That is a problem, she is betting it all on the debates. I think she had the chance a few weeks back for go all out attack on orange turd and force him against the wall. Just make sure everyone can see the coward and fraud that he is therefore making it impossible for him to try to tone down.
I really dislike how Democrats tend to be reactionary and never come out swinging. I don't understand why Obama had to go on a vacation while there is an ongoing catastrophic flooding during a damn election year. They should have made it very clear from the onset that he was more than willing to go but didn't want to compromise the rescue and surveying efforts by having road closures which occur whenever a president or presidential candidate visits an area. This statement should have been made before orange turd decided to go and would have essentially labeled turd's intention for what it really is, a publicity stunt that is damaging people.
No, she's betting it all on the math.
Just keep churning out the positive ads, with a few critical ones, as long as Trump is floundering.
You wait, even if the polls get tighter (which they should in a couple weeks just because)
and watch what he does. Don't force it. Forcing it was how Kerry and Romney blew everything they had at the wrong time constantly. (Except for that first debate for Romney.)
News cycles and voters process information too quickly, it becomes a mush. That's one reason the GOP is trying to stick to e-mails because it's consistent. Let the cycles churn to show you what sticks.
Usually being the "Not [X]" candidate is a bad idea, but Hillary is atypical in that she's well known already. And her negatives can drop, especially when she's out of the fray. (This happens more than most candidates and campaigns want to accept.)