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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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First, like benji's saying there's no reason to think that the center is necessarily more pragmatic than an ideological extreme. "Centrist" views are just views. Maybe it's the case that if you've got reasonable values and take a long hard look at the evidence it's clear that everyone is better off if we abolish the state. Maybe you're also a compromising sort of person so you allow that it'd be nice if we could at least abolish half of the state.

But also I'd say that you're looking at it backwards and also you're probably not comparing like with like when you talk about what the evidence says about ideological extremes.

You see lots of violence when ideological extremists take power in part because, since they're ideologically extreme and can't get lots of popular support, only violent extremists succeed in taking power. But there's no reason you can't have very fringe views and a commitment to democracy and human rights. Or just a healthy aversion to violent revolution. All that means is that you're committed to a very long slow process.

And then also you see lots of authoritarian governments popping up after ideologically extreme revolutionaries do their thing. But you tend to get pretty nasty governments after any revolutionaries do their thing. France had to try a few times, for example. And, I mean, even the easy example of a long-term really successful revolution where the revolutionaries' rhetoric was all about democracy and freedom gave rise to a nation that kept a substantial fraction of its population in a particularly nasty form of slavery for a century after its founding, and punctuated the end of that century by killing a substantial fraction of its male population. Most new governments are really bad so I'm not sure that it tells us much about Communism that Communist revolutions haven't worked out well.

What do you mean by pragmatic? Do you mean unwillingness to compromise away from the given idealized version of a political ideology towards that of the median voter? Because if so that's very close to a tautology. If extremist ideologies did compromise, they wouldn't be at the political extremes any more, so by definition any remaining parties on the political extremes must be non-compromising and therefore by your definition pragmatic. It's not a useful observation to make, in the slightest.

This is the thing. Define "far left" and "far right" first. If you're finding your definitions are similar, maybe you shouldn't put them as opposing poles.

Personally, I would consider totalitarianism/authoritarianism to be perfectly fine as its own pole on the spectrum. We'll add other axis if you want to get specific about how that totalitarianism/authoritarianism sets goals.

I probably do so for ideologically extreme reasons. Namely, that totalitarianism should be considered an extreme pole entirely disconnected from the reasons on which that totalitarianism is justified by its proponents. Propping up a spectrum where every spot on it is "potentially" totalitarian in a separate form is worthless to me, I'm not interested in a totalitarian polity.

This whole discussion is spiraling out of focus, and it's probably my fault due to me continuing to reference the horseshoe theory. It's a little frustrating because I don't disagree with the points being made here, they just have nothing to do with my argument.

So let me reiterate things a little more coherently.

I started this conversation because of an observation of Jill Stein's incessant display of stupidity. That observation then caused me to think about how much worse the far left is than even Jill Stein on the 'batshit crazy' scale. I then compared the far left to the far right and concluded that the far left is almost as scary as the far right. B-Dubs then noted that the horseshoe theory has SOME merit in this context. I then agreed with him (emphasis on the SOME). Later, I noted that I saw potential for segregationist tendencies from the far left based on the notion that the far left's chase for ideological purity would leave minorities hanging high and dry, not because of the ideology, but because of the necessary means to realize it. That is where things started to fall apart.

My reference of the far left and far right was only ever intended as a reference to the current mainstream depiction of the far left/right on the political spectrum. They are considered to be extremes, but such a categorization needn't be definitive. The reference was used merely for convenience.

The point has more to do with two political groups with very different ideologies (and many people viewing them as polar opposites) resorting to authoritarian methodologies when rising to power. Now that does not mean that in any given spectrum, polar extremists will always end up with similar methodologies, but that might be the case with these two groups.

I don't dispute that the current 2-dimensional models of the political spectrum are flawed. I do not argue for INHERENT pragmatism of any group. I'm saying that the political groups that are considered to be closer to the center (that doesn't mean an absolute center) have not been as ineffective in garnering widespread support for their policies as the political groups that are considered to be far right/left (that doesn't mean absolute far right/left) due to there being some compromises (or at least some tolerance of the other side) on either side of what is considered to be close to the center. Subsequently, that makes authoritarian methodologies much less necessary for the groups that are considered to be close to center than the groups that are considered to be far left/right if the goal is to actually make their ideologies a reality since they'll have a better chance at pushing their ideas through a democratic process. Given that the groups considered to be far left/right are not as effective in garnering mainstream support, pushing their ideas through a democratic process would be a much greater challenge for them, so if they were to rise to power with such unpopular ideologies, their likely avenue for realizing their ideologies would be authoritarianism.

I think the confusion here is a lack of established distinction between political groups with ideologies as a position and political groups with ideologies that have been successfully realized (in theory).
The alt-right are quite literally, because of their young age collectively, the future of the party.

