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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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C'mon PSVR! Save me! I don't even know how or with what, but you'll do it with some damn thing I'm sure! A 70 meta reminds me of when Destiny was new. People played it a ton but it was sort of impossible to defend it objectively as a fantastic game. It just slowly grew on everyone as it got incremental improvements.

Anyway, I'm ashamed of myself that I didn't post this earlier, given the Trump shout out to Bill.



I almost had sex with a guy who lived across the street from one of the Trump buildings. But I just don't think I'd be able to keep it up when I look out the window and I see "TRUMP" in giant letters staring back at me while I'm banging him. So it didn't happen. Donald Trump literally stopped me from getting laid today.


Kills Photobucket
Trump questions Clinton's mental fitness and gets the day wrong twice during speech.


But Trump himself, locked in a grueling campaign, twice made a slip of the tongue. “By the way, is there any place to be that’s better than a Friday night in Florida at a Trump rally? No place.”

A few supporters shouted: “It’s Thursday!”

Later he said: “We joke. It’s Friday night and we’re having fun.” More supporters yelled: “It’s Thursday!” but he appeared to assume it was more cheering.
I almost had sex with a guy who lived across the street from one of the Trump buildings. But I just don't think I'd be able to keep it up when I look out the window and I see "TRUMP" in giant letters staring back at me while I'm banging him. So it didn't happen. Donald Trump literally stopped me from getting laid today.
Sad! I was at this chick place last night and didn't seal the deal. I don't blame it on Trump though.
All y'all talking about carnal relations.....

I spent the day doing my bf's laundry, writing name's on school supplies, and trying not to die of heat stroke while cooking dinner.

Trump's economic policies are so incoherent that I can feel nothing but disappointment that most voters (even many that prefer Hillary to Trump) prefer Trump's economic policies.

Trump wants to:

-Have so much government control over business that businesses can't leave the nation without paying huge fines.

-Have so little government control over business that there are no financial regulations created in his term of office.

These are ideas so extreme to the left and to the right that they would make both Socialists and libertarians blanch with some members both sides viewing Trump as going too far and making a parody of their ideas. And the two ideas are completely contradictory!

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I got suckered into going to Idaho Shakespeare Festival tonight. I could be home checking PoliGAF, playing No Man's Sky and drinking whiskey while my lady and I watch Game of Thrones. I've got beer, and I can check this place while intermission is going on, but goddamn. My legs are asleep and mosquitos are eating me. This is dumb.



More empirical evidence for Trump's coming domination:

USA Today - App maker: Trump will win election

Despite a majority of opinion polls showing the 2016 presidential election going to Democrat Hillary Clinton, a smartphone app developer says his data suggests challenger Donald Trump will be the victor.

“Based on the stats we see, he looks strong,” says Ric Militi, co-founder of San Diego-based Crazy Raccoons, maker of the Zip question and answer app. His app poses questions and polls responses based on an average of 100,000 daily users. “I go with Trump, based on what we see.”


According to the RealClearPolitics average of opinion polls, which are performed by calling people on landlines and cell phones, and answering questions on websites, Clinton leads with 47.8%, to Trump’s 41.0%.

How can Zip’s results be so different?

“We’re not a poll. We’re a conversation, and 100% anonymous,” Militi says. “People feel comfortable answering questions without fear of being bullied or being called a racist. People can express themselves safely, and you get a pure answer.”


While I'm at it, anyone that puts "Dr." next to their name on everything is a fucking douche.

You are not that special.

LOL this is my favorite recent tweet:

Some want soundbite answers but geopolitics is rooted in complex history. We know status quo is deadly. #NoMoreWar✌��

"Some want soundbite answers, but the world is very complicated. #Soundbite"


While I'm at it, anyone that puts "Dr." next to their name on everything is a fucking douche.

You are not that special.

I disagree completely, if you worked in school long enough to do that, you've earned that title. If someone is a Doctor, I address them by that title.


I don't disagree with her on that tweet.

I mean the ones that are around shouldn't be decrepit, and there shouldn't be oodles put into new ones, but it's still quite a leap.

I disagree completely, if you worked in school long enough to do that, you've earned that title. If someone is a Doctor, I address them by that title.

But hey, we agree here! (though there are still layers to it)


I don't disagree with her on that tweet.

