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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Trump can't pivot because his trustworthy numbers are awful.

Like, I would probably believe him if Dubya came out and said he was switching to the Democratic Party. I didn't like most of his policies (probably could find a bridge he helped build that was good, I suppose), but I generally trust things that come from his mouth (his Cabinet doesn't get that trust). Maybe that's earned, maybe it's my own perception that's wrong.

But I would never buy it if Trump recanted on anything. He was too forceful in standing by this shit when he first said it. When the press was trying to give him every out they could think of during most of his gaffes, he just doubled (then tripled, quadrupled, etc...) down on it. The guy never backed down.

That's why this shit won't work for him. People generally don't think he's the type of person who changes their minds. He certainly gives that impression, and he actively campaigned on it.


I have seen politicans trying to appeal to minorities by doing something similar to what trump did today when trying to appeal to minorities but usually they don't call their opponent a bigot even though hilary is not one.
He really has done a lot of projection these last few weeks in particular.
I think the left should be worried about Conway. She's very palatable even when she's lying through her teeth.
It's time for Hillary and her team to respond, no need to cede any ground at all. Too dangerous.


No Scrubs
It's getting pretty hard to tell who is supposed to be a conservative on CNN these days, everyone's going in hard on the Trump surrogates.
I think the left should be worried about Conway. She's very palatable even when she's lying through her teeth.

Eh, maybe if she had more than 75 days. Personally I think she's in this kind of weird Ivanka Trump zone where Trump listens to her but she says weird shit that nobody in that campaign should be saying, like her comments about the Clinton foundation doing good things.

I guess we'll see if her skill as a surrogate (which is the only positive thing people tend to bring up when they describe her) and as a pollster translates to being an effective campaign manager.
LOL at people saying Trump's base won't vote for him if he offers amnesty. Wrong. Their hatred of Hillary far exceeds their hatred of immigrants. They'll vote for him no matter what he says.

Donald should also use his leverage over voters to flip big on his tax plan and actually go out to underserved minority communities facing disparities in health care outcomes, wealth, income, and security. People who have a moral compass regardless of party affiliation shouldn't allow corrupt Democrats to shill and pursue selfish aspirations for themselves at the expense of poor minorities while they secure the votes from the affluent.

This is an issue the GOP establishment refuses to address because so much of the party is run by racists and bigots like many of their white Democrat counterparts who lead the Democratic party. He has to show how people like Pres. Clinton have used their platform as policymakers to go the extra mile and rig the system for rich whites while turning their back on minorities. He has to show how even people like Pres. Obama care far more about the welfare of rich white people like Jamie Dimon vs. say low-income in the DC metropolitan area.
Donald should also use his leverage over voters to flip big on his tax plan and actually go out to underserved minority communities facing disparities in health care outcomes, wealth, income, and security. People who have a moral compass regardless of party affiliation shouldn't allow corrupt Democrats to shill and pursue selfish aspirations for themselves at the expense of poor minorities while they secure the votes from the affluent.

This is an issue the GOP establishment refuses to address because so much of the party is run by racists and bigots like many of their white Democrat counterparts who lead the Democratic party. He has to show how people like Pres. Clinton have used their platform as policymakers to go the extra mile and rig the system for rich whites while turning their back on minorities. He has to show how even people like Pres. Obama care far more about the welfare of rich white people like Jamie Dimon vs. say low-income in the DC metropolitan area.
Hi Bannon


Man. I know everyone here means well and we ALL don't want Trump to win, but sometimes reading this thread some of yall think the left should worry about everything.

It doesn't matter who's heading the campaign because the nominee is still Donald fucking Trump. He can't pivot in two months after he literally ran for President on the platform of all the disgusting shit he said about immigrants.


If we're talking about the foundation charity stuff, then no, absolutely not. Hillary's right on this one.

Na, I meant the emails. Bill, Carville, Mook and the rest of the campaign have been doing a good job today on cable news of shutting down the Foundation crap.

