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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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In case you haven't seen the slow burn Hillary put on Trump's soul today:


I don't know what his plan is by repeatedly threatening this but not pulling the trigger. If he's gonna do it, do it. The more he just floats it as an idea, the worse his fundraising opportunities get. He's losing to himself.

Nothing motivates donors more than the old "I don't need your money" line of attack. Fundraising 101.
The media narrative the press used to justify making the race close is behind a lot of this.

Also, what the what? Explain?
Clarification Cuomo's people were the problem. Clinton and bernie were both opposed.

Basically he didn't want to be challenged as delegation chair


I know this sounds crazy, going past the usual sexism, but the fact she probably seems so close in personality, age, and background to the mothers of a lot of 19-29 year olds who play a lot of video games probably has a lot to do with it, at least in this specific community.

Obama's the 'cool Dad' who'd play a round of COD with you. Hillary's the 'mean Mom' who would tell you to finish your homework.
I've even seen the Family Entertainment Protection Act (silly as it was) from the past brought up a few times. Hard to let go it seems.


There goes the media's dreams once again of there being a "pivot". You'd think they'd learn by now but no. It doesn't matter who is there behind the scenes. Trump will be Trump.


This is great.No I'm quite comfortable with the idea that racists and bigots are pretty shit people. This isn't even an American issue alone. The outgrouping and scapegoating isn't something the US has a monopoly on.

I don't want to assume you're not part of any systematically and culturally oppressed group, but regardless I'd say it's pretty rich to tell people who are that they should sympathise more for the straight white men, who are lashing out because they think they've lost their privileged position in society or that they're entitled to success. And if you don't sympathise well shame on you, you're the real bigot.

I am all for policies that will reduce racist attitudes. And that lift all boats including the racist white homophobe. That doesn't mean I have to hold someone who calls me a faggot or a chink in particularly high regard.

And let the church say amen

This + the playboy cover lol.

P.S.: This is from the religious meeting today.

a quick google search says "Forum" is the alcoholics anonymous monthly magazine. Trump lost his brother Fred Jr. to alcoholism in 1981 and doesn't drink. That's probably why he is on the cover there. Unless there's another "forum" magazine that's more obscure this one isn't bad by any means.

Playboy in the 70s/80s was pretty well regarded with some excellent journalism, despite the nude women in the centerfold. Different time, man.
This is great.No I'm quite comfortable with the idea that racists and bigots are pretty shit people. This isn't even an American issue alone. The outgrouping and scapegoating isn't something the US has a monopoly on.

I don't want to assume you're not part of any systematically and culturally oppressed group, but regardless I'd say it's pretty rich to tell people who are that they should sympathise more for the straight white men, who are lashing out because they think they've lost their privileged position in society or that they're entitled to success. And if you don't sympathise well shame on you, you're the real bigot.

I am all for policies that will reduce racist attitudes. And that lift all boats including the racist white homophobe. That doesn't mean I have to hold someone who calls me a faggot or a chink in particularly high regard.
I'm a minority who lives in a tea party district. People have been racist to me my entire life, whether I realized it or not. Valhelm is right. Racists can be good people, too. Life is complicated and messy. As people are pretty quick to point out, nobody has to call you a FOB fag to be prejudiced. There are a wide range of attitudes and inclinations in the world. Not everyone is evil. Not everyone is the bad guy. Good people can do bad things.
a quick google search says "Forum" is the alcoholics anonymous monthly magazine. Trump lost his brother Fred Jr. to alcoholism in 1981 and doesn't drink. That's probably why he is on the cover there. Unless there's another "forum" magazine that's more obscure this one isn't bad by any means.
I think the point is that there are two Forum magazines in that photo that just happen to be the exact same thing.


I've even seen the Family Entertainment Protection Act (silly as it was) from the past brought up a few times. Hard to let go it seems.

I remember that bill made me mad at Hillary way back when it was introduced. I don't care about it at all now lol. It's weird to look back at things that were a big deal to me in grade school


Sounds like something he pulled verbatim from a Neo-Nazi

It's a Hannity talking point. Basically why support hillary when she gets money from countries that kill gays, hate women, etc

Trump doesn't get money from there so we should support Trump


contribute something
No I'm quite comfortable with the idea that racists and bigots are pretty shit people. This isn't even an American issue alone. The outgrouping and scapegoating isn't something the US has a monopoly on.

I don't want to assume you're not part of any systematically and culturally oppressed group, but regardless I'd say it's pretty rich to tell people who are that they should sympathise more for the straight white men, who are lashing out because they think they've lost their privileged position in society or that they're entitled to success. And if you don't sympathise well shame on you, you're the real bigot.

I am all for policies that will reduce racist attitudes. And that lift all boats including the racist white homophobe. That doesn't mean I have to hold someone who calls me a faggot or a chink in particularly high regard.

