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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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That would be hilarious, but unless a criminal investigation is imminent, I think Trump will stick with Manafort and just call this more dishonest reporting.

Yup, if he fires Manafort he admits he was wrong about hiring him, and he won't do that. Of course, he could secretly tell him to resign and do it that way.


He can't get rid of him, guys.

How can he get rid of him after a whole week saying the New York Times is straight up lying and making up sources?
Senior Dems think that Hillary should renominate Garland because they think that Republican Senators respect the presidency enough to confirm him past the filibuster and that it "waste political capital" for her to nominate someone else.



First of all, the leaders of the Republican Party didn't care when Trump called for Hillary's assassination and are currently blocking Garland from receiving hearings just because they hate the first black president. No moderate Republicans will break ranks to nominate Garland. These people don't know their coworkers remotely.

Secondly, what is "political capital" in an era where every bill has a party line vote? You're never going to "waste" a moderate Republican vote on another judge confirmation because moderate Rs will block you even in a bill to cut payroll taxes on small businesses (the conservative dream). Also, Hillary is going into the presidency viewed as an illegitimate president by 40% of the nation and has no political capital to start with.

This is a dumb article that suggests that Democrat leadership is full of stupid people if it's true.


We need to get to 50 and kill it the fuck off so no one has to deal with this stupidity again.

We need to get the Senate back, nominate either Sri or Goodwin, watch the GOP block them after a year or saying the next president gets to choose, and then kill off the filibuster once the GOP has made a fool of themselves again.


We need to get the Senate back, nominate either Sri or Goodwin, watch the GOP block them after a year or saying the next president gets to choose, and then kill off the filibuster once the GOP has made a fool of themselves again.
You don't wait. If you get a tidal wave and full control, you have two years to get everything done, because the GOP will get the chamber back because people fucking love their split government.
I've been saying it all day today: Politico is full of dumb commentary and they've got garbage writers.
Aside from a few recent long form pieces, they've always been Trash.
I mean, I get what you're saying. However. she's going to get another pick within the first year of her Presidency. RBG is totally going to step down. I do think that getting a filibuster proof vote on SCOTUS justice requires political capital. I can imagine them passing Garland in the lame duck session, tbh. Hell, there's a good chance she gets a 3rd pick during her first term.

This is insane.
The GOP is currently blocking Garland from getting hearings so that a man with an orange penis (who brags about how large said penis is and who might start a nuclear war if Xi Jingping sends him a mean tweet and who has promised to eliminate the 1st and 6th and 14th amendments and who retweets NeoNazi channers and is possibly the dumbest person to be nominated for president in recent memory) can nominate the next Supreme Court justice.

The Senate Republicans do not view Democrat presidents as legitimate, mmkay. Any Senate Republican who votes for cloture for Garland (or, god forbid, votes to confirm Garland) will be blasted by Ted Cruz as a traitor who allowed Hillary's agenda of abortion on demand and mandatory gay marriage and general Satanism to happen. And then these people will be primaried by the crazy fundies that always come out.


Yeah, Garland should go through in lame duck. Republicans know they aren't going to get anyone better from Hillary, and trying to stall for four years would be absurd. Frankly, doing something that dumb would probably hinder their efforts for 2020 anyway.


If he doesn’t ultimately win the election and shred our Constitution, the most annoying thing about Donald Trump may end up being this: He forced us to devote so much of our lives to a man who is, fundamentally, a bore.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m as addicted to coverage of his train-wreck, oh-no-he-didn’t campaign as everyone else. Even if we wanted to avert our eyes, as citizens we would have a duty not to, to learn as much about the man and his potential presidency as we can. As Trump pinballed last week from “rigged election” to “Second Amendment people” to “founder of ISIS,” I crashed from one bumper to the next along with the rest of America.

But one reason this feels like such an imposition is that Trump is, in the end, so uninteresting.

Trump has upended our politics. But he turns out to be the guy you would pray not to sit next to at dinner. He’s the one who never asks you a question, talks endlessly about himself — and has nothing to say. He doesn’t read, has no original ideas and thinks he knows more than you do because he once heard something on the news. If you were at a bar and saw him walking in, you’d look the other way, hoping not to catch his eye.

The true trademark of the insufferable bore is the conviction that he is doing you a great favor by spending time with you. Trump brings this to his campaign every day — his conviction that he is doing the entire country a great favor, that serving as president would represent an enormous sacrifice. “I could be having a very nice life right now,” he says.

Trump, the insufferable bore
Yeah, Garland should go through in lame duck. Republicans know they aren't going to get anyone better from Hillary, and trying to stall for four years would be absurd. Frankly, doing something that dumb would probably hinder their efforts for 2020 anyway.

I doubt most voters would significantly care if the Republicans blocked every Supreme Court nominee for Hillary's entire term.
If I'm a Hillary surrogate, I'm going to ask one simple question over and over and over

"Did Donald Trump pick Paul Manafort, or did Paul Manafort pick Donald Trump?"


Sidhe / PikPok
wait this says he's spending less in the general and also cutting all advertising!

you couldn't script this yourself folks!

Wasn't the campaign starting to run low on funds in June, if you took into account his "pay myself back all my loans" buffer? He had to cut something.


So who likely dropped this info. Feels like it's the GOP themselves. The snake eating it's own tail, still hungry, maybe it can make a full circle twice!


He can't get rid of him, guys.

