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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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I just want to say that I appreciated the discussion about approach and tact that happened in this thread last night. It is stuff like that that keeps me coming back to GAF as a place of mostly sane and reasoned out discussion. It doesn't happen many other places on the Internet.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Emails will be at least 45% of the three debates though. The debates are scheduled to be

Domestic policy
Foreign policy (and emails)

If Trump withdraws they will probably just ask her about emails for 9 hours like the Benghazi hearing.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 3m3 minutes ago
Anybody whose mind "SHORT CIRCUITS" is not fit to be our president! Look up the word "BRAINWASHED."

What? GIrl...bye.

He really can't let anything go. He's been getting the "unfit to be president" attack for a little bit, and now he's got to try to throw that back every chance he gets.

Nothing like the "I can't be arsed to defend my position" attitude. Righto, enjoy wallowing in your self-righteousness. Can't wait until we bring back the stockades!

You're only wearing clothes because of public shame. You likely don't walk down the street yelling "fuck" in the day because of shame. It's literally how we shape behavior; you do something society shames, you get positive punishment (people voicing their displeasure), you adjust.

It's literally basic conditioning. You don't need a Ph.D in psychology to know this shit. If you like racists or want to coddle them or hug them into being good people, be my guest. But that's a fairy-tale. In the real world, a lot of people are racist until they die. Our recourse is to shame that behavior so that it stays in their own heads, and then future generations are exposed to less of it. Over time, racists become closeted, then non-existent (or rare; non-existent racism is unfortunately also a fairy-tale).


The debates will be a trial for Hillary and her acquiescence in providing warheads to the Maquis. Her continued willingness to turn a blind eye to the plight of the Cardassians will not stand.



800 million Cardassians are slaughtered, nobody panics, because it's all part of the plan, but one "little" Kardashian does something and everybody loses their minds!
I don't understand. Is there some strategy behind Clinton's campaign keeping the email nonsense alive? Can't Obama's campaign team take over? They were very competent and would never have resorted to self inflicted damage. All that Clinton needed to do is stay away for a few weeks but here we go again with the emails...

As we've seen on the republican side as well, there's only so much a great campaign can do with a flawed candidate. It's an unforced error but ultimately the bigger story right now is Trump's implosion. Long term the reality is that the email story will be back multiple times between now and November no matter what Clinton says. The campaign/Hillary can't control when new info is leaked, either by Wikileaks or House republicans or whoever.

It's very rare to have a candidate who doesn't commit unforced errors+gets the benefit of the doubt from the media, like 00 Bush or 08 Obama. It's also rare to have a candidate who constantly makes unforced errors and also has to deal with a media that won't give him/her an inch to breath, like 16 Hillary.
I just want to say that I appreciated the discussion about approach and tact that happened in this thread last night. It is stuff like that that keeps me coming back to GAF as a place of mostly sane and reasoned out discussion. It doesn't happen many other places on the Internet.

I have mixed feelings about that discussion, both because it felt like people were talking past each other and because I can see both sides. On the one hand, as a liberal who's lived in the South most of my life, fighting with conservatives is a never-ending project. I feel like I've fought this fight my whole life. It's not like I don't get the fact that white supremacy is at the heart of our politics, and that it is our nation's greatest failing. On the other hand, I don't see how it is even possible to disassociate from my fellow citizens, especially given I live in a state where more than half the electorate is going to be made up of white nationalists and their fellow travelers. It may be true that it is impossible to persuade people not to be racist via shaming, I don't know. But I have to believe it's possible to walk some of these folks back from the edge the white supremacist cliff they're standing in front of. And in the South and everywhere else where people of color and immigrants are tremendously vulnerable, just *moderating* the racism is a step towards a more just society, too. Maybe it is easier for some of you in blue strongholds to write off Appalachia, but that's half my state. I remember in 2012 people laughing about the irony of how the most government-dependent counties in Kentucky voted for Mr. 47% Mitt Romney, but honestly, conservatism in Appalachia is a human tragedy, the same way it's a tragedy the way the region gets victimized by opioids and MLM schemes. We have to be able to try speaking to them in an attempt to moderate them on some level, because even if they are morally wrong, they are still our fellow citizens, and they are getting worse. In a democracy, I just can't see attempting dialogue as an act of appeasement.
Look the Jem'hadar aren't sending their best through the wormhole. They are sending rapists and murders, we need to build a wall around the wormhole until we figure out what is going on. I would also deport all Bajorans living in Federation planets, nasty people those Bajorans.