Get used to it Ryan!
Eh, aren't young Republicans mostly of the libertarian bent if we go by polls? Making bold claims like this is just feeding into the delusions of those wackos.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
So what do you think tomorrow's Trump reboot speech is going to be like?



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm going to assume posting a .gif of the French Vaulter would not be kosher.

Just imagine I'm posting a .gif of the French Vaulter.

I originally wanted to post that but it's insanely gory. So instead I just wanted an excuse to post this flawless vault YOU CANNOT


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

I don't think it was a reboot, more like...just a real speech. Where he dryly reads from a teleprompter and then the news media rips it apart five minutes later.


2. This is Vermin Supreme:

(I'm not kidding).

Well I guess the dude looks "Rat King"-esque so its a fitting name :p

"Everyone turns on Jeb, First Rubot and now his own son. Sad!"

My assumption was the this guy was going to make a serious run for politics in the future. I guess not LOL. I'm also surprised the dude has so little respect for his father and uncle.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Yeah his leg like...bent to the left at the knee and then bent further to the left at the ankle. It was not...


and now for something completely different



Part of me wants to vote against Patrick Leahy, but I haven't bothered seeing who is running against him and I don't think it's anything short of "Certainly D".
Leahy hasn't won the nomination yet!

This guy, Peter Diamondstone, is also running again:


Every member of the Vermont Congressional Delegation is a War Criminal, as defined by the International Criminal Court and United Nations Human Rights Commission Resolution A/HRC/29/L, due to their respective votes (August 22, 2014) approving $225 million dollars additional military aid to Israel, supporting Israel’s 2014 invasion of Gaza (July 7-August 4).


The 29th Regular Session of United Nations Human Right Commission (June 15-July 3) passed Resolution A/HRC/29/L. 35 “Ensuring accountability and justice for all violations of international law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.” The United States is the only country voting against this resolution which was approved by 41 nations (with 5 other nations abstaining).

From ICRC/International Committee of the Red Cross on Customary Human Rights Law:
Rule 156 of the International Criminal Court defines war crimes as “serious violations of the laws and customs applicable in international armed conflict” and “serious violations of the laws and customs applicable in an armed conflict not of an international character. (ICC Statute, Article 8 , cited in Vol. II, Ch. 44, § 3)
A deductive analysis of the actual list of war crimes found in various treaties and other international instruments, as well as in national legislation and case-law, shows that violations are in practice treated as serious, and therefore as war crimes, if they endanger protected persons or objects or if they breach important values.
(i) The conduct endangers protected persons or objects. The majority of war crimes involve death, injury, destruction or unlawful taking of property. However, not all acts necessarily have to result in actual damage to persons or objects in order to amount to war crimes. This became evident when the Elements of Crimes for the International Criminal Court were being drafted. It was decided, for example, that it was enough to launch an attack on civilians or civilian objects, even if something unexpectedly prevented the attack from causing death or serious injury. This could be the case of an attack launched against the civilian population or individual civilians, even though, owing to the failure of the weapon system, the intended target was not hit. The same is the case for subjecting a protected person to medical experiments – actual injury is not required for the act to amount to a war crime; it is enough to endanger the life or health of the person through such an act. (See Knut Dörmann, Elements of War Crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Sources and Commentary, Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 130 and 233).
(ii) The conduct breaches important values. Acts may amount to war crimes because they breach important values, even without physically endangering persons or objects directly. (See ICC Statute, Article 8(2)(b)(xxvi) and (e)(vii)
Regarding individual criminal responsibility under international law
In the interlocutory appeal in the Tadi? case in 1995, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia stated that “the violation of the rule [of international humanitarian law] must entail, under customary or conventional law, the individual criminal responsibility of the person breaching the rule”.
This practice does not exclude the possibility that a State may define under its national law other violations of international humanitarian law as war crimes. The consequences of so doing, however, remain internal and there is no internationalization of the obligation to repress those crimes and no universal jurisdiction.
Earlier practice seems to indicate that a specific act did not necessarily have to be expressly recognized by the international community as a war crime for a court to find that it amounted to a war crime.
Practice provides further specifications with respect to the nature of the conduct constituting a war crime, its perpetrators and their mental state.
(i) Acts or omissions. War crimes can consist of acts or omissions.
(ii) Perpetrators. Practice in the form of legislation, military manuals and case-law shows that war crimes are violations committed either by members of the armed forces or by civilians against members of the armed forces, civilians or protected objects of the adverse party.
(iii) Mental element. International case-law has indicated that war crimes are violations that are committed wilfully, i.e., either intentionally (dolus directus) or recklessly (dolus eventualis).
I'm getting flashbacks of that NBA player who snapped his leg to where the bone was visible. Can't remember who it was though. It was way too much for me to handle.