You aren't a bigot because you don't sympathize with people who tend to be hateful. I certainly can't fault you for doing so. But I think bigotry is really a product of environment more than anything else. My argument is that Democrats shouldn't treat racists and their children as completely beyond salvation. It's absolutely possible to bring working class whites back into the fold without appealing to the bigoted sentiments that many of them hold.

If racists and homophobes were just inferior human beings, racist and homophobic attitudes wouldn't be more common in one subcultural group than another.

And keep in mind that the white working class is absolutely not synonymous with straight white men. Very many white queer folk are working class, and over half of all poor whites are women.


FGC Waterboy
I'm a minority who lives in a tea party district. People have been racist to me my entire life, whether I realized it or not. Valhelm is right. Racists can be good people, too. Life is complicated and messy. As people are pretty quick to point out, nobody has to call you a FOB fag to be prejudiced. There are a wide range of attitudes and inclinations in the world. Not everyone is evil. Not everyone is the bad guy. Good people can do bad things.

South Asian who grew up in tea party country during the 80s/90s, gonna agree with Kris. When the majority of your environment is ignorant or prejudiced and you can't just shut them out; you tend to see the nuance in people, and growing up in that area, you get a front-row view of watching people who were not prejudiced become prejudiced (or be prejudiced against your kind but being told that you are the exception).

Having lived in Seattle for about 9 years now, I think the difference between Val & Kris vs Slay & Shinra may be embodied in whether there was an option to retreat to a place where your subculture was sufficiently large enough versus a place where that was not the case. (Also, age is a big part of this, as people growing up in the early 2000s to now have the internet that can create that sufficiently large subculture to not have to get to personally know prejudiced / ignorant people)

EDIT: AKA small ass place or city / suburbia. I suspect if I had grown up in Seattle I would be more along Shinra and Slay's line of thinking than Kris and Val's.


You aren't a bigot because you don't sympathize with people who tend to be hateful. I certainly can't fault you for doing so. But I think bigotry is really a product of environment more than anything else. My argument is that Democrats shouldn't treat racists and their children as completely beyond salvation. It's absolutely possible to bring working class whites back into the fold without appealing to the bigoted sentiments that many of them hold.

If racists and homophobes were just inferior human beings, racist and homophobic attitudes wouldn't be more common in one subcultural group than another.

And keep in mind that the white working class is absolutely not synonymous with straight white men. Very many white queer folk are working class, and over half of all poor whites are women.
Yeah, no.
People can change and usually do so but that doesn't change that people can act like the worst PoS on their own.
We shouldn't have to coddle bigots and racists, they're responsible for their behavior and we shouldn't have to excuse them being shitty.
People with the same background as them can be upstanding citizen that don't treat people like shite. They can be better and we shouldn't let them wallow in their base mediocrity.


I remember that bill made me mad at Hillary way back when it was introduced. I don't care about it at all now lol. It's weird to look back at things that were a big deal to me in grade school
lol I got mad too. My mindset at the time was "I still like you Hillary, but leave games alone!"


contribute something
Yeah, no.
People can change and usually do so but that doesn't change that people can act like the worst PoS on their own.
We shouldn't have to coddle bigots and racists, they're responsible for their behavior and we shouldn't have to excuse them being shitty.
People with the same background as them can be upstanding citizen that don't treat people like shite. They can be better and we shouldn't let them wallow in their base mediocrity.

Racism should never be excused. But I disagree that individual bigots are 100% responsible for their hatred. Societal factors (segregation, poverty, and class society) play a huge role in acculturating the white poor into being racist, just as societal factors influence our religious beliefs or musical taste.

Let me ask again -- if bigotry was entirely a conscious decision, shouldn't we see the same type of bigotry among white college professors and white construction workers?
Clevelanders pissed that they're going to take down the Lebron James banner for the RNC. LOLOLOL

Damn straight. We finally get a championship, and because of a convention for a party that most Clevelanders (people who actually live in the city, I mean) would not vote for, the most awesome poster in the city is getting taken down?

Fine. Let's switch it to a poster of LeBron wearing that "I Can't Breathe" tshirt.

a quick google search says "Forum" is the alcoholics anonymous monthly magazine. Trump lost his brother Fred Jr. to alcoholism in 1981 and doesn't drink. That's probably why he is on the cover there. Unless there's another "forum" magazine that's more obscure this one isn't bad by any means.

Playboy in the 70s/80s was pretty well regarded with some excellent journalism, despite the nude women in the centerfold. Different time, man.

But...Trump Vodka...
Let me ask again -- if bigotry was entirely a conscious decision, shouldn't we see the same type of bigotry among white college professors and white construction workers?
I think the response to that is that if bigotry is conscious, then the less educated are more likely to consciously make that decision.
Let me ask again -- if bigotry was entirely a conscious decision, shouldn't we see the same type of bigotry among white college professors and white construction workers?

