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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
That is a problem, she is betting it all on the debates. I think she had the chance a few weeks back for go all out attack on orange turd and force him against the wall. Just make sure everyone can see the coward and fraud that he is therefore making it impossible for him to try to tone down.

I really dislike how Democrats tend to be reactionary and never come out swinging. I don't understand why Obama had to go on a vacation while there is an ongoing catastrophic flooding during a damn election year. They should have made it very clear from the onset that he was more than willing to go but didn't want to compromise the rescue and surveying efforts by having road closures which occur whenever a president or presidential candidate visits an area. This statement should have been made before orange turd decided to go and would have essentially labeled turd's intention for what it really is, a publicity stunt that is damaging people.
He makes that argument against himself every time he talks. She doesn't need to press it. As far as her not coming out swinging, she's got to play it differently. The voters she hasn't won yet are white men, and white men don't react well to assertive women on the attack. It's a broad statement, but generally true. Obama faced the same problem. He needed to never be seen as 'the angry black guy' and Hillary can't be seen as the 'shrill bitch'. It sucks, but that's the world we're in until we change it.


God, fuck this turtle:


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is calling on the Department of Health and Human Services to use its funds to fight Zika instead of paying for ObamaCare outreach.

“As the program continues to falter, now we see reports that the administration is working on yet another Obamacare advertising campaign, despite warnings that it will do little to change the fundamental weaknesses in the market place,” McConnell wrote in a letter to HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell. “I am particularly concerned that taxpayer resources could be used for these campaigns at a time when there are higher priority public health needs.”

HHS has said that it plans to increase its outreach efforts for the fall sign-up period, including through advertising and targeted emails to young people and people who paid the penalty for lacking insurance.

Experts say the coming sign-up period is an important test of whether more people, particularly the young and healthy, can be brought into ObamaCare to help improve the sustainability of the law’s marketplaces for skittish insurers that warn they are losing money.

The White House has been pressuring McConnell and other congressional Republicans for months to provide $1.9 billion in new money to fight Zika, but Republicans have refused.

HHS announced earlier this month that the lack of congressional funding action was forcing it to shift money from other areas in the department to prevent a delay in work on the Zika vaccine.

Republicans counter that they have put forward their own $1.1 billion Zika funding bill but that Senate Democrats have blocked it, citing its limitations on Planned Parenthood funding and its cuts to Ebola virus and ObamaCare programs.

In the letter, McConnell asks a series of questions about where the administration is getting the funds for its ObamaCare advertising campaign and whether it is requesting additional funds from Congress.

“In earlier years, the Administration spent millions of dollars in taxpayer funds though exchanges on ads of questionable value,” he writes. “Yet those advertising campaigns failed to attract enough young and healthy enrollees to create a sustainable marketplace. Do you expect this campaign to yield a different result?”

Is it really that hard to just pass a clean bill that gives the NIH and CDC what they want and need to stop a major outbreak? E writhing has to be a fight to these guys.


Folks did we all post our favorite despicable Breitbart headlines written by Trump's new campaign manager? How has that not happened yet.

Here.sort of.

" PROOF : KILLARY IS A REPTILLIAN" (pay attention to her eyes in this clip)

"Hillary spotted wearing Monicas dress"

" Traitor Hillary "ISIS is not going to be an easy fight" Does she hate AMERICA"

"BREAKING" Bald eagle served at $$$hillarys Wall Street fat cat banquet"

"Why is Hillary " All our children deserve a better,stronger America" Clinton calling Melania a WEAK mother"

"RACIST Hillary eating CRACKERS in front of the BLACKS, acting like she owns the place"

" Muslim & Christian sex scandal ! Why is Michelle Obama and Chelsea Clinton still keeping their affair secret ??? AMERICA HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW !"


Top DNC fundraiser to depart following shakeup
Jordan Kaplan, the Democratic National Committee finance director, is now leaving too.

