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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Say it is a wave election and Hillary gets both houses if Congress.

What does she spend her political capital and mandate on?

Could we get the Citizens United Amendment through? It's probably DOA in most of the states, so probably not wise.


No Scrubs
Say it is a wave election and Hillary gets both houses if Congress.

What does she spend her political capital and mandate on?

Could we get the Citizens United Amendment through? It's probably DOA in most if the states, so probably not wise.

Nah, CU is going down in the courts. There's so much other, more pressing, issues to deal with.
"We can start making Apple computers in this country".

Apple computers are made in this country, you fucknut.


I like this new line he's repeating. Do you really have the smartest supporters? Do you?
What does she spend her political capital and mandate on?

confirm garland, confirm ginsburg's replacement, infrastructure bill, immigration reform bill (both of which are imperative that she passes ASAP, especially the infrastructure bill), probably a couple other things i'm forgetting about


I've heard this story about his guy who builds the factories in Mexico 30-40 times.

"We're building plants in Mexico like you wouldn't believe. Believe me."
Say it is a wave election and Hillary gets both houses if Congress.

What does she spend her political capital and mandate on?

Could we get the Citizens United Amendment through? It's probably DOA in most of the states, so probably not wise.

I wouldn't want her to waste her time on an Amendment that isn't going to be ratified by 2/3 of the states

Because when it fails, she'll be blamed. And she would have wasted time on something everyone knows isn't going to get passed.

Health care and student debt are feasible options. Improve Obamacare and get something on the books for student loans. Maybe some minimum wage stuff as well (12 should be fairly easy to swallow for more on the fence blue dogs)


Say it is a wave election and Hillary gets both houses if Congress.

What does she spend her political capital and mandate on?

Could we get the Citizens United Amendment through? It's probably DOA in most of the states, so probably not wise.

The Citizens United Amendment is fairly obvious pandering in my opinion.
We're not retaking the House, lol. Maybe the Senate, but not House.

It's possible, it's really possible. The fact that Trump has a glaring demographic weakness (Suburban, college-educated whites) in an area that is usually a GOP strength opens up an entirely new area for Democrats to attack.

The RNC is already taking on more responsibility for the Presidential election than they ever have before due to Trump's complete lack of an organization. Does the RNC have the ability to fight on multiple fronts? You might just say that the RNC will just pull support for Trump, but doing that might have disastrous effects on turnout.
in other news, ann kirkpatrick just cut this ad tying john mccain to trump, and, well

just watch it


I need McCain's face on the dog
Say it is a wave election and Hillary gets both houses if Congress.

What does she spend her political capital and mandate on?

Could we get the Citizens United Amendment through? It's probably DOA in most of the states, so probably not wise.

CU will probably be done with the courts.

I want her to for immigration reform, and a public works infrastructure plan through.


Mike Cernovich has taken over the conspiracy right by arguing that Hillary has mental health problems that will kill her based...... well nothing, but.

Mike Cernovich was one of the main GamerGaters and has thoughts about semen.


#HillarysHealth and #HillaryKilledSethRich are the only things going on in the Trump sphere right now.

GameGaters are weird, nothing shocking about that.
Holly Bailey ‏@hollybdc 15m15 minutes ago
Trump usually spends tons of time talking up polls. But in VA, he merely says, “The polls over the last day or two have really tightened up"


Trump saying he has a chance in Michigan.
Btw if Trump is leading in three Dem-held districts they're probably FL-2, MN-7 and NE-2. FL-2 is generally agreed upon as gone (a worthy price to pay for redistricting giving us better opportunities elsewhere in FL), Peterson pretty much has MN-7 for life and Ashford lucked out in NE-2 by having no serious opponents.

There are only two other Romney district Democrats, Ann Kirkpatrick and Patrick Murphy who are both Senate candidates, but if Clinton is flipping their districts they'll probably be holds in the general.

Clinton flipping so many Romney districts will be problematic for Republicans because if Democrats carry even half of those downballot they're in spitting distance of a majority. And even if they fell only a seat or two short that puts Ryan in a really shitty position as he'd need to keep his caucus 100% in line in order to prevent Democrats from having functional control of the House.

Have a tough time getting through the Filibuster.
A public option could pass via reconciliation.

I dunno if Dems would want to relitigate the healthcare reform fight but idk they could.

A PPACA "fix" bill that includes a public option, Medicare buy-in starting at age 55 and some way of making up for the states that didn't expand Medicaid (which I expect more to if Clinton wins anyway as I imagine most GOP governors are holding out hope that it just gets repealed by a Republican president) would be pretty rad. Along with some technical fixes and stuff like letting Medicare negotiate for drug prices rather than paying higher fixed rates. It would bring ACA much closer to being universal.

I would like Dems to get some form of free college through though, so it'll be up to Clinton and leadership to decide what to spend any political capital on I guess.
CU will probably be done with the courts.

I want her to for immigration reform, and a public works infrastructure plan through.

Somehow getting ahold of congress will be a boon and a burden for her.
The ability to pass what you want...you had better get shit done or it's back to GOP congress for another 20.

The second the democrats get congress thought, I expect them to immediately turn on each other and FAIL!
Btw if Trump is leading in three Dem-held districts they're probably FL-2, MN-7 and NE-2. FL-2 is generally agreed upon as gone (a worthy price to pay for redistricting giving us better opportunities elsewhere in FL), Peterson pretty much has MN-7 for life and Ashford lucked out in NE-2 by having no serious opponents.