This tweet makes me laugh so hard.

Just the huge flag in the background and Trump giving the thumbs up just fits so perfectly with his narcissistic personality.

Yup. In the mind of Trump, this tweet is a very high compliment to Team USA. What could be better and more American than Trump giving you the double thumbs up? In his mind, he probably expects someone, somewhere to thank him for so graciously tweeting that out for our team.


Look the Jem'hadar aren't sending their best through the wormhole. They are sending rapists and murders, we need to build a wall around the wormhole until we figure out what is going on. I would also deport all Bajorans living in Federation planets, nasty people those Bajorans.
Wall? Or self-replicating mine field?

...well, now I am hoping Trump never watches DSN


Can we really afford to take the chance that Hillary won't kill a foreign politician in order to cover up a forged document to help expand a war that kills billions?
I have mixed feelings about that discussion, both because it felt like people were talking past each other and because I can see both sides. On the one hand, as a liberal who's lived in the South most of my life, fighting with conservatives is a never-ending project. I feel like I've fought this fight my whole life. It's not like I don't get the fact that white supremacy is at the heart of our politics, and that it is our nation's greatest failing. On the other hand, I don't see how it is even possible to disassociate from my fellow citizens, especially given I live in a state where more than half the electorate is going to be made up of white nationalists and their fellow travelers. It may be true that it is impossible to persuade people not to be racist via shaming, I don't know. But I have to believe it's possible to walk some of these folks back from the edge the white supremacist cliff they're standing in front of. And in the South and everywhere else where people of color and immigrants are tremendously vulnerable, just *moderating* the racism is a step towards a more just society, too. Maybe it is easier for some of you in blue strongholds to write off Appalachia, but that's half my state. I remember in 2012 people laughing about the irony of how the most government-dependent counties in Kentucky voted for Mr. 47% Mitt Romney, but honestly, conservatism in Appalachia is a human tragedy, the same way it's a tragedy the way the region gets victimized by opioids and MLM schemes. We have to be able to try speaking to them in an attempt to moderate them on some level, because even if they are morally wrong, they are still our fellow citizens, and they are getting worse. In a democracy, I just can't see attempting dialogue as an act of appeasement.

To the bold, I'm not arguing that you can change these folks. They just need to keep it to themselves and then never pass it on.

And I also live in a red state (Mississippi). This is a place where our former Governor (in an attempt to reach out to the African American community) reprimanded one of his interns (after the intern said something racist) by saying, "You're going to be reincarnated as a watermelon and left at the mercy of blacks." Racism is hardcore down here, and it isn't super fixable. Those people just have to die out (as morbid as that is), and with enough shame, they won't spread this stuff.

Anecdotally, I've seen a lot of Klan rallies down here, and in my experience, it seems like far less children are present at them. The racists are too far gone, but they don't want to invite the "bad parent" comments, due to the shame of that.
I don't understand. Is there some strategy behind Clinton's campaign keeping the email nonsense alive? Can't Obama's campaign team take over? They were very competent and would never have resorted to self inflicted damage. All that Clinton needed to do is stay away for a few weeks but here we go again with the emails...
She really just needs to stop giving these dodgy answers. Really horrible look. She must not have any perspective.
To the bold, I'm not arguing that you can change these folks. They just need to keep it to themselves and then never pass it on.

And I also live in a red state (Mississippi). This is a place where our former Governor (in an attempt to reach out to the African American community) reprimanded one of his interns (after the intern said something racist) by saying, "You're going to be reincarnated as a watermelon and left at the mercy of blacks." Racism is hardcore down here, and it isn't super fixable. Those people just have to die out (as morbid as that is), and with enough shame, they won't spread this stuff.

Anecdotally, I've seen a lot of Klan rallies down here, and in my experience, it seems like far less children are present at them. The racists are too far gone, but they don't want to invite the "bad parent" comments, due to the shame of that.

