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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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I think she's probably a nightmare to work with, but I don't think she's hated. But just to clarify, I was speaking more along the lines of rank and file Democrats not hating her more so than anything else.

The anger towards DWS is simply the result of some Bernie supporters needing someone to blame for why he didn't win. She organized a damn good convention, and she gets basically no credit for that because we had to placate certain delegates. Which, I totally get that. I called for her not to be there too. She got thrown under the bus, though. I'm just glad to see her district (hopefully) isn't scapegoating her.

But she was a terrible DNC Chair.

Given, all of my knowledge of her comes mostly from the sunday shows and interviews with her, but everytime she was on TV I couldn't stand her, and she comes off as very un-personal and smug. That's great if she organized a great convention (and the DNC was a great convention) but as a figure head and spokesperson she was horrible.
When is orange turd's next freewheel rally? No teleprompters plox.

He's in Charlotte tonight but it's a message focused on national security. I'm pretty sure we'll get the TeleTrumpTer but keep in mind that the whole point of the campaign shakeup was to merge his off-the-cuff asshole behavior into the teleprompter speech.
That Wired endorsement is fucking good. I never thought a tech site would endorse since the industry is littered with libertarians and BoB types but that was a masterful case for HRC to a libertarian tech type.


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This "Mr. Brexit" tweet is so important. If it means what I think it means, Trump is acknowledging that he's projected to lose. Has any other candidate done this before?

Also suggests that his internal polling is just as bad as what RCP reports. Maybe worse.
When is orange turd's next freewheel rally? No teleprompters plox.

I just want him to stand in front of a pile of garbage again.



He's in Charlotte tonight but it's a message focused on national security. I'm pretty sure we'll get the TeleTrumpTer but keep in mind that the whole point of the campaign shakeup was to merge his off-the-cuff asshole behavior into the teleprompter speech.

I know he's losing anyway, but that's what they should have done months ago. The speeches were clearly boring him. You need someone that writes to his style. That's writing 101, nothing new. But most politicians are "empty", while Trump for better or worse (mostly worse) has a specific style.
I love the font and typography work Hillary's team does with their ads. It's fantastic.

Also the use of George Will and Mittens at the end is brilliant.

Why even bother?

To be able to say he did it in the strictest sense and state "way more coming behind that", which never actually materializes and before you know it early voting has started and he's like "too late to run ads anyway".

This dude, famous for firing people on TV, is exactly the kind of person you'd want to fire from your own team. It's crazy.


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I don't like DWS at all, but given that Canova has chosen to pander to her district by running to her/Obama's right on Israel, I won't be shedding any tears if (when) he loses.

I like Canova but his Israel position seems so disingenuous. It's sort of like Bernie pandering to Vermont hunters.

They're both Jewish, and Tim Canova has actually lived in Israel, but his Zionism seems so out of sync with the rest of his beliefs that I doubt it's sincere.


So what's with this LA times poll? How does it show it so close?

Every time I look into LA Times polling numbers, I see a publication that significantly break from the statistical average and also breaks with basic demographic voting (Hispanics/African-Americans way out of spec).

I like Canova but his Israel position seems so disingenuous. It's sort of like Bernie pandering to Vermont hunters.

They're both Jewish, and Tim Canova has actually lived in Israel, but his Zionism seems so out of sync with the rest of his beliefs that I doubt it's sincere.

He might also be receiving funding from Israeli lobby. Apparently they have huge influence on our policy.

When the Iran deal was going through, they were pumping huge money into Republican pockets and ad buys to oppose the deal.
Every time I look into LA Times polling numbers, I see a publication that significantly break from the statistical average and also breaks with basic demographic voting (Hispanics/African-Americans way out of spec).
Whats more idiotic is that they're putting these polls out like this is fine. They're consistently being an outlier and they're not doing anything about it. They're gonna get 2012 galluped and write a long autopsy report of why they were wrong.

As far as I'm concerned another reason east coast is best coast.

Melania Trump's star cookies (left) and the Clinton family recipe for oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (right) face off in this election cycle's cookie poll.

Every presidential election cycle since 1992, the magazine has published a cookie recipe from the candidate's wives. The latest recipes were released Thursday morning, of course with a twist this year: Since Hillary Clinton is the first female nominee of a major party, it was her husband Bill who furnished a cookie recipe along with Melania Trump.