How can he get rid of him after a whole week saying the New York Times is straight up lying and making up sources?

Yeah his perpetual victim complex and his insistence he's always winning are really in conflict now more than ever.

It must eat at him that he has to defend Manafort who he didn't even really want when likely from Trump's perspective the dude is good for nothing and has blown up his poll numbers.


This is semantics, and nothing more
He can't get rid of him, guys.

How can he get rid of him after a whole week saying the New York Times is straight up lying and making up sources?

You're expecting consistency from Trump? You're expecting his supporters to care? Trump will do whatever he feels like doing, and it will only matter on the margins.

This is insane.

I want to see post-June figures. Trump wrapped up the nomination in early May, and may not have ramped up spending for the general election until July (or after the convention). On the other hand, he seems to be running against himself, which can't be that expensive.


I doubt most voters would significantly care if the Republicans blocked every Supreme Court nominee for Hillary's entire term.

They already said the reason they aren't going to do it before November is because they want the american people to weigh in with this election. (which is absolutely stupid, but that was their excuse) If they go back on that, it becomes a talking point every time the court returns a split decision over four years.

Even setting that aside, I don't think republicans really want to have supreme court openings hanging over national elections, or to carry story lines from the Trump train wreck with them over the coming years.


Yeah, Garland should go through in lame duck. Republicans know they aren't going to get anyone better from Hillary, and trying to stall for four years would be absurd. Frankly, doing something that dumb would probably hinder their efforts for 2020 anyway.

Should we hope for this (Garland in the lame duck; Hillary picking a younger and more liberal justice to replace RBG) or hope Obama withdraws Garland and lets Hillary picks younger, more liberal replacements for both Scalia and RBG?

I think the latter, right? I mean, preferring the former is mostly about 'political capital', which is bullshit anyway.
GOP Senate isn't going to just filibuster every SC candidate after November. They are going to go into full damage control mode.

That filibuster can be killed by rules change anyway (I'm looking at you, Kaine). They won't let it come to that.

Also, Obama isn't going to withdraw Garland nor will Hillary push for it.
Brian Fallon ‏@brianefallon 5h5 hours ago
Do Trump's non-disclosure agreements cover campaign aides' side work on behalf of pro-Putin strongmen in Ukraine? Asking for a friend.


Garland seems decent, so why push for someone else? Plus, yes, it's a political consideration, but either he'll get through, or the Republicans will be tarred as misogynistic pigs. For the last few months, they've argued that the next president has to pick, and that Garland is a decent person and Judge - they can't then vote against him when Hillary wins. They'll lame-duck him for sure. And then RBG steps-down and Hillary places a liberal judge. It's, literally, all good.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Garland seems decent, so why push for someone else? Plus, yes, it's a political consideration, but either he'll get through, or the Republicans will be tarred as misogynistic pigs. For the last few months, they've argued that the next president has to pick, and that Garland is a decent person and Judge - they can't then vote against him when Hillary wins. They'll lame-duck him for sure. And then RBG steps-down and Hillary places a liberal judge. It's, literally, all good.

I'm fine with Garland, I just want someone almost as good to replace RBG.
Roger Stone ‏@RogerJStoneJr 1h1 hour ago

This smear is the fruits of Sidney Blumenthal’s PI poking around Ukraine ? Manufactured horse shit on @PaulManafort by the New York Times

u mad bro


I know we have the Manafort stuff to chew on this week but Trumps terror plan speech tomorrow which will no doubt include more claims that Obama founded of ISIS bullshit had me amused tonight while watching CNN "Declassified untold storied of American Spies".

S1E3 "Zarqawi Father of ISIS"

In it Trump's own security advisor, supporter and convention speaker General Flynn, clearly says that "Zarqawi is the father of ISIS" and came out of the vacuum created by Bush led decisions to send the Sunni Iraqi army off into the wilderness

Here is a story form 3 days ago explaining it

S1E3 "Zarqawi Father of ISIS"

In it Trump's own security advisor, supporter and convention speaker General Flynn, clearly says that "Zarqawi is the father of ISIS" and came out of the vacuum created by Bush led decisions to send the Sunni Iraqi army off into the wilderness
That whole series is awesome! Actually, almost all of CNN's current original programming it entertaining right now.

And yeah I caught this, too. Whenever they have military guys on in interview panels they tolerate absolutely none of this Obama-ISIS shit. They know what's up. They sound personally offended by it.


Roger Stone ‏@RogerJStoneJr 1h1 hour ago

This smear is the fruits of Sidney Blumenthal’s PI poking around Ukraine ? Manufactured horse shit on @PaulManafort by the New York Times

u mad bro

This is what you get when fucking lunatic Roger Stone is a big fan of your candidate.



That whole series is awesome! Actually, almost all of CNN's current original programming it entertaining right now.

And yeah I caught this, too. Whenever they have military guys on in interview panels they tolerate absolutely none of this Obama-ISIS shit. They know what's up. They sound personally offended by it.

Haven't seen those responses, will look forward to see if there is any pushback tomorrow.


With recent news of Weiner being catfished into another sexting/online mess I finally got around to watch Weiner documentary. Fascinating stuff, was there much of a discussion about in in this thread?


Trump's campaign can't seem to catch a break at this point. Something always negative seems to define the campaign every week since the conventions. At this point I would not be surprised if something negative hurt trump every week until election day at this point.
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