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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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It is really interesting the Clinton and her campaign isn't hitting hard on some of this stuff besides sometimes issuing out statements. It really does seem like her strategy is to let Trump and his campaign have the spotlight. I think it makes sense in some areas, but it seems like she loses out on some opportunities like Trump and Russian connections.

Politicizing something trivializes it, though. It gives your opponent an easy out. It's better to sit back and let some things play out.
Right after the Buffalo Bills.
Or the Jets ;)

Yes, they get to beat Pittsburgh.
Then the answer is the Browns playoff win and I would lie.. It would give me such a hard on.

Not that my team has done shit recently, but I wonder which Super Bowl would be worse:

Lions v. Browns


Lions v. Bills
Lions v Bills.. At least Lions v. Browns would be entertaining because it's Ohio v Michigan.

Explain the Patriots. They've never been good. Never. Believe me.

They're cheaters, just like crooked Hilary
You both are good people
Fema also gave the state of Louisiana tons of money, but Bobby Jindal chose to burn that surplus by massively reducing state revenue through tax reductions on the rich and corporations.

Instead of helping people that needed the aid, he tossed the money into a fire.
Like I guess I'm not even sure what she wants this governor to do or say to the people who are like. Dying.

"Hey, we could help you out, but we* bungled up Katrina and it's only fair we do it here. Because you know, whitey's gotta pay.

*I mean, we didn't, it was actually our predecessors who we ran against and won in no small part due to their incompetence and inaction, and now that were presented with a similar situation this would be a good chance to prove we're more capable at governing than the Republicans, but I'd rather use my authority to be a petty asshole than actually help people."


obama should make a sea landing of air force one and let everyone onto the plane for free

it'd be an incredible waste of taxpayer dollars that i need to form a committee to investigate
I'm shocked there haven't been any long journalistic investigations about the Hastert era yet.

DeLay obviously knew and didn't care that Hastert was a child rapist, others had to have known.


I'm shocked there haven't been any long journalistic investigations about the Hastert era yet.

DeLay obviously knew and didn't care that Hastert was a child rapist, others had to have known.
did you know he's not in jail for that? his fifteen months are because he pled guilty to violating banking regulations


He actually went to LA? OH COME THE FUCK ON! ...Right, sorry, politicizing natural disasters is a massive pet peeve of mine, especially when there's absolutely zo connection for the people in the photo op.

And apologies on the Obama gripes several pages back. I didn't know that the Governor there had specifically not requested a visit, so of course that needs to be respected.

This happens every time there's a natural disaster during a presidential campaign. Both sides give in to the knee-jerk reaction that "my candidate should go and look like he's helping!" and too many politicians fall into that trap.

Obama, doesn't.

What I would like, is for the White House to respond to accusations that he doesn't care, and point to the fact the governor has praised the federal government's response and told Obama he doesn't need to come right-away.

Obama should simply say "me coming here for a photo-op will do anybody no good"


Not with that Oline.. That poor fuck may die.. Bradford probably will die on the field.

Our starting OL is actually pretty solid. Bradford only got hit once against the Steelers starters (preseason but whatever). We just have zero depth and Peters might actually die on the field. But I'm not nearly as worried about the OL compared to the WR.

Enough football talk tho we have our own den of degenerates for that
This happens every time there's a natural disaster during a presidential campaign. Both sides give in to the knee-jerk reaction that "my candidate should go and look like he's helping!" and too many politicians fall into that trap.

Obama, doesn't.

What I would like, is for the White House to respond to accusations that he doesn't care, and point to the fact the governor has praised the federal government's response and told Obama he doesn't need to come right-away.

Obama should simply say "me coming here for a photo-op will do anybody no good"
lol remember when Republicans were complaining about Obama being "too much of a celebrity"


Speaking of the Louisiana floods, someone on my FB feed was complaining about Gov. Edwards describing the flood as "historic" because she felt he was ignoring Hurricane Katrina and turned it into a rant about "of course when a white area is flooded the government responds." I pointed out that this flood is being called historic by plenty of experts, that the governor is probably not deliberately snubbing Katrina victims and he's actually done a lot to help them even years after the fact, and that the governor and president back then were different (she went on a thing about "Bush doesn't care about black people," which I totally agree with and just don't see how it's relevant here). She just said I was wrong and went on a tirade about all white people being racist whether they know it or not (guess what race she is and guess what state she does not live in).

