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I'll never understand the Clinton hate. However, for someone who has been at it for so long she is doing well. Ironically, Clinton's largest group of haters is Dumpster's only supporters.

Doing well?

She is an extension of Bush 43's foreign policy. She is in bed with Sunni muslims. She voted for the Iraq war. She has been a main force in destabilizing the Middle East. If you want more neoconservative policies, be my guest.

When you see George Soros/Jamie Dimon/ LLoyd Blankfein collectively endorsing a candidate, you need to run.
Doing well?

She is an extension of Bush 43's foreign policy. She is in bed with Sunni muslims. She voted for the Iraq war. She has been a main force in destabilizing the Middle East. If you want more neoconservative policies, be my guest.

When you see George Soros/Jamie Dimon/ LLoyd Blankfein collectively endorsing a candidate, you need to run.

"Sunni Muslims" and "George Soros"

These phrases aren't signals of a type of person, no sir.


Doing well?

She is an extension of Bush 43's foreign policy. She is in bed with Sunni muslims. She voted for the Iraq war. She has been a main force in destabilizing the Middle East. If you want more neoconservative policies, be my guest.

When you see George Soros/Jamie Dimon/ LLoyd Blankfein collectively endorsing a candidate, you need to run.

Wait, you're posting a cartoon from racist fuck Ben Garrison unironically?

I don't even understand some of that! If someone is going to spend that much time and effort coming up with an elaborate frame; One that asks the reader to investigate and consider all the topics raised? They might as well have just posted a picture of Trump or any of a million dank memes for the same effect and saved everyone the effort. She's evil, we get it. Is this person in a competition to see how many awful-sounding things they could fit into one panel?

And then the labels, etc etc. I like how she's somehow a slave to both left-wing and right-wing cash, because it's completely against the spirit of making it as partisan as possible. I bet "Clinton Foundation" wasn't even deliberately part of the home's foundation, which is a shame since it's mildly clever. Zero humor here, other than Bill in his boxers.

Edit: There's a chance it was posted non-ironically? Dear god.


Doing well?

She is an extension of Bush 43's foreign policy. She is in bed with Sunni muslims. She voted for the Iraq war. She has been a main force in destabilizing the Middle East. If you want more neoconservative policies, be my guest.

When you see George Soros/Jamie Dimon/ LLoyd Blankfein collectively endorsing a candidate, you need to run.

I don't have the time or energy to get into this heap of garbage you just typed out, but I look forward to reading the responses from others.


Rebel Leader


“It’s not about Harriet Tubman, it’s about keeping the picture on the $20,” King said Tuesday evening, pulling a $20 bill from his pocket and pointing at President Andrew Jackson. “Y’know? Why would you want to change that? I am a conservative, I like to keep what we have.”

Time moves against your will. You can try to command time like King Cnut/Canute and the waves, it will not obey you.
Needs more White Water.
omg how could they forget such an obvious one? Also no NAFTA. If they're going to mention a half dozen preposterous conspiracy theories they should make an effort to mention criticisms of things that actually happened. White water could have been a moat!
You can dislike George Soros, but the only people I've seen bring "George Soros puppetmaster" shit are actual NeoNazis fyi.
Soros is an old foe of Glen Beck, if you'd like a one-person sample size.
Look at Bernie and Jane, friends to all birds!
Nintendo is going to sue over the use of their old adorable 2D ghostie model used in such a derogatory manner.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
So are we going to get to listen to Sanders supporters blather on about how corrupt Hillary is until November 4th?
Oh yes, because as a gay man, I can totally ignore social issues and my life'll be just hunky dory, you betcha.

Gay marriage was declared constitutional by the Supreme Court. Trump is pro-LGBT. What else are you looking for to get out of Hillary? Don't think you will find it.


Gay marriage was declared constitutional by the Supreme Court. Trump is pro-LGBT. What else are you looking for to get out of Hillary? Don't think you will find it.

The GOP's official position is that they want to make gay marriage illegal again.

Trump isn't pro-anything because he has no coherent positions and constantly contradicts himself.
Seriously though, 99% of the people that scream "GEORGE SOROS" are actual NeoNazis.

Weren't liberals asking for 1%'s heads during OWS? Soros is the epitome of the 1%.

Getting cheap labor through H1B visas and an influx of cheap labor through illegal immigration is not good for the everyday worker. Sure, GDP may rise. But GDP/Per capita will lower.


Gay marriage was declared constitutional by the Supreme Court. Trump is pro-LGBT. What else are you looking for to get out of Hillary? Don't think you will find it.

Uh huh.

Donald Trump said:
I’ll overturn the shocking gay marriage decision – trust me.




Weren't liberals asking for 1%'s heads during OWS? Soros is the epitome of the 1%.

Getting cheap labor through H1B visas and an influx of cheap labor through illegal immigration is not good for the everyday worker. Sure, GDP may rise. But GDP/Per capita will lower.

That's simply false -- immigrants produce more than they consume.

https://www.oecd.org/migration/OECD Migration Policy Debates Numero 2.pdf

I can't support Trump because he's a racist, as demonstrated by his comments about Mexicans and his proposed wall, his Muslim ban, and his long history of racism towards African-Americans, Jews, and, well, basically everybody really.

Can you explain why you don't feel the same way?
That's simply false -- immigrants produce more than they consume.

https://www.oecd.org/migration/OECD Migration Policy Debates Numero 2.pdf

I can't support Trump because he's a racist, as demonstrated by his comments about Mexicans and his proposed wall, his Muslim ban, and his long history of racism towards African-Americans, Jews, and, well, basically everybody really.

Can you explain why you don't feel the same way?
Well, that still doesn't address the/his perception that immigrant labor suppresses wages.


Weren't liberals asking for 1%'s heads during OWS? Soros is the epitome of the 1%.

Getting cheap labor through H1B visas and an influx of cheap labor through illegal immigration is not good for the everyday worker. Sure, GDP may rise. But GDP/Per capita will lower.

This is incoherent. If you have a vested interest regarding the so-called 1%, why are you posting cartoons from a self-styled libertarian like Ben Garrison?
Richard Dawkins and the rest of New Atheists praising Ali after she claims that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the United States government.

They lost the plot a while ago.




Well, that still doesn't address the/his perception that immigrant labor suppresses wages.


edit: I had to go drain some pasta.

The labor market impacts of immigrant arrivals can be offset by
outflows of natives and earlier generations of immigrants. Empirically, however,
these offsetting flows are small, so most cities with higher rates of immigration have
experienced overall population growth and a rising share of the less-skilled. These
supply shifts are associated with a modest widening of the wage gap between more and
less-skilled natives, coupled with a positive effect on average native wages.

The wage gap widening does suggest that the benefit disproportionately accrues to white-collar workers, but it's not fully captured by them.
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