If you look at polls, Kellyann's interview with Maddow will result in +4 at LEAST
This guy gets it, thank you
Trump 350 EV
If you look at polls, Kellyann's interview with Maddow will result in +4 at LEAST
Hennepin doesn't deserve to be relegated to the back like that. Amazing beer and one of my favorites.![]()
All fantastic.
Wee bit harder hitting then a lot of beer though.
I feel like that's been her basic answer on the emails for a while now, she's said something similar before, but the answer gets lost every time yet another emails headline comes out.
Still thinking about it, what purpose does a press conference serve for someone not in office? While in office, it's a good way to quickly update the press and public about some big current event, but there is really nothing to talk about in terms of the campaign that cannot be covered in an interview.
Still thinking about it, what purpose does a press conference serve for someone not in office? While in office, it's a good way to quickly update the press and public about some big current event, but there is really nothing to talk about in terms of the campaign that cannot be covered in an interview.
Does he have a gold microphone?Holy shit Glenn Beck has the most baller ass podcasting setup.
I'll find a way. And I do like the design. Simple yet elegant.If it's not out of one of these, you messed up!
When Hillary wins, I will definitely have my first and only drink in celebration with the rest of poligaf. Wonder what it will be!
This bourbon is so good. Going to be drinking lots of it on election night
For those not watching she almost called Hillary a serial killer again. She got all worked up "serial!....." "tale. T-a-l-e teller"Eat shit, Brewer. She's so awful. Never forgot reading her time as governor.
Yeah, I was like "Oooh, almost slipped there."For those not watching she almost called Hillary a serial killer again. She got all worked up "serial!....." "tale. T-a-l-e teller"
Orange Powerade as a mixer sounds like something I would've tried as a broke college student. Why not just actually go for OJ?
Honestly I cannot conceive of needing a drink that badly. I'd just have one this weekend after I got a chance to go to the store
I firmly believe Optics is a HUGE part of politics. American politics at least. You need to be able to understand how your words, actions, and even silly shit like "body language" and gestures. It's an annoying thing, sure. I wish candidates were solely judged on substance. Unfortunately we dont and if you fail to understand how huge role media plays in our political system, then you're DOA. Hillary's policies are better than Obama's, and achievable even in our polarized environment. I think she'll make a really great president. But the path to get there is hard fought, mudslinging, dishonorable, backstabbing affair.
By the way, optics is not a new word. We were throwing it around in 2008/2012 too.
At the same time, it would be nice if every critical thing said about Hillary Clinton or the decisions of her campaign in this thread weren't met with "OMG STOP DIABOLOSING11!!!!11 IT'S DONALD TRUMP!" as though nobody fucking knows that. I find that just as unreadable, especially when nearly a dozen posts of this nature can be triggered by one comment.
I mean, it's this type of "Hillary can do no wrong so shut up" mindset that gets railed on all the time in OT. Ironically, in here is where it actually happens.
I'm probably one of the bigger Hillary stans on this board (Adam is queen, of course). I have absolutely no doubt that she's going to win in November. That being said, I do think she's running an increasingly sloppy campaign because of who she's running against, and I do think if she doesn't respond soon and in a way that connects with the public it can affect the lead she has on Trump, and ultimately how many Senate and House seats we'll recapture, which is ultimately my concern at this point. I don't think that's diablosing.
Because I had orange powerade from when we all had the flu. And....it was on hand. And it's a struggle drink at the moment because I'd have to get dressed to get real alcohol combinations. I'm out of peanut butter vodka which is sad. And a mess.![]()
I actually kinda like it tbh This is my 4 day weekend. I have no kids in the house until later tomorrow. My bf isn't bugging me to cook for him or do his laundry.....I'ma enjoy my shitty ass drank.![]()
I have no problem with good criticism, but there just hasn't been any of it. People are legit freaking out about a Donald Trump pivot for like the fourth time. It wears thin after a while. I've seen nothing new in the past few days that wasn't said when Trump fired Corey, or when walked back his off-the-cuff speeches, or....
Her campaign is one of the most organized in the country, and you're freaking out because she's not ranting on Maddow over Trump conspiracies. Dipping into this nonsense only drags it out, and offers the potential for a gaffe. Hillary hasn't lost a single point; Trump may have gained a few. That has nothing at all to do with Hillary Clinton, and everything to do with his fourth pivot (which might last another few days at best. It's already cracking).
