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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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A little?

Her ideas would have literally caused a deep depression in the country in 2008/2009. Couple it with a GMO moratorium, and we would have inflation, negative growth, and famine in the country.

A little out there?

This sounds pretty extreme. Do you have anything I could read that comes to the same conclusion about her plans?


No Scrubs
"I might be the next President of the United States"
-Gary Johnson

Alright, man. I dig your optimism and obvious highness.

He was actually a governor at one point you know. Not a good one by any measure, but he was in office.

Um, is this your first time visiting Poligaf? :p

Johnson reminds me of someone...I can't put my finger on it......but he's totally high as fuck right now.

He was actually pretty sober there. I've seen him way higher. When he was on Full Frontal he was stoned out of his mind.
Stein's platform is a hodge podge of recycled ideas that might have merit and some batshit crazy haymakers meant to draw support from the fringes of the electorate. One look at her platform tells me that she is not running to be President, she is running to try to peel of 5% of the vote to secure federal funding.

This please. I mean, I don't completely agree, but the fact that her platform is, in your view, a ton of nonsense should matter more than the fact that she speaks like someone with a full stomach and food poisoning.

He was actually a governor at one point you know. Not a good one by any measure, but he was in office.

He was actually pretty sober there. I've seen him way higher. When he was on Full Frontal he was stoned out of his mind.

Maybe if he ditched the libs and ran as a Republican he might be our commander in spleef one day. As it exists right now he obviously isn't winning anything other than the hearts of libertarians everywhere.


Kills Photobucket
Why are you people watching a garbage debate full of garbage. And then arguing over why they're garbage.
Nobody's arguing, we're just having a conversation. And even if the soldier's wrong, I'm going to stray from saying that the feelings of a soldier who lost friends in a terror attack is garbage.
I think it's fair to say that I wish Hillary was a bit (I mean literally a nudge) closer to Jill in terms of a philosophy of foreign policy, though Jill's FP is pretty naive and bare as is. Also, when you're running for president like Jill is, a lot matters more than just your policy, though that's obviously the most important part of any campaign. Asking her if she believes in God is fair, as much as Leftist Twitter is trying to make this seem like a Dem hit job.

I also think the Leftist assertation that neocons are fleeing to Hillary because she's a "hyper hawk" and not just because Trump is a moral cancer are wanting.


I think I'm way more hawkish than a lot of people here.

Same here.

The fact that Hillary would be a capable wartime president is a plus for me. Though I'm mostly non-interventionist. Just that if we were forced into a situation, I'd be way more comfortable with Hillary than anyone else.


NYT: Donald Trump Appoints Media Firebrand to Run Campaign

As comfortable as Mr. Trump may feel with Mr. Bannon’s style of politics, their unconventional alliance, and the possibility that the coming weeks could resemble a conservative publicity tour more than a conventional White House run, fueled speculation that Mr. Trump was already looking past November.

In recent months, Mr. Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, have quietly explored becoming involved with a media holding, either by investing in one or by taking one over, according to a person close to Mr. Trump who was briefed on those discussions.

Some evidence for the "Trump News Network" theory?

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Jonathan capehart has a new podcast called Cape Up, he had Michael Steele on. Pretty interesting interview overall.


“This is all part of the process,” he said. “This has to happen. This confrontation with ourselves.” That confrontation involves the GOP realizing that it has itself to blame for the destructive rise of Trump. “n large measure, we laid down the metrics and pathway for Donald Trump to emerge and to arise the way he did,” Steele said. “He understood the GOP better than the GOP understood itself.” Steele contends that because trust between the party and its base is gone, “[T]his confrontation within the party is something that is long overdue.”
I think I'm way more hawkish than a lot of people here.

I can say I honestly think Obama has done about as well you can do considering the circumstances over his 2nd term. I think he was a bit naive in his first couple of years, but grew into the role of commander pretty well. The challenge of balancing the public's want to remove the terrorist organizations from power and prevent any attacks with the public also not wanting to put troops back onto ground makes it extremely difficult. I'm trusting Hilary can strike a good balance.