I find shaming only works if people care what you think in the first place. So if liberals and conservatives are increasingly polarized and cut off from each other, shaming may be less effective. I'm not saying I wouldn't react with open disgust if a coworker or family member praised Trump, or was openly racist. Just that a lot of the republicans who are more okay with voting Trump over abortion or taxes are reachable and potentially can be walked back via dialogue.


So humble...



I have mixed feelings about that discussion, both because it felt like people were talking past each other and because I can see both sides. On the one hand, as a liberal who's lived in the South most of my life, fighting with conservatives is a never-ending project. I feel like I've fought this fight my whole life. It's not like I don't get the fact that white supremacy is at the heart of our politics, and that it is our nation's greatest failing. On the other hand, I don't see how it is even possible to disassociate from my fellow citizens, especially given I live in a state where more than half the electorate is going to be made up of white nationalists and their fellow travelers. It may be true that it is impossible to persuade people not to be racist via shaming, I don't know. But I have to believe it's possible to walk some of these folks back from the edge the white supremacist cliff they're standing in front of. And in the South and everywhere else where people of color and immigrants are tremendously vulnerable, just *moderating* the racism is a step towards a more just society, too. Maybe it is easier for some of you in blue strongholds to write off Appalachia, but that's half my state. I remember in 2012 people laughing about the irony of how the most government-dependent counties in Kentucky voted for Mr. 47% Mitt Romney, but honestly, conservatism in Appalachia is a human tragedy, the same way it's a tragedy the way the region gets victimized by opioids and MLM schemes. We have to be able to try speaking to them in an attempt to moderate them on some level, because even if they are morally wrong, they are still our fellow citizens, and they are getting worse. In a democracy, I just can't see attempting dialogue as an act of appeasement.

I'm not from the south, but I grew up in rural Indiana so I know what you're talking about to some degree (I have no doubt that the south is much much worse). As someone who got used to crap like confederate flags, anti-liberal bumper stickers, straight up racist comments in public and church groups trying to stop people from going into EB Games because "GTA is evil", after a while you just stop feeling anger or upset and instead feel pity for people so twisted by rage and hate. The problem is, pity may actually be more harmful, because in my experience most of those people are familiar, if not outright comfortable with rage and hate, but pity throws them off and their first reaction is to attack your 'liberal smugness' or sense of superiority. With co-workers and acquaintances (and lately, my in-laws) who I absolutely could not just silently endure, you always make more progress with a straight argument than trying to take the high road. That just drives them into a frenzy because these people hate being thought of as beneath anyone (LBJ.jpg).

I find shaming only works if people care what you think in the first place. So if liberals and conservatives are increasingly polarized and cut off from each other, shaming may be less effective. I'm not saying I wouldn't react with open disgust if a coworker or family member praised Trump, or was openly racist. Just that a lot of the republicans who are more okay with voting Trump over abortion or taxes are reachable and potentially can be walked back via dialogue.

Exactly what I was trying to get at; if you try to shame them from a place of moral piety, it's very likely to backfire because they see it as talking down to them. If you come at it from a point of relative equality, they're much more receptive, even if it seems like you're just throwing fuel in the fire. You have to burn that deep-seated nastiness out of people by challenging all the little ways they find to hate others, just trying to wash it all away at once never works.


Weld could have never won the nomination, Johnson was the one who convinced him to come in as running mate and pushed him on the delegates. Weld still only won the VP slot 441-409 on the second ballot. Around 50% is about Johnson's max support level in the party.

Weld was campaigning for Kasich in the GOP primaries.

Kevin Mulvey · Target at COINTELPRO
This Libertarian obviously isn't worthy of such an important position as a uncontaminated 'President" in defending our nation as "America First."

He obviously has done no homework , or is just another compromised shill trying to upset the rigged one party apple cart.

He should brush up on the role that Weld played in the total overthrow of AMERICA by a foreign invader which is our nations ENEMY. "Israel First"

Weld allowed for a highly secure software to slip into the Israeli's hands in the mid 1980's allowing for the MosSAD to install a backdoor into this software called "PROMIS", which was then installed on all 22 US Federal Institutions Computer Systems, besides the Military's and our Financial Institutions, effectively COMPROMISING every aspect of AMERICA and its independent operation as a sovereign nation built on laws and justice.