Three weeks after the shake-up sparked by the WikiLeaks dump that forced the resignation of the chair and three senior staffers, the top fundraiser for the official party apparatus is leaving the building himself.
DNC needs to learn it's called "expanding"
i flipped on hannity for five minutes and he was giving some lady a list of reasons to back Trump, and you've got all the standard ones on there, taxes, reverse Obamacare, Supreme Court, wall, tough foreign policy, etc.

and then right in the middle he's got "A President who will actually say the words: Radical Islam"

lol never change Sean

Yeah, because repeating the words "radical islam", which instantly smears every single Muslim in the world and associates them with terrorists, attacks their religion, making them feel like they're the enemy even thought they hate the enemy even more than non-Muslims do, is SURE to help and decrease terrorism. The only effect it would have is make ISIS recruitment easier, and have actual Muslims less likely to help. It basically states that every Muslim is a potential terrorist.

Fuck you Hannity, you bigoted piece of shit. These dog whistles are SO fucking obvious.


Trump on teleprompter again. Is this going to be it through the election? (besides the obvious places where he can't use it)
Did you actually read the letter? McConnell has a point, here. If the advertising isn't working then maybe we need to spend that money on Zika. I doubt it's $700 million in ad money, though.

I mean, this is probably one of the most critical moments of the exchanges, so no, he can pass the clean spending bill and not try to further disrupt the insurance market.


huh? So can I ask to have Trump answer question about his Russian ties under oath?

Dan Merica ‏@danmericaCNN 8m8 minutes ago
Dan Merica Retweeted Dan Merica
Clinton will, however, have to answer written questions - under oath - submitted by @JudicialWatch within 30 days


Wait, so it's a big deal that Obama wasn't going to Louisiana and Trump goes because he's a compassionate person as we all know...

And later in the day he's already in another state for a rally?

Is this the most transparent crap or what. That's supposed to be presidential? Showing up with a truck for a few hours?


Wait, so it's a big deal that Obama wasn't going to Louisiana and Trump goes because he's a compassionate person as we all know...

And later in the day he's already in another state for a rally?

Is this the most transparent crap or what. That's supposed to be presidential? Showing up with a truck for a few hours?

Of course it was all show. He was barely there for an hour or so. I was surprised too, to see him in Michigan (wasting his time) so suddenly. He even gave his "words of prayer" to Louisiana from Michigan, and didn't even speak to the press while in Baton Rouge.


More specifically the governor said he would rather he donate or volunteer.

And he brought a truck to say he did what the governor asked. However BS it is, he technically did part what the governor asked him to do.

But of course he still had a photo op.


My thing is that he's showing up when the Gov. specifically requested him not to do so. That's the worst thing about this whole stunt.

The governor (who's a Democrat) asked his to show up only if he was going to volunteer or help, not for a photo-op.

So, naturally, Trump showed up just in time for press to take a photo of him helping. Best of both worlds!

Good thing the governor is a Democrat and will probably praise the Obama administration's efforts in Louisiana, which have been very helpful and much better than Bush's response to Katrina.
Trump just said he's going to get 95% of the African American vote.



LOL Trump entire pitch to minorities now is what do you have to lose. That's when you know the situation is dire. When you can't even remotely clean up what you have said in the past and can only use what do you have to lose. Minorities would lose quite a bit under your presidency Donald. That's exactly why you are viewed so poorly by minorities. Shit is just comical.
LOL Trump entire pitch to minorities now is what do you have to lose. That's when you know the situation is dire. When you can't even remotely clean up what you have said in the past and can only use what do you have to lose. Minorities would lose quite a bit under your presidency Donald. That's exactly why you are viewed so poorly by minorities. Shit is just comical.
Actually, I'm watching this right now, and Trump is seriously trying to get the African American vote by pitting them against illegal immigrants and Syrian refugees. It's insane, it's so fucking insane.


Of course it was all show. He was barely there for an hour or so. I was surprised too, to see him in Michigan (wasting his time) so suddenly. He even gave his "words of prayer" to Louisiana from Michigan, and didn't even speak to the press while in Baton Rouge.

Wow, didn't know it was only an hourish. What a joke, the media should really give some flak after everyone went in so hard on Obama not going. The motivation is so obvious it's ridiculous.

The governor also said he would rather the President wait a bit before coming, since it takes up a lot of resources and first responders to deal with the President coming through. Those resources and first responders need to go towards helping people affected rather than the President for good political optics.


I think he said after two years he'd get 95% of the African American vote because he'd deliver. Not sure how two years makes sense.


