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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Ethics issues and investigations are only relevent when a Democrat does it.

It's hard to continue to be interested in US politics when one party is so blantantly and transparently corrupt.

I live a depressing life, and this is the most depressing thing in it
It's pronounced "butt cheeks"

booty jugs

Mayor Buttz!

Maybe now we can go back to wondering who the hell Sam Ronan is.

Is it really not butt gig

I assumed it was butt gig and also that if it weren't butt gig he would currently be the DNC chair

never heard it out loud but I assume it is pronounced "butt league"

what a cursed name to have for that career
like, I'm not quitting the party or voting for a different party unless it's something local that doesn't matter. I'm still firmly anti-Trump and anti-Republican and I don't want to concede any ground or make any common cause and the Democratic party is the best vehicle to stop them electorally so despite frustrations I'll stay with it

But if the position is really so meaningless, why is it so bad to be annoyed that your preferred candidate got shut out mostly because some people panicked about him looking like he would win. If the position doesn't matter then why did Perez get parachuted in seemingly just to make sure Ellison didn't win?

Being annoyed is fine. Posting "Neoliberal corporate shill Tom Perez hastag-DemExit" is nuts. Not saying you're doing that of course, but some people are and it's quite frustrating. Perez was my third choice but I don't like the way he's being smeared.


will gain confidence one day
This Chair stuff will probably blow over, as long as the DNC actually puts in the effort to mobilize and engage young and energized voters.

And I think that's where people's fears are.
This Chair stuff will probably blow over, as long as the DNC actually puts in the effort to mobilize and engage young and energized voters.

And I think that's where people's fears are.

Well, I'm not too happy about it, feels like a force meme from the donors, but the idea we can all fall behind is getting dems elected in 2 years. So if we do that, lets get going.


Well, here's hoping for the best.

I'm thinking it will be a 20-30 point landslide at this point. It just depends on what the french establishment does once Macron and maybe Fillon gets past the first round. We are already seeing signs that other presidential candidates are dropping from the race or not joining into it and instead joining forces with one of the main frontrunners(i.e. Hamon and Macron).


Not bad.

I'm so sick of hearing about Bernie Sanders. Like, I don't even hate the guy or blame him for anything. He had ideals and stuck to them and resonated with a lot of people and a bird or something happened (but forbid if memes happen to any other candidate).

I most am sick of hearing about him because of his ravenous followers, and yeah, most are good and just want progressive stuff to happen, but I'm sick of it because of the ones that didn't get their way and became okay with a lot of people suffering, or worse, switched to Trump, something I saw with my own eyes so maybe that's why I'm more salty over it.


Perez leads the DNC, let's get over it and curb stomp the GOP/Trump in 2018 and 2020 please or I will probably just give up on voting


I genuinely didn't care who won the DNC chair on a personal level, because I like Perez and Ellison both based on everything I know about them and I think they'll both be really good in their new positions.

I will say though that I didn't agree with the argument that it should have been Ellison for the sole purpose of placating loudmouth internet Bernie-or-busters (which, for the millionth time, is not all or even a huge segment of Bernie voters overall). Because...nothing will make those people happy. They are un-make-happy-able. They don't want to govern, ever, they want to fight and whine and muse about potential names for their True Progressive™ new party that will topple the establishment for real this time any day now.

Perez, a guy who was considered incredibly progressive up 'til like a month ago ('cause he is) instantly became a Neoliberal Corrupt Establishment Shill™ when he went up against Ellison. If Ellison had won the chair (and, again, I would have been happy with that!) that group would have just shifted to something else, like "wow look how narrowly Keith won!! The Corrupt Establisment REALLY tried to take him down!! The Democrat Party is dead!" or "Look who Keith was FORCED to hire as deputy chair! Total shill! They're trying to trick us but it won't work as we're ~leaving the party~!!" etc.

I've been reading the same reddit/twitter/facebook comments for 2 years now. It doesn't matter what the news is, the comments are the same.

In conclusion, uh, congrats to the new chair and deputy chair?
Now let's start finding the perfect person to flip every house seat blue next year.


A Good Citizen
this whole thing is why the DNC chair position never should've been a popularity contest to begin with

it was going to end in tears no matter who won


Has there been too many tears? Would've figured the people who were really going to get mad at Perez were people who probably didn't vote Clinton, and are thus basically too far gone to really care about anyway, putzing around off in the Steinverse with the left-antivax crowd.

Ellison got named Deputy Chair and threw his full support behind Perez, like, immediately.

Who's the new RNC chair, by the way? Doesn't the sitting President basically get to pick the chair for their party?


Has there been too many tears? Would've figured the people who were really going to get mad at Perez were people who probably didn't vote Clinton, and are thus basically too far gone to really care about anyway, putzing around off in the Steinverse with the left-antivax crowd.

Ellison got named Deputy Chair and threw his full support behind Perez, like, immediately.

Who's the new RNC chair, by the way? Doesn't the sitting President basically get to pick the chair for their party?

Michael Moore's pissed.