Then ending fossil fuels any time soon is a pipe dream. You might be fine with them being gradually fazed out, but pretty sure Stein favors ending the use of fossil fuels immediately and doesnt want nuclear power either.

That just results in a crazy person ranting in the dark.


I disagree completely, if you worked in school long enough to do that, you've earned that title. If someone is a Doctor, I address them by that title.

I'd hate it, tbh. I think it's pretentious as hell.

Sure, you've earned the title, but no one else goes around calling themselves by their sequence of earned titles. This ain't Game of Thrones!


I mean the ones that are around shouldn't be decrepit, and there shouldn't be oodles put into new ones, but it's still quite a leap.

Then ending fossil fuels any time soon is a pipe dream. You might be fine with them being gradually fazed out, but pretty sure Stein favors ending the use of fossil fuels immediately and doesnt want nuclear power either.

That just results in a crazy person ranting in the dark.

That's how I feel about it - don't build new nuclear plants and gradually phase the rest of them out. Radioactive isotopes of elements have such long half-lives that they can take tens or hundreds of thousands of years to decay enough to be at (believed) safe levels. Nuclear energy is a long term risk. A lot can happen in thousands of years.

I really don't think Jill Stein is crazy for this reason, she's crazy for the WiFi thing, but with nuclear power I agree with her. I don't think its feasible to just shut them down all at once immediately, but I definitely think we should stay away from them. Japan is a very developed country and look at what happened at Fukushima Daiichi.


I'd hate it, tbh. I think it's pretentious as hell.

Sure, you've earned the title, but no one else goes around calling themselves by their sequence of earned titles. This ain't Game of Thrones!

I don't even like Ben Carson, but I'd still address him as Dr. It ain't easy earning that title, a lot of hard work is put into it, and I would feel wrong from diminishing their accomplishments. If someone's a doctor, I'll call them "Dr." and I don't blame them for wanting others to call them "Dr." either
The one thing I get bitter about after losing so much of my eye sight is that I had to drop out of my med school track. I had the grades. I had the drive...but I couldn't fucking see.

I'm going to get my PhD in writing just to be a pretentious asshole and make everyone call me Dr. Adam.


That's how I feel about it - don't build new nuclear plants and gradually phase the rest of them out. Radioactive isotopes of elements have such long half-lives that they can take tens or hundreds of thousands of years to decay enough to be at (believed) safe levels. Nuclear energy is a long term risk. A lot can happen in thousands of years.

I really don't think Jill Stein is crazy for this reason, she's crazy for the WiFi thing, but with nuclear power I agree with her. I don't think its feasible to just shut them down all at once immediately, but I definitely think we should stay away from them. Japan is a very developed country and look at what happened at Fukushima Daiichi.

Yeah but the entire position is to ditch nuclear and fossil at once (well, phase it all out by 2030 actually if I want to be totally fair), which is quite the timeline. Beyond that, if you want to phase out fossil fuels, you'll need nuclear around for a period of time, as has been said.


I don't even like Ben Carson, but I'd still address him as Dr. It ain't easy earning that title, a lot of hard work is put into it, and I would feel wrong from diminishing their accomplishments. If someone's a doctor, I'll call them "Dr." and I don't blame them for wanting others to call them "Dr." either

Well, I think there's the difference in our thinking, I don't think it's diminishing in any way to not call someone a doctor :)

In fact, I'd argue that only doing so selectively is what can be considered diminishing -- why does a medical doctor typically deserve that honor, but not everyone else?

Regardless, I'm not even saying we shouldn't call MDs doctors -- I'm saying doing it to yourself, to the point where it's part of your twitter handle, is ridiculous.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
2016 "Empirical evidence" of social media is the equivalent to 2012 Ron Paul Internet presence.

Look at Twitter and how many fake followers Trump has. It's clear his people have been doing this for awhile.
Nuclear power should be expanded as much as possible. The design and safety of reactors aren't quite like they were 50 years ago. Especially as technology continues to evolve and things like fusion get closer to being a possibility. And more immediately just advanced, efficient, and even safer designs of reactor technology.

More research is needed. Not less.

Also, for existing waste, I'd say just as many problems are due to NIMBYism. There are methods to store it in a long-term and reasonably safe manner. Like throwing it in mountains.
Instead of nuke plants generating waste we have to store we should put all the radioactive waste into the air and breathe it.



