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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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She has no chance of losing Virginia. It's basically a blue state at this point.

I hear this a lot but I haven't seen much evidence that Hillary is leading in Virginia by a statistically significant margin that's greater than her national lead. Virginia and her national lead are both about +7. I'd be very surprised if Virginia was more than 3 points Democratic than the national average this election.

Regardless, I'd prioritize resources for Virginia and Colorado as first-tier states. If she holds the Kerry states (and solid blue New Mexico) plus Virginia and Colorado then that's victory.
When does Donald have the next opportunity to speak off the cuff by the way? When should I next be looking out for self inflicted injuries?
I hear this a lot but I haven't seen much evidence that Hillary is leading in Virginia by a statistically significant margin that's greater than her national lead. Virginia and her national lead are both about +7. I'd be very surprised if Virginia was more than 3 points Democratic than the national average this election.

Regardless, I'd prioritize resources for Virginia and Colorado as first-tier states. If she holds the Kerry states (and solid blue New Mexico) plus Virginia and Colorado then that's victory.

Virginia and Colorado are demographically poison to Trump and polling shows Hillary with huge leads. There are better places to spend money at this point.
I hear this a lot but I haven't seen much evidence that Hillary is leading in Virginia by a statistically significant margin that's greater than her national lead. Virginia and her national lead are both about +7. I'd be very surprised if Virginia was more than 3 points Democratic than the national average this election.

Regardless, I'd prioritize resources for Virginia and Colorado as first-tier states. If she holds the Kerry states plus Virginia and Colorado then that's victory.

The most recent poll out of Virginia was Hillary +13. She has Kaine on the ticket, who has won statewide office and has resources throughout the state. You have a state that Trump isn't even fighting for anymore, and demographically is problematic for him. She's still running internal polling in the state, but if your numbers say you;re that far ahead...you pull back. There's no reason to saturate the media market if you know you're ahead. The GOTV and stuff doesn't stop, nor does the organizing on the ground.


Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 10m10 minutes ago
Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings. I don't watch anymore but I heard he went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A - sad & irrelevant!

Joe said something mean about Trump, time to attack him! You can choreograph his entire response to anything.


I keep forgetting to post this. Benjy Sarlin promised he would stop posting the "This is fine" cartoon because he was posting it too many times. But then stuff happened so he got around it by posting this:



Why has the Clinton campaign stopped airing ads in Virginia and Colorado? Those are states you don't let up on, ever.


(Based on polls-only)

All the recent polling has been very favorable for her in CO/VA and that was BEFORE the convention bump, plus I think they must have some internal numbers telling them it's safe. I'd trust them on this. The real work comes through the ground game and they're not letting up on that.

I just think resources can only stretch so much and if some ad dollars are possibly better used in a place like AZ/GA/TX, then you do it. The more they expand the electoral map, the harder it is for the GOP to win going forward.


Figure may as well cross post.
I'm guessing you're referring to Jo Cox as it's more recent. But this column in the Times is worth a read.

Trump’s Ambiguous Wink Wink to ‘Second Amendment People’ http://nyti.ms/2aTNn3N

Even if one was to be incredibly "generous" and say his intent was "only" to encourage violent uprising... That isn't what some crazy person is going to hear.

They hear she's the devil. Lock her up. Trump that bitch. There's nothing they can do. Oh wait. Guns. Maybe there is, I don't know.

Also, I have no idea why any of you are bothering.

I am going to confess my stupidity. I was actually referring to the same article you were referencing in the Times, which I read at lunch. Jo Cox had completely slipped my mind to my shame - you are absolutely correct though, and it's another example of this language and 'de-legitamisation' from the right that leads to violence.

And yeah, I don't know why I bothered either. We're well, well past the point where dialogue with Trump supporters who are defending him will have any impact. I think the only option now is just the public shame avenue - this language and behavior is simply not tolerable in our society.
What do you think he was conveying? You don't really say.
I think he was either doing his typical sarcastic riffing or he was legit implying some kind of political recourse. He probably didnt think it through and didn't realize Hillary would already be in office in the hypothetical scenario that she selected supreme court justices...he didn't think that through, he riffed it in a quick way.

So you are happy supporting someone for the most important job on the planet who, in your own words, isn't actually capable of forming a coherent sentence and conveying meaning?