At what point did I do that? Can you quote the post where I do that?
I have not panicked over Hillary's campaign. I think the issue arises when any perceived critique of the Clinton campaign in this thread is weighed against the idea that it's going to sink her. I haven't implied that, and I don't think very many people in this thread have. It would be foolish to. That being said, I do think Hillary has made some absolutely flabbergasting moves throughout the course of this campaign, and commenting on them by anyone shouldn't lead to damn near half a page of "QUIT DIABLOSIHBLIUBL UIHYBRFSU!!!" every time. It's obnoxious, and it creates an insular community.
At this point, I'm viewing Hillary's campaign from the position of a sports spectator. And just because I or other people may comment on how many unforced errors Serena Williams is letting off her racket, that doesn't change the fact that she's up a set over Maria Sharapova and in complete control of the match. It's obvious that Hillary Clinton is in a dominant position in this election. Stating so is akin to saying the sky is blue, water is wet, and Taylor Swift is horrible. We all know this. Let people talk about the ins and outs.
I'm assuming these bad moves you're talking about are the same ones the last few pages have been talking about, yes? That Hillary should be hitting the talk shows to do more interviews about the Clinton Foundation, her health, and more of her emails?
This is nonsense, and not good strategy at all. You've also just shifted your stuff from the White House (which is basically a lock now) to the down-ticket (which is also basically a lock for what the Dems will get and what they won't). I also completely addressed this in the comment you quoted. Her campaign is on the ground in every state with a possible pick-up. You're too focused on national numbers, which aren't having nearly as much effect on the down-ticket as they might have in the past.
I dispute that there have even been recent errors, but that's because the evidence for these errors is non-existent. Like I also said in my previous comment, if there's any good, well-reasoned critique, I'm always game to read it. It's why I open this thread. But I haven't seen that from people making these claims at all. It's just, "God, this Clinton Foundation thing is really making the rounds, Hillary's being a fool by not addressing it."
Show me some data that her vote totals are going down. Show me some data that the down-ticket (anywhere) is losing votes. If the only tightening you can find over time is from Republicans (including Trump) gaining points while she stays high, there's nothing you can do about that. You keep your own numbers up, and watch as your opponent (who must then act to gain votes) hopefully acts poorly.
Stating the sky is blue, or water is wet, is boring because it's clearly backed up with a lot of evidence. Do that and I'll be happy to read it. But it's getting really old with the various posts that assume a negative response from the electorate first and then argue from the assumption.
(This ties into why I don't care for optics talk as it's all predicated on the assumption that they matter in the first place and then people start from there.)
The only people enthusiastic about her campaign are Hollywood celebrities. In many cases, celebrities that arent very hot anymore.
All this motherfucker does is project
I'm really not worried about this "pivot" since it amounts to flip-flopping on his single most visible policy. I don't see how that gets him a bunch of new voters.
I think a positive media news cycle isn't as important compared to having a solid ground game as shown when Bernie lost to Hillary Clinton. This article is a little dated but it argues that what's really important at the end of the day was the ground game, and Obama's was much better than Romney's.Didn't we all do the same thing four years ago when the Obama team didn't react to every silly thing Romney said about Obama? The Obama team thankfully didn't believe in "winning the news cycle", and it seems like the Clinton team doesn't either.
This year is different. The polls are so close that a lively partisan meta-fight has broken out over which side actually has the upper hand going into the final stretch, with Romney claiming momentum is on his side, while Obama clings to slim leads in enough swing states to take the Electoral College. In an election that's tied in the polls going down to the wire, Obama's ground game could be crucial.
In the closing days of the race, "we have two jobs," Obama campaign manager Jim Messina said Tuesday. "One, to persuade the undecideds, and two, to turn our voters out." The former is the job of the president and his TV and other media ads. As for the latter, "That's the grassroots operation we've been building for the last 18 months."
I'm really not worried about this "pivot" since it amounts to flip-flopping on his single most visible policy. I don't see how that gets him a bunch of new voters.
Lmao.All this motherfucker does is project
Rum is gross