recognition, but then put in the time and thought to reach out different communities. Basically, he had to sell that he would be a good advocate for the various segments.
Didn't just hire on a couple activists and call it a day.
[Hey Adam, I want you to know I've always appreciated your tenor in this thread and I think you've always been candid.]No one is making that argument, though. In fact, the fact that the Clintons are known to the AA community is why that voting block has supported her. They know they've both been there, fighting the fight. There are deep connections. Preferring her over Sanders doesn't mean that they are ignorant or uninformed. Bernie just hasn't had a presence there.
I don't think Sanders has a racist bone in his body. I think he's tone deaf, though. I think he is incapable of taking criticism without double or tripling down. Because he acts as though he is incapable of being wrong, he had to find a reason to explain why he didn't do well in the south. He is incapable of looking internally for that. Everything is everyone else's fault. It's those damn conservative voters. It's that damn DWS. It's the fraud. And teh corruption. But it is never, ever, EVER the fault of Bernie Sanders.
B) Why is it always our fucking fault for being idiots and never Sanders fault for never engaging in the Black community before his run, even in his home state if the Vermont State leaders are correct, or choosing the worst Black surrogates possible or having a campaign message that is so laser focused for so much of the time on economics above all else or wanting to primary or move away from the policies (in spirit at least) of the SUPER POPULAR among Black people sitting president, etc? Adults take responsibility for their shortcoming - why is Sanders so bad at doing so? Even if you want to argue "he has to spin it because he's losing" he's doing a bad job at spinning because he keeps stepping on toes when he does it.
Patrick Brown, executive director of the Greater Burlington Multicultural Resource Center, has this to say about Bernie Sanders: We are all so proud of him.
Brown has been organizing Martin Luther King, Jr. Day events since the early 90s; speakers have included Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Anita Hill, and the Rev. Al Sharpton. According to Brown, Sanders is a regular participant, introduced Anita Hill when she spoke, and received an award from Rev. Sharpton.
Oddly enough, Browns words appear in a recent piece attacking Sanders, that said Vermonts black leaders found they were invisible to him. The premise is strikingly at odds with Bowns account - which, ironically, is buried more than 650 words into the piece. Before his words in praise of Sanders appear, however, three other individuals critical of Sanders are quoted. While Browns active status as a black leader in Vermont is inarguable, the others arent so clear; they include a lawyer for an international finance and aerospace corporation; the founder of an organization that Bizapedia lists as inactive; and the executive director of an organization based 150 miles from Burlington, who seems also to be its lone member.
It gets weirder, though. The inactive organization, the African American Alliance of the Northeast Kingdom, appears in one other website apart from the Bizapedia listing: across the top of a page on a libertarian website, whose sole content is a link to a rough paraphrase of the original article. The paraphrase, titled Black Leaders Skewer Sanders: Hes Neglected Us, does not include Browns praise for Sanders. The name of the inactive organization is extremely prominent; the name of the libertarian website it appears on it is far smaller, and is easily missed (see image).
Then again, maybe its all just poor formatting, that coincidentally supports a blatantly false narrative about a Presidential candidates relationship with the black community in his home state, right before the first predominately African American primary takes place.
I'm disgusted that you still haven't walked back your "Black people aren't rejecting his platform, they just don't know him!" line. You've got people like Crocodile making great points too that you just keep ignoring because you'd have to address your problematic statement.
y'all can't have her
[Hey Adam, I want you to know I've always appreciated your tenor in this thread and I think you've always been candid.]
People in this thread have been making this argument. Crab used the phrase name recognition and now people are jumping down his throat because it's a dog-whistle, conjured from an invisible warrant. If half the criticism of Bernie Sanders' language (not his policies, he deserves every bit of criticism there) was used against Hillary Clinton then... Actually, it is! All the time! And it sucks and I hate it! Honestly, this kind of discussion is really pointless.
If Bernie carried hot sauce in his purse he would not have this issue.
The idea that hot sauce is pandering has really pissed me off, and is almost literally the "look at that bitching eating crackers" meme come to life.
With those Ohio polls, we might need her. :x
It's not just me anymore. Multiple posters in this thread have chimed in to agree that Bernie Sanders' comments on his losses in the South have been problematic at best, and blatant dog-whistling at worst. And it's not just this thread; it's a common perception of his words. And I will continue to double-down on it as such, and if you have a problem with that, then let me remind you that you are not obligated to respond to my posts.
I also never said that Bernie is a closeted racist. I do believe that he doesn't have the experience or the understanding of the black community that his supporters like to argue that he does, I take offense to the assertion that I should give him a pass. I also don't give a shit what speech he gave or how any HBCU's he spoke at. Black people are more than a little used to white politicians paying lip service come election time. This is another reason why Hillary has gotten the support that Bernie has not. If anything this is a stronger indictment of Bernie Sanders' rhetoric. Because he if really cared about that outreach he did to the black community, if he really listened, then it should be obvious to him why his words on the South are problematic. The black voices inside and outside of the party calling for him to tone it down should resonate with him. Instead he doubles down.
those ohio polls with clinton up 5 points?
those ohio polls with clinton up 5 points?
If Bernie carried hot sauce in his purse he would not have this issue.
The idea that hot sauce is pandering has really pissed me off, and is almost literally the "look at that bitching eating crackers" meme come to life.
The end of the FBI investigation on Clinton:
Lol what the hell?Lord the arguments I got into with irl friends over that as crazy.
The crux of the argument seemed to be, "Ok ok...well turns out she was telling the truth. STILL, she should have lied because her actually carrying hot sauce in her bag doesn't fit the idea of Hillary Clinton I have in my mind."
I don't think he actually did that.
The chair of the convention announced that the convention rules passed on voice vote, when the vote was a clear no-vote. At the very least, the Chair should have allowed for a headcount.
The chair allowed its Credentials Committee to en mass rule that 64 delegates were ineligible without offering an opportunity for 58 of them to be heard. That decision enabled the Clinton campaign to end up with a 30-vote majority.
The chair refused to acknowledge any motions made from the floor or allow votes on them.
The chair refused to accept any petitions for amendments to the rules that were properly submitted.
I wonder if Trump bragging about modest leads in states like Georgia will translate to similarly hilarious diablosing on the left.on a side note, my favorite thing about this cycle is gonna be the dozen facebook posts i'll see from people kvetching about how close the polls are every day for the next two-odd months
The bolded 100% blames her for Clinton having a majority of the delegates.
In a statement that should have been about harassment and violence he spent more time directly attacking the victim of it and frankly implying she deserved it.