Doesn't that in any way worry you? That someone who wouldn't manage to pass a low level interview for an administrator job at a normal company is going to be president? Someone who literally cannot speak properly?

I would also argue that his language is inflammatory, and that it does create risk and danger. We've seen these coded sentences and words before, elsewhere, and it never ends well.
I think we as Americans have a chance in this election to elect a President that is so unconventional and would turn Washington and politics in general upside down...a chance we won't have again if DJT loses b/c the next republican candidate would surely be an 'establishment' candidate and base his campaign on "I'm not Donald Trump...I'm a real politician and conservative and not a nutter". This would 100% happen... no way we get another anti-establishment republican candidate like Trump or even in same ballpark as Trump again if Trump loses badly like the polls are saying. This is our one chance to shake up the system.

That's not a chance any reasonable person should me.

"Maybe he'll get better" isn't a valid reason to elect someone.
So the defense is that Donald Trump is wildly unstable and impulsive, goes off script and just "accidentally" suggest something that could be interpreted as using Second Amendment Solutions to stop Hillary Clinton from appointing SCOTUS justices?

Either way, this man is totally unfit to be president. Even if he was joking, this is something you don't casually joke about while running for president.

Give me a fucking break. Either you're ready to be president before you even start running, or you don't run. This isn't a "learn on the job" scenario.
He's running for President, not a part time job at KFC. And learning to speak "good" is not about experience in politics.
You know why Obama and Hillary choose their words carefully? Because, when you decide to enter the world of politics, WORDS HAVE MEANING. You have to be smart and careful and...basically everything Donald Trump is incapable of being.

But, ya, I totally remember all those people running for President in the past who accidentally said their opponent should maybe be shot. Or if not the candidate, then their appointees. Or if not the appointees then armed insurrection against a legitimately elected President. I totally remember that.
He's in the running for the POTUS. Why you seem to think its ok for him just to "riff it" and not be clear about what he says, and be sarcastic about a thing like that, is crazy imo. That's not acceptable for someone in his position. Yeah, Obama talks like a college professor, and that's a good thing. Being able to just blab and say whatever you want has no place in political discourse, same with his BS about just throwing conspiracy theories out there without any proof.
Here is the inherit problem with how he strings words together: At any given moment, while interacting with any world leader, he could rub someone the wrong way which can then have an impact on foreign relations and national security.
In the same way world leaders have kinda accepted Putin as being this larger than life figure who rides horses without a shirt off, hunts, pilots helicopters, was in the KGB and is a badass guy...and how they accept he can say some inflammatory things b/c of his persona... "Oh that's just Vlad being Vlad", I think the world would get the same acceptance of Trump's sarcasm, dry humor and riffing. They would eventually be able to tell the difference between when he's riffing and when he's being legit. These statements he makes are so unusual and out of the norm for a "politician"...we the public are not used to hearing someone of this stature and position speak like he's at a bar with a buddy and I LOVE IT! This is our only chance to elect someone so unconventional...to turn Washington upside down, someone that doesn't have lobbyists and corporations in his pockets to influence policies and decisions, someone that is the opposite of what we Americans have always perceived a politician to be. I've voted democrat my entire life...Kerry, Obama, Obama. I want change...I want to see Washington with their pants down, no more lobbyists and corporate handshakes. If Hillary wins we'll have another eight years of the same shit. Let's try four years of unconventional...riffing and all!

And I think you're completely full of it.

I've been reading your posts in this thread, you keep reminding everyone that you're in "independent" (whatever the fuck that means), before shitting on Clinton and apologizing/supporting Trump, every single time. Just stop being a coward about it. What he was conveying was obvious and clear to anyone who watched, you can tell by the reactions behind him- whether he was joking or not is irrelevent, and anyone who is suggesting alternate explanations is doing some extreme mental gymnastics in order to justify them. Oh, and stop playing the confused, "open-minded" independent- you're embarrassing yourself and insulting the intelligence of everyone here. You're still defending and apologizing for Trump even to this moment, everyone knows exactly what you are.
I believe you're confusing me with someone else. I've never said I was "independent"...I'm now a registered republican and have clearly stated I support DJT.