You can expand that line of thinking to criminality, fwiw.

I think the response to that is that if bigotry is conscious, then the less educated are more likely to consciously make that decision.

And the next response would be that you should then educate them so that they stop doing it, yes?


FGC Waterboy
Racism should never be excused. But I disagree that individual bigots are 100% responsible for their hatred. Societal factors (segregation, poverty, and class society) play a huge role in acculturating the white poor into being racist, just as societal factors influence our religious beliefs or musical taste.

Let me ask again -- if bigotry was entirely a conscious decision, shouldn't we see the same type of bigotry among white college professors and white construction workers?

Hell; if you remove the "structural power" part of it, it's not like minorities (racial, gender, sexuality, etc) are exactly excluded from being super fucking racist themselves when placed under the same factors. TERFs, anyone?

lol I got mad too. My mindset at the time was "I still like you Hillary, but leave games alone!"

Why I'm very pro free speech / anti-authority derived censorship; yeah I may not agree with a lot of dumb conservative shit that gets said, but I am on board with defending your right to say it. Because censorship used in my ideological favor can absolutely (and historically does) get used to oppress those without power. Best way to deal with shitty speech long-term is better speech. Otherwise you have the same battles every generation.


Honestly, one of my biggest fears of a Trump presidency is that Katrina Pierson could be White House Press Secretary.

Imagine having to hear her everyday. Horrifying.


A Berner's demands for the convention:

  1. End Superdelegates. No Question, needs to happen
  2. More Open Primaries and Same day Registration. The Democrats will end their persecution of Independent voters!!
  3. Affordable College. Subsidized Public University! This dream is not dead!
  4. Alimony Reform. It's involuntary servitude, it needs to end.
  5. The USCIS Should Recognize All Esports As "Legitimate" Sports So International Players Can Come to the US on P1 Visas. (It's a tangent I know, but guys let's try)


It has to be a troll, but I liked it anyway.


(cross post from the chapter 11 thread)
Saw this on facebook just now. They pounced on King of Debt.


Her team is gooooodddd

A Berner's demands for the convention:
Alimony Reform. It's involuntary servitude, it needs to end.


Smells a littttllle MRAist


Honestly, one of my biggest fears of a Trump presidency is that Katrina Pierson could be White House Press Secretary.

Imagine having to hear her everyday. Horrifying.

I dunno, i'd rather see the true face of crazy out in the open than having to deal with mealy mouthed assholes like Ari Fleischer again.

Ari Fleischer said:
I would never call that decency. That's not what it is. What it really is, is a Northeastern look-down-your-nose at other people who are different. That's what is it, Brian. 

I can't tell you how many people in journalism or other places around the Northeast, where I live now, who are absolutely aghast -- can not understand how anybody could possibly be for Donald Trump. That is disdain for the voters.

I'll never be like that. There's a lot about Donald Trump that I don't like, and I'll call him out on it. But I'll never have disdain for the American people. 

Manhattan, 85-15 Democrats voting. They voted that way for Kerry, Obama. 85-15. Manhattan, where most journalists are from, and where they are taught, is one of the most narrow-minded stereotypical places you could ever find.


I dunno, i'd rather see the true face of crazy out in the open than having to deal with mealy mouthed assholes like Ari Fleischer again.
Ari was a dickbag, but the last person I'd want taking questions after something like Newtown would be any of Trump's current spokespeople.
Local Orlando radio stations already parroting "it's not about an attack on gays it's about an attack on all of us!" and "it's not hate it's terror" and "President isn't blaming the muslims enough"

So guess the "healing" is done and it's time for us to go back to blaming minorities and religions.
The House could soon vote to block the inclusion of Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) has filed an amendment to a bill funding the Treasury Department to prohibit the department from redesigning any currency.

“It’s not about Harriet Tubman, it’s about keeping the picture on the $20,” King said Tuesday evening, pulling a $20 bill from his pocket and pointing at President Andrew Jackson. “Y’know? Why would you want to change that? I am a conservative, I like to keep what we have.”

The conservative gadfly said it is “racist” and “sexist” to say a woman or person of color should be added to currency. “Here’s what’s really happening, this is liberal activism on the part of the president, that’s trying to identify people by categories and he’s divided us on the lines of groups. … This is a divisive proposal on the part of the president and mine’s unifying. It says just don’t change anything.”

This basically sums up 80% of the Republican Party.



It's a Hannity talking point. Basically why support hillary when she gets money from countries that kill gays, hate women, etc

Trump doesn't get money from there so we should support Trump

Heh, heh! Reminds me how the lobbying group IranTruth (which has been running posters like this) is connected to noted homophobe Frank Gaffney.
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