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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Phil Tuttobene · Orlando, Florida
Trump is proving to be better than expected. Endorsed not only Ryano but NeoCain! But Trump knows its all an illusion, neither of these candidates will be re-elected and Trump will go down as a uniter, above the trivial. People need to realize Trump is very brilliant with an IQ of 157. 3 pts below Einstein and above 99.87% of the entire population. Obamas IQ? an average102. Who again is most qualified?
yes yes go on
I don't think there are many suburban women in Florida who believe that women with Zika shouldn't have the choice to terminate their pregnancy. In fact, this strikes me as something suburban women would hate.

I don't entirely disagree, but running your campaign like it's 1996 is a better bet than running alongside Trump. I think Rubio is specifically picking this fight. Reporters might want to talk about this rather than ask him to weigh in on the next Trump tweet.


Had any of the candidates this year for the GOP ever faced a Presidential electorate in a state wide election?
Graham, Cruz and Santorum each once.

Of course, none of the prior eleven Presidents (or Hillary) had faced more than one Presidential electorate in a state wide election either.
The GOP field looked strong because people hadn't fully realized how the midterm electorate had changed. Had any of the candidates this year for the GOP ever faced a Presidential electorate in a state wide election?

Cruz (2012), Graham (2008), Santorum (2000). That's it.


remember me
Ya a male vaulter from France was doing his routine. He landed and just snapped his leg in half. Live. It was brutal.



actually nominees who have faced a Presidential year electorate statewide more than once haven't done that well

Johm McCain (1992, 2004): Lost
John Kerry (1984, 1996): Lost
Bob Dole (1980, 1992): Lost
George McGovern (1960*, 1968): Lost
Hubert Humphrey (1948, 1960): Lost

There are two options here: they moderate, or they splinter.

GOP moderates are going to punish the party in the election. The question is whether the current framework is salvageable, or if it'll end up like something more similar to the current state of Labour in the UK, a shambling corpse taken over by the outer edge.

The only way I can think of them to get a moderate to win in the primaries is if they rewrite the rules. Think pro-rated delegates, superdelegates, and so on. They can field the best moderate they can find, and throw all their support behind them, but if there's a white nationalist in the field, that's who will get 40% again. Remember, there will be more minorities in the country each cycle. The white demo is shrinking.
yes yes go on

It's really impressive. Generally, if you are the President, you are probably pretty smart. Even Bush Jr. probably had a decent brain despite his poor oratory skills. It's interesting to think about how Obama and Bush Jr. both face this "oh he's actually quite stupid" thing, yet all the while seeing a difference in "why."

Bush Jr. is looked upon as an unintelligent person because he has made huge mistakes in his presidency and generally sounds like he doesn't understand what he is saying. He often came off as a buffoon, someone to be laughed at.

Obama meanwhile has demonstrated the ability to not only sound smart but be smart. The worst of his controversies suggest a moral greyness to them (even if it's a dark grey), where Bush Jr. oversaw a failure war that sparked the creation of ISIS and dragged his heels on Katrina.

What it comes down to is people who hate one or the other tend to associate stupidity with them partly because of their dislike, but for the latter, the assumption of stupidity doesn't derive from anything beyond racism.
The only way I can think of them to get a moderate to win in the primaries is if they rewrite the rules. Think pro-rated delegates, superdelegates, and so on. They can field the best moderate they can find, and throw all their support behind them, but if there's a white nationalist in the field, that's who will get 40% again. Remember, there will be more minorities in the country each cycle. The white demo is shrinking.
Then the solution is multiple white nationalists, of course. Heh heh.


The GOP field looked strong because people hadn't fully realized how the midterm electorate had changed. Had any of the candidates this year for the GOP ever faced a Presidential electorate in a state wide election?
The positions that the GOP contenders were forced to take were so far right this cycle that it was really obvious something had fundamentally changed with the GOP base that was leading them into the wilderness.
Then the solution is multiple white nationalists, of course. Heh heh.

