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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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I guess I'm not too sure how I'd feel about axing the filibuster. In principle I'm all for it, but I think there is something noble about demanding a broader consensus for significant reform legislation. It only falters when there are bad actors in the minority party as there are now.

As it is, it's hard to pass something like ACA. But once it's law, it's even harder to get rid of it. It can be frustrating but it might actually just be a good thing.
Polarization is going to get worse, not better. The social norms that kept it in play are gone.
Jill Stein RIIIGGGEEDDDD the primaries!

Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry OR BUST!

Guys. Guys.

Press credentials at the Green Party convention

I guess I'm not too sure how I'd feel about axing the filibuster. In principle I'm all for it, but I think there is something noble about demanding a broader consensus for significant reform legislation. It only falters when there are bad actors in the minority party as there are now.

This is how I feel.

At the same time, I don't know if it's possible to keep and have a functioning Government anymore. Bi-partisanship is nearly dead. It's depressing.

The only reason I'd be in favor of axing it as others have said as soon as the GOP gets control they'll get rid of it themselves. I'd personally prefer having a guarantee it wouldn't go away rather regardless of who was in control than either option.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I guess I'm not too sure how I'd feel about axing the filibuster. In principle I'm all for it, but I think there is something noble about demanding a broader consensus for significant reform legislation. It only falters when there are bad actors in the minority party as there are now.

As it is, it's hard to pass something like ACA. But once it's law, it's even harder to get rid of it. It can be frustrating but it might actually just be a good thing.
The problem as I see it is that there's no accountability for filibustering. It's practically unseen. Only in very rare cases does it actually take the form of holding the floor for hours on end drawing attention to the issue. The practical matter of it is the common filibuster replaced the main vote. That's not how anything is supposed to work.


He told Chuck Todd that he would vote against it if it came up in the lame duck.

That's what everyone says. TPP is imperfect, but it's a little bit of the country needing to take its medicine. Both parties "oppose" it but it's probably going to get passed after the election, and Kaine may likely resign his seat before he has to cast a vote on it.


This is how I feel.

At the same time, I don't know if it's possible to keep and have a functioning Government anymore. Bi-partisanship is nearly dead. It's depressing.

The only reason I'd be in favor of axing it as others have said as soon as the GOP gets control they'll get rid of it themselves. I'd personally prefer having a guarantee it wouldn't go away rather regardless of who was in control than either option.

I kind of agree, but of course it isn't possible for the Senate to guarantee that they won't change the rules since if they made a rule they could just change it.

The big exception I would add is nominations. If the Senate must vote on all nominations, they need to actually do it. Otherwise I would support shifting constitutional norms as Obama tried to do with recess appointments (and got slapped down for).
Cher tweeted this video: Trump Exposes Trump

It's just a big attack add against Trump where he keeps contradicting himself. I mean sure your views change over time, but "I love Hillary she's a great woman" -> "she's literally satan" yeaok.gif


I still think there's no way it happens, but god Sam Wang is teasing us so hard.

That woman at the end fucking terrified me.

Honestly, in sane world, this video would instantly end anyone's campaign.
In another sign that GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump is damaging his party’s standing with Latinos, the communications director of the Florida Republican Party announced Monday that he’s stepping down because he cannot defend Trump’s racism.

“I’m thankful for my almost two years with the Florida GOP, however, moving on gives me a great, new opportunity to continue promoting free market solutions while avoiding efforts that support Donald Trump,” Wadi Gaitan, a strategist for Latino voter outreach, said in a statement.

I guess i don't know how Trump even has a chance in Florida with his standing with Latinos being such shit.

Rubio better hope Latinos are big ticket splitters or his goose is cooked.


I guess i don't know how Trump even has a chance in Florida with his standing with Latinos being such shit.

Rubio better hope Latinos are big ticket splitters or his goose is cooked.

Unfortunately the vast majority of Cubans will probably ticket split for him.

Not sure if it will be enough if the rest, like Puerto Ricans, don't.
Getting rid of the filibuster is probably not a good idea until 2020 when redistricting happens. The Democrats don't want to abolish the filibuster then get stuck on the wrong side of it.

the 2020 House elections are so important to do well in. IMO they'll define America's direction politically for decades.

Really the state legislatures are where it's really important to do well, since they draw the boundaries in so many states (which is incredibly stupid).
So from Cook Political Report's Where the Race for the White House Stands 100 Days Out

4. These debates aren’t going to happen.

And, it probably won’t matter. Watching Trump campaign strategist Paul Manafort and RNC Chair Reince Priebus on the Sunday show circuit this weekend, it’s pretty clear that they are setting the groundwork for skipping all or most of the debates. Will voters care? Perhaps. But, the bigger question is if the Trump campaign cares that they care. The only reason for Trump to do these debates is if he and his campaign think/realize that they need to branch out beyond the white, working class loyalists that are with him today. If they don’t, there’s no good that can come from doing these debates.

I can see the debates not happening, and I can totally see the Trump campaign not caring at all. Hmm.


