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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
Oh god, this is so beautiful. People are tweeting and wondering if Manafort answers to Trump or Putin.

Hillary, just enjoy this. This is your reward for 30 years of pure bullshit. And Nov 8, you get the big prize.

Also, watching Conservatives on Twitter trying to understand geopolitics is hilarious.

Also, something I never thought I'd hear from a Republican: "Russia doesn't matter anymore."

Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.
Manafort trending on twitter. It's on folks.

For instance, a lobbying firm owned by Rick Davis, the McCain campaign manager, has worked in recent years for a Ukraine politician, Viktor Yanukovich. Both Mr. McCain and the Bush administration supported the opponent of Mr. Yanukovich, who had close ties to Vladimir V. Putin, then the president of Russia and now prime minister.

During this time, however, Mr. Davis’s firm, Davis Manafort, never registered as a lobbyist for Mr. Yanukovich even though Paul Manafort, Mr. Davis’s business partner, had met with the United States ambassador in Kiev on Mr. Yanukovich’s behalf.

In a related development, Mr. McCain may have first become aware of Davis Manafort’s activities in Ukraine as far back as 2005. At that time, a staff member at the National Security Council called Mr. McCain’s Senate office to complain that Mr. Davis’s lobbying firm was undercutting American foreign policy in Ukraine, said a person with direct knowledge of the phone call who spoke on condition of anonymity.


This is from 2008. Manafort's been on the radar for iffy ties since 2005/6. God, I want to know what the FBI/CIA has on this guy.

Brian Fallon ‏@brianefallon 1h1 hour ago

Tomorrow, @KatrinaPierson will probably tell us Obama made Manafort accept that $12.7 million from pro-Russian interests in the Ukraine.

Matthew Miller ‏@matthewamiller
Several different details in this piece that ought to draw the interest of the Criminal Division at DOJ.


No Scrubs
I go out drinking and come home to news that Manafort is getting paid by the Russians?

And that Ivanka is vacationing with Putin's daughter?

If I wrote this book I'd be laughed out of every literary agent's office in the city. How does this election keep getting better and better?

Forget "Game Change 3," they need to call this one "The Fuckery."
Pierson will probably say "Well the Clinton Foundation is worse, and what about those emails, and transcripts. At least it wasn't Trump himself, Hillary does this sort of thing own her own."
Regarding the filing dates, remember that in 2002 Democrats were able to replace Robert Torricelli well after the filing date in a senate race. That was decided by the NJ Supreme Court so its not a slam dunk but the RNC could, in theory, petition to have someone added even after the date.


It's less those deadlines (and we've passed a ton of them, so I don't think the RNC could get on all 50), but by RNC rules (which can't be changed now), we're past the point where Trump can be ousted without his consent. Unless he voluntarily leaves the party or dies, they're stuck with him. To dump him is to publicly put their fingers on the scale and it would destroy their party.

The house is on fire anyway, but they're hoping to salvage the basement at least.

And bow to the crooked media!? He is doubling down.

He hates Manafort. He's always liked Corey more, and I guarantee a bunch of Trump's decisions recently (Pence, teleprompters, etc...) are coming after long arguments with Manafort. And that's a bad thing for Trump because...

Supposedly it was the Trump kids that wanted Lewandowski out because he had bad ideas. Did they just disappear after that? (I guess Ivaka decided to go on vacation). Don't they have a meeting every day where the first question is, "how many offices do we have in Florida?" And the answer is always, "1". So Manafort is letting this happen? Or Trump is forbidding new offices open because he thinks Twitter is better? What is happening to all the fundraising money?

There is so much that doesn't add up about this campaign, and man is it going to be juicy when people start spilling the beans.

...Trump only likes yes men! His campaign adds up perfectly in that light. Under no circumstances has Trump ever made a mistake. Ever. Anyone who says that (who isn't his own kids) would be fired or ignored on the spot. They don't talk about Florida offices in front of Trump because it would be implying that they don't have enough. That would be a mistake, and Trump doesn't make mistakes.

He basically believes he's a Chuck Norris meme, come to life. No one in this campaign has any real authority. It's like how some control freak owners of businesses (like restaurants) will hire managers to run the place when they're out, but they don't give them hiring/firing/product/etc... power, so all the employees know that they're a manager in name only. Trump's staff is like that. There's the only actual manager, Trump (and family). Then there are a lot of people who are called managers but don't actually have any authority to make decisions with resources. Then you have the worker bees who have no instruction because Trump doesn't care to give them instructions and the managers don't have the power to do so either.

