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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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I desperately want to see some TX polling. I wonder if the Kaine Austin trip is a sign about good internals from the state. I've said it before, but this is THE election to at least make a huge registration push in TX. The Latino turn out could be devastatingly high with Trump anf it is crucial for future elections to lay that groundwork now while we have a walking, talking registration machine on the other side.
He supports TPP McMullin 2016
I really do hope most of the GOP supports and it passes in the lame duck. TPP would he a great boon to American economic hegemony, bringing under our wing many southeast Asian countries that are looking for any excuse to flee Chinese economic imperialism.



Then there was Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry, a long-shot Green Party presidential candidate who regularly interrupted the proceedings to proclaim that the primary had been rigged against her. Anytime someone mispronounced her name or refused to repeat it in full, she would halt the proceedings with a yell. Rather than shut her down, the party secretaries typically yielded to pressure from the crowd not to muffle anyone’s voice, no matter how out of order they were. They made Reince Priebus seem like an exemplar of command and control.

Jill Stein RIIIGGGEEDDDD the primaries!
I desperately want to see some TX polling. I wonder if the Kaine Austin trip is a sign about good internals from the state. I've said it before, but this is THE election to at least make a huge registration push in TX. The Latino turn out could be devastatingly high with Trump anf it is crucial for future elections to lay that groundwork now while we have a walking, talking registration machine on the other side.

It'd be worthwhile just for the landscape of the House to drive up Latino registration/turnout there.


I really do hope most of the GOP supports and it passes in the lame duck. TPP would he a great boon to American economic hegemony, bringing under our wing many southeast Asian countries that are looking for any excuse to flee Chinese economic imperialism.

I agree wholeheartedly. It is good economic policy, but even better geopolitical policy that helps to keep a peaceful lid on an expansionist China.


No Scrubs
I really do hope most of the GOP supports and it passes in the lame duck. TPP would he a great boon to American economic hegemony, bringing under our wing many southeast Asian countries that are looking for any excuse to flee Chinese economic imperialism.

Which is why Obama has been pushing for it. We're in an economic chess game with China and their foolishness just left us with a big opening.
I'm really not looking forward to TPP passing. Will absolutely kill any hope of doing ok and minimizing damage in 2018

I'm still baffled at Hillary's decision to not support it because she doesn't really have a choice. Obama is pushing it through whether she likes it or not.
No debt isn't a problem. This is because of debt to gdp ratio, which historically isn't too high, and globally pales compared to Japan. So if Japan hasn't exploded, with like 200% debt/gdp, why should we, when people trust American debt more than its Japanese counterpart.


Japan hasn't exploded due to how the gov't sets its interest rate (often < growth rt) and by ensuring through policies and law that Japanese debt is the safest/liquid asset available within their financial system. JGBs are a fundamental component and no one can offer financial assets that are a better combination at any given point in time. Calculating their public debt to gdp ratio is pointless.

And Japan deserves a lot of credit. Coming from where they were in 1940s following default to 2016 in terms of building trust is amazing.


No Scrubs
I'm really not looking forward to TPP passing. Will absolutely kill any hope of doing ok and minimizing damage in 2018

I'm still baffled at Hillary's decision to not support it because she doesn't really have a choice. Obama is pushing it through whether she likes it or not.

2018 was always going to be a bloodbath, TPP or no.

I think it'll just pass in the lame duck and nobody will even remember it by 2018.

Yup, Congress will take care of it before they turn off the lights.
I'm really not looking forward to TPP passing. Will absolutely kill any hope of doing ok and minimizing damage in 2018

I'm still baffled at Hillary's decision to not support it because she doesn't really have a choice. Obama is pushing it through whether she likes it or not.
I would hope Obama would have more political sense than that.

Even if it's good policy on balance I don't think it's worth poisoning the well before Clinton even gets started.
I think it'll just pass in the lame duck and nobody will even remember it by 2018.

The people likely to still be stewing about it are the people who already don't vote in mid-terms.

But 2018 is going to be doom no matter what. I'm just hoping for 2 years where Hillary has a chance to pass some of her agenda and appoint some justices.


It'll be really interesting to see whether TPP actually gets passed in the lame duck considering Ryan said later week that there were not the enough votes in the House to pass it. I think the GOP is going to play some bullshit game and block it in the lame duck and then hit Hillary on it throughout her first term.
I think it'll just pass in the lame duck and nobody will even remember it by 2018.

People have made trade deals we've passed over 20 years ago massive issues. It passing in the lame duck will fall on Hillary and she will take all the heat for it and will honestly put her presidency off to a poor start.. Unless she pivots and switches on it again, which, is a terrible idea. She should have just backed it and been more vocal about it's upsides, it would have made this process easier.

Like talk about how this helps put many countries at the table to negotiate better environmental standards and deals like this will be necessary to combat climate change. Instead, because no one is actually making an argument for it, people seem to have the impression it is going to destroy the environment and is the fossil fuel companies running the show yet again, which just isn't true.
To think the dems still have all the heavy hitters + op research.

Trump's going to be hit with the loser dynamic, going to be GLORIOUS.
2018 was always going to be a bloodbath, TPP or no.

This is the first "third term" dem presidency in forever. If the GOP maintains the house, we should be doing everything we can to minimize the damage in 2018. If we make enough gains, the house could be reasonably in play in 2020.

1994, and 2010 were blood baths. But I don't see why 2018 can't moreso resemble 1998 and 2014.
This is the first "third term" dem presidency in forever. If the GOP maintains the house, we should be doing everything we can to minimize the damage in 2018. If we make enough gains, the house could be reasonably in play in 2020.

