No. That is not how it works. Voice voting is based on the (unreasonable and entirely theoretical) principle that everyone makes an equal amount of noise when they say "yea" or "nay." Especially not bound to that.
I know there's already been a pile-on for this, but I wanted to comment as well because of how blatantly ignorant it is and a PERFECT example of how some Sanders supporters don't understand this process. Using it as an attack line is even more preposterous. It is not a competition of who is loudest. That's not democracy, christ. How is that in any way democracy? Who can scream louder? You think our country was in part founded on the principle that the people who yell louder should get whatever they want? How about the Sanders supporters who are screaming "FRAUD!" in other states? Why are their complaints valid? Those were actual vote number counts. Should Sanders' votes count extra per person because, like, you know that deep down they're totally yelling and screaming while casting their ballot?
Yes, voice-voting is based on the premise that everyone makes an equal amount of noise. Given this, if a greater number of people back one option, it will have more noise. Now, this premise is obviously often wrong. This is why voice-voting is a terrible system, and should never be used. However, if you are going to use voice-voting, which was Roberta Lange's decision and nobody else's, you can't just reject this premise. You can't say "well, I guess X group of voters is just shouting louder, and Y group of voters actually won"; because you have no way of determining that objectively. If you reject that premise, you are, bluntly, just saying that you can do whatever the fuck you want. Someone votes something you don't like? Oh, golly gosh, they were actually less of them, guess we won after all!
I hate voice-voting. I don't think it should have been used. But given she chose to use it... she has to stick with it. That's how procedural justice works.
And, ooooooh, let's just say the fact-checkers are wrong! How original. Objective analysis? Biased! Who screams louder? Democracy! ...Come on now. A "revolution" is the who is screaming louder but also is the majority of the population who do the same. A minority screaming and demanding things versus a majority who is completely content and feels no need to scream is a hijacking.This is an extremely accurate statement. The chair is able to process whether one area screaming louder and give an actual quantitative analysis of the results.
Fact-checkers often are wrong. I've cited an argument as to why in this specific occasion they're wrong. Rather than just repeating "fact-checker, must be right!", you could do me the basic courtesy of establishing exactly which points I've made are incorrect, which you largely have failed to do.
There's also this. 2/3rds of the entire floor is an easy call.
That vote was not a two-thirds vote. It was a majority accession vote under section VII.c of the constitution of the Nevada Democratic Party, available online. 2/3rds is for amendments after accession; the whole point was that some delegates (mostly Sanders voters, but likely any Clinton voters with any basic democratic fibre which thankfully is a fair few) were trying to prevent accession.
You're literally blaming the minorities for being ignorant.
No. I'm blaming decades of systematic racism that have tried to keep black Americans out of the political system by denying them economic security, information, and means of political mobilization.