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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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this is Voldemort, more or less

Voldemort isn't Muggle-born though. He's a halfblood. He was raised by Muggles, but that doesn't make him Muggle-born anymore than Harry being raised by the Dursleys made him a Muggle-born. I'd argue it's important, thematically, that he's not. He needs to be Half Blood for the character's story to work as well as it does. I always felt that Stan Shunpike was a Muggle-born Death Eater, but Rowling said that those are very rare, and only exist in specific circumstances.


Voldemort isn't Muggle-born though. He's a halfblood. He was raised by Muggles, but that doesn't make him Muggle-born anymore than Harry being raised by the Dursleys made him a Muggle-born. I'd argue it's important, thematically, that he's not. He needs to be Half Blood for the character's story to work as well as it does. I always felt that Stan Shunpike was a Muggle-born Death Eater, but Rowling said that those are very rare, and only exist in specific circumstances.
Man, Harry Potter is super racist, isn't it?
Man, Harry Potter is super racist, isn't it?

Indeed, and the thing that gets me? Harry's kids are considered Halfblood. Ginny is a Pure-Blood, but, since Harry is a Half-Blood, his kids are Half-Blood too. The wizarding world has some seriously screwed up stuff in it. There's legalized slavery. There's blood status, which basically precludes a Muggle-born or (potentially) even a Half-Blood from going into Slytherin. There was a teacher who, literally, tortured students.

But, then there's Voldemort who is bae. So it equals out in the end.


From the timestamp to 7:15, wtf am I listening to?


I found the part immediately after 7:15 to be much worse:

Trump is implicitly saying that we completely ignore any and all "political correct" problems and get the job done very rapidly.

We already know what he means by this, because he's said it before: He thinks the US should bomb women, children, and civilians indiscriminately, as long as the job gets done.

I'll save this clip for the next time someone says Trump is an "isolationist".
I found the part immediately after 7:15 to be much worse:

Trump is implicitly saying that we completely ignore any and all "political correct" problems and get the job done very rapidly.

We already know what he means by this, because he's said it before: He thinks the US should bomb women, children, and civilians indiscriminately, as long as the job gets done.

I'll save this clip for the next time someone says Trump is an "isolationist".

Yeah, I have no idea what fighting a politically correct war is even supposed to mean. Do you know to fire the rockets when your commanding officer yells "Calling men pussies is heteronormative!"? All these buzzwords only serve to titillate his base. As long as he mentions that he's against political correctness, no matter how out of context or nonsensical it is, it gets a brownie point or two from his base.


Oh wow, I just saw a picture of Milo for the first time. I did my best to stay away from his fuckery all these years, so I always figured he was just an even more blatant and hateful version of the stereotypical old white guy with gout and not a Great Value brand Jared Leto. Weird.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Oh wow, I just saw a picture of Milo for the first time. I did my best to stay away from his fuckery all these years, so I always figured he was just an even more blatant and hateful version of the stereotypical old white guy with gout and not a Great Value brand Jared Leto. Weird.

That's hilarious.
The Daily Stormer fucking hates Milo, oh my god.

Warning, NSFL.

Harry Potter really needed a muggleborn Death Eater. People like Milo (who is gay and Jewish and a spokesman for a violently anti-gay and anti-Jew movement) are found pretty often in history and they create fascinating (though obviously disturbing) rifts among the more hardcore members who don't even accept the "good ones."

ahahaahaahahaahahaahahhahaahahaha I love the self-eating!
I lived twenty-nine years on this planet without ever knowing who Milo whatever was. I miss my ignorance.
I am so sorry this happened to you.

Being stuck in the #gamergate disaster 2 years ago and having to watch him, he appointed himself a leading figure for, uh, ethics or something. Actually it was to sell books. A year earlier he'd mocked gamers as absolute scum (paraphrasing), but #gg was desperate for allies. He's an all-around jackass and a menace to other human beings. He's even managed to be flat-out banned from twitter, something that's darn near impossible to do without making a deliberate point of it. And, naturally, he used it as a rallying cry for his own benefit.

If he ends up a Trump manager or public surrogate at least you won't have to cope with twitter garbage from him!

Credit where it's due, he was one of the first "journalists" to put the what we now call the alt-right into a broader public arena and co-opted Breitbart. Since Breitbart is now running the Trump campaign, well, you can see where this is going. The "journalism" there gave early credibility to the new alt-right starting 2 years ago, and things have progressively gone downhill since. It was bad even before they had a presidential nominee, but there's a congratulatory mood, feeling they've all been justified. This whole new deliberately dumping PC language from Trump will embolden them even more.

