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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Dukakis still to this day vehemently denies that the tank ad killed him. I dont think it was the ad that dealt the fatal blow. In my opinion what killed him was Lee Atwater's strategy.

1. Dukakis' prison furlough program/Willie Horton
2. Tank ad
3. Clinical answer to death penalty.

This trifecta landed critical blows and he never recovered.
Basically all the things Clinton ran right on were things used to dismantle ol' Mike.

I also think Dukakis heavily benefited from being a generic Democrat (though a newfangled Atari Dem, not one of those crusty New Dealers!) which made him attractive over the pseudo-incumbent, the same way hypothetical Kasich polls are high now. When I asked my dad what he thought of Dukakis, he couldn't remember anything. I think this helped Atwater crush his image.


Andrea mitchell replaying herself asking Hillary questions at a campaign rally in Ohio. How is your health! What do you have to say about all these reports about your health!
These people have never looked at clothing while people walk before:



Andrea mitchell replaying herself asking Hillary questions at a campaign rally in Ohio. How is your health! What do you have to say about all these reports about your health!
This is the one area that I would like the Clinton campaign to unleash on orange turd. Bloated turd shit has very obvious signs of health issues with the way he keeps repeating himself every other sentence and that pathetic answer of being the 'healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency". The Clinton campaign should challenge him not just on his incompetence but his mental instability and the false claims made by his supposed doctor.
This is the one area that I would like the Clinton campaign to unleash on orange turd. Bloated turd shit has very obvious signs of health issues with the way he keeps repeating himself every other sentence and that pathetic answer of being the 'healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency". The Clinton campaign should challenge him not just on his incompetence but his mental instability and the false claims made by his supposed doctor.

yeah, have some more kfc at your age you suit dumpster
Basically all the things Clinton ran right on were things used to dismantle ol' Mike.

I also think Dukakis heavily benefited from being a generic Democrat (though a newfangled Atari Dem, not one of those crusty New Dealers!) which made him attractive over the pseudo-incumbent, the same way hypothetical Kasich polls are high now. When I asked my dad what he thought of Dukakis, he couldn't remember anything. I think this helped Atwater crush his image.

Bill learned the lessons on 1988 well. He made sure to stake out a "tough on crime" position and his rapid-response operation was perhaps the most sophisticated one that had existed up to that point.

Dukakis really was something of an attempt by the Democrats to try something different after Mondale demonstrated that a New Deal Democrat could no longer win a national election. He ran a largely technocratic (as opposed to ideological) campaign that emphasized the performance of the Massachusetts economy. Of course, what people remember about him now is Willie Horton and the tank, which says something about his failure to reinvent the party (as well as his failure to respond effectively to attacks).
Trump aiming for 0% in the black vote:

Trump asked for the black vote Tuesday. But some black Republicans said the message didn’t jibe with how black people have been treated by members of the campaign. Several black Republicans referred to an incident involving Sean P. Jackson, a young Floridian Republican strategist. Jackson, whose plan to reach black voters has reached the inboxes of select black conservatives in his state and nationally, recently told friends that the Trump campaign’s chief Florida strategist Karen Giorno told him during that primary that Trump didn’t need his “classification of people” to get elected.

At a recent event in Florida, two sources said that Jackson was approached by Secret Service and escorted out of the event. But when he confronted Giorno to vouch for him, a source said she declined to acknowledge Jackson, the chairman of the Black Republican Caucus of Florida, a group that once hosted Dr. Ben Carson.

Giorno did not respond to an email seeking comment.

According to Jackson, he first reached out to Giorno in January. He said the state’s Republican leadership needed to “get on the ball” when it came to trying to reach black voters. Jackson said Giorno got annoyed when Jackson sent an email to her and then-campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. “I made it clear we had to start sooner than later. You can’t afford to come 100 days before the election and expect to do anything. It just won’t happen. They will look at you like an opportunist.”

But according to Jackson, Giorno told him in person during the primary that Trump didn’t need black voters to win, “I was just floored,” Jackson told BuzzFeed News. “I didn’t know what to say to it. I’m, like, holy shit, she actually said that to me.”

Black conservatives were buzzing about the Jackson incident because Jackson had worked closely with the Trump campaign and was a fixture at the RNC in Cleveland, which was low on young black delegates, surrogates, and media personalities.



Can we talk about how huge a liability Louisiana will be with climate change knocking on the door? Some of the most populated areas of the state will be unlivable in a decade.
That's the second time I've seen Karen Giorno's come up in a very negative light in less than a day. Rubio and Scott should have dumpstered her months ago.


Those Trump cookies are sad looking. The cookie battle is a bigger blowout than the actual election.

Melania probably has some delicious Slovenian cookies from her childhood but the Trump campaign would never allow her to share them because they are scary and foreign.


Can we talk about how huge a liability Louisiana will be with climate change knocking on the door? Some of the most populated areas of the state will be unlivable in a decade.

Unlivable in a decade? Not likely. Extremely expensive to clean up after increasingly severe and frequent natural disasters? Very likely.

If you're looking at huge liabilities, Florida and areas like tidewater Virginia are far more susceptible to sea rise (Florida because it's so flat and because water completely permeates the limestone, making pumping nearly useless, and Virginia because it's the site of an impact crater and is sinking rapidly without the sea level factored in.)


OpinionSavvy kind of sucks? They only polled the state for one evening, and that was last night. I mean, it's an inaccurate snapshot of where the race was in Georgia last night, but if they wanted better numbers, it should have been over the course of a few days and thus with a larger and better sample.
I don't understand how there isn't a picture on the internet of Theresa May, Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, Aung San Suu Kyi, Tsai Ing-wen, Park Geun-hye, and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf together.

2017, get your shit together on this.


OpinionSavvy kind of sucks? They only polled the state for one evening, and that was last night. I mean, it's an inaccurate snapshot of where the race was in Georgia last night, but if they wanted better numbers, it should have been over the course of a few days and thus with a larger and better sample.

OpinionSavvy is poop. They were poop yesterday and they will be poop tomorrow.


No Scrubs
I don't understand how there isn't a picture on the internet of Theresa May, Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, Aung San Suu Kyi, Tsai Ing-wen, Park Geun-hye, and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf together.

2017, get your shit together on this.

I'm sure we'll have that picture at the next big UN summit.
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