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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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The Rust Belt and manufacturers got sold on the idea of their fading way of life coming back to them, they didn't want the truth. They didn't want a fix. They wanted the impossible and Trump was craven enough to promise it to them.

These are people in failing towns desperate for the good old days. They ain't coming back. Neither are the jobs. This was a Hail Mary vote by traditional blue states for a man who lied to them and said he'd make things like they used to be. He won't, and they probably won't vote for him again once they see that.


These are people in failing towns desperate for the good old days. They ain't coming back. Neither are the jobs. This was a Hail Mary vote by traditional blue states for a man who lied to them and said he'd make things like they used to be. He won't, and they probably won't vote for him again once they see that.
Even if Trump could fix things for those states, he wouldn't be able to make shit happen in 4 years.


No Scrubs
These are people in failing towns desperate for the good old days. They ain't coming back. Neither are the jobs. This was a Hail Mary vote by traditional blue states for a man who lied to them and said he'd make things like they used to be. He won't, and they probably won't vote for him again once they see that.

That's the hope, but Trump's a con-man so they may well fall for it again. Especially if he keeps doing stuff like the bullshit Carrier deal. How the mark feels about their situation is more important than the reality around them. People keep falling for the same con for a reason.


May contain jokes =>
That's the hope, but Trump's a con-man so they may well fall for it again. Especially if he keeps doing stuff like the bullshit Carrier deal. How the mark feels about their situation is more important than the reality around them. People keep falling for the same con for a reason.

These midwest blue collar workers aren't going to care what the headlines say if they and their friends and family are still losing their jobs. Just like they didn't care about the overall strength of the economy under Obama.
On CSPAN, the live phone lines are about to open up after President Obama's final press conference!

The prez was at his absolute best and it's going to be really interesting to hear all the callers after this.


No Scrubs
These midwest blue collar workers aren't going to care what the headlines say if they and their friends and family are still losing their jobs. Just like they didn't care about the overall strength of the economy under Obama.

No, but if Trump can make it look like he's trying and the thing standing in his way is the Dems or Congress as a whole it'll work again. These people want to believe in the con, they want to believe their way of life will come back to them. It's why they fell for it in the first place. If Trump keeps doing the rainmaker (carrier type deals) then he may well be able to convince them he's legit and everyone else is standing in his way.
Found this today, interesting stuff.

Found this today, interesting stuff.

My guess is that those Clinton-Republican districts won't have voters who will vote Democratic downballot, but I'd like to see, individually how those downballot candidates did compared to 12 or 14.

A workable Dem map in 2018 is probably saving those Trump-Dem seats and winning a handful of those Clinton-Republican seats that are actually having their real political gravity changing.


Clinton-Dem + Clinton-GOP + Trump-Dem = 217
Protip: Most people who vote for Republicans tend to be Republicans themselves.

In other news, Bernie's shredding Tom Price at his hearing:

Agreed on the first point. The 30some percent who approve of Trump are gone, he could shoot their family in the face and they'd still approve of him.

Good news for the next election is a good chunk of people who voted for Trump are persuadable. We need to find a sterling candidate but chances are good Trump will make the case for him not being re-elected just by being an embarrassing ass. Then we're already halfway there.

Sherrod we need you.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Also, GM laying off all those people on inauguration day? That has to be intentional, right?


Assage backed off his extradition.

“Mr. Assange welcomes the announcement that Ms. Manning's sentence will be reduced and she will be released in May, but this is well short of what he sought,” said Barry Pollack, Assange’s U.S.-based attorney, via email.



2,000 GM workers to lose jobs on Trump Inauguration Day

So excited for President Trump on the day he's losing his job. Maybe Trump will send out another tweet and he'll get all hopeful again.

This may sound dark, but their situation is weirdly amusing.

It's like they're really pleading to Trump as a Jesus-like figure to save their lives, as if he has holy powers, can break reality, and offer them further clinging to their attachments, which in this case are jobs.

Of course, their desperation is understandable; by being in a jobs cult that still believes in a miasmic concept like full employment, everyone needs to be a player or they're doomed. I do wonder if they lack the language and critical inquiry to be aware that these underlying ideas are really their problems, hence such ideas forcing them to cling and cling greedily to jobs that may either be dangerous and unhealthy or even unproductive for a human to eventually do. And for others, we lack the compassion to see this clinginess and why it's there, so we either mock or lack understanding this type of weird cultural desperation.