From what I saw, I don't think it was a compound fracture...but my god it was just terrible. He did a video today after surgery telling everyone good luck and stuff. Can't even imagine. You train for years and years....

I mean, I broke my foot in 3 places when I was 16 by walking into the living room. Seriously. I didn't trip or fall or anything. I took two steps and SNAP. Broken.


After Theismann I learned not to watch broken leg videos

What would even happen if he keeps sliding and a week before the election Trump is like "gotcha!" and it was all a PR stunt?

Well someone did say the GOP was fervently hoping to wake up next to Suzanne Plechette. If you are old enough to get that, I pity you


From what I saw, I don't think it was a compound fracture...but my god it was just terrible. He did a video today after surgery telling everyone good luck and stuff. Can't even imagine. You train for years and years....

I mean, I broke my foot in 3 places when I was 16 by walking into the living room. Seriously. I didn't trip or fall or anything. I took two steps and SNAP. Broken.

You need some milk!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
From what I saw, I don't think it was a compound fracture...but my god it was just terrible. He did a video today after surgery telling everyone good luck and stuff. Can't even imagine. You train for years and years....

I mean, I broke my foot in 3 places when I was 16 by walking into the living room. Seriously. I didn't trip or fall or anything. I took two steps and SNAP. Broken.

are you made of le Petit Ecolier
From what I saw, I don't think it was a compound fracture...but my god it was just terrible. He did a video today after surgery telling everyone good luck and stuff. Can't even imagine. You train for years and years....

I mean, I broke my foot in 3 places when I was 16 by walking into the living room. Seriously. I didn't trip or fall or anything. I took two steps and SNAP. Broken.

WTF?! How is that even possible? Are your bones made of glass?!


Damn, hope that vaulter can heal. Sounds gruesome ><

You could fucking hear it, it was nuts. He missed the 2012 Olympics because of...a broken leg. He didn't even cry out, he looked bummed the way you might when your car won't start.
Leahy hasn't won the nomination yet!

This guy, Peter Diamondstone, is also running again:

Leahy will win the nomination. My justification for wanting to vote against him is that he's been in the Senate for 48 damn years, and sponsored PIPA--as well as supported SOPA. Peter Diamondstone runs for office every chance he gets, and has been around forever. Honestly, that statement while being quite insane does draw attention to a very serious issue--the US has willingly put up with Israeli war crimes for decades now. I think it was more a plea for awareness than a serious claim.
I was thinking more...


What is the coach even doing there? lol

I'm getting flashbacks of that NBA player who snapped his leg to where the bone was visible. Can't remember who it was though. It was way too much for me to handle.

Yeah, I'm definitely not gonna be doing that.

You're thinking of Paul George, but I don't think his bone was exposed. Maybe you're thinking of NCAA player Kevin Ware?

For fun, you can check out Anderson Silva's leg injury on his fight against Chris Weidman as well.
You need some milk!

are you made of le Petit Ecolier

WTF?! How is that even possible? Are your bones made of glass?!

In my defense, it was weak because I had been in a walking boot for a month or two because I had a severe sprain. They had just paved our road, and I was walking our dog. It was uneven, and I stepped off the side of the road and my foot bent in half. There was no break, but the muscles and stuff were weak and ya....I just stepped wrong, I guess, and it snapped in the middle of the living room. I have a pin in it now. It's cool.

My mom made me go to work. I had gotten my first job. She made me work with a broken foot.

Speaking of my mom, I thought you all would like this.

She was talking to her cousin today about Trump:

Mom: There's no way anyone should vote for him. He's homoerotic.
: whatever our cousin said :
Mom: Yes. Homoerotic. You should read the Republican platform. It's the most disgusting homoerotic thing I've ever read.

I think she means homophobic. I hope she means homophobic. Please. Because Trump and homoeroticism do not belong together!
Mom: There's no way anyone should vote for him. He's homoerotic.
: whatever our cousin said :
Mom: Yes. Homoerotic. You should read the Republican platform. It's the most disgusting homoerotic thing I've ever read.

I think she means homophobic. I hope she means homophobic. Please. Because Trump and homoeroticism do not belong together!

Are you sure about that?

You could fucking hear it, it was nuts. He missed the 2012 Olympics because of...a broken leg. He didn't even cry out, he looked bummed the way you might when your car won't start.
Shock is a hell of a thing. Your body has the ability to pump you full of crazy chemicals


Leahy will win the nomination. My justification for wanting to vote against him is that he's been in the Senate for 48 damn years, and sponsored PIPA--as well as supported SOPA. Peter Diamondstone runs for office every chance he gets, and has been around forever.

he's trying to beat robert byrd so expect him around until he's like 90.
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