Effectively, in my mind, ending his self-proclaimed role as leader of whatever leftist resistance who thought he was leading.
Chapo Trap House is now the #1 Patreon in the world.

I will say this: the supposed far-left crybabies who are currently declaring the death of the Democratic Party are also probably some of the most motivated to put their money where their politics are and to get out and do something. Except for, in some cases, go out and vote.

I am not unhappy with Perez. I don't have really anything against him at all. I am sure he'll do a great job. But this would have been a much-desired olive branch to the restless young left that was now politically active enough to even know who was running for DNC Chair. I can't help but feel like this was the lowest-stakes opportunity to appease a swelling voter base that already had one foot out the door.

Perez will do great. Ellison will also do great as deputy chair. But this was a squandered opportunity to unite. Ellison on top would have brought motivated and aggressive wayward liberals back into the sphere. Instead, at best, they'll probably stay right where they are. I don't know what the consequences of that will be. Maybe this will all look much smaller by 2018.


Nomally I would say the sooner the extreme left finds their own party the better, but we have to get trump and his congressional enablers out first


Chapo Trap House is now the #1 Patreon in the world.

I will say this: the supposed far-left crybabies who are currently declaring the death of the Democratic Party are also probably some of the most motivated to put their money where their politics are and to get out and do something. Except for, in some cases, go out and vote.

I am not unhappy with Perez. I don't have really anything against him at all. I am sure he'll do a great job. But this would have been a much-desired olive branch to the restless young left that was now politically active enough to even know who was running for DNC Chair. I can't help but feel like this was the lowest-stakes opportunity to appease a swelling voter base that already had one foot out the door.

Perez will do great. Ellison will also do great as deputy chair. But this was a squandered opportunity to unite. Ellison on top would have brought motivated and aggressive wayward liberals back into the sphere. Instead, at best, they'll probably stay right where they are. I don't know what the consequences of that will be. Maybe this will all look much smaller by 2018.

I don't think elements who are unwilling to compromise (especially when there's not a lot to compromise on when its two progressives now running the DNC) can be spoken to.

Ultimately, the work that Perez does as DNC chair will do. DNC chair race never mattered.

Hard-leftists will find a reason to not turn out during the 2018 mid-terms and to hate whoever goes out 2020 if they want to.
Chapo Trap House is now the #1 Patreon in the world.

I will say this: the supposed far-left crybabies who are currently declaring the death of the Democratic Party are also probably some of the most motivated to put their money where their politics are and to get out and do something. Except for, in some cases, go out and vote.

I am not unhappy with Perez. I don't have really anything against him at all. I am sure he'll do a great job. But this would have been a much-desired olive branch to the restless young left that was now politically active enough to even know who was running for DNC Chair. I can't help but feel like this was the lowest-stakes opportunity to appease a swelling voter base that already had one foot out the door.

Perez will do great. Ellison will also do great as deputy chair. But this was a squandered opportunity to unite. Ellison on top would have brought motivated and aggressive wayward liberals back into the sphere. Instead, at best, they'll probably stay right where they are. I don't know what the consequences of that will be. Maybe this will all look much smaller by 2018.
Mm. Mostly about where I stand.
there was never unity on the bargain table knowing that the extreme left are just insatiable and needing someone to bark at.

I find this point of view hazardous and incorrect. The proposed bargain was quite clear: appoint Ellison as DNC chair and appease the restless young liberals. There was really nothing disingenuous about it. You can debate the ethics of them not accepting anybody but Ellison, even somebody with a similar platform, but I don't think it's accurate or realistic to say these liberals are unappeasable. They just take a hardline about what they want, which I expect would become more flexible if they felt like they were getting any of the things they specifically asked for.
Well when Ellison actually did the job of Chair and didn't become the leader and face of the party I'm guessing they would stop being sated with the dumb win.

So... unappeasable still seems right.


I find this point of view hazardous and incorrect. The proposed bargain was quite clear: appoint Ellison as DNC chair and appease the restless young liberals. There was really nothing disingenuous about it. You can debate the ethics of them not accepting anybody but Ellison, even somebody with a similar platform, but I don't think it's accurate or realistic to say these liberals are unappeasable.
Given the behaviour shown by this group of liberals, thinking they would have been totally satisfied with an Ellison appointment alone is wishful thinking at its finest. Some probably would have been, but there almost certainly would have been others going, "Everyone who voted for the corporate shill Tom Perez needs to be removed from the DNC for holding back progress."

I get where you're coming from 100% but I don't have that kind of optimism.
I find this point of view hazardous and incorrect. The proposed bargain was quite clear: appoint Ellison as DNC chair and appease the restless young liberals. There was really nothing disingenuous about it. You can debate the ethics of them not accepting anybody but Ellison, even somebody with a similar platform, but I don't think it's accurate or realistic to say these liberals are unappeasable. They just take a hardline about what they want, which I expect would become more flexible if they felt like they were getting any of the things they specifically asked for.
"if we give the left any leverage they will destroy this party"

"wait why won't you work with us"
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