I listened to this speech for a while on the radio this morning, but.... isn't this all just the same basic Republican stuff they normally spout? I think Paul Ryan could have given this speech today, at least the part I heard.How is Trump getting away with constantly taking factual research, numbers and statistics and just calling them hoaxes?
Are his supporters just so anti-establishment that they'll listen to anything or are they all just stupid.
I know his primary fan base is the non-college educated white male demo and I don't mean to sound elitist but really only people with so disillusioned with the government and so ridiculously uninformed and ignorant can buy into this shit.
His economic "policy" does NOTHING to help the lower income families he claims to be championing and yet, they applaud.
He calls stats that proves him wrong hoaxes without giving a reason and yet, they applaud.
He says he has a feeling the election is going to rigged, just a feeling, the first time any candidate has even dared to suggest something to destructive and yet, they applaud.
This is all nothing new but how stupid can people get, and how power hungry and desperate was the GOP that they allowed this to happen and sit by and continue to support this mess while he undermines the very basic fabric of this election?
Wow. Just wow.
I hadn't actually listened to any of his speeches until this one. The protesters are kinda annoying. They just drew the whole thing out. What do they hope to accomplish? Just to make sure everyone in the room knows that not everyone loves Mr Trump?