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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Windmills, Adam. Don't you get it? Windmills. Everywhere. Windmills on buildings. On cars. Even little mini windmills on the blades of bigger windmills.

I feel personally victimized by this post :(

There is so much potential with alternative energy sources. I just think that Dr. Jill Stein is too much of a doctor and not enough of a politician that she doesn't understand the way things work in politics. I really admire her as a scientists, but not as a politician.
Does Stein even have enough experience to be able to get shit done as president? I see no upside to having her over Hillary even IF she was a contender. No matter how much my policies may match up with her/Green's.

People love to jump to her defense when people call her crazy, but I've yet to see a single reason to actually vote for her.

To be real, I wish people would stop talking about her. The shameful pandering to Busters was pretty disgusting.
I actually have no problem with someone correcting me with their title. Maybe its how I was raised. It's very Japanese of me.
I'm not Japanese but I speak it

Adam, finish med school and I will call you Dr. Adam. That's a promise.

Queen, please. I'm working on my Masters now. I ain't got time to go back to get into Medical School, :(


All y'all talking about carnal relations.....

I spent the day doing my bf's laundry, writing name's on school supplies, and trying not to die of heat stroke while cooking dinner.

Are these euphemisms? I'm so out of touch w/ the latest. =/


I actually have no problem with someone correcting me with their title. Maybe its how I was raised. It's very Japanese of me.
I'm not Japanese but I speak it




You can have tens of thousands of people at a rally, but that does not mean that candidate who holds these large rallies will win an election. Trump is no trudeau where hundreds or thousands of people want to meet him and like him and who is liked by a lot of people. Trudeau also held decent sized or big sized rallies closer to the end of the last federal election in Canada. We know loads of people despise trump looking at polls for examples.Also lol at trump supporters saying that trump is more popular than hilary using other hilarious methods like interactive polls,smartphone apps and etc.


Does Stein even have enough experience to be able to get shit done as president? I see no upside to having her over Hillary even IF she was a contender. No matter how much my policies may match up with her/Green's.

People love to jump to her defense when people call her crazy, but I've yet to see a single reason to actually vote for her.

To be real, I wish people would stop talking about her. The shameful pandering to Busters was pretty disgusting.
She doesn't. Like I said, I think she's a good scientist but not a good politician. It's really hard to be both
You can have tens of thousands of people at a rally, but that does not mean that candidate who holds these large rallies will win an election. Trump is no trudeau where hundreds or thousands of people want to meet him and like him and who is liked by a lot of people. Trudeau also held decent sized or big sized rallies closer to the end of the last federal election in Canada. We know loads of people despise trump looking at polls for examples.

It's also stupid because Hillary's campaign deliberately schedules smaller events. That's what she prefers, so that's what they do. It's so silly for so many reasons...but it's the only thing Trump has going for him. I mean, we have less than 5 months old evidence that crowd size does not equal victory. But, that would require him to remember,....but he's not smart. Not a good brain. Sad.


Any place I can catch a replay of this rally you guys have been talking about? And where has Pence been these last couple of weeks? I don't remember reading a single thing involving him since the Khans, and now he wants to release taxes...as if we needed any more proof this campaign is in shambles. There's something going on folks!


Does Stein even have enough experience to be able to get shit done as president? I see no upside to having her over Hillary even IF she was a contender. No matter how much my policies may match up with her/Green's.

People love to jump to her defense when people call her crazy, but I've yet to see a single reason to actually vote for her.

To be real, I wish people would stop talking about her. The shameful pandering to Busters was pretty disgusting.

I actually think stein's the second worst candidate in this election.Her pandering to busters is disgusting including all the things she has said about the DNC, Hilary and Bernie and she has really weird opinions about certain topics. My top three candidates are Hilary by a landslide and then Gary and Evan Mcmullin
Any place I can catch a replay of this rally you guys have been talking about? And where has Pence been these last couple of weeks? I don't remember reading a single thing involving him since the Khans, and now he wants to release taxes...as if we needed any more proof this campaign is in shambles. There's something going on folks!


Skip to like the one hour, twelve minute mark.

And Pence is preparing his tax returns for release. Seriously. Not joking.
It's funny because Pence was supposed to be the strategic pick but he has the charisma and presence of wet toilet paper. If Trump is really tiring out this early (he is), then it would be a good time to lighten his appearance load and have the VP take some time in the spotlight. Pence can't do that, who would go to a rally to hear Mike fucking Pence speak for two hours? If it were Christie or Newt, they can fill in for Trump's energy. Sad!


Pence playing this double game has to be the end of Manafort as campaign manager, as if he wasn't already sidelined. No wonder Trump keeps his lines open with Lewandowski.
Why are some people saying the DNC killed a DNC staffer?

1. DNC Staffer killed
2. DNC had embarrassing leaks
3. ???????????
4. Killary took him out.

Wikileaks has strongly pushed the narrative that the staffer was a Wikileaks source who was murdered by people close to Hillary as revenge for leaking the DNC emails. It's obviously false and disgusting, but Assange doesn't care.