I mean, a smart GOP billionaire would actually try to get multiple far right folks in the 2020 race while limiting the number of "moderates" to only one or two.

The positions that the GOP contenders were forced to take were so far right this cycle that it was really obvious something had fundamentally changed with the GOP base that was leading them into the wilderness.

Yup. I think past events had masked how much of the composition of the midterm electorate has changed. Think about it.

1994 - Initial Republican Revolution
1998 - Aftermath of Lewinsky, so Republicans are weaker than normal and indies vote for DNC.
2002 - Post 9/11, so DNC is weaker than normal and indies vote for GOP
2006 - Iraq War is a disaster, so indies move over to the DNC.
2010 - First 'normal' midterm in probably 16 years.


It's really impressive. Generally, if you are the President, you are probably pretty smart. Even Bush Jr. probably had a decent brain despite his poor oratory skills. It's interesting to think about how Obama and Bush Jr. both face this "oh he's actually quite stupid" thing, yet all the while seeing a difference in "why."

Bush Jr. is looked upon as an unintelligent person because he has made huge mistakes in his presidency and generally sounds like he doesn't understand what he is saying. He often came off as a buffoon, someone to be laughed at.

Obama meanwhile has demonstrated the ability to not only sound smart but be smart. The worst of his controversies suggest a moral greyness to them (even if it's a dark grey), where Bush Jr. oversaw a failure war that sparked the creation of ISIS and dragged his heels on Katrina.

What it comes down to is people who hate one or the other tend to associate stupidity with them partly because of their dislike, but for the latter, the assumption of stupidity doesn't derive from anything beyond racism.
Bush Jr.'s red flag is a complete lack of intellectual curiosity. He just fundamentally didn't care to learn more.

(This is why Sanders' nonchalant attitude towards policy details was terrifying to me.)


I don't even know where people get this information that they're so convinced it's true.
Intel Institute: Trump’s IQ is 156, Hillary’s is tiny, Obama’s is the worst in history

Intelligence professors at a prominent think thank have weighed in: Barack Obama has the lowest IQ of any President in United States history, which explains why he has been such a failure, and why he endorsed fellow low IQ member Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump scored in the 99.9 percentile on his IQ test, his score a 156, technically speaking that classifies him as a genius. Barack Obama on the other hand is bordering on being classified as mentally challenged with a score of only 102. To put this is a better perspective, some third graders have a higher IQ than Obama has. In fact Obama has the lowest IQ of any president to date.

This little known fact may explain why there have been so many miss steps made by Obama. He is just not a very bright person. When you are not very smart it becomes very obvious to everyone over time. Obama has made many poor choices that have resulted in him resorting to lying about his own actions. This too is a very stupid thing to do as in all likelihood you will be caught in these lies, as he has been.

Being intelligent does not always mean you will be successful, but it sure does not hurt to be considered bright and intelligent. But the fact is that Trump is successful and he is very smart. Recently Trump purchased both Hillary's as well as Jeb's web sites and had their traffic re directed to his web site. Bet that was a shocker to both of these establishment politicians. Hillary probably drank a fifth of Jack when she got that news.

Do not know what Hillary's IQ actually is but it is a fair bet to guess it is well below Trump's. Well, I just looked up her IQ score and it is significantly lower than Trump's, marginally higher than Obama's. But the jury is still out on the brain damage issue she has as a result of her falling in a drunken stupor and hitting her head on a table. Even her top aids claim she is often confused and completely distracted. This could also be a result of her chronic alcoholism, as the abuse of alcohol is known to kill many active brain cells. No surprise here.

Leonardo Devinci had an IQ of 220 were Albert Einstein had an IQ of 160. So Donald Trump is almost as smart as Einstein was. So who would you rather have at the helm of your government? Trump, Obama or a drunken Hillary? In my mind this is a no brainer and my IQ is 152.