I bet you 100$ that 80+% of the people in that crowd don't have a single clue who Angela Merkel is. It's just such a poor line of attack. This pivot to black people is so fucking hilarious. Everything is just tone deaf bullshit. The speech is really just about reaching out to more white people, and not actual minorities.
I bet you 100$ that 80+% of the people in that crowd don't have a single clue who Angela Merkel is. It's just such a poor line of attack. This pivot to black people is so fucking hilarious. Everything is just tone deaf bullshit. The speech is really just about reaching out to more white people, and not actual minorities.
Don't you see the Asian girl in the background? It's working.


This is what Judicial Watch got instead of receiving actual FBI documentation. I don't understand why this is allowed.

Yeah, it really shouldn't. They're a blatant partisan group and the government shouldn't be bowing to their wills.

Although it might be sort of ok? What's the context of answering these questions under oath? If they're doing a new interview that's absurd and not ok.


Yeah, it really shouldn't. They're a blatant partisan group and the government shouldn't be bowing to their wills.

Although it might be sort of ok? What's the context of answering these questions under oath? If they're doing a new interview that's absurd and not ok.

From the tweet, the questions are submitted by JW, and she has to answer them, under oath within 30 days. It's insane.
From the tweet, the questions are submitted by JW, and she has to answer them, under oath within 30 days. It's insane.

Wasn't there some statement a while back about how the court or someone was going to have to receive the questions ahead of time and approve the ones they could ask?


He gave the group until October 14 to give her the questions, and she has 30 days to answer them.

If the group wants to ask her follow-up questions in writing, it must go back to the judge and get permission.

The group is seeking the details of Huma Abedin's relationship with the State Department that permitted her to do outside work while she was a top aide to Secretary Clinton.
"Secretary Clinton has never testified under oath why she created and used the clintonemail.com system to conduct official government business. Her only public statements on the issue are unsworn," the group's lawyers said in court filings.

In Friday's order, Judge Sullivan said her written testimony is necessary "to enable her to explain on the record the purpose for the creation and operation of the clintonemail.com system for State Department Business."

Hillary Clinton’s Ethics Problems Are Worse Than She Understands
The most enduring aftereffect of her extended primary fight with Sanders was to import Republican attacks on her character into liberal messaging. Sanders emphasized real issues like collecting speaking fees from Goldman Sachs rather than fake issues like the murder of Vince Foster, but the impact was the same — it reintroduced Clinton, to a generation that had never voted for her or her husband, as a shadowy, duplicitous insider. Endorsing all sorts of liberal programs Congress will never pass and letting Sanders’s supporters write the party platform hardly solves this problem.

The risk that Clinton’s tainted image will defeat her is small but real enough to merit concern. The much larger risk is that her lax approach to rule-following and ethical conflicts will sink her presidency.

Clinton’s State Department Blew $6 Billion In Contracts, And We’re About To Learn Why
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton may soon have to answer questions about an estimated $6 billion in contract mismanagement, fraud and incompetence that happened under her watch at the Department of State.

Non-profit government watchdog Cause of Action Institute (CofA) filed a Freedom of Information Act request Friday for records related to a March 2014 management alert issued by the department’s Inspector General (IG).

“The total value of the contracts the [IG] reviewed exceeded $6 billion,” the CofA’s FOIA request said. “Many of these cases arose during the tenure of Secretary Hillary Clinton.” Clinton was the country’s top diplomat from January 2009 to February 2013.

hey, let's get clinton out there in the news instead of hanging back and letting Trump butcher himself

can we run a forensic files/unsolved mysteries episode on vince foster?


I think this "What have you got to lose" thing to the AA community will play well with Hillary's camp if they play it right:
- your healthcare
- your voting rights
- your freedom (harsher policing and drug laws)
- etc.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This is what Judicial Watch got instead of receiving actual FBI documentation. I don't understand why this is allowed.

I'm still not clear on that tweet. It's saying that Hillary has to answer questions by JW "under oath". How is she supposed to do that if she's not testifying anywhere?


I'm still not clear on that tweet. It's saying that Hillary has to answer questions by JW "under oath". How is she supposed to do that if she's not testifying anywhere?

Huma will put her hand on the bible. It's fine.

I'd like to see Trump give this speech in an actual room full of black people.
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