The horseshoe theory is a real thing.

I hate liberals.

Weird. Calling a disaster historic means nothing else matters? Odd thing to get hung up about

I mean, if you're upset about the flood donate money
why take the risk?

Politicizing something trivializes it, though. It gives your opponent an easy out. It's better to sit back and let some things play out.

I know why there are reasons for Hillary is not wanting to have a dog fight with on TV. But I don't see the issue of her campaign for at least pushing the or a story sometimes. During the Khan incident it made a lot more sense to let Trump damage himself. Other times I think she should public to help contrast her from Trump. It still looks like many people still do not even know much of her domestic policies.
Although, she is still doing what she needs to do when it comes to campaigning and a little more, but I don't see it has an issue to combat Trump more on certain issues and contrast from him in terms of policies much more. She still needs to improve her image, even if a person doesn't like her and still votes for her is still the same as the one that does like and votes for her; I think the latter is better than the former. I think she might do something like that during the fall though hopefully.


Other times I think she should public to help contrast her from Trump. It still looks like many people still do not even know much of her domestic policies.
Trying to tie Trump to secret deals with Putin isn't a very good way of letting people know about her domestic promises compared to his. Which are better, the best. He's got great domestic policies, let me tell you, don't take my word for it, everybody agrees, I mean the military, they love it, but my domestic policies that's where people are really going to be amazed. All the experts, they go, he can't, but look at what we're doing, everyone's shocked, they say we can't win, but we win because we've got great policies. They aren't anything like how we've treated the Kurds, who have just been treated terribly, that's a horrible deal, it's been a disaster, the Kurds never deserved that, that's something that needs to be made to work. Bill Clinton was just a disaster in handling the Kurds.
Trying to tie Trump to secret deals with Putin isn't a very good way of letting people know about her domestic promises compared to his. Which are better, the best. He's got great domestic policies, let me tell you, don't take my word for it, everybody agrees, I mean the military, they love it, but my domestic policies that's where people are really going to be amazed. All the experts, they go, he can't, but look at what we're doing, everyone's shocked, they say we can't win, but we win because we've got great policies. They aren't anything like how we've treated the Kurds, who have just been treated terribly, that's a horrible deal, it's been a disaster, the Kurds never deserved that, that's something that needs to be made to work. Bill Clinton was just a disaster in handling the Kurds.

I'm pretty sure many people will see national security as a domestic issue. Since the Russians has been hacking different institutions in the US. But even then, I don't necessary mean she contrast herself in matters of domestic policy using Putin connections as a reason, but basically other ways that are more relevant like banning a religion, his lack of substance concerning the economy, and contrasting herself with Trump with some of her more progressive proposals that is already popular with Americans.


Folks did we all post our favorite despicable Breitbart headlines written by Trump's new campaign manager? How has that not happened yet.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton leads Republican rival Donald Trump by 8 percentage points among likely voters, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Friday.

The Aug. 14-18 survey showed 42 percent of Americans supported Clinton ahead of the Nov. 8 general election. That compares with 34 percent support for Trump. Another 23 percent of likely voters would not pick either candidate.

Clinton also led a separate Reuters/Ipsos poll that asked people to choose between Clinton, Trump, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Jill Stein of the Green Party. Some 41 percent supported Clinton and 34 percent supported Trump. Among alternative-party candidates, Johnson came in third with 7 percent and about 2 percent supported Stein.

Hillary: 42
Trump: 34

Hillary: 41
Trump: 34
Johnson: 7
Stein: 2 (Sad!)


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump made the right move going to Louisiana. Whether you agree or not, general public eats that stuff up and will have questions if Hillary doesn't go.