I think the ambiguity as a result of bumbling incompetence and buffoonery is actually worse from a normalization of violent rhetoric perspective. It's far more sneaky when people can just go "oh that Donald..." Someone jumping on stage who intentionally and clearly calls for violence is easy for everyone to denounce, and in all likelihood ends up in handcuffs too. Plausible deniability due to being an idiot, though, is dangerous in this scenario. It slips by the normal blockades on this sort of thing and contributes far more toward that normalization than it otherwise might.

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 10m10 minutes ago
Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings. I don't watch anymore but I heard he went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A - sad & irrelevant!

Joe said something mean about Trump, time to attack him! You can choreograph his entire response to anything.

I've read numerous comments that this election and Trump's candidacy are going to be studied for many generations to come. I wonder how much text in history books will be dedicated to Trump's twitter account alone.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 21m21 minutes ago
Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings. I don't watch anymore but I heard he went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A - sad & irrelevant!

But he WILL change!

I don't know what you say to a person who says, "Trump saying something that can admittedly be interpreted as 'shoot my political opponents' is just blown up by the media, oh and also he'll maybe learn to speak with some nuance AFTER he gets elected to the highest office in the land.'"

Someone like that is pretty much hopeless and desperately wants white nationalism as the leading ideology of the country so much that they'll risk anything and install anyone they can to bring it. It's hard to see what there is to debate. "Trump can say whatever he wants because I love racism" is sort of a non-starter, no?
So, we've now reached the point where Trump's not only doing Putin's bidding, but we're supposed to be relieved that the world will equate Trump and Putin.

Because of course! Why would that give anyone pause at all. Sounds good to me.

Rebel Leader

"we the public are not used to hearing someone of this stature and position speak like he's at a bar with a buddy and I LOVE IT! "

There's a problem when you think trump is like a buddy at a bar......
I think he was either doing his typical sarcastic riffing or he was legit implying some kind of political recourse. He probably didnt think it through and didn't realize Hillary would already be in office in the hypothetical scenario that she selected supreme court justices...he didn't think that through, he riffed it in a quick way.

I think we as Americans have a chance in this election to elect a President that is so unconventional and would turn Washington and politics in general upside down...a chance we won't have again if DJT loses b/c the next republican candidate would surely be an 'establishment' candidate and base his campaign on "I'm not Donald Trump...I'm a real politician and conservative and not a nutter". This would 100% happen... no way we get another anti-establishment republican candidate like Trump or even in same ballpark as Trump again if Trump loses badly like the polls are saying. This is our one chance to shake up the system.

In the same way world leaders have kinda accepted Putin as being this larger than life figure who rides horses without a shirt off, hunts, pilots helicopters, was in the KGB and is a badass guy...and how they accept he can say some inflammatory things b/c of his persona... "Oh that's just Vlad being Vlad", I think the world would get the same acceptance of Trump's sarcasm, dry humor and riffing. They would eventually be able to tell the difference between when he's riffing and when he's being legit. These statements he makes are so unusual and out of the norm for a "politician"...we the public are not used to hearing someone of this stature and position speak like he's at a bar with a buddy and I LOVE IT! This is our only chance to elect someone so unconventional...to turn Washington upside down, someone that doesn't have lobbyists and corporations in his pockets to influence policies and decisions, someone that is the opposite of what we Americans have always perceived a politician to be. I've voted democrat my entire life...Kerry, Obama, Obama. I want change...I want to see Washington with their pants down, no more lobbyists and corporate handshakes. If Hillary wins we'll have another eight years of the same shit. Let's try four years of unconventional...riffing and all!

I believe you're confusing me with someone else. I've never said I was "independent"...I'm now a registered republican and have clearly stated I support DJT.

You want to elect a dangerous, racist ideologue for some vague idea of shaking up the system?

I honestly have so much contempt for this post. I'm just going to leave it at that.


Why has the Clinton campaign stopped airing ads in Virginia and Colorado? Those are states you don't let up on, ever.


(Based on polls-only)

All the recent polling has been very favorable for her in CO/VA and that was BEFORE the convention bump, plus I think they must have some internal numbers telling them it's safe. I'd trust them on this. The real work comes through the ground game and they're not letting up on that.

I just think resources can only stretch so much and if some ad dollars are possibly better used in a place like AZ/GA/TX, then you do it. The more they expand the electoral map, the harder it is for the GOP to win going forward.