This campaign is off the rails. I'd wager most of the staff at this point is just cashing a check (and drinking heavily since they'll only work again if they can hide this job from a background check). No one on board actually believes in "Make America Great Again" because the only people that do believe that stuff are fringe nutjobs who can't hold down jobs. Katrina Pierson made it the furthest up the chain (as a nutjob herself), and now even she's showing why you can't hire these people.

When a bad organization crashes, there are usually difficulties in getting the truth out of it if people in the org were loyal to its goals. That's not going to be the case here; we'll find a shit ton of people looking to spill the beans on November 9th as fast as possible because there's just no way anyone working for Trump could possibly care about his message enough to safeguard it against prying eyes.


I don't think it will take until November 9 for people to start spilling the beans... After all, we are already in the October recriminations phase, and it's only mid August.


No Scrubs
If the Russians are getting the curtain pulled back on them now what's the October surprise going to be? At the rate this election is going the October surprise will have to be Trump getting arrested for fraud on national TV in order to keep up.

This is from 2008. Manafort's been on the radar for iffy ties since 2005/6. God, I want to know what the FBI/CIA has on this guy.

This fucker has been messing with our politics for so long. Having him this close to the reins of US government is absolutely unnerving. He's the clearest example of someone working for the foreign state. Like, he's a character straight out of Jack Ryan novel.
Cross posting, but I know everyone here knows all of this already. But wow when you see it all laid out...

Let's all lay this out nice and plain:

1) Trump has praised Putin numerous times, calling him a far better leader than Obama.

2) Donald Trump has taken an anti-NATO stance.

3) Donald Trump's campaign's ONLY intervention in the entire GOP platform was to remove anti-Putin language from the platform re: Ukraine.

4) Not only that, but just days before the RNC, Carter Paige, one of Trump's foreign policy advisers traveled to Russia and gave a speech attacking America's policies towards Russia, calling America's focus on democratization and fighting inequality "hypocritical."

5) The Intelligence community has confirmed that Russian Intelligence is responsible for the hacking of the DNC, which is an obvious attempt to harm Hillary Clinton's campaign.

6) Furthermore, Donald Trump called on Russia to release/hack any emails they could get their hands on.

7) Trump's campaign manager has ties to pro-Putin oligarchs who were propped up by the Kremlin. This isn't new information. As long ago as 2005, there were calls to McCain's people to try and do something about Manafort because he was working against American interests in the region.

8) Now we know Manafort received a cash payment of more than $12 million. Which, I mean, seeing how good he is at running a campaign is clearly money based on competence!

Seems fine to me. I can't imagine why this would raise any red flags to anyone.


If the Russians are getting the curtain pulled back on them now what's the October surprise going to be? At the rate this election is going the October surprise will have to be Trump getting arrested for fraud on national TV in order to keep up.

That Bill and Ivanka are involved.


Junior Member
Cross posting, but I know everyone here knows all of this already. But wow when you see it all laid out...

Let's all lay this out nice and plain:

1) Trump has praised Putin numerous times, calling him a far better leader than Obama.

2) Donald Trump has taken an anti-NATO stance.

3) Donald Trump's campaign's ONLY intervention in the entire GOP platform was to remove anti-Putin language from the platform re: Ukraine.

4) Not only that, but just days before the RNC, Carter Paige, one of Trump's foreign policy advisers traveled to Russia and gave a speech attacking America's policies towards Russia, calling America's focus on democratization and fighting inequality "hypocritical."

5) The Intelligence community has confirmed that Russian Intelligence is responsible for the hacking of the DNC, which is an obvious attempt to harm Hillary Clinton's campaign.

6) Furthermore, Donald Trump called on Russia to release/hack any emails they could get their hands on.

7) Trump's campaign manager has ties to pro-Putin oligarchs who were propped up by the Kremlin. This isn't new information. As long ago as 2005, there were calls to McCain's people to try and do something about Manafort because he was working against American interests in the region.

8) Now we know Manafort received a cash payment of more than $12 million. Which, I mean, seeing how good he is at running a campaign is clearly money based on competence!

Seems fine to me. I can't imagine why this would raise any red flags to anyone.

Holy shit! This makes the e-mail scandal look like an innocent game of telephone.

Hope the media does their jobs this week. We can't let a guy like that get inside the white house.
Manafort will be gone by the end of the week is my prediction. Trump doesn't like him and he certainly doesn't like the main story not being about him.

The only question is if Corey comes back.


As good as it is to see this stuff blow up I'm just afraid karma is going to swing back and hit Hillary just to keep things balanced before election day.


No Scrubs
As good as it is to see this stuff blow up I'm just afraid karma is going to swing back and hit Hillary just to keep things balanced before election day.

