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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Completely talking out of my ass here, but if I had to guess?

It's more towards the northwestern areas of Texas which are pretty empty. You can count on Houston, Austin, Dallas / Ft. Worth going blue. Counties on the Rio Grand including Lardeo went blue in a big way in 2008 and 2012. Places like El Paso and Odessa / Midland went blue both years too. But the north western section is deep red territory. I would guess that if you want to try to flip a large metropolitan area and you're comfortable with the ones you've got staying blue, you get down to cities like Lubbock and Amarillo (12 and 14th largest cities in the state).

Again, total speculation on my part.

I think the game plan for winning Texas is threefold. (In order of difficulty from easiest to hardest.)

1. Maximise turnout in Austin, San Antonio, Houston, El Paso, and Dallas.

2. Minimize the damage in places like Lubbock, Amarillo, Waco(Ha!) and Ft. Worth.

2. Tie the suburbs. Places like Collin County (Dallas) and Montgomery County (Houston). This is the hard one, but it's the one that Trump makes possible. You have to use his weakness with college-educated women to put a huge dent in the GOP's suburban block. That's really the heart of their power in Texas.

A field office in Lubbock makes me think that they are at least toying with something resembling this plan.


Kills Photobucket
82 days until the reveal!

College football is unwatchable. Bragging about your college football team is like bragging about your high school field hockey team.


Somebody is fixin' to have to hold my earrings and my shoes. Also, we're not bragging. I get why it seems that way...but simply talking about Ohio State makes it appear like we're bragging. We're just spilling the tea.

lol adam i fucking love you you're one of a kind

: hugs :

I've been called worse! :)


My wife and I have gone out alone once in almost 6 months after our child. I'm so old lol. Your pog reference was amazing earlier. I had s pretty sweet brass slammer.


My wife and I haven't been out just together since our anniversary last October, and we just had another child. Get used to it :p



Somebody is fixin' to have to hold my earrings and my shoes. Also, we're not bragging. I get why it seems that way...but simply talking about Ohio State makes it appear like we're bragging. We're just spilling the tea.

: hugs :

I've been called worse! :)
If I ever find myself in ohio, (LOL) I'd want to see you
It's so weird.

There's Gay PoliGaf and Football PoliGaf...and somehow, I'm the bridge that brings these two things together.

I feel very special right now.
I wish I could like college football. I mean I get it and think it's quality. But I never went to a school that gave a shit (we had a division I team but people liked being hung over on Saturdays more than watching the game) but I really have a hard time watching the product just knowing how shitty the NCAA is.

Much prefer pros because they're unionized and paid.

Wish college could be better
I wish I could like college football. I mean I get it and think it's quality. But I never went to a school that gave a shit (we had a division I team but people liked being hung over on Saturdays more than watching the game) but I really have a hard time watching the product just knowing how shitty the NCAA is.

Much prefer pros because they're unionized and paid.

Wish college could be better

See, I'm the opposite. I watch professional, but I much prefer college. Mainly because....Cleveland is a sad. Just a big sad. In Ohio, Saturday is happy day. Sunday is sad day. So it has been since time immortal, so it shall be. Amen.


The Autumn Wind
My college team has sucked lately, so it's hard to keep up.

Though, all my pro teams suck too, so...
I wish I could like college football. I mean I get it and think it's quality. But I never went to a school that gave a shit (we had a division I team but people liked being hung over on Saturdays more than watching the game) but I really have a hard time watching the product just knowing how shitty the NCAA is.

Much prefer pros because they're unionized and paid.

Wish college could be better
Yeah, it's kinda hard to get into it if you didn't 1) go to a school with a team of any decent kind or B) live in a state where there are no professional sports and the college team is the best you've got for a "local pride" thing.

The scandal and mess that constantly happens with it sucks and is a huge turn off. Probably wouldn't watch if neither of those things applied to me.
See, I'm the opposite. I watch professional, but I much prefer college. Mainly because....Cleveland is a sad. Just a big sad. In Ohio, Saturday is happy day. Sunday is sad day. So it has been since time immortal, so it shall be. Amen.
One of my best friends mom is a huge Ohio state fan. I loved messing with them. I mean I don't have a team but still we used to chill and get drunk on Saturdays with me trolling IRL
You guys think it's hard to root for a college football team, I live in Pennsylvania


That....that's a rough hand to be dealt. :(

football, you say? yeah, i love mario super strikers. great gamecube game

I love that game, but really, football. Real football. (I like fake, European football too though!)