Edit: Wanted to add on how painful it was as a Wikipedia mod to repeatedly revert edits that cited Breitbart as a "reliable source" and getting to watch reaction on chan sites in almost real time to my actions. Breitbart is s a site so fabled in Wikipedia lore that it's been the center of jokes for years and years as an example to new editors on what sort of sources you should never ever use in articles.


Yeah, her district is full of Jewish people and old white retirees, right? As if they care about some disgruntled Sanders supporters.
Random request, but is there an article or video that would provide a nice summary of the two political parties' stances on civil rights issues prior to 1960? I know about the democrats picking up the torch eventually and the political map flipping in the 60's and all that, but what was it like before that? Were both parties apathetic? Were the republicans more progressive on those issues? I'm pretty ignorant to the history there.


Random request, but is there an article or video that would provide a nice summary of the two political parties' stances on civil rights issues prior to 1960? I know about the democrats picking up the torch and about the political map flipping in the 60's and all that, but what was it like before that? Were both parties apathetic? Were the republicans more progressive on those issues? I'm pretty ignorant to the history there.



Random request, but is there an article or video that would provide a nice summary of the two political parties' stances on civil rights issues prior to 1960? I know about the democrats picking up the torch eventually and the political map flipping in the 60's and all that, but what was it like before that? Were both parties apathetic? Were the republicans more progressive on those issues? I'm pretty ignorant to the history there.

The House Archives website has a nice series of essays, a lot of which relate to the history of minority representation in government and how that relates to Civil Rights:


The upshot is that there were splits between progressivism and conservatism in both parties all the way back to the Civil War (i.e. the fracture of the Whigs and dawn of the GOP), but that civil rights causes were largely championed by the progressive wing of the Republican Party and most adamantly opposed by the conservative (largely southern) wing of the Democratic Party. However, civil rights eventually became a prominent policy focus in the Truman Administration in the late 40's, which ultimately forced a realignment in the Democratic Party which saw its former conservative wing migrate to the GOP.

Source: What I remember from AP US history.


This is interesting. Listen to the first minute of this interview and you can tell that Trump is lying. Savage is asking him about internals and Trump answers without any real details, and does not sound like he is even able to convince himself. He does mention the Zogby +2, but he still sound hollow and spent. That's my take at least.


Edit : Two more things. Trumps need to answer why it is important to involve Russia in the American war on ISIS, is so pronounced, that he basically answers the same question twice. He also corrects Savage, when Savage claims that the current political relationship with Russia could lead to a new Cold war, and insinuates : or worse than a cold war, because Putin is no baby".

When asked about what there can be done to fix the big problems in poor black communities, Trump's answers is " we need spirit, we dont have any spirit whatsoever, and we need law and order", and then he segues into speaking about lack of jobs and Mexico.

Edit 2 : Trump goes on record confirming he is attending the debates and adds "they are going to be fun".
Patrick SvitekVerified account ‏@PatrickSvitek 5h5 hours ago
No, a Clinton "campaign office" is not coming in Lubbock. Local organizers, not the campaign, are opening the office, I'm told tonight.


If the dream is Texas going blue, I think Trump's performance at the debates is going to determine how dead the dream is. I guess that kind of goes without saying for any swing state, though. Point being, it's a little too early to get excited over the possibilities with TX, AZ, GA, NC. The debates are going to shift the calculus one way or another and totally disrupt whatever conclusion we land on beforehand.

If I were in Hillary's camp and had to make a decision about opening some campaign offices right now, I'd personally leave TX off the table. I'd pump loads of money into GA, AZ, FL and NC right now, and then wait until after the first debate to see if TX is worth a shot in the home stretch. Texas is totally superfluous and I'd hate for us to lose GA or AZ by 1% because we decided to plunk five million into Texas instead.
Crystal Ball puts Clinton over 273 in Safe or Likely D States.



It's ovar. Unless Pillow-gate gains traction!


Cohen burn on CNN "seemingly in denial or doing his best impression of an owl".

Conway is genuinely frightening.Calm, clinical and calculated.

The what-could-have-been "polite racist" combo of Cruz and Conway would have been TERRORfying.

Yeah,CNN agrees with me. She is smooth. Smooth as the icy blade of a killers knife, pressed ever so gently against your naked throat while you sleep. That's Conway.

On a lighter note, the voice-over on the Zyppah commercial, is the most cartoonish goombah mafia accent, I have ever heard outside of a Scorcese movie.
What is up with the USC polls? They are always 5 points or so lower for Hillary than every other major polling firm.

Hell, Rasmussen tends to poll Hillary significantly higher than them.


What is up with the USC polls? They are always 5 points or so lower for Hillary than every other major polling firm.

Hell, Rasmussen tends to poll Hillary significantly higher than them.

It looks like shit. Only .6 pts? Bernie would be plus a billion if he weren't cheated.
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