These IQ scores speak volumes about some of these peoples actions. Trump says what is on his mind with little thought of repercussions. Obama apparently says what he thinks it should or could be, or the way he wishes it was, with little to no thought of if it is factual or not. Hillary just tells lies, she knows no other way to do it. The real question here is when someone is going to be or could be our president wouldn't it make a lot of sense to pick the person that is obviously the smartest and most honest? I don't know about you but I would prefer the person who is the most intelligent and honest of the bunch.

Many have questioned Obama's governing philosophy but when we actually look at where he is on the intellect scale we now understand we are dealing with a moron. With Hillary we are just dealing with a criminal, a serial liar and a known alcoholic. So when you begin to consider who you are going to vote for keep in mind that it is not a popularity contest and it has nothing to do with their gender or the color of their skin. It really has to do with who can best do the job, who has the best mind, who can reason and think the best. Obviously if you want to stare failure squarely in the face then you will vote with no consideration what so ever. But then you will be stuck with the choice you have made, which if done improperly could have catastrophic consequences for both you and your family not to mention the nation as a whole.


As it turns out, the Republicans may have been right all along, and President Obama is not the smartest person in the room after all. Since Woodrow Wilson took office in 1913, all presidents have been given an IQ test at some point during their time as leader. Gerald Ford always held the record for lowest score, with a 111, which is considered just slightly above average. On the other end of the spectrum, George W. Bush scored a 132, which is considered ‘gifted.’ Two-Thirds of people who take the standardized IQ test score between 85-115.

The White House today spun President Obama’s 102 as a ‘solid average’ that is nothing to be ashamed of.

”President Obama never claimed to be smarter than anybody else. As a matter as fact, he has always represented himself as a regular guy, ‘a man of the people,’ as it were,” said Josh Earnest, White House Press Secretary. “The key to being a good leader is to surround yourself with smart people, which President Obama has always done. As far as needing to be a genius to run the country, well – George W. Bush had the highest score ever, and look at how that mess turned out. So, the next time President Obama bypasses congress with an executive order, and you’re about to say something cruel, racist, or otherwise completely ignorant, remember that he’s just a regular guy getting things done for you. And hey! At least he’s in the triple digits!”

“Ha! I knew it! King Obama is just a few points away from being a dummy,” said Senator Ted Cruz. ”Einstein was a 160, and guess what America – I scored 145! I’m smarter than 99% of you! When I’m elected President, I’ll bring some common sense and smarts back into the White House. Let’s face it, don’t you want your President to be smarter than the guy asking you whether you want to ‘super size’ your fries at the drive through? ‘Vote for me America, I’m smart!’ Hell, I think I’ll make that a bumper sticker!”
Intelligence professors at a prominent think thank have weighed in: Barack Obama has the lowest IQ of any President in United States history, which explains why he has been such a failure, and why he endorsed fellow low IQ member Hillary Clinton.[/URL]
This literally, true, seriously, for realsies ranks among the dumbest things I've ever read. The hell is an "intelligence professor," anyway? Sounds like a title someone would make up to make them think they were smarter than they actually are. Actually, that would explain a lot. The sort of person who thinks a statement such as "we need brain" comes from the mouth of a genius. So... Donald Trump, essentially.

There are so many things wrong and so many things hilarious that it's not worth even going into detail.


Is this Daria. Daria is trash
this is like that time somebody said metroid prime was trash

This literally, true, seriously, for realsies ranks among the dumbest things I've ever read. The hell is an "intelligence professor," anyway? Sounds like a title someone would make up to make them think they were smarter than they actually are. Actually, that would explain a lot. The sort of person who thinks a statement such as "we need brain" comes from the mouth of a genius. So... Donald Trump, essentially.

There are so many things wrong and so many things hilarious that it's not worth even going into detail.

Bush Jr.'s red flag is a complete lack of intellectual curiosity. He just fundamentally didn't care to learn more.