Good thing Trump said he would compete in California.


Gotcha covered.


sorry about your Not Ohio State university education (solely in the sense that i'm assuming your alma mater is hideously bad at football)

True for me. I went to Georgia Tech -> I don't like watching much college football lol.

Even when I was there we'd lose and everyone would get depressed, it was awful. Doing triple option almost every play for years isn't really that creative or wise
One of my best friends mom is a huge Ohio state fan. I loved messing with them. I mean I don't have a team but still we used to chill and get drunk on Saturdays with me trolling IRL

Come by my house on any Saturday when Ohio State is playing.

1) My mom will not acknowledge your existence.
2) She will invent new swear words, that would make a sailor blush.
3) She will throw wine at the TV....during the pre-game or Gameday. (She has to pre-drink)
4) Once the game starts, it's 2 hours of "OMG they're going to fuck it up"...that assumes she even watches it. She doesn't always.

My mom is the one who got me into football. My dad hated it. HATED it. Mainly because of my mom...she doesn't do subtle....and if you think her rants against anything are something, you've heard NOTHING until you've seen her watch THE Ohio State.
Living around Ohio State fans drove me to move to Cincinnati when I turned 18.

It's safe here.

Well, I mean, who the hell can get excited about a bearcat!? What the hell even is that? No one knows.
Or cares

So, I get to vote in 54 days. (Oct 12). I usually vote by mail, but I'm voting in person this time. You have to present proof of identification. I will not be showing a picture ID. Instead, I'll show a copy of my cable bill, which meets the requirements under Ohio law.


One, I'm not bald. Two, I couldn't grow that much facial hair if my life depended upon it. (SAD!) Third, I'm a lot gayer than that.

But that dude was awesome. They interviewed him on CSPAN.

This will, nevertheless, be my mental image of you going forward.

I may or may not own this. But if I did own it, it would be 100% ironically .

The website I did or didn't buy it from is great

We are small but powerful group that encourages Hillary Clinton to run for President in 2016. We recognize the unbelievable force that is Hillary Clinton. So much so, that we admit that we would willingly bottom for her.

It does not matter if you usually bottom, or if you usually top but can't resist the Clinton. She is a bad ass bitch. She is the head bitch in charge. She is the Ma'damnnnnn President.

Ideally we would be bottoming for her as we were voting for her.

We will display our love for Hillary but informing the world of our desire to bottom for her. Buy a shirt, have no shame, and vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016.


It's fucking disgusting how all these New York and New Jersey Republicans are doing the most and sucking up to everything Trump does. Grow a back bone. Get some self-respect.
The Daily Stormer fucking hates Milo, oh my god.

Warning, NSFL.

The homosexualist Jew Milo Yianiannaopopolous has made a career of co-opting edginess, first infiltrating the #Gamergate movement as a means to anally-violate confused video-gaming teenagers in his homeland of Britain, before infiltrating the Neo-Nazi movement and using it as a vehicle to tour the United States and facilitate gay sex with bi-curious college students. [...]

Repeatedly, the dick-loving kike and self-appointed leader of the Neo-Nazi movement has been messed with by Twitter, but now it appears he is permanently banned. This "suspension" comes after he engaged in the trolling campaign against the gorilla-like star of the new feminist Ghostbusters film. This was funny – credit where credit is due. Actually, Milo has done a few funny things, just none to justify his attempt to normalize man-on-man anal sex with Blacks in the Nazi movement. [...]

Probably, on some cosmic level, it is hilarious that large numbers of people are like, "yeah, great, the Nazi movement has a homosexual Jew leader." I am able to glimpse the cosmic hilarity of this at certain moments, but then I immediately return to the reality situation, which is that I hate this.[52]

Harry Potter really needed a muggleborn Death Eater. People like Milo (who is gay and Jewish and a spokesman for a violently anti-gay and anti-Jew movement) are found pretty often in history and they create fascinating (though obviously disturbing) rifts among the more hardcore members who don't even accept the "good ones."
The Daily Stormer fucking hates Milo, oh my god.

Warning, NSFL.

Harry Potter really needed a muggleborn Death Eater. People like Milo (who is gay and Jewish and a spokesman for a violently anti-gay and anti-Jew movement) are found pretty often in history and they create fascinating (though obviously disturbing) rifts among the more hardcore members who don't even accept the "good ones."

Good lord. The guy doesn't mince his words, that's for sure.
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