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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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They act the way they do because it's all a vanity exercise for both the Green and the Libertarian parties.

Let me put it this way, if Jill Stein really gave a shit about her policy goals she'd run for Congress. She's based out of Massachusetts if I remember right, there's no earthly reason she can't move to a district friendly to her ideas and run for office there. She doesn't because the whole thing is a farce.

If the Green or Libertarian parties really cared they'd run people at the local level and build up a bench so they could eventually establish a presence in Congress. It's not that third-parties don't work in our system, it's just that we don't have real third-parties. We've got illusions run on self-delusion.

There are a few libertarians at the state level aren't there? I think there are a few Greens too. If they wanted to be serious about this, they'd try and get at least one member in the House or something. I mean, they're not serious because....well read their platform, but ya....
Hillary up by 4 in Georgia ?




Let me put it this way, if Jill Stein really gave a shit about her policy goals she'd run for Congress. She's based out of Massachusetts if I remember right, there's no earthly reason she can't move to a district friendly to her ideas and run for office there. She doesn't because the whole thing is a farce.
She ran for the Massachusetts House of Reps in 2004 (21.3%), Secretary of Commonwealth in 2006 (18%) and Governor in 2002 (3.5%...despite the Democratic Party buying "jillstein.org") and 2010 (1.4%). She also was elected (2005) and re-elected (2008) to a Lexington Town Meeting seat. She didn't run for a third term because the Green Party asked her to run for President (mainly so Roseanne Barr wouldn't win the nomination).

If the Green or Libertarian parties really cared they'd run people at the local level and build up a bench so they could eventually establish a presence in Congress. It's not that third-parties don't work in our system, it's just that we don't have real third-parties. We've got illusions run on self-delusion.
They do. Thousands upon thousands of candidates. Even the Constitution Party does quite well at putting up candidates all the way down to the state legislature level.

The odds are just as stacked against them there.

You don't hear about them for the same reason you don't hear about local Republicans and Democrats even in local media.


I should have noted that Lexington Town Meeting is basically like a City/Township Council equivalent but Massachusetts has a whole bunch of old timey New England institution names:
A Brief History of Town Meeting in Lexington
Lexington was originally settled in 1642. Until its incorporation as a town in 1713, it was known as Cambridge Farms, a part of the Town of Cambridge. After its incorporation, all adult males who owned property in Town, called "freemen", had a voice in an open Town Meeting, the legislative body over the Town of Lexington. Attendance at meetings was compulsory.

As Town business became more complex, the townspeople "selected" certain citizens (Selectmen) to carry on Town business between town meetings. When attendance of meeting members was no longer compulsory it became important to detail what matters would be acted on during Town Meeting so that citizens could know in advance anything that was interesting to them. This notice became the Warrant, which is a notification issued to the citizens stating the time, place, and subject matter to be discussed and voted upon at Town Meeting.

In 1929, the open Town Meeting was abolished and a Representative Town Meeting form of government was established. Legislation in 1959 further defined the authority of Town Meeting. The Board of Selectmen-Executive Secretary plan was utilized from 1961 to 1969. This plan was established through an article in the Warrant requesting funds for the office, not by an act of legislation. In 1973, the town was redistricted from six to nine precincts.

Lexington has operated under a Town Meeting-Board of Selectmen-Town Manager form of government since the Town's current charter was adopted as the Selectmen-Town Manager Act of 1969.


She got the Peace and Freedom Party's nomination instead and look at them now.

I’d like to thank the universal goodness that former comedian cum death monger Roseanne Barr does not (I hope) have access to nuclear weapons.

I say “former” comedian because in the last few years Barr has taken a decidedly unfunny turn and outlook on life.

After Barr accused Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein of being a “Zionist” in the 2012 Green Party primaries (which Stein won and Barr lost) and after running for president on the ticket of the stridently antiwar Peace and Freedom Party, Barr has used her Twitter account to become a mega-Zionist. I stopped following her after she urged Israel to nuke Iran. As a human being, nothing to me is more monstrous.

Recently, the person who used her acting skills to convince me and the Peace and Freedom Party that she was also about peace tweeted this to her almost 300k followers on Twitter:


This tweet was apparently in response to the vote to divest from Israeli investments of UC Davis. The tweet is shocking in its callousness. I understand the tweet was left up for about 10 hours before some cooler head prevailed and it was removed, but as we can see, nothing online ever really gets deleted.

As universally shocking as this tweet is and how revealing it is of the character of the person who did tweet it, I live about 20 miles from UC Davis. As most people over the age of 10 know, nuclear devastation is not confined to a very small geographic area. Personally, it is very painful that Barr would love to see my family, including my five grandchildren who also live this close to Davis, die a very torturous death because we are not “Jews.”