Even Colbert yesterday said the emails and Foundation scandals "weren't really a thing".
Your last sentence is completely disputed by the first paragraph here. Optics is going down in my book as the most annoying word of 2016, since it's pointless and means nothing and should actively be ignored.
I firmly believe Optics is a HUGE part of politics. American politics at least. You need to be able to understand how your words, actions, and even silly shit like "body language" and gestures. It's an annoying thing, sure. I wish candidates were solely judged on substance. Unfortunately we dont and if you fail to understand how huge role media plays in our political system, then you're DOA. Hillary's policies are better than Obama's, and achievable even in our polarized environment. I think she'll make a really great president. But the path to get there is hard fought, mudslinging, dishonorable, backstabbing affair.

By the way, optics is not a new word. We were throwing it around in 2008/2012 too.


Man. I know everyone here means well and we ALL don't want Trump to win, but sometimes reading this thread some of yall think the left should worry about everything.

It doesn't matter who's heading the campaign because the nominee is still Donald fucking Trump. He can't pivot in two months after he literally ran for President on the platform of all the disgusting shit he said about immigrants.

Especially when he won't and can't walk balk those earlier statements.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Man. I know everyone here means well and we ALL don't want Trump to win, but sometimes reading this thread some of yall think the left should worry about everything.

It doesn't matter who's heading the campaign because the nominee is still Donald fucking Trump. He can't pivot in two months after he literally ran for President on the platform of all the disgusting shit he said about immigrants.
It does actually matter who is leading the campaign. Especially when trump doesn't go on CNN or MSNBC. She's the face of the campaign right now on some news channels.
France's center-right presidential candidate summarized: "We will punish the Jews and Muslims, they will suffer."

He wants to ban the Muslim headscarf from universities and public companies, limit the French nationality rights of children born to foreign parents, and ban pork-free options in school canteens, meaning Muslim and Jewish children would no longer be offered a substitute meal.

He has also scoffed at what he called “legal niceties” in the fight against terrorism, prompting the left to warn that his treatment of suspected jihadis could be akin to that of Guantánamo Bay.


France feels like it's handled it's string of terror attacks nearly as bad as the U.S. handed 9/11 except that the US invaded a random country that had nothing to do 9/11 also.


I mean, I trust their writing staff regardless, but I think Trump's "bigot" messaging will probably make them fine tune their "Trump is in bed with the Alt-Right" speech. You don't want to feed into his manipulation to just making this "Both candidates call each other the 'real' racist". She needs to seem simultaneously above his classless remarks but also firmly establish that he's in bed with dangerous people.


Man. I know everyone here means well and we ALL don't want Trump to win, but sometimes reading this thread some of yall think the left should worry about everything.

It doesn't matter who's heading the campaign because the nominee is still Donald fucking Trump. He can't pivot in two months after he literally ran for President on the platform of all the disgusting shit he said about immigrants.

At the same time, it would be nice if every critical thing said about Hillary Clinton or the decisions of her campaign in this thread weren't met with "OMG STOP DIABOLOSING11!!!!11 IT'S DONALD TRUMP!" as though nobody fucking knows that. I find that just as unreadable, especially when nearly a dozen posts of this nature can be triggered by one comment.

I mean, it's this type of "Hillary can do no wrong so shut up" mindset that gets railed on all the time in OT. Ironically, in here is where it actually happens.

I'm probably one of the bigger Hillary stans on this board (Adam is queen, of course). I have absolutely no doubt that she's going to win in November. That being said, I do think she's running an increasingly sloppy campaign because of who she's running against, and I do think if she doesn't respond soon and in a way that connects with the public it can affect the lead she has on Trump, and ultimately how many Senate and House seats we'll recapture, which is ultimately my concern at this point. I don't think that's diablosing.
If this was Bernie Sanders vs. Jeb Bush and Bernie was down by 6-8 points and then Bernie started saying "you know, I support cutting disability benefits" would Republicans freak out in response?
Clinton just gave a much better answer on the emails

Basically said every time she's tried to explain it sounds like she is making excuses. She makes no excuses and it was her decision alone and takes responsibility
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