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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Yeah he picked a VP that openly hates gay people. So awesome. It's also hilarious that you think not including all Mexicans in his comment makes it less racist. Wanting to deport 11 million people is the definition of white nationalism and you get so upset when someone calls you out on it.

And let us think for a moment that we do start a program to deport 11 million Mexicans. Do you think those who are here legally are not going to be effected? Racial profiling will increase tenfold. That Mexican across the street is speaking Spanish, lets call the police to have them deported, racist assholes are not going to know or care that they are hear legally.
It has been a difficult couple of weeks indeed.

So why continue on supporting him? And not just supporting him, but making an attempt to actually defend him.

You voted for Obama, twice, and yet seem completely against just voting for who is essentially Obama, with less speaking ability, but more political experience (at least compared to 08 Obama).
Hillary wrote an Op-Ed for the Deseret News, Utah's biggest conservative (and I do mean hardcore conservative) newspaper.

It's basically a "how do you know Trump will stop with the Muslims and not come for you?" or "first they came for..." article.

Trump’s Muslim ban would undo centuries of American tradition and values. To this day, I wonder if he even understands the implications of his proposal. This policy would literally undo what made America great in the first place.

But you don’t have to take it from me. Listen to Mitt Romney, who said Trump “fired before aiming” when he decided a blanket religious ban was a solution to the threat of terrorism.

Listen to former Sen. Larry Pressler, who said Trump’s plan reminded him of when Missouri Gov. Lilburn Boggs singled out Mormons in his infamous extermination order of 1838.

Or listen to your governor, who saw Trump’s statement as a reminder of President Rutherford B. Hayes’ attempt to limit Mormon immigration to America in 1879.

Instead of giving into demagoguery, Gov. Gary Herbert is setting a compassionate example and welcoming Syrian refugees fleeing religious persecution and terrorism. Once they’ve gone through a rigorous screening process, he is opening your state’s doors to some of the most vulnerable people in the world.

Also, Hillary is so bad at inserting her main platform points randomly in speeches and articles.

That means passing comprehensive immigration reform to bring families out of the shadows and keep kids and parents together; ensuring equal pay for women; finally joining every other advanced country in the world in guaranteeing paid family leave; and providing early childhood education, so every child can reach his or her God-given potential.

That last paragraph just kind of comes out of nowhere, come on, HIlldawg, lol.

I think he was either doing his typical sarcastic riffing or he was legit implying some kind of political recourse. He probably didnt think it through and didn't realize Hillary would already be in office in the hypothetical scenario that she selected supreme court justices...he didn't think that through, he riffed it in a quick way.

I think we as Americans have a chance in this election to elect a President that is so unconventional and would turn Washington and politics in general upside down...a chance we won't have again if DJT loses b/c the next republican candidate would surely be an 'establishment' candidate and base his campaign on "I'm not Donald Trump...I'm a real politician and conservative and not a nutter". This would 100% happen... no way we get another anti-establishment republican candidate like Trump or even in same ballpark as Trump again if Trump loses badly like the polls are saying. This is our one chance to shake up the system.

In the same way world leaders have kinda accepted Putin as being this larger than life figure who rides horses without a shirt off, hunts, pilots helicopters, was in the KGB and is a badass guy...and how they accept he can say some inflammatory things b/c of his persona... "Oh that's just Vlad being Vlad", I think the world would get the same acceptance of Trump's sarcasm, dry humor and riffing. They would eventually be able to tell the difference between when he's riffing and when he's being legit. These statements he makes are so unusual and out of the norm for a "politician"...we the public are not used to hearing someone of this stature and position speak like he's at a bar with a buddy and I LOVE IT! This is our only chance to elect someone so unconventional...to turn Washington upside down, someone that doesn't have lobbyists and corporations in his pockets to influence policies and decisions, someone that is the opposite of what we Americans have always perceived a politician to be. I've voted democrat my entire life...Kerry, Obama, Obama. I want change...I want to see Washington with their pants down, no more lobbyists and corporate handshakes. If Hillary wins we'll have another eight years of the same shit. Let's try four years of unconventional...riffing and all!

