nature boy
We need polls of Ohio and Texas, STAT.
I don't disagree, but reading the article a lot of it seems to be more about justifying their support for Trump and implying that the left-wing is at fault rather than accepting that it's on them to change.
If he did, they'd be the best, the most spectacular protesters.Sure seems like a lot of protestors - wonder if Trump paid for a few to get some excitement going.
If he did, they'd be the best, the most spectacular protesters.
Sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it?
To make my position clear -- we do need to fix Appalachia. I've been posting about this in PoliGAF for a year or two now, until somebody pointed out to me that Hillary is actually on the same page and has an explicit plan for job creation in Appalachia, which is just another example of why she is the best candidate.
However, people need to stop pretending that fixing Appalachia, and generally white rural America, is going to fix racism. We need to help them because that's the purpose of government and our moral responsibility, not because they will stop being racists and start voting Democratic. That won't happen. They'll just be more prosperous and less dysfunctional racists.
It sounds like he's reading a book report his parents wrote for him, and he's not losing his shit at protestors. TRUMP TURNED IT AROUND!
Pretty much this. "Fixing" white rural America might slowly fix racism, but that would be a very slow process over several generations. Racists don't generally stop being racist just because they have more money.
lolBloomberg's Mark Halperin said on MSNBC that a Wikipedia page for McMullin was created on Monday.
Worth also noting the women candidates who have ran:
GOP: Margaret Chase Smith, Lynn Morley Martin (briefly), Elizabeth Dole, Michele Bachmann, Carly Fiorina
DEM: Chisholm, Patsy Mink, Pat Schroeder (briefly), Moseley Braun, Clinton
Not exactly a murderer's row of strong female candidates for either party.
Bless your heartsUmm.. I'll believe it when I see it.
Clinton 44
Trump 37
Johnson 7
Stein 1
There are the prepared remarks if you want to read them.
Many republicans wanted Colin Powell to run in 1996, and JC Watts once had a very promising political career ahead of him. And I think the last 8 years have made it very clear republicans are very receptive to black republicans who say ugly things about black people - ugly things a white person might not be able to get away with. I remember Hermain Cain defending the lack of diversity in the crowd at the RNC by saying white people are more likely to work hard and thus have time to attend a political event.
I'm sure that when Hillary wins we'll see a new wave of far right conservative women trotted out to tell us why women don't want [insert issue women care about].
I don't think the sexism/female hawk theory is controversial or new. It's something I've pondered about Clinton for awhile. Obviously she could simply just be a pro-interventionist hawk, that's the simplest answer.
not disputing your point but just because i looked at them, look at dan quayle's numbers lolDole probably would have had a shot had Dubya not ran in 2000... I remember a decent amount of hype for her. Wiki says she was polling 2nd when she dropped out due to lack of funds before any of the primaries.
This reads like a bad middle school book report...
Detroit.... such a white crowd
America is a shower, not a grower."We will make America grow again"
America is a shower, not a grower.
You're in luck because it sounds like his plan was tailor made for people who don't know anything about the economy!I may not know anything about the economy
America, the Orlando Bloom of countriesAmerica is a shower, not a grower.
Slow your roll here.
We're talking about a guy who worked as a House staffer for a couple years, has 135 twitter followers and his only political position is that Obama failed America by withdrawing from Iraq and creating ISIS.
Irregardless of her tenure at the DNC do you really think she has done wrong by her district (everything seems to suggest she is popular and loved there)? Do you really not think the Wikileaks event was bullshit? Or am I misunderstanding the point you're trying to make? (You're being pretty vague here to be honest).
When you put it that way, it's amazing how much more qualified than Trump he is.
That fucking thumb-and-index pinch that Trump does annoys the shit out of me.
I've obviously reached the bitcheatingcrackers.jpg stage.
No, the MMO developer.The pitcher?
No, the MMO developer.
Many republicans wanted Colin Powell to run in 1996, and JC Watts once had a very promising political career ahead of him. And I think the last 8 years have made it very clear republicans are very receptive to black republicans who say ugly things about black people - ugly things a white person might not be able to get away with. I remember Hermain Cain defending the lack of diversity in the crowd at the RNC by saying white people are more likely to work hard and thus have time to attend a political event.
I'm sure that when Hillary wins we'll see a new wave of far right conservative women trotted out to tell us why women don't want [insert issue women care about].
I don't think the sexism/female hawk theory is controversial or new. It's something I've pondered about Clinton for awhile. Obviously she could simply just be a pro-interventionist hawk, that's the simplest answer.
On the other hand, the only way to get this people to change is trying to understand them, respect them, and then slowly change their mind. Ignoring them and calling them white trash is how we end up them supporting Trump.
Now, I am not going to say that's going to work (I haven't even read the article either), but its either understanding, respect and change their minds or ignoring them and hoping that they simply die off.
Irregardless of her tenure at the DNC do you really think she has done wrong by her district (everything seems to suggest she is popular and loved there)? Do you really not think the Wikileaks event was bullshit? Or am I misunderstanding the point you're trying to make? (You're being pretty vague here to be honest).
I agree, its was easy to see how Obama struggles to avoid an "Angry Black Man" label and has to be "president for everybody" since even talking about racial issues tends to send a lot of White people into a rage. That said I don't think patriotism is mutually exclusive with discussing racial issues and you honestly can't avoid touching upon the later subject at all. If Black people overall felt the latter issues wouldn't be touched AT ALL (as opposed that recognize that they might not be as well addressed as they like), Obama wouldn't have gotten the support from the community he did.
To become the first Black president, Obama needed overwhelming support from the Black community (which he had to earn, it wasn't gifted to him just because he was Black) to beat Clinton in the primaries and then get carried across the finish line in 08 and 12. If Clinton wins this year it will in large part be due to the support of women from both sides of the political spectrum. Whenever we get our first Latino/Latina president, it will be from overwhelming support of the Latino community. There are basically no Black voters in Republican primaries (and a lot of non-college educated whites, at least more than Democratic primaries) and most Black people consider the Republican party poison (for obvious reasons). How far a Black person can rise in that party is limited - they can't really break out on the national stage. It's not a "theory" that makes any sense to me if you think about it for even a few minutes.