1994, and 2010 were blood baths. But I don't see why 2018 can't moreso resemble 1998 and 2014.

2014 was a bloodbath. The GOP picked up 9 Senate seats and cemented their already firm majority in the House. If that happens again in 2018 they could be nearing a super majority in the Senate.
And this would be the one to pick if a Hillary victory is most likely.

If on the other hand, the reddit and facebook subscribers turn out as expected and it's a 49 state Trump landslide, you'll want the MSNBC live stream.
My election night cable news viewing solely depends on where Karl Rove is giving commentary.


I would hope Obama would have more political sense than that.

Even if it's good policy on balance I don't think it's worth poisoning the well before Clinton even gets started.

I dunno. In relation to his own legacy, he's talked a lot about making hard choices that in the moment are unpopular. I think he might pass it once he's certain Clinton has it in the bag, in confidence that it's the right thing to do and ultimately the good he believes it will do will outweigh the initial negativity of its passing. Based on the way he's been talking, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't see a difference between this and the auto industry bailout.

Whether that makes him a steadfast visionary or a stubborn, naïve fool comes pretty much entirely down to if that good it does manifests in a way people can understand. Or if it manifests at all.
2014 was a bloodbath. The GOP picked up 9 Senate seats and cemented their already firm majority in the House. If that happens again in 2018 they could be nearing a super majority in the Senate.

and we are positioned to retake the senate again this cycle despite that senate bloodbath. Yes, if it happens again, that would be awful. But I don't think the senate will be hit as hard next time around.

Hopefully we have a DNC chair who actually cares about helping other people win elections by then.
Biggest problem with the midterms has been turnout. One way to harm turnout in a midterm even more than it already is positioned to be is to blatantly go back or fail with something you campaigned on. Hillary has campaigned against TPP, and it passing will be a big fuck you to the liberal base who already is wary in trusting her.


People have made trade deals we've passed over 20 years ago massive issues. It passing in the lame duck will fall on Hillary and she will take all the heat for it and will honestly put her presidency off to a poor start.. Unless she pivots and switches on it again, which, is a terrible idea. She should have just backed it and been more vocal about it's upsides, it would have made this process easier.

Like talk about how this helps put many countries at the table to negotiate better environmental standards and deals like this will be necessary to combat climate change. Instead, because no one is actually making an argument for it, people seem to have the impression it is going to destroy the environment and is the fossil fuel companies running the show yet again, which just isn't true.

I agree, I think Hillary should have made the affirmative case for free trade since it's the majority American position. But ultimately I don't think I believe it will keep being an issue forever, because, as noted, it's the majority American position.
2014 was a bloodbath. The GOP picked up 9 Senate seats and cemented their already firm majority in the House. If that happens again in 2018 they could be nearing a super majority in the Senate.

Them being able to overrule a veto is kind of scary to think about. Checks and Balances would be thrown out the window.


I can't get over how bad that Strickland ad is.
On NPR Politics podcast, Tamara Keith said on the bus tour Strickland was at one of their stops, and he dripped ice cream on Hillary Clinton. Another lady handed him a tissue and said, "You're going to need that."
Biggest problem with the midterms has been turnout. One way to harm turnout in a midterm even more than it already is positioned to be is to blatantly go back or fail with something you campaigned on. Hillary has campaigned against TPP, and it passing will be a big fuck you to the liberal base who already is wary in trusting her.

It is out of her control if it pass the lame duck. Some anti-TPP will pressure Hillary to get rid of it or lessen it's influence if she is president. I doubt she will focus much on that. I don't think it'll effect the mid-terms unless republicans does a 180 on their own policies and campaign against it.

She needed to be sort of against it because fully supporting it will leave fractures in the Democratic Party and wants the party to seem unified. She does not need the party to look like it is fighting against each other now.


Uhhh Upshot now has Clinton at a 56% chance of winning Georgia, higher than North Carolina. I guess thanks to today's poll


On NPR Politics podcast, Tamara Keith said on the bus tour Strickland was at one of their stops, and he dripped ice cream on Hillary Clinton. Another lady handed him a tissue and said, "You're going to need that."


Also, I'm not against a gay justice, but I think there are other minorities also waiting in the wings for a spot. Obviously, judicial philosophy and competence should be the biggest drivers, but if I have an equally talented black woman and gay white male, I'll take the black woman every time. Call it what you want, but it is what it is.


The Autumn Wind
I wish more people would bring up what the top tax rates were back when all these Republicans claim how great Ameica was.


I wish more people would bring up what the top tax rates were back when all these Republicans claim how great Ameica was.

Irrelevant. They're claiming America was great because of how great white people were and how most everyone else knew their place, not because of it's tax brackets.
It'll be interesting to see how Cruz deals with getting primaried by someone with money behind him.

In the wake of Cruz's controversial speech at the party convention where he refused to endorse Donald Trump, the Texas senator's GOP critics believe there could be a new opening for an intraparty challenge. And behind the scenes, GOP donors and Texas politicians have urged Rep. Mike McCaul to consider mounting a bid against him in 2018, according to three sources familiar with the matter.

McCaul, a six-term congressman who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee, has not yet deliberated on the matter but has yet to rule out a potential Senate run, according to one source close to his House reelection campaign.
Well-placed Texans predict that the strongest primary challenge to Cruz would come from a business-allied Republican who can capture both the party's moderate wing and also the aggrieved Trump voters who felt snubbed by Cruz's high-profile non-endorsement. And sources trying to recruit McCaul into the race believe he can be convinced to run if big donors in the state decide not to put their money behind Cruz.
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