You would be amazed at how few really understand where the problem truly lies. We think it's in keeping the job that's the issue, but it's really the demand of jobs that is. The same issue totally repeats with making money by creating a dying world.

What a weird fuckin' thing we've done as humans, fam.
Craig Caplan ‏@CraigCaplan 1h1 hour ago
DefSec nominee Mattis approved by Armed Svcs 26-1.Gillibrand voted NO:"civilian control of military is fundamental";Senate Fri vote expected

Craig Caplan
12Ds YES on Def Sec nominee Mattis in cmte:
Reed Nelson McCaskill Shaheen Blumenthal Donnelly Hirono Kaine King-I Heinrich Warren & Peters.
The "Everyone is bought and paid for!" mentality that Bernie popularized is the worst thing that happened to the Democratic party.
Yeah, it's not like legislation to lower the cost of prescription drugs just failed because a bunch of Democrats, some in safe seats, voted against it.
Mattis is needed, he is at least some what level headed.

Agreed, Dems had no real reason to block him.

Want to see if Tillerson makes it out of the committee.

Booker will vote AGAINST Tillerson. Didn't expect that.



Phil MattinglyVerified account ‏@Phil_Mattingly 23h23 hours ago
.@SenBobCorker just told @mkraju Trump Sec. of State pick Rex Tillerson will get a Senate floor vote whether committee approves him or not.


Agreed, Dems had no real reason to block him.

Want to see if Tillerson makes it out of the committee.

Booker will vote AGAINST Tillerson. Didn't expect that.



Booker has been getting shit on for a minute now by some groups, at this point regardless of what the committee says though, the GOP will probably flip them the finger and do as they wish. Pinning your hopes on GOP senators to vote their conscience seems fucking sketchy as shit.
Shocked about Booker. I have a feeling he was getting some blow back from his line of questioning.

I hope Rex gets rejected if for no other reason than it would wipe Bob Corker's shit-eating grin off his pompous little face.


Yeah, it's not like legislation to lower the cost of prescription drugs just failed because a bunch of Democrats, some in safe seats, voted against it.

It wasn't based on donations, it was based on regions.

McCain and Chuck Schumer receive huge campaign contributions from Pharmaceutical companies yet they voted for Bernie's bill, meanwhile Booker is a New Jersey Senator, a place where a lot of people work for Pharmaceutical companies. It is basically unheard of for a NJ sen. to go against them. He'll protect the interests of his constituents on any vote, that's what a Senator is supposed to do safe seat or not.

The problem with the "bought and paid for" mentality is that it makes people ignorant. It ignores nuance and makes people think everything is related to campaign donations and that everyone is a corporate neoliberal shill. It's that mentality that led to a lot of democrats thinking Hillary was just as bad as Trump. I know some Bernie voters who voted for Trump because "at least he isn't bought and paid for".

So ya, the obsession with donation purity that has infected the Democratic Party is rotting it.


When does the senate formally vote on Tillerson then? I assumed he had to have the go ahead of the committee to even have a vote but well whatever.

It wasn't based on donations, it was based on regions.

McCain and Chuck Schumer receives huge campaign contributions from Pharmaceutical companies yet he voted for Bernie's bill, meanwhile Booker is a New Jersey Senator, a place where a lot of people work for Pharmaceutical companies. It is basically unheard of for a NJ sen. to go against them. He'll protect the interests of his constituents on any vote, that's what a Senator is supposed to do safe seat or not.

The problem with the "bought and paid for" mentality is that it makes people ignorant. It ignores nuance and makes people think everything is related to campaign donations and that everyone is a corporate neoliberal shill. It's that mentality that led to a lot of democrats thinking Hillary was just as bad as Trump. I know some Bernie voters who voted for Trump because "at least he isn't bought and paid for".

So ya, the obsession with donation purity that has infected the Democratic Party is rotting it.

That's the kind of stuff that's annoying me in the CA race to replace Xavier Becerra I posted about in the DNC chair thread. I mean if Gomez who has a history of doing AWESOME SHIT has a nobody staffer on his heels because when asked in polls and likely coming on votes his only claim to fame will be 'Former Sanders Campaign Staffer' then what good does that do? I don't know shit about that guy, but on the flip side I know Gomez pushed for paid family leave and other awesome bills. Like it's fucking weird seeing that shit happen because someone is deemed simply an outsider and better without any real rationale.