I post this opinion frequently since I live in Colorado and have witnessed the changes first hand.
It's obvious that the various parties weren't ready for the huge demographic shift going on in Colorado. Too many educated workers moving into the cities due to the good economy.

Colorado was already decided months ago, but the Republicans decided to primary far right wing tea party candidates to attempt to challenge an incumbent Democrat and Hillary realized her internals were showing an easy Colorado win.


The WaPo feature is here.

Trump sank his own ship man

I'm 100% sure the only reason Trump doesn't want to release his tax returns is because they prove he isn't as rich as he claims to be.

That's why I want the DNC to keep hammering him on them, and speculating on all sorts of damning things in there. I'm certain it's just his ego. I'm certain he will never cave when it comes to his net worth being proven to be less than he claims, as his whole identity is based on him being seen as this super successful billionaire.
I'm 100% sure the only reason Trump doesn't want to release his tax returns is because they prove he isn't as rich as he claims to be.

That's why I want the DNC to keep hammering him on them, and speculating on all sorts of damning things in there. I'm certain it's just his ego. I'm certain he will never cave when it comes to his net worth being proven to be less than he claims, as his whole identity is based on him being seen as this super successful billionaire.
You want to elect a dangerous, racist ideologue for some vague idea of shaking up the system?

I honestly have so much contempt for this post. I'm just going to leave it at that.
Just want to say...I don't think he is a racist. I've explained why before in a long post but the examples people cite (like in that one article everyone references) are from 20, 30, 40 years ago. Here's a guy who grew up with a silver spoon among all rich white people...I'd be surprised if he wasn't a bigot when younger, even just 20 years ago. Specifically relating to his policies, I don't consider upholding the law and deporting illegal immigrants as racist. His comments about some of the illegal Mexican immigrants coming over here being rapists and criminals wasn't about all Mexican immigrants...it's been morphed by the left into "Donald Trump thinks all Mexicans are rapists and criminals". That's not what he said.

The Muslim ban was a big sticking point for me. That was legit bigotry against a religion which isn't the American way. But he backtracked on it significantly weeks ago and chose a VP that publicly denounced it. I think it was one of those snowball statements Trump used to keep himself in the headlines and not something he legit believed in. That's my gut feeling.


The first sounds much less ambiguous and there's no hemming about "second amendment people", which is a phrase I totally have never heard before.

It's very much in the vein of "Second Ammendment remedies," something Sharon Angle suggested as a "cure" for Harry Reid in 2010.

For what it's worth, I heard "Second Ammendment, people," and assumed he meant to say “Although, with the Second Amendment, people. Maybe there is.” suggesting the Second's language about "security of a free state", yadda yadda yadda, overthrow tyrants who make it less free, etc. Straight up implying somebody should shoot her.

The alternative is basically saying “Although, the people with guns? Maybe there is. I don’t know.”

Either way is a pretty clear call to violence, debating where the comma falls doesn't change that.


Just want to say...I don't think he is a racist. I've explained why before in a long post but the examples people cite (like in that one article everyone references) are from 20, 30, 40 years ago. Here's a guy who grew up with a silver spoon among all rich white people...I'd be surprised if he wasn't a bigot when younger, even just 20 years ago. Specifically relating to his policies, I don't consider upholding the law and deporting illegal immigrants as racist. His comments about Mexicans being rapists and criminals wasn't about all Mexican immigrants...it's been morphed by the left into "Donald Trump thinks all Mexicans are rapists and criminals". That's not what he said.

The Muslim ban was a big sticking point for me. That was legit bigotry against a religion which isn't the American way. But he backtracked on it significantly weeks ago and chose a VP that publicly denounced it. I think it was one of those snowball statements Trump used to keep himself in the headlines and not something he legit believed in. That's my gut feeling.

He literally, *literally*, used explicit racism against the Mexican heritage judge less than three months ago. Even Paul Ryan described it as the textbook definition of racism. He thought the judge wa incapable of doing his on because of his heritage.

He is a racist. Anyone denying it is allied win racist and supporting a racist.
I think he was either doing his typical sarcastic riffing or he was legit implying some kind of political recourse. He probably didnt think it through and didn't realize Hillary would already be in office in the hypothetical scenario that she selected supreme court justices...he didn't think that through, he riffed it in a quick way.