In terms of safety, cleanliness and energy output, Nuclear Power ranks near the top for all of them. "Herp derp nuclear is bad" is a super simplistic and unrealistic stance that too many adhear to out of fear more than anything else. In her rhetoric Dr. Stein comes across as this. That's why its a valid critique of her.


In terms of safety, cleanliness and energy output, Nuclear Power ranks near the top for all of them. "Herp derp nuclear is bad" is a super simplistic and unrealistic stance that too many adhear to out of fear more than anything else. In her rhetoric Dr. Stein comes across as this. That's why its a valid critique of her.



LOL. Fox replaced Ailes with someone who knew about the sexual harassment allegations and did piss all about it.

Keep taking those Ls, Murdock.

In terms of safety, cleanliness and energy output, Nuclear Power ranks near the top for all of them. "Herp derp nuclear is bad" is a super simplistic and unrealistic stance that too many adhear to out of fear more than anything else. In her rhetoric Dr. Stein comes across as this. That's why its a valid critique of her.

It has also been shown time and time and time throughout nearly 70 years of history that vaccines do not cause any significant or trace able harm to children. Facts about certain things don't mean much to Stein, which her supporters honestly don't care about because she's is the Anti Hillary.


In terms of safety, cleanliness and energy output, Nuclear Power ranks near the top for all of them. "Herp derp nuclear is bad" is a super simplistic and unrealistic stance that too many adhear to out of fear more than anything else. In her rhetoric Dr. Stein comes across as this. That's why its a valid critique of her.

While you aren't wrong, nuclear produces a lot of energy, it's safer than coal, and cleaner, the risk is still there. Nuclear disasters can still occur, and they're absolutely catastrophic. I'm not comfortable with them.


While you aren't wrong, nuclear produces a lot of energy, it's safer than coal, and cleaner, the risk is still there. Nuclear disasters can still occur, and they're absolutely catastrophic. I'm not comfortable with them.

Of the three major nuclear meltdowns in recent history, two were caused by worker error and one was caused by a natural disaster and an incompetent organization.


No Scrubs
While you aren't wrong, nuclear produces a lot of energy, it's safer than coal, and cleaner, the risk is still there. Nuclear disasters can still occur, and they're absolutely catastrophic. I'm not comfortable with them.

That's what the Department of Energy is there to prevent. We could still do better of course, but there's not going to be a Fukushima in the US. We're far too careful after 3 mile island.


Speculation from my ass:

More people have died falling from roofs while installing solar panels in the US than in nuclear energy-related incidents.


Of the three major nuclear meltdowns in recent history, two were caused by worker error and one was caused by a natural disaster and an incompetent organization.

Exactly the point - people make mistakes, and natural disasters happen. In the event of a catastrophe, the surrounding area is unsuitable to live in for tens of thousands of years. Insanely high levels of radioactive isotopes, especially the dangerous water soluble ones such as Cesium-137 spread quickly. Cancer. Genetic mutations. Birth defects. Not cool. Just take a look at the children who were in the womb in Belarus when Chernobyl occurred.

It's very sad. I don't want this to happen, anywhere. I want nuclear energy to be phased out. Not all at once, but over time. Humans only live a lifespan of ~80 years, these isotopes take many, many generations to go back to safe levels.


Of the three major nuclear meltdowns in recent history, two were caused by worker error and one was caused by a natural disaster and an incompetent organization.

It is important to point out that Fukushima Daiichi was also built in the late 1960s and was scheduled to be retired and shut down 14 days prior to the fourth largest earthquake on record and they were still able to prevent widespread disaster.


If we're applying an "expected loss of life" standard to what we should and shouldn't shut down, there's probably thousands of programs that come before nuclear power plants.


That's what the Department of Energy is there to prevent. We could still do better of course, but there's not going to be a Fukushima in the US. We're far too careful after 3 mile island.

The agencies that are supposed to be regulating these things get gutted when the wrong people are elected. Bush ripped the teeth out of the EPA. Compared to the EU, we do absolutely fucking nothing.

Let's say Donald Trump was elected. Cuts spending. Cuts EPA funding, Department of Energy funding, cuts regulation. Still comfortable with nuclear energy?


Exactly the point - people make mistakes, and natural disasters happen. In the event of a catastrophe, the surrounding area is unsuitable to live in for tens of thousands of years. Insanely high levels of radioactive isotopes, especially the dangerous water soluble ones such as Cesium-137 spread quickly. Cancer. Genetic mutations. Birth defects. Not cool. Just take a look at the children who were in the womb in Belarus when Chernobyl occurred.

It's very sad. I don't want this to happen, anywhere. I want nuclear energy to be phased out. Not all at once, but over time. Humans only live a lifespan of ~80 years, these isotopes take many, many generations to go back to safe levels.

We're all dead in a hundred years anyway thanks to global climate change. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also, what. The. Fuck.


Washington (CNN)The hacker who goes by "Guccifer 2.0" is claiming credit for the release of personal cell phone numbers and private email addresses of Democratic House members.
The data -- posted to their WordPress blog on Friday night -- also contains the contact information for staff members and campaign aides.