I believe you're confusing me with someone else. I've never said I was "independent"...I'm now a registered republican and have clearly stated I support DJT.

Looks like I gave you too much credit. I really hope you're a clown character. If not, I feel deep, deep pity for you and your lack of any kind of reasoning/analytical skills. Literally your only argument is "Let's shake up the system!", whatever the fuck that means, without regard to any consequences or platforms. Apparently this outweighs all the despicable things Trump has said and done?


Do you guys not think there's a difference between having a team of billionaires as your economic advisers versus having billionaires lining your pockets with bribes? Lobbyists and corporate donors basically commit bribery...hush hush but still bribery.

If Warren Buffet was on his economic advisory team, would anyone object? These people know how to make money and know what makes a good economy.

Why do you even come in here asking these questions? No matter what, you're still going to vote for him. People have provided you with evidence that he is a racist, that his economic policies would only benefit the rich, and that he is dangerous and unhinged, and every single time you twist yourself into a pretzel making excuses for him. You act as if you're open to being convinced to vote for someone else even though you're clearly not. Trump could call President Obama a nigger or Hillary Clinton a bitch and you would only say, "Well, it was a bad moment, but I'm still voting for him." Just own up to it. He's been saying awful shit long before he started running for president, and when Hillary bodies him in the debates or he outright refuses to show up, you'll still be in here defending him.
And let us think for a moment that we do start a program to deport 11 million Mexicans. Do you think those who are here legally are not going to be effected? Racial profiling will increase tenfold. That Mexican across the street is speaking Spanish, lets call the police to have them deported, racist assholes are not going to know or care that they are hear legally.

Wanting to deport 11 million people is fucking stupid and ignores a ton of consequences. Hiding behind lame platitudes like "it's the law" doesn't make you any less of a white nationalist.

His tag makes me think he's trolling hard right now though.


Hillary wrote an Op-Ed for the Deseret News, Utah's biggest conservative (and I do mean hardcore conservative) newspaper.

It's basically a "how do you know Trump will stop with the Muslims and not come for you?" or "first they came for..." article.

Also, Hillary is so bad at inserting her main platform points randomly in speeches and articles.

That last paragraph just kind of comes out of nowhere, come on, HIlldawg, lol.


Not a bad piece. Mormons who remember their history should really relate to being a targeted religious minority, but I guess we will see if it resonates more deeply.


You know Tim Kaine won't do stuff like this, gonna miss Joe. He's straight up talking shit during the State of the Union.

Nobody who supports Trump deserves the benefit of the doubt anymore.

That ended a while ago.

There are no half measures in this race, no "ehhh well"'s in terms of deciding if you're going to support Trump.

There are no "hard weeks", it's been like this from day fucking one. His words have not changed, he is a fascist and anyone who isn't white or "one of the good ones" will be in a world of shit if he reaches the Oval Office.

People have had their chance to back away, they had ample opportunity to think about what Trump represents and what a vote for him means.

If you're still supporting Trump now, you don't deserve to even be debated or reasoned with in polite discourse. You deserve to be laughed at on November 8th when the destruction of the GOP is complete and being a republican becomes the word people laugh at similar to when "liberal" became a dirty word.


Don't want to create a thread for this question and figured this would be an appropriate place to ask - anyone have a good book recommendation about Malcom X? I am really fascinated and want to learn more - something that mixes biography/accounts but also includes his written works/speeches and analysis.


aka andydumi
Do you guys not think there's a difference between having a team of billionaires as your economic advisers versus having billionaires lining your pockets with bribes? Lobbyists and corporate donors basically commit bribery...hush hush but still bribery.

If Warren Buffet was on his economic advisory team, would anyone object? These people know how to make money and know what makes a good economy.

