Would you guys be surprised to learn that there is already a poligaf discord and you're just not OG enough to know about it
Invite or it didn't happen.
Would you guys be surprised to learn that there is already a poligaf discord and you're just not OG enough to know about it
What the fuck. Even the other ones are too high.What a fucking joke.
What the fuck. Even the other ones are too high.
The baseline for "currently content with the status quo" is still relatively high after Obama. It'll take Trump's shit hitting the fan before that ~30% of the public starts to turn in bigger numbers. Our of those polls someone theorized that Quinn's wording of the question is what gave the different result; something about "approve his handling of the job" instead of "approving of the job."What the fuck. Even the other ones are too high.
Anyway I'm wondering if we should bring back pork.
That is a good question. Trump is so crazy it probably won't even matter as much as it used to so why not, many could argue.It should be like approve + 40 though.
Anyway I'm wondering if we should bring back pork.
Absolutely haram.
Well he did just "win" with 46% of the vote. I think that's where a lot of the "come on, give him a chance" sentiment really kicks in, people who don't want to feel stupid about the votes they just cast less than three months ago.What the fuck. Even the other ones are too high.
It seemed to work better than our current crap.
It seemed to work better than our current crap.
The only thing restraining Trump right now is the willingness of a few moderate Republicans to work with the Democrats because they are ideologically opposed to some of what Trump does, and you're suggesting giving him the power to give them electoral bribes?
Nope nope nope nopety nope.
Only that isn't working. So far In Terms of actual votes, the moderate republicans may as well be ted Cruz. They voted for Tillerson.
Until I actually see one of them defy the president and vote contrary to the party, I don't think there's any point expecting any 'so called' moderates to do anything other than grovel and bend the knee.
I believe James Madison and Alexander Hamilton had extensive arguments supporting higher density districts, which you can find in the Federalist papers somewhere. Alternatively, Bernard Manin discusses the issue in-depth in The Principles of Representative Government.
America's problems aren't that a bunch of college educated video game fans haven't thought about basic civics (and to the extent they are, they won't be solved by someone bolding Wikipedia quotations for them).
We can argue this, but in the current climate there is no realistic way to reapportion the House, because it requires their consent.
There is a "legislature" with over a thousand people: China's National People's Congress. Setting aside the obvious "it's not a real legislature" since that is not the topic, the NPC (lol) has 2,987 people representing 1.37 billion people. Each person represents 458,654 people (more, since I rounded the population).
Even if it were an actual effective legislative body, you can't negotiate with practically 3000 other people. They meet in a freaking concert hall like this
You can't even see the dude you're opposing on the other side or something lol
It would be impossible to get anything done if even like 10% of the legislature wants to debate one bill. That's 300 people getting up to the mic to get their proper amount of time to talk and whatnot.
The side benefit is that more races mean we get the rich dudes to dump more money into elections, which is technically reinvestment in America since you can't exactly outsource campaigning. But it would probably also mean more money in politics.
I think we should have reapportionment, but I am not so sure about tagging it to the 30k population that Washington wanted, because even in the late 1700s, I don't think the founding fathers could comprehend an America with 300 million people.
Let me be the first to say that in principle, I agree with you that the majority party should be able to legislate as they please, and the filibuster should go whether we have a Republican or a Democratic government.From my perspective, I believe the party that won (however fucked the rules) should be able to govern and implement its agenda, as crazy as it is - because then they can be held to account by the electorate. The huge weakness in American politics is the lack of downside for just blocking the opposing party endlessly, which means party platforms aren't carried out and you end up with total gridlock. I think the filibuster is a dumb as hell concept that should only be useable in the most extrodinary of cases (if at all), and anything that weakens the filibuster and the ability of the minority to halt government is good.
Ive said it many times, I think the filibuster and the American system does the opposite of what it was intended to do - it doesn't produce compromise, it produces insane partisanship.
(Obviously, I'd rather replace the whole thing with a parliamentary system but there you go).
Let me be the first to say that in principle, I agree with you that the majority party should be able to legislate as they please, and the filibuster should go whether we have a Republican or a Democratic government.
And then completely betray that principle and express my thankfulness that the filibuster is still in place right now so that the GOP can't completely destroy our government. As a sitting Democratic senator, I wouldn't vote to remove it under these circumstances. If McCain, Collins, Graham et al want to keep it, tough titties for Trump.
The next time Democrats hold everything though (Pres+Senate+House), away it goes.
Maybe keep it for SCOTUS picks just because that seems a little too significant to be left up to a simple majority. Bad legislation can be repealed, a bad justice is on the court for life.
Yeah, I mean, my perspective is not motivated by my policy preferences. Losing should taste like a shit taco. But I probably would have been fine with it under first time obama too!To date, voting to confirm cabinet appointments has been a norm. Only nine in history have not received confirmation (although some were withdrawn to avoid this). Most Democrats voted to confirm. It's not indicative of anything.
As are rule of thumb, pork barrel projects give the party elite more control over individual members. Right now, "the party elite" effectively means "Donald Trump". You need to make an exceptionally good case to persuade me that's a good idea, rather than Y2kev's "something needs to be done, this is something, let's do it".
You better be kidding here, just because I said to set aside the 'actual purpose' of the NPC doesn't mean that they aren't a rubber stamp for the Communist Party. The NPC doesn't do any actual negotiation at all, in public or in private. They're a legislative body for PR purposes. "Look at all the people being represented in 'democracy'!"The current US president is someone no one in the elite class wanted. Who has policies directly in contrast to their plans (spending a ton of money on a wall, tariffs, etc.) To give up at the gate is why democrats are on the ropes.