(This is why Sanders' nonchalant attitude towards policy details was terrifying to me.)

It's a huge leap in logic to conclude that a person who doesn't publicly articulate themselves to your liking doesn't have intellectual curiosity.

A person's willingness to learn things is not something you glean or infer solely from their public persona. Many aspects of it are deeply personal and there is no guarantee that you will ever know about it. This applies to both Bush Jr. and Sanders, except with Sanders there's actual public evidence of his knowledge of policy detail, so even assuming that relying solely on public persona for this kind of information is reliable, your speculation about his attitude towards policy detail still doesn't hold weight.

It's a slippery slope trying to argue another person's intent, care, desire, attitude; basically a bunch of internal constructs for someone besides yourself. Any argument founded on this basis is doomed from the start.


Are we sure this isn't trolling? Because it's worded almost too perfectly to be a parody. As in, only an actual idiot would accidentally put these things together this way.
Click through, their "source" is a forum post. The think thank and intelligence professors stuff is all from nowhere.

The Obama 102 IQ "source" is the empirenews link I posted...
Empire News is intended for entertainment purposes only. Our website and social media content uses only fictional names, except in cases of public figure and celebrity parody or satirization. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental.


It's a huge leap in logic to conclude that a person who doesn't publicly articulate themselves to your liking doesn't have intellectual curiosity.

A person's willingness to learn things is not something you glean or infer solely from their public persona. Many aspects of it are deeply personal and there is no guarantee that you will ever know about it. This applies to both Bush Jr. and Sanders, except with Sanders there's actual public evidence of his knowledge of policy detail, so even assuming that relying solely on public persona for this kind of information is reliable, your speculation about his attitude towards policy detail still doesn't hold weight.
That judgement about Bush isn't just based on public statements, it's also anecdote after anecdote that came out during his administration.

Part of politics is demonstrating your knowledge, and the reiterative nature of Sanders' answers on certain topics months into the campaign and the behavior of his campaign staff gave me the strong impression this was a person who had long ago made up his mind on many topics and who wasn't interested in ever changing it, and who wasn't interested in the details. After Bush Jr., this is something that is anathema to me. Whoever it is I'm voting for, I need them to care about these things.

You absolutely can make a ballpark judgement on someone by observing them, listening to them and what others have to say from experiences interacting with them. Politicians are out there to be judged by the people. I doubt you'd disagree that by all appearances Trump's a racist narcissist. You can't ever say "for sure" what's in someone's head, but after a while, it's not hard to make a pretty good guess.


George W. Bush is the greatest intellectual in American history:
Karl Rove said:
It all started on New Year's Eve in 2005. President Bush asked what my New Year's resolutions were. I told him that as a regular reader who'd gotten out of the habit, my goal was to read a book a week in 2006. Three days later, we were in the Oval Office when he fixed me in his sights and said, "I'm on my second. Where are you?" Mr. Bush had turned my resolution into a contest.

By coincidence, we were both reading Doris Kearns Goodwin's "Team of Rivals." The president jumped to a slim early lead and remained ahead until March, when I moved decisively in front. The competition soon spun out of control. We kept track not just of books read, but also the number of pages and later the combined size of each book's pages -- its "Total Lateral Area."

We recommended volumes to each other (for example, he encouraged me to read a Mao biography; I suggested a book on Reconstruction's unhappy end). We discussed the books and wrote thank-you notes to some authors.

At year's end, I defeated the president, 110 books to 95. My trophy looks suspiciously like those given out at junior bowling finals. The president lamely insisted he'd lost because he'd been busy as Leader of the Free World.