It's not so much that there are billionaires but that it's almost all there is. The fact that he is one himself and is surrounding himself with like minded people clearly indicates that his goal is to favor corporations and Wall Street. A credible approach would have been to say "I personally know a lot about corporate, but not much about government or small business, so let me pack my economics team with people who know about those areas. Or at least make sure they have high prominence." And Warren Buffet on there would have the same issue because it's not necessarily about any one individual but about the whole team and goals.

And it's not necessarily accurate to say they know what makes a good economy. A lot of hedge funds exist to make money as quick and as much as possible for their investors, results be damned. They don't exist to ensure a balance going forward for the economy as a whole, and benefit the country. They don't care about jobs being lost, dissolving companies they buy or selling off assets, or sustainability or communities. It's all about satisfying the investors' rush for quick returns. All the while skirting as many regulations as possible. Do you think it's a coincidence Trump is advocating slashing financial regulations? Which is what keeps the fortunes of people like him and his economic advisors in relative check?


Wanting to deport 11 million people is fucking stupid and ignores a ton of consequences. Hiding behind lame platitudes like "it's the law" doesn't make you any less of a white nationalist.

His tag makes me think he's trolling hard right now though.

Aside from the fact that it is logistically nonsensical. It is the equivalent of deporting the entire population of the state of Ohio, which is simply not feasible, although some critics of the state might favor it.
Hillary wrote an Op-Ed for the Deseret News, Utah's biggest conservative (and I do mean hardcore conservative) newspaper.

It's basically a "how do you know Trump will stop with the Muslims and not come for you?" or "first they came for..." article.

Also, Hillary is so bad at inserting her main platform points randomly in speeches and articles.

That last paragraph just kind of comes out of nowhere, come on, HIlldawg, lol.


I disagree with your take. She's utilizing Mormon heritage in that they were a marginalized group based on religion. It's a smart tactic to think, and I do think it's one of the reasons Trump is polling so poorly in Utah. Overall, I thought it was a good opinion piece.
As a lawyer when I hear the term "transcript" I think of someone else recording the speech for posterity, not her own personal notes.

My point is she should have gotten rid of the notes if that's all this is about, at least when she decided to run. Or she should have accidentally saved over them or something.
Or never give the fucking speeches in the first place.
. What a self inflicted wound.
If she got rid of the drafts we'd be hearing the same thing with her deleted emails. She must be hiding something if she destroyed them.

I'll consider it. It's becoming harder and harder to stake myself into the ground and explain his dumb statements and riffing. The first debate (Sept 27) will be big for me.
And what if he decides to back out of the debates? He has nothing to gain by doing them and everything to lose. He is already saying it is rigged and they need to be fair to him, and we all know what he considers to be unfair.


I disagree with your take. She's utilizing Mormon heritage in that they were a marginalized group based on religion. It's a smart tactic to think, and I do think it's one of the reasons Trump is polling so poorly in Utah. Overall, I thought it was a good opinion piece.

That was my take as well. It is a clever way to go about it.
Nobody who supports Trump deserves the benefit of the doubt anymore.

That ended a while ago.

I'm with Pigeon in the "shame" camp. I know mods have to be modly for the sake of open discussion on an internet board, but I would be in favor of creating a thread that seemed friendly to trump supporters luring all of trumpGAF into one place and then dropping a giant shame bomb on the whole fucking lot of em.
Don't want to create a thread for this question and figured this would be an appropriate place to ask - anyone have a good book recommendation about Malcom X? I am really fascinated and want to learn more - something that mixes biography/accounts but also includes his written works/speeches and analysis.
“The Death and Life of Malcolm X” by Peter Goldman. The best biography on Malcolm X. Get the 1979 version.


I've been trying to read up as much as I can on the down-ticket races. What do you guys see as the current situation in the nine governor races? I'm not american btw, so don't assume any inherent knowledge of what any states are like.