I think we as Americans have a chance in this election to elect a President that is so unconventional and would turn Washington and politics in general upside down...a chance we won't have again if DJT loses b/c the next republican candidate would surely be an 'establishment' candidate and base his campaign on "I'm not Donald Trump...I'm a real politician and conservative and not a nutter". This would 100% happen... no way we get another anti-establishment republican candidate like Trump or even in same ballpark as Trump again if Trump loses badly like the polls are saying. This is our one chance to shake up the system.

In the same way world leaders have kinda accepted Putin as being this larger than life figure who rides horses without a shirt off, hunts, pilots helicopters, was in the KGB and is a badass guy...and how they accept he can say some inflammatory things b/c of his persona... "Oh that's just Vlad being Vlad", I think the world would get the same acceptance of Trump's sarcasm, dry humor and riffing. They would eventually be able to tell the difference between when he's riffing and when he's being legit. These statements he makes are so unusual and out of the norm for a "politician"...we the public are not used to hearing someone of this stature and position speak like he's at a bar with a buddy and I LOVE IT! This is our only chance to elect someone so unconventional...to turn Washington upside down, someone that doesn't have lobbyists and corporations in his pockets to influence policies and decisions, someone that is the opposite of what we Americans have always perceived a politician to be. I've voted democrat my entire life...Kerry, Obama, Obama. I want change...I want to see Washington with their pants down, no more lobbyists and corporate handshakes. If Hillary wins we'll have another eight years of the same shit. Let's try four years of unconventional...riffing and all!

I believe you're confusing me with someone else. I've never said I was "independent"...I'm now a registered republican and have clearly stated I support DJT.

Lol, no more corporate handshakes.. except the guy your talking about is one of those "corporate" guys.

Seriously, the fact that your only reason is because he's "not a normal politician and says ridiculous things like putin" is so unbelievably short sighted. Hey, he could strip tons of people of rights, ban muslims, build a wall, deport millions of people, kill our foreign relations, but hey... atleast hes UNCONVENTIONAL. But so was Hitler, Mussoulini, Putin, etc etc.


Professional Schmuck
Just want to say...I don't think he is a racist. I've explained why before in a long post but the examples people cite (like in that one article everyone references) are from 20, 30, 40 years ago. Here's a guy who grew up with a silver spoon among all rich white people...I'd be surprised if he wasn't a bigot when younger, even just 20 years ago. Specifically relating to his policies, I don't consider upholding the law and deporting illegal immigrants as racist. His comments about Mexicans being rapists and criminals wasn't about all Mexican immigrants...it's been morphed by the left into "Donald Trump thinks all Mexicans are rapists and criminals". That's not what he said.

The Muslim ban was a big sticking point for me. That was legit bigotry against a religion which isn't the American way. But he backtracked on it significantly weeks ago and chose a VP that publicly denounced it. I think it was one of those snowball statements Trump used to keep himself in the headlines and not something he legit believed in. That's my gut feeling.

1. He said he does not believe Judge Curriel can be fair to his Trump U fraud case because his parents are Mexican. That is the definition of racism. Thus,

2. Trump is racist by any measure. And if he's not racist, then he's knowingly using racist terms and dogwhistles for political gain .. which is so much worse.

Get out of here with this shit.


Kills Photobucket
I'm 100% sure the only reason Trump doesn't want to release his tax returns is because they prove he isn't as rich as he claims to be.

That's why I want the DNC to keep hammering him on them, and speculating on all sorts of damning things in there. I'm certain it's just his ego. I'm certain he will never cave when it comes to his net worth being proven to be less than he claims, as his whole identity is based on him being seen as this super successful billionaire.

Don't forget his tax returns will also probably show his numerous donations to NAMBLA. Least that's what many people are saying.
Ten Examples of Trump Being a Racist

This doesn't even take into account his racist shit against Judge Curiel. You don't get to say "I don't think he's a racist" to absolve yourself from the stain of supporting a man who is, in words and deeds and by any rational definition of the word, a racist.

Now, maybe you can argue he's not enough of a racist to stop you from supporting him...but that's a whole other can of worms, and says far more about the supporter than the supportee.


