I think he was either doing his typical sarcastic riffing or he was legit implying some kind of political recourse. He probably didnt think it through and didn't realize Hillary would already be in office in the hypothetical scenario that she selected supreme court justices...he didn't think that through, he riffed it in a quick way.
I think we as Americans have a chance in this election to elect a President that is so unconventional and would turn Washington and politics in general upside down...a chance we won't have again if DJT loses b/c the next republican candidate would surely be an 'establishment' candidate and base his campaign on "I'm not Donald Trump...I'm a real politician and conservative and not a nutter". This would 100% happen... no way we get another anti-establishment republican candidate like Trump or even in same ballpark as Trump again if Trump loses badly like the polls are saying. This is our one chance to shake up the system.
In the same way world leaders have kinda accepted Putin as being this larger than life figure who rides horses without a shirt off, hunts, pilots helicopters, was in the KGB and is a badass guy...and how they accept he can say some inflammatory things b/c of his persona... "Oh that's just Vlad being Vlad", I think the world would get the same acceptance of Trump's sarcasm, dry humor and riffing. They would eventually be able to tell the difference between when he's riffing and when he's being legit. These statements he makes are so unusual and out of the norm for a "politician"...we the public are not used to hearing someone of this stature and position speak like he's at a bar with a buddy and I LOVE IT! This is our only chance to elect someone so unconventional...to turn Washington upside down, someone that doesn't have lobbyists and corporations in his pockets to influence policies and decisions, someone that is the opposite of what we Americans have always perceived a politician to be. I've voted democrat my entire life...Kerry, Obama, Obama. I want change...I want to see Washington with their pants down, no more lobbyists and corporate handshakes. If Hillary wins we'll have another eight years of the same shit. Let's try four years of unconventional...riffing and all!
I believe you're confusing me with someone else. I've never said I was "independent"...I'm now a registered republican and have clearly stated I support DJT.