What about the ultimate troll option: get rid of the filibuster, pass every piece of legislation on the liberal wish list, then pass a law that permanently reinstitutes it.
So Clinton gets to work in town hall style formats with highly increased exposure and scrutiny, which could help her turn her image around (I feel a lot of the "I don't trust Clinton" sentiment is just generic, and more people would tune into the "debates"). And Trump looks like a loser for bailing.

Sounds good to me.
So from Cook Political Report's Where the Race for the White House Stands 100 Days Out

I can see the debates not happening, and I can totally see the Trump campaign not caring at all. Hmm.
Cook is wrong in that voters won't care. It's gonna be a massive shit show and he's gonna look bad backing down to a woman. Hillary should go on the complete offensive and attack him for not wanting to debate after he announces it. Another "meet me in Ohio" moment.


Again by the convention it was mentioned that most campaigns are knee deep in it trying to hash out finer details of debates and apparently none that had occurred with the Trump camp. It's gonna be fucking strange if he dodges the debates, but lets be honest, it'd probably be for the best since he'd be absolutely destroyed.

My concern is only that people don't get to see him as the real charlatan he is without the debates. I mean he's doing a good enough job now, but it need to be hammered home. The man is pride incarnate though, he'd have to do at least one. He'd be a laughingstock otherwise and I don't think he could stomach it.
So Clinton gets to work in town hall style formats with highly increased exposure and scrutiny, which could help her turn her image around (I feel a lot of the "I don't trust Clinton" sentiment is just generic, and more people would tune into the "debates"). And Trump looks like a loser for bailing.

Sounds good to me.

Donald Trump wouldn't able to resist losing out on expose. I can see doing a 180 on the next debate or doing something else to one up the debate.
The debates happen with or without Trump. Anyone who gets at least 15% in the polls they use is invited. If no one shows up except Hillary...then no one shows up but Hillary. The debate goes on as scheduled....hopefully with an empty podium next to her to remind people that Trump is an orange covered, good for nothing, coward, who can't even be assed to show up.


The debates happen with or without Trump. Anyone who gets at least 15% in the polls they use is invited. If no one shows up except Hillary...then no one shows up but Hillary. The debate goes on as scheduled....hopefully with an empty podium next to her to remind people that Trump is an orange covered, good for nothing, coward, who can't even be assed to show up.


I'd rather have a QA Session with the exact same setup, empty podium and all, than a town hall.

But if he's still down by this much, he'll go to the debates. It will only be upside for him, there's no reason to skip them.

Rebel Leader


I'd rather have a QA Session with the exact same setup, empty podium and all, than a town hall.

But if he's still down by this much, he'll go to the debates. It will only be upside for him, there's no reason to skip them.
It's set up by the democrats and Clinton and the dishonest media.
It wasn't asking whether or not if it'll have an impact (of course it will), but whether or not Trump cares. I think no.

I don't see how his "media" base let him off the debates, he HAS to go.

P.S.: Karma is sooooo great, NBC (Olympics ratings are down bigly, serves them right).


I will be absolutely shocked if Trump and the RNC is willing to give Clinton 3 nights of uncontested air time to push her message out.

I mean, what's the best case scenario? She flubs an email question and trump mocks it on Twitter? The downside risk is that Hillary gets a chance to persuade every single persuadable voter. Maybe things won't move much from where they are now but even the slightest chance for Clinton to move UP from her current margin is a death sentence to congressional Republicans.


Trump's downside is that he knows he's dumb and won't want to be embarrassed after a poor 1st debate. Especially if the 2nd debate is a town hall. I could totally see him skipping that one, soaking up the media stuff and then coming back for #3.

The one thing Hillary has to make sure she does is attack his "manliness" when he tries to skip. Keeping hit the media with "What is he afraid of? I'll be sitting on that stage all night. Whenever he wants to show up is fine with me."

If he skips, they have to make sure not to push it as a Clinton Q&A, but a direct attack on his fear of her.


If Trump skips the debate, his numbers will collapse even further, guaranteed. I still can't imagine a scenario where Trump skips the debates. It is monumentally stupid. We have demonstrable proof that Trump skipping the Iowa debate hurt his overall position in caucus. That'll be the outcome, but on a massive, national level which can again hurt down ballot races.

If Trump is losing by 7.5 point ON AVERAGE right now, imagine the shitstorm that'll be causes when the average dips even lower after skipping the debates.


This radio host is having a massive unskewed polls meltdown today:

Bill Mitchell
Bill Mitchell‏ @mitchellvii
Imagine polls don't exist. Show me evidence Hillary is winning?

Bill Mitchell‏ @mitchellvii
Since Trump is CRUSHING Hillary on Social Media and DESTROYING her on rallies, I can only guess her supporters don't own computers or cars?

Bill Mitchell‏ @mitchellvii
Don't forget, polls are also biased towards low information imbeciles who answer blocked calls from pollsters at dinner - i.e., Democrats.

This is just a tiny taste.
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