Hillary's obviously afraid she might have a seizure and drown in the water. Can't take the risk. She only has to survive five months and one day and then she can set another "first" for a Presidency.
Trump made the right move going to Louisiana. Whether you agree or not, general public eats that stuff up and will have questions if Hillary doesn't go.
I don't think it'll be a big deal, but I do think this is one instance where Trump's personality works very well for "optics" unfortunately. Americans like false bravado and showmanship over actually doing anything.



Having her catheter changed and her blood cleaned by leeches. Oh, and some electroshock therapy.

EDIT: Good poll. Is it my imagination, or is she now polling better in some battleground states than nationally? Nate has said that Trump is more likely to win the popular vote while losing the electoral college than the other way around. Trump is probably making up ground in national polls from Republicans in states that don't really matter in November, or Hillary is doing worse among undecideds in states that are safely blue anyway (like California, full of Bernie or Busters whose votes don't matter).


Trump made the right move going to Louisiana. Whether you agree or not, general public eats that stuff up and will have questions if Hillary doesn't go.

I have to agree. Sure it's a shallow photo op but it plays well. Also good on him for donating supplies. It's a shame we'll have to hear him crow about from now on.

"I went to Louisiana to help our ravaged flood victims while Obama played golf and Crooked Hillary was too feeble to make the trip. Did you see that? CNN just shut off their cameras! HA HA!"
Trump made the right move going to Louisiana. Whether you agree or not, general public eats that stuff up and will have questions if Hillary doesn't go.

I don't see why it matters. It is like people that don't like Trump is going to like him better. Only his supporters will think it shows how Trump cares, by going there and taking picture. Sure some might praise it regardless, but I don't why it would matter in the long run.




This is the funniest detail about Manafort leaving:

Rick Gates will be taking over as the campaign's liaison to the RNC based in Washington.

His toadie is still working for the campaign! We have direct evidence of Gates (probably illegally) lobbying for Russian interests.

AP said:
Manafort and Gates have previously said they were not doing work that required them to register as foreign agents. Neither commented when reached by the AP on Thursday.

The emails show Gates personally directed two Washington lobbying firms, Mercury LLC and the Podesta Group Inc., between 2012 and 2014 to set up meetings between a top Ukrainian official and senators and congressmen on influential committees involving Ukrainian interests. Gates noted in the emails that the official, Ukraine's foreign minister, did not want to use his own embassy in the United States to help coordinate the visits.

Gates also directed the firms to gather information in the U.S. on a rival lobbying operation, including a review of its public lobbying disclosures, to determine who was behind that effort, the emails show.

And Gates directed efforts to undercut sympathy for Yulia Tymoshenko, an imprisoned rival of then-President Viktor Yanukovych. The Ukrainian leader eventually fled the country in February 2014 during a popular revolt prompted in part by his government's crackdown on protesters and close ties to Russia.

I wonder how long it will take the media to actually notice?
I hadn't heard the angle that DeLay knew -- why is that?

DeLay details their relationship of nearly three decades, 12 years of which they spent working “side by side.”

“I have observed him in many different and difficult situations,” the letter starts. “He has never disappointed me in any way. He is a man of strong faith that guides him. He is a man of great integrity. He loves and respects his fellow man. I have never witnessed a time when he was unkind to anyone. He is always giving to others and helping anyone including me so many times."

The one-page note also outlines examples of activities intended to defend the former speaker’s character, such as starting a lunch-time Bible study for colleagues.
“We held each other accountable and we studied God's word and applied it to where we were at that moment," wrote DeLay, who is a longtime advocate for foster children and adoption. “Nothing could have been more intimate between us. So I know his heart and have seen it up close and personal.”

“We all have our flaws, but Dennis Hastert has very few. He is a good man that loves the lord. He gets his integrity and values from Him. He doesn't deserve what he is going through. I ask that you consider the man that is before you and give him leniency where you can,” it concludes.


DeLay obviously is indifferent to or supports raping children from this letter, but I don't think you can be that close to a person and be so indifferent to him being a monster unless you already knew.
NBC Nightly News ‏@NBCNightlyNews 4m4 minutes ago
JUST IN: White House: Pres. Obama to visit Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Tuesday to tour flood damage and response efforts.
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