Thanks to this jack-ass and the Bush-Clinton Crime Family, and lots of extra support staff like his mini-me, Robert Mueller, we've been overthrown and are living under their ORGANIZED CRIME SYNDICATE of EVIL and LAWLESS International Banksters and their minions. The final steps of overthrow started on 9-11 & the Boston Marathon False-flags created by and written up as PINAC in the late 1990's, for the benefit of AIPAC - "Israel First."


The Christa Worthington ASSASSINATION was ordered by "W" to cover their tracks when Congress was looking into these lowlifes in 2002, over the gum'mint "BulgerGate" PARTNERSHIP, while becoming "The NEW MOB." ARMS, DRUGS, MONEY-LAUNDERING OPS, MURDERS. Anything Goes all with NO LEGIT OVERSIGHT or REFORM. B| 3:)
How can we know the Tal Shiar won't or haven't hacked Hillary's private database like happened to the DNC?

Look when the Federation gave up DS9, which I wouldn't have done believe me, Hillary Clinton claimed to deleted Federation classified information from the computers. If the terrible leadership of Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton can leave that to, and they are afraid to say it, RADICAL BAJORAN TERRORISTS we can't trust them folks.

Then they claim the Romulans are trying enter the Neutral Zone. Folks wouldn't it be nice if we were friends with the Romulans?


Look, the last eight years have had Holodeck disaster after Holodeck disaster, they malfunction and trap people, they take over ships, do we really want somebody like Corrupt "pls print" Hillary in charge? We don't even know what's going on.

We need somebody who will make the best, the most beautiful, YUGE, gold plated Holosuites. That work. That get the job done. Because right now they're a mess. Nobody knows how to stop Moriarty who is beating the hell out of us. And we need someone who can fix things. Someone who has gotten it done. Who has built Holosuites, the best, most luxurious Holosuites in the Quadrant. Ask anybody, they all say it.
Folks, look. Okay, we're going to build a force field. We have to do it. We have to do it. There's just no option. We've got aliens crossing our borders. And they're not sending their best folks. They're not. We have Ferengi, we have Jem'hadar, we have Klingons, folks. Klingons. Some, I assume, are good people. But if we don't have force fields, we don't have structural integrity. Okay?

And we don't win anymore. We don't win anymore. The Romulans are smart. They're smarter than our leaders. Crooked Hillary Clinton can't stand up to the Romulans. She won't. She doesn't know how. Look at what she and Obama have done, folks. They opened up the neutral zone. The Romulan Deal is one of the worst deals in our history okay. They paid a bribe. I saw the ship de-cloak myself. Thousands of bars of gold pressed latinum. I saw it de-cloak folks. I saw the holofilm.

And look. Crooked Hillary cannot be trusted. Cannot be trusted. She had a private subspace relay in her quarters. No one knows what the hell was on it. It could have been remotely hacked folks. We don't know. We just don't know. And now she tells us that her positronic net may be malfunctioning? Crooked Hillary and her short circuiting positronic net. We can't allow it folks. We just can't allow it.

But I will make the Federation Great Again. We have to do it. We have to do it. Believe me.


Guys, how will you even live after the election when polinews will be drier than the Gobi Desert? Start weaning yourselves off the addiction right now, before it's too late.


Well it won't be slow if Trump is elected, but I expect it to just be the Hillary cheerleading squad left when she's elected, with some increased traffic when things like Supreme Court vacancies or big legislation happen.
Romulus, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 subspace communications that are missing, I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.


Guys, how will you even live after the election when polinews will be drier than the Gobi Desert? Start weaning yourselves off the addiction right now, before it's too late.

The 269-269 EV tie will provide plenty of fodder for discussion.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It won't even slow down that much.

Elections have consequences. Trump will have a soapbox for months if not years. The Supreme court issue will heat back up. Books and movie deals will be signed. I'm betting there's a ton of thread worthy material up until inauguration day...and that's assuming HRC is elected.

If Trump somehow wins this thread will never shut up.
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