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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Rebel Leader

People there needs to be a new poll asking trump supporters.

If Donald trump drops out would you vote his replacement?

Basically a trump or bust poll


Okay NOW it can't get worse for him right? How does it get worse than "appears eager to use nuclear weapons"


I want a Hillary blowout to see the reaction of Cenk & Co. just as much as anyone on the right.

would cenk slyly smile and say that you know, electors don't have to vote for the person that won in their state, wink to the camera, and say, 'if they feel the bern.'


Just read that Washington Post interview.

Trump legit has narcissistic personality disorder. I imagine his office has like 5 TVs with himself constantly playing.
People there needs to be a new poll asking trump supporters.

If Donald trump drops out would you vote his replacement?

Basically a trump or bust poll
No contest.




Rebel Leader

No contest.

http://static.deathandtaxesmag.com/uploads/2016/04/NOMNOMNOM-640x523.jpg[/IM G]
[IMG]http://static.deathandtaxesmag.com/uploads/2016/04/pizza-compressed.jpg[/IM G]
[IMG]http://thehill.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_full/public/blogs/kasicheating.jpg?itok=D1a1lVSv[/IM G][/QUOTE]
I'm serious. I wonder how many are die-hards.
Trump's base of white nationalist idiots don't care if he asks about using nukes. They'd do the same.

I want to see what his floor is.

I wonder if this week will be enough to get the hold their nose GOP to accept that the shit just smells too bad.

Is there a tally of GOP people who have said they won't vote for him?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Not.gonna.happen. No one can build a proper campaign and compete in 90 days.

Right, which is why I said I don't see it happening.

If he quits it proves that he's not a winner. A massive blow to his "winning" ego

Eh...I think if they offered him enough money he'd take it and run, claiming he "made a great deal." Then he'll say he never wanted the job anyway.
Trump's base of white nationalist idiots don't care if he asks about using nukes. They'd do the same.

I want to see what his floor is.

I wonder if this week will be enough to get the hold their nose GOP to accept that the shit just smells too bad.

The lowest I could possibly see him polling at across multiple polls is high 30s and that wouldn't be enough to go against him when they need all that support

Rebel Leader

Right, which is why I said I don't see it happening.

Eh...I think if they offered him enough money he'd take it and run, claiming he "made a great deal." Then he'll say he never wanted the job anyway.
But then it proves he can be bought


Junior Member
I definitely agree that the traditional left / right axis of politics simply aren't functioning right now in the face of the nationalist tides rising across the west. Also agree with the economist that this is the dying splutter of older generations -in a decade this will have faded.

Which reminds me, something I've been meaning to rant about for a while. Whatever happened to Generation X? I'm classed as that (by a month or so) rather than the "Millenial" generation, and all you ever hear talked about are either the Baby Boomers still dominating political discussion and thoughts, or the rising tide of Millenials who are very different. Gen X seems to have just been skipped by everyone!

(Probably fits very well with our emo background... ;-) )
Millennials have a larger group.

I'm gen x ('78). Wiki tries to make sense of this.
Basically, i get stuck with guys born in the 60s, when i have no connection to them. I see those guys, including early 70s, as closer to my parents.

But i link a lot of my generation to culture and the 80s and 90s where my time, criticized by people older than us.

Gen x is here. But working. It's our prime working years. Time to put in long hours, have kids.

I'm pretty certain these generational constructs are just to get attention. Used to aim at people with a lot of time. Now that boomers are dying out, millennials need to watch some TV. Give us 20 years to start winding down and we'll be the new hotness.

Kinda edit: Obama just missed gen x, based on pseudo science. Yeah, these things are trash.


i'll guess people will forget and things will sort of stabilize thanks to the olympics, and we'll get to september with clinton at a +4 average nationally (+6 h2h). then real wacky shit will kick up again once we get closer to the debates.


If the GOP un-endorse Trump, how many of them endorse Johnson? There's a lot of disagreement from conservatives with the hardcore libertarian platform but there's some big overlap.

If that happens, Cohn, Silver & Wang's models don't really matter a ton. We're kind of in uncharted waters.

Rebel Leader

i'll guess people will forget and things will sort of stabilize thanks to the olympics, and we'll get to september with clinton at a +4 average nationally (+6 h2h). then real wacky shit will kick up again once we get closer to the debates.
How would x not get gold. When I'm president we'll win all th gold. No more losers will be sent to the Olympics only winners.
A late Trump dropout is a dream scenario for one reason, the racist horde he whipped up into a frenzy would be directing a lot of their hate at him. Other than that, what I want to see his the man destroyed on election day. Unfortunately, in that scenario, Trump is already priming the lunatics with accusations of voter fraud. His horde will be fuming and directed at Trump opposition instead.


There's no way for Trump to drop out - it is too public a humiliation and his narcissistic personality disorder would out allow it. Its basically hardwired. Even if they float Kasich, Trump will not drop out; they would split the vote. And they only have 97 days to start a campaign from the ground up, (money, infrastructure, campaign offices) and thats a lot to ask for a candidate.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Kasich is smart enough not to take any offer like this.


RUCKER: What’s your plan then if you don’t engage with the media that you think are biased against you? How do you get your message out and communicate to people?

TRUMP: What I did today.

RUCKER: Just social media? Rallies?

TRUMP: Social media, where I’m head and shoulders above everybody else. I’ve read now 22 million people on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. More than 22 million people. Nobody else is even close.
Reading this WaPo transcript. Trump really does believe he's the biggest and furthest ahead in everything, doesn't he?

If he thinks social media can get out the vote by itself, he's in for a rude awakening. Assuming he has the capacity to wake.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
i'll guess people will forget and things will sort of stabilize thanks to the olympics, and we'll get to september with clinton at a +4 average nationally (+6 h2h). then real wacky shit will kick up again once we get closer to the debates.
Yeah. But this is fun. Hold fast to the spirit of Hillary. Let weeks to come do what they may.

I want penance from Mark shitperin. "If trump picks a good vp and has a good convention he will soar ahead of Hillary in the polls." Well? Well???
Just saw the Morning Joe thing - don't know how this will get any play unless there is better sourcing.
A reporter should simply ask Trump about it. He's dumb enough to repeat it for all to hear since he likely believes it's a smart policy.

Trump won't quit. And Hillary will have some bad weeks between now and November. She remains an incredibly flawed candidate and the election is still three months away. And that's a good thing, because anything that calms republicans down and makes them think Trump might win after all is good news. This is playing out like a long con: whenever republicans start doubting things, Trump shows them the money in the bag. He was polling well against Hillary after he clenched the nom, which got some establishment members on board. Then the judge thing happened and scared the party. But then the FBI/email thing blew up right before the RNC, giving republicans relief again.
Guys like Kasich are fine with Clinton being President.

It's the weirdos like Pence or Cotton that are the real true believers who would nod their head to shit like Trump calling Clinton the devil.
Some of you are underestimating Trump's ego. He's already laying the ground work for claiming everything was rigged when he loses. That's the path of least resistance for his ego.

Letting someone else pick up the reigns because he's been doing such an awful job?

No guy who puts his name on everything he does is going to do that.


Kills Photobucket
Caught the opening of the Today show. There was a surprisingly small amount of Trump given everything that happened yesterday. Talk about his Sexual Harassment comments, and quick mention of the trouble inside the campaign and new Khan thing regarding that Purple Heart.


One of the many scary angles - Paul Manafort actually has a lot of experience in dealing with crazy dictators. And Trump is too much for him to handle.
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