There are only two other Romney district Democrats, Ann Kirkpatrick and Patrick Murphy who are both Senate candidates, but if Clinton is flipping their districts they'll probably be holds in the general.

Clinton flipping so many Romney districts will be problematic for Republicans because if Democrats carry even half of those downballot they're in spitting distance of a majority. And even if they fell only a seat or two short that puts Ryan in a really shitty position as he'd need to keep his caucus 100% in line in order to prevent Democrats from having functional control of the House.

It's definitely FL-2 and MN-7, but it could also be AZ-01 because it's so much more rural than NE-02. That would make more sense to me.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
- Public option
- Min. wage hike
- Infrastructure bill

These should be the big 3 on Hillary's plate. All of which are (relatively) uncontroversial policies.

But, if we had a choice between retaking the house or retaking the senate, I would go with the latter as having the SC would fix many of our problems even if Hillary never gets a single bill passed.


I hope Breyer takes this chance to make an exit as well. He's 77; hopefully Scalia's passing has put things into perspective. That'd give us a really young, liberal majority.


No Scrubs
- Public option
- Min. wage hike
- Infrastructure bill

These should be the big 3 on Hillary's plate. All of which are (relatively) uncontroversial policies.

But, if we had a choice between retaking the house or retaking the senate, I would go with the latter as having the SC would fix many of our problems even if Hillary never gets a single bill passed.

Agreed on all of it. Especially on the Public Option being job #1. It's literally sitting on the cutting room floor of the House waiting to be enacted.


Trump's hits on Kaine are particularly weak.

"He raised your taxes by 4 billion dollars."
Going to have to get a fact check to see the break down, but I have a feeling it's on the top incomes and top corporate earners.

"Your GDP averaged a 1.1% increase in his tenor"
That sounds like a positive.

"Virigina lost 60,000 Manufacturing jobs."
Along with the rest of first world countries. It's a complete false narrative that Trump is going to bring these jobs back. This isn't a negative, it's a reality.
Trump's hits on Kaine are particularly weak.

"He raised your taxes by 4 billion dollars."
Going to have to get a fact check to see the break down, but I have a feeling it's on the top incomes and top corporate earners.
"Your GDP averaged a 1.1% increase in his tenor"
That sounds like a positive.
"Virigina lost 60,000 Manufacturing jobs."
Along with the rest of first world countries. It's a complete false narrative that Trump is going to bring these jobs back. This isn't a negative, it's a reality.

Low Energy.
I hope Breyer takes this chance to make an exit as well. He's 77; hopefully Scalia's passing has put things into perspective. That'd give us a really young, liberal majority.

I'd be fairly surprised to see both Breyer and Ginsburg leave in two years. That would mean three new justices all crammed together. Stuff like that matters inside the court.


Hillary's priorities will crucially depend on how strong her legislative support is. It will also become more clear as the election gets closer. But here's my early guess....

Easy(ish) wins:

1) New Justice. Obvious.

2) Alzheimer's and Autism. Relatively apolitical, and clearly important to her. Good wins to get early on.

3) Lead abatement. Classic Hilldawg - overlooked but important. After Flint, hard for anyone to grandstand on.

4) Criminal justice reform. Increasingly bipartisan.

5) Min wage. At the end of the day, no one wants to raise to much of a fight on this one.

Tougher fights:

1) Infrastructure bank, other infrastructure spending. Republicans hate spending money. But important long term investment, and the bank could really improve how we manage this process.

2) Immigration reform. One of Obama's bigger L's, long time coming, important politically.

3) Family leave / child care / pre-k. Combining these as a sort of "family package". My guess is a move that attempts the insanely expensive but important pre-k, but gets watered down.

4)The "Bernie Agenda". I don't know if I expect to see a public option happen or massive higher Ed overhaul in the first Congress honestly.

5) Gun control. Never easy, probably won't be early no matter what.

This is just my early read. I think we will get more signals from.the campaign over time. And honestly who can say at this point...there are a ton of variables.


No Scrubs
Lead abatement would be good because we generally know exactly what parts of the system are affected and need to be changed out, it's literally just a matter of spending the money and getting it done.
It's definitely FL-2 and MN-7, but it could also be AZ-01 because it's so much more rural than NE-02. That would make more sense to me.
Well AZ-1 was on the cusp anyway but NE-2 was a comfortable Romney win. Even if it's swingier I'd imagine it'd take a lot less for her to flip AZ-1.

In any case.

- Public option
- Min. wage hike
- Infrastructure bill

These should be the big 3 on Hillary's plate. All of which are (relatively) uncontroversial policies.

But, if we had a choice between retaking the house or retaking the senate, I would go with the latter as having the SC would fix many of our problems even if Hillary never gets a single bill passed.
Not sure what I would choose, to be honest. I think the Senate leadership is far more rational than the House leadership, they'd probably let some Garland-esque appointments through which would still shift the balance of the Court considerably.

I think she owes policing reform and immigration reform to the minority communities that came out big for her, both in the primaries and (likely) the general. I know she's also said a pay equity bill is a top priority for her, and as the first female president it's certainly be appropriate.


Wow, some guy tried to rush the stage at a Hillary rally before being apprehended by Secret Service agents. Apparently he was some animal rights activist. Christ!
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