Considering the attacks she's been hit with for the last 26+ years, this is her karma.
Manafort will be gone by the end of the week is my prediction. Trump doesn't like him and he certainly doesn't like the main story not being about him.

The only question is if Corey comes back.

If Manafort is fired, then Corey is back (he's probably the only person who would take the job). I think it'll happen; Trump caved on this decision and has probably hated it ever since. Corey was a sports car for Trump's mid-life crisis, and Manafort was the sedan the kids argued for. Well, he bought the sedan and now it got dinged in the grocery store parking lot. He's getting his sports car now.


Junior Member
If Manafort is fired, then Corey is back (he's probably the only person who would take the job). I think it'll happen; Trump caved on this decision and has probably hated it ever since. Corey was a sports car for Trump's mid-life crisis, and Manafort was the sedan the kids argued for. Well, he bought the sedan and now it got dinged in the grocery store parking lot. He's getting his sports car now.

I would LOVE to hear the campaign discussions going on at Trump tower right now.


If Manafort is fired, then Corey is back (he's probably the only person who would take the job). I think it'll happen; Trump caved on this decision and has probably hated it ever since. Corey was a sports car for Trump's mid-life crisis, and Manafort was the sedan the kids argued for. Well, he bought the sedan and now it got dinged in the grocery store parking lot. He's getting his sports car now.

Corey Built My Hot Rod
The question is how do you fire Manafort and distance yourself sufficiently from him without admitting any guilt/association.

I guess you go with "His continued employment was becoming a distraction to the campaign" but even that's not going to satisfy the media. Any decision Manafort made, specifically the language in the platform, is going to come back and rear it's big ugly head.


Dems should totally hold a house investigation on what classified documents may have been seen by Manaford. I could go for an 11 hour long Trump interrogation.


The question is how do you fire Manafort and distance yourself sufficiently from him without admitting any guilt/association.

I guess you go with "His continued employment was becoming a distraction to the campaign" but even that's not going to satisfy the media. Any decision Manafort made, specifically the language in the platform, is going to come back and rear it's big ugly head.

Not only that, but think about what Manafort will do if he is fired. I doubt he will stay quiet about what's gone on behind the scene and we all know that he has seen some SHIT behind the scenes.


I don't know, guys. Firing a campaign official is what rational campaigns do. Can we look at this through a rational lens?
The question is how do you fire Manafort and distance yourself sufficiently from him without admitting any guilt/association.

I guess you go with "His continued employment was becoming a distraction to the campaign" but even that's not going to satisfy the media. Any decision Manafort made, specifically the language in the platform, is going to come back and rear it's big ugly head.
Firing him is the best decision. You're not going to get in trouble for hiring a Putin fuckboy because Paul Manafort was in charge of the Reagan and George Sr. campaigns so pretty much everyone assumed him to be gold. That's faultless.

...or it tarnishes Reagan's name forever.
Not only that, but think about what Manafort will do if he is fired. I doubt he will stay quiet about what's gone on behind the scene and we all know that he has seen some SHIT behind the scenes.
No. Manafort is a Republican true believer. He wouldn't try to discredit the party afterward by discrediting Trump.

You forget that the four most important strategists in modern Republican history were Karl Rove, Lee Atwater, Roger Stone, and Paul Manafort. Those people don't try and shit the bed just because they fell off of it.


Was Kaine's op-ed posted? I'm sure it was, but this really stood out to me:

Lorraine saw an apartment advertised in the newspaper, called the number and arranged to meet the landlord. But as soon as he saw her in person, he said, "Sorry, we just rented the place."

Something didn't feel right. So Lorraine asked one of her white colleagues to call and inquire about the apartment. And lo and behold -- it was still on the market
Wow. I would have been so livid and gone crazy. That really struck at me. Kaine is is wonderful man for his career. Thanks for sharing this article Adam!
Not only that, but think about what Manafort will do if he is fired. I doubt he will stay quiet about what's gone on behind the scene and we all know that he has seen some SHIT behind the scenes.
If I take off my tin foil hat for a second, imagine if Putin IS behind some of this. Like, does Trump have the guts to cut him out without permission? While that's speculation, it's still something to think about.
I don't know, guys. Firing a campaign official is what rational campaigns do. Can we look at this through a rational lens?
No, we can't. The thing is, keeping him is no better/worse really. There's no good, rational answer here. All options are pretty much equally bad.


The question is how do you fire Manafort and distance yourself sufficiently from him without admitting any guilt/association.

I guess you go with "His continued employment was becoming a distraction to the campaign" but even that's not going to satisfy the media. Any decision Manafort made, specifically the language in the platform, is going to come back and rear it's big ugly head.