Mr. Bush's 2006 reading list shows his literary tastes. The nonfiction ran from biographies of Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Carnegie, Mark Twain, Babe Ruth, King Leopold, William Jennings Bryan, Huey Long, LBJ and Genghis Khan to Andrew Roberts's "A History of the English Speaking Peoples Since 1900," James L. Swanson's "Manhunt," and Nathaniel Philbrick's "Mayflower." Besides eight Travis McGee novels by John D. MacDonald, Mr. Bush tackled Michael Crichton's "Next," Vince Flynn's "Executive Power," Stephen Hunter's "Point of Impact," and Albert Camus's "The Stranger," among others.

Fifty-eight of the books he read that year were nonfiction. Nearly half of his 2006 reading was history and biography, with another eight volumes on current events (mostly the Mideast) and six on sports.

To my surprise, the president demanded a rematch in 2007. Though the overall pace slowed, he once more came in second in our two-man race, reading 51 books to my 76. His list was particularly wide-ranging that year, from history ("The Great Upheaval" and "Khrushchev's Cold War"), biographical (Dean Acheson and Andrew Mellon), and current affairs (including "Rogue Regime" and "The Shia Revival"). He read one book meant for young adults, his daughter Jenna's excellent "Ana's Story."

A glutton for punishment, Mr. Bush insisted on another rematch in 2008. But it will be a three-peat for me: as of today, his total is 40 volumes to my 64. His reading this year included a heavy dose of history -- including David Halberstam's "The Coldest Winter," Rick Atkinson's "Day of Battle," Hugh Thomas's "Spanish Civil War," Stephen W. Sears's "Gettysburg" and David King's "Vienna 1814." There's also plenty of biography -- including U.S. Grant's "Personal Memoirs"; Jon Meacham's "American Lion"; James M. McPherson's "Tried by War: Abraham Lincoln as Commander in Chief" and Jacobo Timerman's "Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number."

Each year, the president also read the Bible from cover to cover, along with a daily devotional.
Karl Rove said:
There is a myth perpetuated by Bush critics that he would rather burn a book than read one. Like so many caricatures of the past eight years, this one is not only wrong, but also the opposite of the truth and evidence that bitterness can devour a small-minded critic. Mr. Bush loves books, learns from them, and is intellectually engaged by them.

For two terms in the White House, Mr. Bush has been in the arena, keeping America safe and facing down enormous challenges, all the while acting with dignity. And when on Jan. 20 he flies from Washington to Texas one last time, he will do so as he arrived -- with friends and a book nearby.


Intellectual curiosity isn't a judgement of how intelligent a person is but rather their propensity to explore and improve with minimal provocation. Making detail oriented mistakes, or being problematically vague, being rigid to a fault, etc. once or twice isn't so much an issue. If you KEEP making those mistakes and don't show improvement, it suggests you aren't taking the time and energy to address your shortcomings and actively seek out way to improve or bolster your knowledge base. I think that's a problem - especially for someone who seeks an office as high as President.
That's some pretty low rent satire. Ted Cruz doesn't even talk like that

he speaks in theatrically modulated prose designed to pander to his base, he would say something like, "I don't need to see an IQ report to prove the president's inadequacy, let's look at the man's record! The foreign policy blunders in Syria and Lybia, the catastrophic Iran nuclear deal which emboldens our enemies and abandons our allies, and the disaster of Obamacare, are all the evidence you need. Barack Obama's philosophy of big government has failed at every turn and with God's grace and the american people we can undo it." halllelujah amen etc, not the typical republican buffoon hack impression or whatever that is you quoted benji


Intellectual curiosity isn't a judgement of how intelligent a person is but rather their propensity to explore and improve with minimal provocation. Making detail oriented mistakes, or being problematically vague, being rigid to a fault, etc. once or twice isn't so much an issue. If you KEEP making those mistakes and don't show improvement, it suggests you aren't taking the time and energy to address your shortcomings and actively seek out way to improve or bolster your knowledge base. I think that's a problem - especially for someone who seeks an office as high as President.
Enough with the Hillary criticism already. Bernie lost, fall in line or line up against the wall. Your choice.
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