In the trove of information released on Friday "Guccifer 2.0" also uploaded files to the blog post that contains login information to subscription services used by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, including Lexis-Nexis and Washington newspapers.

In a statement, DCCC Press Secretary Meredith Kelly said: "As previously noted, the DCCC has been the target of a cybersecurity incident, and we are cooperating with federal law enforcement in their ongoing investigation. We are aware of reports that documents claimed to be from our network have been released and are investigating their authenticity."

ANd people are praising this guy for "digging up dirt" on Hillary.


Every time I get into a debate with an local anti-vaxxer, I point out that 1) their data sucks and 2) they live in an area that surrounded by toxic waste incinerating cement kilns responsible for something like 10% of the national emissions of mercury. But because it's in the air, no one seems to give a shit.


Every time I get into a debate with an local anti-vaxxer, I point out that 1) their data sucks and 2) they live in an area that surrounded by toxic waste incinerating cement kilns responsible for something like 10% of the national emissions of mercury. But because it's in the air, no one seems to give a shit.

There are some people who most likely have more mercury in their teeth and get more from their seafood than they do from vaccines. Those people don't have autism.


If we're applying an "expected loss of life" standard to what we should and shouldn't shut down, there's probably thousands of programs that come before nuclear power plants.

The thing is, for me, it's not just "expected loss of life", it's illnesses for future generations that had nothing to do with the decisions of today, and the potential loss of habitable land. Hiroshima and Nagasaki still have higher rates of cancer than the rest of Japan, you know.

And although I'm disagreeing with you guys in this conversation it is really refreshing to talk about. I feel like nuclear energy and environmental issues really aren't brought up as often as they should be in politics.


Trump must have some type of internal polling, I wonder how they do that. It just seems like his measurements is that his rally has more people than hers.


Most of the fallout from Chernobyl, Ukraine went north to Belarus. Of course, the Belarusian people had nothing to do with the mistake made by the USSR in Ukraine, but they were the people who were affected the most. The USSR didn't even own up to their mistake until days later, when workers in Sweden noticed their geiger counters were going off. Radiation spreads. Some third world country's piss poor nuclear energy program is underregulated and they have an accident. We all share the same air, the same land, the same water. Molecules don't know what borders are. It poisons us all. I don't see nuclear energy as a long term solution, and want it phased out. Not just in the US, but globally. US should set an example. It doesn't have to be immediately, but don't make any new ones, and phase them out over time as we switch to better alternative energy methods.

Whatever, I'm a hippie, make fun of me.


On my phone, so I can't link an image, but I saw a Donald Trump ad on Facebook, through his FB page, describing how you'll have a chance to win prizes if you donate.

You need to donate at least $3 to his campaign:

Donate today and you could WIN the following:
(1) An all-expense trip to New York City for 2 people
(2) Tour of Trump Campaign HQ at Trump Tower
(3) Lunch with Eric Trump, to talk campaign strategy and Making America Great Again!
Donate today for automatic entry and your chance to WIN!
On my phone, so I can't link an image, but I saw a Donald Trump ad on Facebook, through his FB page, describing how you'll have a chance to win prizes if you donate.

You need to donate at least $3 to his campaign:

Donate today and you could WIN the following:
(1) An all-expense trip to New York City for 2 people
(2) Tour of Trump Campaign HQ at Trump Tower
(3) Lunch with Eric Trump, to talk campaign strategy and Making America Great Again!
Donate today for automatic entry and your chance to WIN!

I thought Trump didn't want their money!? Sad.


Perfect barge landing by SpaceX (literally dead center)! Praise be Elon Musk!

Now, we just need some solid CBS polls from Georgia tomorrow morning!


On my phone, so I can't link an image, but I saw a Donald Trump ad on Facebook, through his FB page, describing how you'll have a chance to win prizes if you donate.

You need to donate at least $3 to his campaign:

Donate today and you could WIN the following:
(1) An all-expense trip to New York City for 2 people
(2) Tour of Trump Campaign HQ at Trump Tower
(3) Lunch with Eric Trump, to talk campaign strategy and Making America Great Again!
Donate today for automatic entry and your chance to WIN!

They'd probably make a lot more bank if they changed Eric to Ivanka


It is important to point out that Fukushima Daiichi was also built in the late 1960s and was scheduled to be retired and shut down 14 days prior to the fourth largest earthquake on record and they were still able to prevent widespread disaster.

I feel this isn't touched upon enough. Nuclear Facility technology has improved leaps and bounds in the past few decades. Shutting down old plants and replacing them with new plants is one way to make Nuclear Power as a whole safer if that's an avenue we decide to pursue.

While you aren't wrong, nuclear produces a lot of energy, it's safer than coal, and cleaner, the risk is still there. Nuclear disasters can still occur, and they're absolutely catastrophic. I'm not comfortable with them.

I think the cost-benefit analysis still strongly favors Nuclear Power. I can't promise you something like that will never ever happen 1000% but given the likelihood vs overall output/cleanliness, Nuclear is still the best option in the short term.
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