That's coal.
Instead of nuke plants generating waste we have to store we should put all the radioactive waste into the air and breathe it.



That's coal.

No, see, you don't understand Jill's position, right?

You just get rid of coal. And fossil fuels. And nuclear. All at once. Immediately. And then....um.....okay, well...then : mumbles about vaccines, wifi and fraud :


Kid Heart

Sweet, this dude is low-key admitting his app is popular with racists

Also, that company's Glassdoor page is amazing


I just read the first page and you weren't kidding. He personally responds to like half of the negative reviews. The positive ones are almost all assuredly fake as well.


Well, I think there's the difference in our thinking, I don't think it's diminishing in any way to not call someone a doctor :)

In fact, I'd argue that only doing so selectively is what can be considered diminishing -- why does a medical doctor typically deserve that honor, but not everyone else?

I remember having a teacher in high school who always insisted everyone called her "Dr". People complained about it and made fun of her for her insistence on the term, but I felt that she, as an incredibly intelligent woman and scientist, had definitely earned the title. I have a lot of respect for her and addressing her as "doctor" is completely natural, I can't even fathom calling her "Mrs"

I don't only call medical doctors "doctor"

Regardless, I'm not even saying we shouldn't call MDs doctors -- I'm saying doing it to yourself, to the point where it's part of your twitter handle, is ridiculous.

hey, if I was a doctor, I'd put it in my twitter handle too. I'd put that shit everywhere. Dr. Crayons. That's something to be proud of
Instead of nuke plants generating waste we have to store we should put all the radioactive waste into the air and breathe it.



That's coal.

Exactly. Pretty sure there have been studies on the human and environmental effects of coal/fossil fuel emissions vs. nuclear fallout issues. Or nuclear waste issues (has there ever been a recorded incident of nuclear waste being released or sabotaged)?
Dr. Crayons sounds like something I'd name a puppy.

What I have issue with is when someone corrects someone else. Like, if I call someone Mr. Crayons, and then they're like "Actually, it's DR. Crayons." I'ma be like....really queen, really?


Dr. Crayons sounds like something I'd name a puppy.

What I have issue with is when someone corrects someone else. Like, if I call someone Mr. Crayons, and then they're like "Actually, it's DR. Crayons." I'ma be like....really queen, really?

haha well when I put Dr. in front of my real name it sounds legit af. I remember being 10 years old and being a science nerd and having other kids parents call me "dr" jokingly.

Damn. I should be a doctor.
Exactly. Pretty sure there have been studies on the human and environmental effects of coal/fossil fuel emissions vs. nuclear fallout issues. Or nuclear waste issues (has there ever been a recorded incident of nuclear waste being released or sabotaged)?

Coal has killed orders of magnitudes more people than nuclear.

But it's less visible so it's fine.


Dr. Crayons sounds like something I'd name a puppy.

What I have issue with is when someone corrects someone else. Like, if I call someone Mr. Crayons, and then they're like "Actually, it's DR. Crayons." I'ma be like....really queen, really?

That's my point!

And putting that shit everywhere like your damn twitter handle is basically a preemptive "Oh, you betttterrrr call me Doctor!".

Anyways, this conversation is clearly running its course :p
No, see, you don't understand Jill's position, right?

You just get rid of coal. And fossil fuels. And nuclear. All at once. Immediately. And then....um.....okay, well...then : mumbles about vaccines, wifi and fraud :

Windmills, Adam. Don't you get it? Windmills. Everywhere. Windmills on buildings. On cars. Even little mini windmills on the blades of bigger windmills.



That's my point!

And putting that shit everywhere like your damn twitter handle is basically a preemptive "Oh, you betttterrrr call me Doctor!".

Anyways, this conversation is clearly running its course :p
I actually have no problem with someone correcting me with their title. Maybe its how I was raised. It's very Japanese of me.
I'm not Japanese but I speak it

Adam, finish med school and I will call you Dr. Adam. That's a promise.


Ok, last thing!

Just imagine if all MAs wanted to be called "Master".


I actually have no problem with someone correcting me with their title. Maybe its how I was raised. It's very Japanese of me.
I'm not Japanese but I speak it

Adam, finish med school and I will call you Dr. Adam. That's a promise.

If I concede to you, you will have to call me Master-Doctor, first of his name.
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