I would LOVE to hear the campaign discussions going on at Trump tower right now.

If Manafort is fired, then Corey is back (he's probably the only person who would take the job). I think it'll happen; Trump caved on this decision and has probably hated it ever since. Corey was a sports car for Trump's mid-life crisis, and Manafort was the sedan the kids argued for. Well, he bought the sedan and now it got dinged in the grocery store parking lot. He's getting his sports car now.

Manafort will be gone by the end of the week is my prediction. Trump doesn't like him and he certainly doesn't like the main story not being about him.

The only question is if Corey comes back.

How does the campaign even go about firing Manafort considering the policy positions were completely pro-Russian.

Putin should have been writing the checks directly to Trump.
The question is how do you fire Manafort and distance yourself sufficiently from him without admitting any guilt/association.

I guess you go with "His continued employment was becoming a distraction to the campaign" but even that's not going to satisfy the media. Any decision Manafort made, specifically the language in the platform, is going to come back and rear it's big ugly head.

In a functional campaign, Manafort would fall on his sword and resign...

So my best guess is that Trump's response is to go ahead and add the NYT to the media blacklist.


Let's be honest here, Trump is going to go on a tweetstorm tomorrow morning and spend 35 minutes at his next rally on the dishonest, failing NYT

Actually I imagine he'll say something down right insane so as to distract from all this.

Give Ukraine the nukes. Believe me, Obama was there, but I wasn't there yet, but mark this down, Putin won't go into Ukraine then
Honestly, real talk?

There's like 30% of my brain that says the NYT chose to release this to fuck up his speech tomorrow out of nothing more than pure spite. Because, that's something I'd totally do because I'm a bitch.



No Scrubs
Honestly, real talk?

There's like 30% of my brain that says the NYT chose to release this to fuck up his speech tomorrow out of nothing more than pure spite. Because, that's something I'd totally do because I'm a bitch.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's part of a series they have planned and we get something else tomorrow.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's part of a series they have planned and we get something else tomorrow.

God, I hope so. I had forgotten about this:

Just weeks after she started preparing opposition research files on Donald Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort last spring, Democratic National Committee consultant Alexandra Chalupa got an alarming message when she logged into her personal Yahoo email account.

“Important action required,” read a pop-up box from a Yahoo security team that is informally known as “the Paranoids.” “We strongly suspect that your account has been the target of state-sponsored actors.”

Chalupa — who had been drafting memos and writing emails about Manafort’s connection to pro-Russian political leaders in Ukraine — quickly alerted top DNC officials. “Since I started digging into Manafort, these messages have been a daily oc­­­­currence on my Yahoo account despite changing my p­­a­ssword often,” she wrote in a May 3 email to Luis Miranda, the DNC’s communications director, which included an attached screengrab of the image of the Yahoo security warning.


Cross posting, but I know everyone here knows all of this already. But wow when you see it all laid out...

Let's all lay this out nice and plain:

1) Trump has praised Putin numerous times, calling him a far better leader than Obama.

2) Donald Trump has taken an anti-NATO stance.

3) Donald Trump's campaign's ONLY intervention in the entire GOP platform was to remove anti-Putin language from the platform re: Ukraine.

4) Not only that, but just days before the RNC, Carter Paige, one of Trump's foreign policy advisers traveled to Russia and gave a speech attacking America's policies towards Russia, calling America's focus on democratization and fighting inequality "hypocritical."

5) The Intelligence community has confirmed that Russian Intelligence is responsible for the hacking of the DNC, which is an obvious attempt to harm Hillary Clinton's campaign.

6) Furthermore, Donald Trump called on Russia to release/hack any emails they could get their hands on.

7) Trump's campaign manager has ties to pro-Putin oligarchs who were propped up by the Kremlin. This isn't new information. As long ago as 2005, there were calls to McCain's people to try and do something about Manafort because he was working against American interests in the region.

8) Now we know Manafort received a cash payment of more than $12 million. Which, I mean, seeing how good he is at running a campaign is clearly money based on competence!

Seems fine to me. I can't imagine why this would raise any red flags to anyone.

Don't forget that Russian oligarchs are funding (or at least very likely funding) Trump's business ventures.
It'd be pretty cool to be Paul Manafort and have powerful friends in high places in Russia while simultaneously being a key figure in American politics.

Really goes to show that this is truly the land of the free.
Hey remember this quote?

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., told a real estate conference in 2008,

Fun, right?

It'd be pretty cool to be Paul Manafort and have powerful friends in high places in Russia while simultaneously being a key figure in American politics.

Really goes to show that this is truly the land of the free.

Give me your tired, your poor, your cancerous masses...
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