For me the interesting question is how Shaheen will vote wrt Tillerson. From what I saw during the hearings she seemed genuinely impressed by some of his answers regarding empowering women, and as recently as five days ago she was still unsure. Then there's uncertainty over Rubio obviously
but we all know he's going to cave in.
Feinstein is running again in 2018.


She's one of the most technologically illiterate members of Congress and she's in fucking California. I was so glad for her retiring and now she's back.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh, I guess democrats are all in favor of Citizens United now, if there's really nothing to worry about with lobbyist money influencing candidate's votes.


For me the interesting question is how Shaheen will vote wrt Tillerson. From what I saw during the hearings she seemed genuinely impressed by some of his answers regarding empowering women, and as recently as five days ago she was still unsure. Then there's uncertainty over Rubio obviously
but we all know he's going to cave in.

Little man with a little spine.


Oh, I guess democrats are all in favor of Citizens United now, if there's really nothing to worry about with lobbyist money influencing candidate's votes.
This is a straw man. Lobbyist money can be a problem but people point to it to explain every little thing when some issues are more nuanced than that. And also, there's more reasons to be against citizens united, like the fact that it makes fundraising too central a goal to the point where it's tedious and time consuming for elected officials who really have better things to do with their time.
Anyone who's been questioning his birthplace since 2008 didn't change their minds over the past 6 months.

This is far more likely than you think because it was never about faulty logic, but about following/believing talking points and marching orders. It was a spell.

They have been given both implicit and explicit permission by the party and Trump to believe he was born in the United States now because it doesn't matter anymore.
the bolded might be seen as a negative.

It is! One red area of MD was thinking about extending the metro to the county, but a lot of people balked because that would be two-way; you'd get DC folks in the county, and hell if they wanted that.

But of course, it's the urban folks in a bubble.

These are people in failing towns desperate for the good old days. They ain't coming back. Neither are the jobs. This was a Hail Mary vote by traditional blue states for a man who lied to them and said he'd make things like they used to be. He won't, and they probably won't vote for him again once they see that.

And it's not reality. I'm actually hopeful that when (not if, but when) this Hail Mary of theirs fails, they might be forced to accept the reality; they are simply unable to participate in the work force anymore. They don't have skills that we need humans for.

This may sound dark, but their situation is weirdly amusing.

It's like they're really pleading to Trump as a Jesus-like figure to save their lives, as if he has holy powers, can break reality, and offer them further clinging to their attachments, which in this case are jobs.

Of course, their desperation is understandable; by being in a jobs cult that still believes in a miasmic concept like full employment, everyone needs to be a player or they're doomed. I do wonder if they lack the language and critical inquiry to be aware that these underlying ideas are really their problems, hence such ideas forcing them to cling and cling greedily to jobs that may either be dangerous and unhealthy or even unproductive for a human to eventually do. And for others, we lack the compassion to see this clinginess and why it's there, so we either mock or lack understanding this type of weird cultural desperation.

You would be amazed at how few really understand where the problem truly lies. We think it's in keeping the job that's the issue, but it's really the demand of jobs that is. The same issue totally repeats with making money by creating a dying world.

What a weird fuckin' thing we've done as humans, fam.

Yeah, my father-in-law suggested over Christmas that a possible solution to automation is to ban it. I mean, we're so attached to work that he was arguing that humans have a need to be employed.

Oh, I guess democrats are all in favor of Citizens United now, if there's really nothing to worry about with lobbyist money influencing candidate's votes.

I would love to ban guns, but if I'm forced to go to a gun fight and someone else is definitely bringing a gun, I'm going to bring one too.

Tying up your own hands out of principle is how people get their rights taken away; minorities are not going to sit around thinking "You know, we just lost all of these protections, but my elected officials didn't take a donation from Pfizer, so we're doing great!"
There has been little to no automation in the last few years and that's why our GDP growth has sucked for several years.

We'll see what happens with better AI coming out.
There has been little to no automation in the last few years and that's why our GDP growth has sucked for several years.

We'll see what happens with better AI coming out.

Automation talk came up because someone was talking about self-driving cars, and we checked and like 29 states have some form of driving as the most predominant career in the state. If those take off and do well, it's going to really fuck up the GOP's arguments since we'll be well past job saturation.
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