On the other hand, what if she tweeted this: “I hope all Gentiles leave UC Davis and then it gets nuked.” How long do you think it would be before she was in Gitmo being treated as a terrorist? As much as I deplore her actual tweet, I would deplore one that wanted to incinerate Jews just as strongly.

As a member of the Peace and Freedom Party (I want to iterate that I am NOT speaking in that capacity and only speaking for myself) I would like to reaffirm OUR position against war and the use of nuclear weapons.
The few weeks that I was her running mate were devastating for me. I had known Roseanne for years before that star-crossed collaboration and I considered her a friend.

Roseanne was flawed, of course, as are we all. But I saw a person who I truly believed was committed to the same principles that I was, but Twitter is not Barr’s friend and she started to tweet some things that were 180 degrees from the platform of the party and my own personal platform, such as: “If people go on welfare, birth control should be mandatory.”

Side note: I also disagreed that our entire campaign should be by tweet, especially ones that were so contrary to what we, as a party, stand for.

Then some people have defended her most recent foray into outrageousness by saying exactly that, “She is famous for saying outrageous things.” Well, so am I, but I only consider what I say outrageous in the context of Imperial Capitalism like, “war of aggression is always wrong.”

Common sense dictates that there is a profound difference between what someone says in the heat of passion (and obviously Roseanne is passionate in her hatred of non-Jews) and what one takes the time to type out (probably via iPhone) in a carefully crafted tweet. I cannot think of any clearer expression of hatred that is more evil than wishing a large part of Northern California be destroyed or radiated all for one principled vote.

P.T. Barnum once said, “Publicity is not measured in content, but inches,” and Roseanne’s public persona has now completely turned into a circus: the kind that abuses animals and is filled with horrific clowns (oops, that’s all circuses).

The moral of this story is if a party has “Peace” in its name and platform, let’s more carefully vet our next POTUS pick to make sure that he/she would not use his/her power to push the button of a deadly weapon of mass destruction.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I don't normally follow the Olympics, or fencing in particular. But I'd rather like the New Jersey Muslim sabreuse Ibtihaj Muhammed to come away with a medal this time.


I don't normally follow the Olympics, or fencing in particular. But I'd rather like the New Jersey Muslim sabreuse Ibtihaj Muhammed to come away with a medal this time.

That would be great.

Since I have nothing to do, I'm planning on watching pretty much every single second of the Olympics :p


Clinton Body Count Continues:
On July 3, 2016, Shawn Lucas and filmmaker Ricardo Villaba served the DNC Services Corp. and Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz at DNC’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., in the fraud class action suit against the Democrat Party on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters.

Shawn Lucas was thrilled about serving the papers to the DNC before Independence Day.

** This was before Wikileaks released documents proving the DNC was working against the Sanders campaign during the 2016 primary.

Shawn Lucas was found dead this week.
We contacted Lucas’ employer on 4 August 2016 to ask whether there was any truth to the rumor. According to an individual with whom we spoke at that company, Shawn Lucas died on 2 August 2016. The audibly and understandably shaken employee stated that interest in the circumstances of Lucas’ death had prompted a number of phone calls and other queries, but the company had not yet ascertained any details about Lucas’ cause of death and were unable to confirm anything more than the fact he had passed away.

An unconfirmed report holds that Lucas was found lying on the bathroom floor by his girlfriend when she returned home on the evening of 2 August 2016. Paramedics responding to her 911 call found no signs of life.

This follows the death of 27 year-old Democratic staffer Seth Conrad Rich who was murdered in Washington DC on July 8. The killer or killers appear to have taken nothing from their victim, leaving behind his wallet, watch and phone.

Shortly after the killing, Redditors and social media users were pursuing a “lead” saying that Rich was en route to the FBI the morning of his murder, apparently intending to speak to special agents about an “ongoing court case” possibly involving the Clinton family.
And on June 22, 2016, former UN official John Ashe “accidentally” crushed his own throat and died a week before he was scheduled to testify against the Clintons and Democrat Party.


you really expect us to believe it's all a coincidence that anyone who gets close to stopping hillary's coup just happens to die?

you can't argue with this expert:
Elim Garak said:
I believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. But I don't trust coincidences.
Benji stop wasting my time with these trolls


(I actually forgot that his first name was Elim and was going to say how funny it was that there was someone named Garak, and then decided to verify lol)


Elim is a rather famous Cardassian tailor, not a troll. Or spy.

Also, "troll" is a slur used against fine Ferengi businessmen regularly.

I thought Poli-GAF would be more progressive than this.


Elim is a rather famous Cardassian tailor, not a troll. Or spy.

Also, "troll" is a slur used against fine Ferengi businessmen regularly.

I thought Poli-GAF would be more progressive than this.

Is that from star trek?