I'm sorry I think it's a bunch of bologna. 1500 posts in the thread in OT...taking it out of context. It wasn't part of the script...he was riffing, it had a hint of sarcasm too. You can tell by his voice and mannerisms when he said it. He just doesn't know how to carefully form his sentences.... compare to Obama. Watch an Obama press conference or speech and look how much time he spends between sentences and words....multiple second pauses between words and sentences b/c he knows he has to be extremely careful with what he says since the media will take a sentence out of context and make a headline out of it. It's even worse with DJT b/c doesn't know how to talk like a politician and never will and most of the media has a clear bias IMO.

This is simple-

Even if you are 100% right, what he said was still 100% wrong.

Let that sink in, Barack


Just want to say...I don't think he is a racist. I've explained why before in a long post but the examples people cite (like in that one article everyone references) are from 20, 30, 40 years ago. Here's a guy who grew up with a silver spoon among all rich white people...I'd be surprised if he wasn't a bigot when younger, even just 20 years ago. Specifically relating to his policies, I don't consider upholding the law and deporting illegal immigrants as racist. His comments about some of the illegal Mexican immigrants coming over here being rapists and criminals wasn't about all Mexican immigrants...it's been morphed by the left into "Donald Trump thinks all Mexicans are rapists and criminals". That's not what he said.

The Muslim ban was a big sticking point for me. That was legit bigotry against a religion which isn't the American way. But he backtracked on it significantly weeks ago and chose a VP that publicly denounced it. I think it was one of those snowball statements Trump used to keep himself in the headlines and not something he legit believed in. That's my gut feeling.

Give me a break dude. He's a racist with racist supporters and if you support him you are supporting racism and bigotry. End of story. You can try to spin it however you want in your mind, but that is the reality of the situation. This idea that he's going to be good for the country because he's not establishment is incredibly naive and il-advised, even by the admission of high ranking GOP members and supporters. How you can continue to support him and rationalize it blows my mind.

Rebel Leader

Shit trump has said
Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.

Sadly, the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and hispanics-a tough subject-must be discussed.

Well, somebody's doing the raping, Don! I mean somebody's doing it

He's proud of his his heritage. I respect him for that,He's a Mexican. We're building a wall between here and Mexico
One of the many things that drives me insane about racists is when they parse racist statements made by other racists to prove that they're really not indicative of anything malicious.

In many ways, it's just easier to call out the alt-right types who are very straightforward about their racism.


I'm 100% sure the only reason Trump doesn't want to release his tax returns is because they prove he isn't as rich as he claims to be.

That's why I want the DNC to keep hammering him on them, and speculating on all sorts of damning things in there. I'm certain it's just his ego. I'm certain he will never cave when it comes to his net worth being proven to be less than he claims, as his whole identity is based on him being seen as this super successful billionaire.


All of the reports looking through the public record seem to put his value >500 million net worth, let alone 10 billion.
The judge comment was really bad and I don't have any defense for it. That's one example where the calls of racism ring true, but the only one imo. The Trump University case was killing him...I doubt he's gonna win the case. The evidence about Trump U being a worthless rip off looks clear as day. But even if it's the only one that's racist that's still one too many. Guy was backed into a corner with how brutal the Trump U media spotlight was at the time. I don't forgive him for it.


As a policy analyst, I don't want some stupid dumb fuck like Trump anywhere near our code of federal regulations. The man is a bull in a china shop and any possible miniscule gains that could be made by putting someone like him in charge of the executive branch are far outweighed by his general contempt for anything that is not Donald Trump.

I want Hillary Clinton precisely because she understands that details are important and is willing to drill down on policy and law in order to achieve the best possible outcomes from the laws that are passed and the actions that are undertaken by departments under her purview, in addition to having a grasp on the ability and capability of her pen, via executive order. The damage that Trump will alone cause through his intentional (although I would probably wager more often than not unintentional) use of the bully pulpit of the presidential office will be massive and would require a ridiculous amount of effort to rectify by State in the following administration, much like Hillary achieved on behalf of the Obama administration.

Fuck Donald J. Trump.
Some people are single-issue voters, guys.

And that issue is "for the lulz".

Where does Hillary stand on lulz, huh? How many has she pledged to provide to this country?


I love that notion that Trump "doesn't have lobbyists and corporations in his pockets to influence policies and decisions". It's ridiculous.
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