The fact that people in china of all places has a better per person representative count (by almost 2x!), should be an embarrassment to the US who prides itself in its democratic system.
I don't watch a lot of CSPAN but from what little I have watched, there is ZERO negotiation going in the main chamber. Most of the negotiation happens behind closed doors, in commitee, etc. Then when it comes to a vote a very small % of people come to make a speech and there is a vote.
could there be a filibuster? yes, but that feature already exists.
Again why are we focused on putting them in a building. put up a forum, let the congresssman debate on that and archive the posts for posterity.
I thought you were thanking Al Gore as a joke but lol it's for realCDC climate change conference is back on. Thanks, Al Gore.
There is a whole lot of stupid in the world when it comes to immigrants. People fail to realize that children who were born here from illegal parents are citizens, and that Trump's law could cause those children to be sent back to a country they don't know.
"But they're illeeeeeeeeguuuuuuuullllll!!!111!!!"
You better be kidding here, just because I said to set aside the 'actual purpose' of the NPC doesn't mean that they aren't a rubber stamp for the Communist Party. The NPC doesn't do any actual negotiation at all, in public or in private. They're a legislative body for PR purposes. "Look at all the people being represented in 'democracy'!"
Have you not seen how 'debates' play out on the internet? In what world is that a reasonable substitute for face-to-face meetings?
You can't say what "small %" comes forward to make a speech, but the bigger the total amount of representatives, even that small percent turns into a horde of people.
I'm saying that tagging to 30k people is not a good idea with our current population number. Increasing the number of representatives should happen, but not with 1 representing 30k, because that was a calculation made in 1789, not a calculation of 2017. If you want to adhere to the original text so much, would you like to go full constitutionalist and deny everyone except white men the vote? Be reasonable and account for changes over time. Antrax suggested a possible method of determining representatives.
"America is finally fed up and disgusted with its political elite. Trump is channeling this disgust, and those among the political elite who quake before the boombox of media blather do not appreciate the apocalyptic choice that America faces on Nov. 8.
See:I don't know how china's system works, at least on paper they have better representation is my point there
Debates on the internet are the way they are because they are a) have no affect on anything b) usually anonymous.
debates on hypothetical SenateForumz are not anonymous and since they would be viewable by the normal public (non reps couldn't post however) would have consequences on the next election.
white male only suffrage was repealed by amendment to the constitution. No reason to by hyperbolic. Apportionment afterwards has been decided by law, doesn't (apparently) require a constitutional amendment and instead of being decided by a % of the pop is a flat number. If we went to the roughly 1:60k that we had at the start of this country I think that would be great as well. So far the reasons not to do so have been logistics are hard (which i have argued can be solved by not putting them all in one building), getting policy to be passed is hard (I agree), and that there would be lots of debate for votes (which honestly i think of as a plus)
Nowadays lack of anonymity doesn't prevent people from doing stupid things.There is a whole lot of stupid in the world when it comes to immigrants. People fail to realize that children who were born here from illegal parents are citizens, and that Trump's law could cause those children to be sent back to a country they don't know.
"But they're illeeeeeeeeguuuuuuuullllll!!!111!!!"
Nowadays lack of anonymity doesn't prevent people from doing stupid things.
Like the candidate the posted a screenshot with his porn open in another tab, the various officials around the country who have sad racist shit after Trump's election. They were unpunished. There's no actual consequence for their words, so internet forums of discussion by the Senate/House wouldn't be exempt.
The bottleneck wouldn't be representation in the House anyway, it would be the Senate.
Western New York? If immigrants were coming they'd come to NYC. What the hell are they even worried about out there other than a lot of snow? Illegal Canadians?Stupid people in my city want to axe us being a sanctuary city over 1% of our budget money being lost.
The mayor isn't convinced. She seems to want to leave it in place and just eat the 1% budget loss.
I'm not really even sure how many illegal immigrants make their way to western New York, though? That's a long journey from Central/South America and the climate is way different. Going from tropical/sub-tropical to temperate forest with dicy winters must be pretty jarring.
Western New York? If immigrants were coming they'd come to NYC. What the hell are they even worried about out there other than a lot of snow? Illegal Canadians?
Do they think they're a major terrorist target too?
Didn't even have to check to see if the dude was an exiled cuban :/
When they just straight up lie up what they've said on record why not tell them to fuck off and get out of the studio? Seriously, can these people grow some balls?OMG Trump saw this loon on tv this morning and got really excited and tweeted about it. Honestly I don't understand why CNN gave him airtime.
Value of US food imports from Mexico (2015)
Fresh vegetables $4.8 billion
Fresh fruit $4.3 billion
Wine and beer $2.7 billion
Snack foods $1.7 billion
Processed fruits and vegetables $1.4 billion
Data: US Trade Representative's Office
The Trump administration has today suggested it would force Mexico to pay for the wall by implementing a 20% tax on all Mexican imports. Such a move by the White Housewhich isnt allowedwould hit Americans hard in their grocery carts.
Mexico, after all, is the most important trade partner with the US for fruits and vegetables, and the second-largest US trading partner overall (after Canada) for food products. In 2015, food imports from Mexico totaled $21 billion, making it a considerable force in the US grocery market.
For instance, US consumers can get tomatoes to eat even in winter now because Mexico grows them and ships them across the border. America imports about 20% of its tomatoes, about 95% of which (pdf) come from its southern neighbor. While Florida supplies the east with tomatoes, most of those Mexican tomatoes go to western states.
The Mexican connection supplies other fruit, as well. In 2016, the US imported 154 million pounds of watermelon, 54% of which came from Mexico, according to the USDA Economic Research Service. What country would supply such produce if the US raised tariffs on Mexico?