Ah, I missed the ferengi part. I didn't watch DS9, so, troll


I just recognized something.How would Trump's campaign handle an external event that has nothing to do with terrorism like a strong hurricane hitting a part of the US a few weeks before election even though I think the likely hood chance of this happening is near zero at this point? Is Trump's campaign able to handle something like that since a lot of their focus seems to be on the economy,foreign policy and national security and less on other things like climate change? I do not remember how Romney's campaign team responded to Sandy after the storm hit.I remember he was not to happy about Hurricane Sandy after the 2012 election.

Rebel Leader

I just recognized something.How would Trump's campaign handle an external event that has nothing to do with terrorism like a strong hurricane hitting a part of the US a few weeks before election even though I think the likely hood chance of this happening is near zero at this point? Is Trump's campaign able to handle something like that since a lot of their focus seems to be on the economy,foreign policy and national security and less on other things like climate change? I do not remember how Romney's campaign team responded to Sandy after the storm hit.I remember he was not to happy about Hurricane Sandy after the 2012 election.

Florida voted for clinton should we help them out folks? Nah, I don't think we should. They have to pay their fair share. They haven't been paying for folks. They haven't been paying their fair share.

Remember he's a child trying to keep score


Jim Holt was also the dude who also shared a fake X-ray of the police officer during the Ferguson protests.



Hill only up by 3 now ???

What the factual fuck??!!?
The article is doing some slight of hand.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's lead over Republican rival Donald Trump narrowed to less than 3 percentage points, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Friday, down from nearly eight points on Monday.

About 42 percent of likely voters favored Clinton, to Trump's 39 percent, according to the July 31-Aug. 4 online poll of 1,154 likely voters.

Among registered voters over the same period, Clinton held a lead of five percentage points, down from eight percentage points on Monday, according to the poll.

Their likely voter pool dropped from 43-39 Clinton to 42-39 Clinton, both with 3 point MOE. Didn't change.

Their registered pool dropped from 44-36 to 42-37. Barely moved.
She ran for the
Massachusetts House of Reps in 2004 (21.3%),
Secretary of Commonwealth in 2006 (18%) and
Governor in 2002 (3.5%...despite the Democratic Party buying "jillstein.org") and
2010 (1.4%).

Looks like she's going to keep up her trend of getting lower and lower percentages as she aims for higher and higher offices.


Their four-way results are roughly the same.

HC 42% - DT 38% - GJ 6% - JS 2%
HC 40% - DT 38% - GJ 6% - JS 3%

HC 42% - DT 35% - GJ 7% - JS 4%
HC 41% - DT 36% - GJ 7% - JS 4%

Independent LV:
HC 25% - DT 30% - GJ 20% - JS 3%
HC 26% - DT 25% - GJ 18% - JS 3%

Independent RV:
HC 23% - DT 28% - GJ 14% - JS 12%
HC 24% - DT 24% - GJ 14% - JS 8%

Independents are more likely to support GJ or JS than those who say they belong to a Party that is not the Democrats or Republicans lol
Trump doesn't usually worry make me scared for myself. He makes me worried for other people.

This stuff truly makes me worried for myself.

He's taking a book out of the successful Brexit campaign by going in all against all immigrants. It's been bad etiquette in America to attack all immigrants. Politicians have always had to be careful to say *illegal* immigrants are the problem. Trumps followers will take this to mean they can openly shit on all immigrants as I've seen become a problem in the UK.


I mean he's going down, I'm confident of it... but eurgh.
Trump doesn't usually worry make me scared for myself. He makes me worried for other people.

This stuff truly makes me worried for myself.

He's taking a book out of the successful Brexit campaign by going in all against all immigrants. It's been bad etiquette in America to attack all immigrants. Politicians have always had to be careful to say *illegal* immigrants are the problem. Trumps followers will take this to mean they can openly shit on all immigrants as I've seen become a problem in the UK.


I mean he's going down, I'm confident of it... but eurgh.

trust no-one, not even yourself

When they haven't, it's hurt them politically. I've seen politicians slip up and correct themselves. They knew they were supposed to say *illegal* immigrants. Yes it's been a dog whistle and occasionally they have forgotten to use it, but it's like the openly racist things Trump has said. That was bad etiquette before.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony




It means Hillary is being called evasive by the guy who answers questions about specifics with "You know, we really - and I mean we, the people who know things, who are great at knowing things, just the best at stuff - we really know so much about that. We're knowing more every day, we can't keep up with how much we're finding out. We're going to keep a close eye on on this, it's the future."


When they haven't, it's hurt them politically. I've seen politicians slip up and correct themselves. They knew they were supposed to say *illegal* immigrants. Yes it's been a dog whistle and occasionally they have forgotten to use it, but it's like the openly racist things Trump has said. That was bad etiquette before.
So when you say "always" and "it's been" you mean "in progressive circles since the 1980s"?
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