Kevin Mulvey · Target at COINTELPRO
This Libertarian obviously isn't worthy of such an important position as a uncontaminated 'President" in defending our nation as "America First."
He obviously has done no homework , or is just another compromised shill trying to upset the rigged one party apple cart.
He should brush up on the role that Weld played in the total overthrow of AMERICA by a foreign invader which is our nations ENEMY. "Israel First"
Weld allowed for a highly secure software to slip into the Israeli's hands in the mid 1980's allowing for the MosSAD to install a backdoor into this software called "PROMIS", which was then installed on all 22 US Federal Institutions Computer Systems, besides the Military's and our Financial Institutions, effectively COMPROMISING every aspect of AMERICA and its independent operation as a sovereign nation built on laws and justice.
Thanks to this jack-ass and the Bush-Clinton Crime Family, and lots of extra support staff like his mini-me, Robert Mueller, we've been overthrown and are living under their ORGANIZED CRIME SYNDICATE of EVIL and LAWLESS International Banksters and their minions. The final steps of overthrow started on 9-11 & the Boston Marathon False-flags created by and written up as PINAC in the late 1990's, for the benefit of AIPAC - "Israel First."
The Christa Worthington ASSASSINATION was ordered by "W" to cover their tracks when Congress was looking into these lowlifes in 2002, over the gum'mint "BulgerGate" PARTNERSHIP, while becoming "The NEW MOB." ARMS, DRUGS, MONEY-LAUNDERING OPS, MURDERS. Anything Goes all with NO LEGIT OVERSIGHT or REFORM. B| 3