Posted yet?
Taking advantage narrow Trump lead, Clinton campaign opening Lubbock office
The Clinton campaign thinks it has a shot at flipping states considered solidly red, including Texas.

A campaign office will open in Lubbock on Sunday, one of many across the state.

Stuart Williams with the group West Texas for Hillary says volunteers will hold events and register voters.

He says he's optimistic for a win in November, even in West Texas.

"Donald Trump's lead is shrinking in many red states, including Texas, so the writing is on the wall, and if Donald Trump doesn't change his tune soon, the Republican Party is going to have a fiasco on its hands," he said.

Trump is leading in taxes by just six points in the latest poll.

Mitt Romney carried the state in 2012 by 16 points.

Texas is happening.
The failing NYT seems to be doing a lot of Trump vetting.

Story on the cosy relationship he has with Christie. $30 million in unpaid taxes from Trump casinos. Ended up only paying $5 million. Tone of legal dispute changed after Christie took office.
What do people think of Bill's FP history? I don't know a whole lot about it aside from browsing Wikipedia but it seems like it was largely successful outside of Rhwanda (which is a huge stain, but also one I'm not sure we could avoid with a no boots on the ground policy) but I wasn't really like, aware of places other than America in the 90s because I was a small child.

Since people love bringing up Bill's domestic record when evaluating Hillary, it's kind of weird that people largely haven't talked about his foreign policy. Were the 90s just such a different time pre-9/11?


Texas is not going to happen but if he has to spend money in Texas, Georgia, Utah and North Carolina he's more fucked than I previously thought.


Posted yet?

Texas is happening.


It's a smart, forward looking move. Even if they lose, actually spending money in a state that is rapidly trending purple can only help for future races.

That being said, I wonder what their internals show.
Posted yet?

Texas is happening.
I'm reading this one of two ways..

One) her internals are showing something that might make her competitive.

Two) perhaps forcing Trump to spend money and trying to sow seeds to force it to become more competitive like Obama with Georgia.

Either is good with me. :)
Yiannopoulos wrote a piece on March 29, 2016, about the Alt Right, praising its members as “dangerously bright,” and cheering the VDARE and American Renaissance sites as an “eclectic mix of renegades.” American Renaissance is helmed by Jared Taylor, who advocates for voluntary racial segregation and says African Americans are genetically predisposed to be criminals.

Yiannopoulos defended Brimelow and Taylor by saying they “don’t want to commit any pogroms,” which is … not a very comforting sentiment.

There's a >30% probability Milo is officially part of the Trump campaign by the end of this.



Yahoo: Donald Trump aide on awkward exchange with CNN anchor: ‘I think I unraveled her’

In a conversation with Yahoo News shortly after the conversation aired, Michael Cohen, an executive vice president and attorney at the Trump Organization, said he believed he “controlled the interview” with Brianna Keilar.

“I think I unraveled her,” Cohen boasted.


Cohen told Yahoo News he was stunned by Keilar’s conduct during the interview.

“I was shocked at the length of the silence as she stumbled to think of an answer,” Cohen said. “And when she did come up with an answer, it was so generic it could have applied to anything.”

Keilar continued her broadcast for over an hour after her discussion with Cohen. During one of the commercial breaks, she sent Yahoo News a response to his review of the interview.

“Can you just embed the video in your story? My reaction is that people can watch and decide for themselves,” Keilar said.

In his conversation with Yahoo, Cohen also said he does not trust the polls Keilar referenced during the broadcast.

“I completely disagree with the polling information,” said Cohen.

He specifically pointed to Trump’s poor numbers in the African-American community as evidence that the polls may be off.
Cohen, who has been working with Trump since 2006 and describes himself as fiercely loyal, has helped coordinate some of the candidate’s African-American outreach efforts and said his anecdotal experience contradicted the poll data.
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