Which ones could flip etc.
I'll consider it. It's becoming harder and harder to stake myself into the ground and explain his dumb statements and riffing. The first debate (Sept 27) will be big for me.

Well sure. I'm surprised that you've set up a few if/ then scenarios for your support of him already. There have been several, recent overtly racist statements and platform promises. But you say that one more then that's it. You mention that it's becoming harder to hold your ground with him, and yet you still do despite his mocking a reporter with disabilities, despite his calling for Russia to get involved with this election, despite his asking why can't we use nukes more, despite his playing fast and loose with calling for an assassination attempt, and that's just for starters. And you say that the first debate will be big for you.

Be honest-- are you just moving the goal posts for yourself every time he fucks up?

Look, I get wanting to shake up the system and kick some energy and something different into what might be a broken, stodgy system. But Trump is not the person to do that. He's super-connected and in no way an outsider. If you look over the history of his business deals, he's essentially a swarm of termites. He comes in, devours the thing then it collapses and he leaves with a full belly and destruction in his path. That's the approach he'd have to running the country. That's not "turning Washington upside down," that's just malevolent greed.

I don't know you but you can't be that bad of a person. Please do give yourself a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself if you really want to participate in something so obviously ugly, avaricious and hypocritical.


Don't want to create a thread for this question and figured this would be an appropriate place to ask - anyone have a good book recommendation about Malcom X? I am really fascinated and want to learn more - something that mixes biography/accounts but also includes his written works/speeches and analysis.

In addition to the direct biographies others have recommended, I recently started reading Martin & Malcolm & America - a book about MLK and Malcolm X's relationship to each other and the CRM at large. Just started it a week ago so can't recommend yet, but maybe something to have on your radar.


Maybe it's because I watch too much TV news but I'm done with email gate. Every time something new pops out it's always nothing. Then gets beaten to death for a week. Rinse and repeat. There's only so much I can care about something that has been beaten to death. If something legit pops up then I'll care until then I'm checking out of emailgate.
Dudes, has this been posted? Christie bomb about to drop
The New York Times
Twitter › nytimes
Chris Christie lied to reporters about the bridge incident, one of his aides said in a text to a colleague nyti.ms/2aLRxjp
Maybe it's because I watch too much TV news but I'm done with email gate. Every time something new pops out it's always nothing. Then gets beaten to death for a week. Rinse and repeat. There's only so much I can care about something that has been beaten to death. If something legit pops up then I'll care until then I'm checking out of emailgate.

The good news is, you're not alone. A majority of people (I think it was 60%?) are tired of hearing about her emails.

At this point for me, whenever email stuff comes up, it just ends up looking like a sad attempt to take the heat off of Trump
Warren Buffet knows more about the economy than all of us combined. I would say the same for most billionaires...the ones he chose for his team, most of which probably have great education in economics.

This is untrue. Billionaires don't necessarily know how to manage an economy. Not Gates, not Buffet, not Carlos Slim, not Elon Musk. They, presumably, know how to make money for themselves and for their companies. This doesn't translate into managing an economy and sustaining an environment where there are hundreds of thousands of moving parts each looking for their own self interest.

By this dumb ass logic, Julia Louis-Dreyfus would be better suited for managing the economy than Paul Krugman
Wanting to deport 11 million people is fucking stupid and ignores a ton of consequences. Hiding behind lame platitudes like "it's the law" doesn't make you any less of a white nationalist.

His tag makes me think he's trolling hard right now though.

I don't necessarily think wanting existing immigration law enforced makes you a white nationalist (an increasingly nebulous and ill-defined term), but considering Trump's opening volley was how they're all just violent criminals, his particular rationale is clear.


Now I'm sad Christie didn't get the nomination or VP spot, imagine if he had been a thing with this coming out? Now it just feels like punching a guy who already got knocked out.

The dude ordered his people to shut down a public highway to get back at a political opponent.

Fuck his fat ass.
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