Clinton Family's Chocolate Chip Cookies
Makes 4 1/2 dozen cookies

Prep 15 minutes

Bake at 350° for 12 minutes

1 1/2 cups unsifted all-purpose flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup solid vegetable shortening
1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
1 pkg (12 oz) semi-sweet chocolate chips

• Heat oven to 350°. Grease 2 large baking sheets.
• Combine flour, salt and baking soda in a medium bowl.
• Beat together shortening, sugars and vanilla in a large bowl until creamy. Add eggs, beating until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in flour mixture and rolled oats. Stir in chocolate chips.
• Drop batter by well-rounded teaspoons onto greased baking sheets. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until golden. Cool cookies on sheets on a wire rack for 2 minutes. Remove cookies to wire rack to cool completely.

Melania Trump's Star Cookies
Makes 4 dozen cookies

Prep 15 minutes

Bake at 350° for 10 minutes per batch

2 cups all-purpose flour
½ tsp baking soda
6 tbsp. unsalted butter, softened
1 cup confectioners' sugar
2 egg yolks, 1 egg white
2 tbsp. sour cream

• Combine flour and baking soda. Set aside.
• Beat butter and sugar until blended. Add egg yolks, egg white and sour cream. Beat until smooth.
• Beat in flour mixture until dough just comes together. Form into 2 disks, wrap in plastic and refrigerate at least 30 minutes.
• Heat oven to 350°. Roll out one disk on liberally floured wax paper with a floured rolling pin to 1/8-inch thickness. Using a 21/2-inch star cutter, cut out star shapes and place on a wax-paper-lined baking sheet. Repeat with second disk. Gather up scraps, form into a disk and refrigerate.
• Bake 10 minutes per batch, until lightly golden. Slide cookies onto a cooling rack and cool.
• Re-roll scraps, cut out additional stars and bake.

Trump cookies are trash. Good cookies have chocolate in them.


So Trump thinks the polls are misrepresenting his support, like Brexit? Does that explain his tweet?

Still don't understand it.

Probably because pundits and intellectuals tell people that there is no justifiable reasoning to vote for Brexit/Trump, but they win anyways by tricking enough uneducated white people with borderline fascist rhetoric.

It's such an astute and nuanced comparison, that I seriously doubt Trump realizes the comparison he made. Likely it's as simple as Brexit was anti-establishment and Trump sees himself in that light.


Probably because pundits and intellectuals tell people that there is no justifiable reasoning to vote for Brexit/Trump, but they win anyways by tricking enough uneducated white people with borderline fascist rhetoric

This is precisely their strategy from now until election day. To place all blame on immigrants and stoke up more prejudice with outright lies. I hope the media is prepared to call them out immediately because they will probably try to stay more organized and on message with their crap.

By the way has there ever been an election where a losing candidate invests heavily in ads during the final month and manages to turn the race around?


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So glad I didn't watch the green town hall. I already know the green party is garbage, I don't need Jill Stein telling me that. I did hear a girl at the bar I was at ask why the green party is so anti-semitic which made me laugh. Happy to hear people aren't oblivious to that ugly portion of the party.
I didn't know that. Did they do something at the town hall?

I read some of the reactions on here. Enough of her stances are out there that if people paid enough attention, they would run far away.
This is precisely their strategy from now until election day. To place all blame on immigrants and stoke up more prejudice with outright lies. I hope the media is prepared to call them out immediately because they will probably try to stay more organized and on message with their crap.

By the way has there ever been an election where a losing candidate invests heavily in ads during the final month and manages to turn the race around?
1988. Dukakis was leading Bush by 9 points but the tank ad killed him.
Also, we need a decent poll from Minnesota. Not for any reason other than it would move it into the Safe D column in most models. Because of the lack of polling, it gets a less pretty shade of blue. (Upshot, for example, has Hillary with a better chance in PA than in MN because of the lack of polls.)
I want to see polling of MN-2 and MN-3, and also the state legislative generic ballot.

Hillary vs. Trump is going to be such a romp that I don't really care.
I didn't know that. Did they do something at the town hall?

I read some of the reactions on here. Enough of her stances are out there that if people paid enough attention, they would run far away.

I assume the comment wasn't directly related to the town hall since it wasn't actually playing at the bar. If I were to guess, it was probably prompted by recent comments by Stein's running mate.
1988. Dukakis was leading Bush by 9 points but the tank ad killed him.
Dukakis still to this day vehemently denies that the tank ad killed him. I dont think it was the ad that dealt the fatal blow. In my opinion what killed him was Lee Atwater's strategy.

1. Dukakis' prison furlough program/Willie Horton
2. Tank ad
3. Clinical answer to death penalty.

This trifecta landed critical blows and he never recovered.
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