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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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No Scrubs
Yeah I said in a discussion with some friends back in September that the closest historical analogue to Trump is Jackson, imo.

I agree, and that's what scares me. Jackson did a huge amount of damage and didn't let anyone, not even the Supreme Court, get in his way.

The scary part is the presidency is far more powerful now than it ever was in Jackson's day. If Trump really is the second coming of Andrew Jackson then we're all in deep shit.
Trump is far more cowardly than Jackson.

Trump will complain on Twitter about someone he doesn't like, Jackson would murder them because Jackson was a psychopath.

So that's good at least I think.


No Scrubs
Trump is far more cowardly than Jackson.

Trump will complain on Twitter about someone he doesn't like, Jackson would murder them because Jackson was a psychopath.

So that's good at least I think.

While that's true, Trump may very well be emboldened by the power of the office. Plus, I could easily see him ignoring the supreme court if they ruled against him.


I just remembered today that the Republicans and Republican governors intentionally sabotaged and blocked the plans for nationwide rail solely because "fuck Obama".

And now I'm angry again.

Andrew Jackson destroyed the U.S. economy because he had an innate dislike of banks and debt.

And installed all the Confederate power players back to power. I swear, the Confederacy is the only traitor army and institution that lost a civil war but lost nothing from it :/

edit: as ItWasMeantToBe19 points out, that was Andrew Johnson, not Jackson
I just remembered today that the Republicans and Republican governors intentionally sabotaged and blocked the plans for nationwide rail solely because "fuck Obama".

And now I'm angry again.

And installed all the Confederate power players back to power. I swear, the Confederacy is the only traitor army and institution that lost a civil war but lost nothing from it :/

That was Andrew Johnson.

Andrews probably shouldn't run for president again tbh.


John Kerry is a funny guy. He said this in Davos this week...

85% of job loss in the US is because of technology, and I can't wait to see how the incoming administration deals with AI

Surely he's being sarcastic, yes? The same administration that wants to double down on automation, and the same political party that believes displacement and precariousness is a free will choice?

We are so, so fucking fucked here, dudes. Holy fucking shit. DeVos as education pick is almost a house fire to even prepare the fewer and fewer people with even a decent education, let alone a supremely high one to compete and not starve.
I just remembered today that the Republicans and Republican governors intentionally sabotaged and blocked the plans for nationwide rail solely because "fuck Obama".

And now I'm angry again.
HSR and mass transit still being in the dumps still sucks so much. There's no reason Texas, Florida, and California shouldn't all be connected. Also, the west coast's Amtrak system sucking so much in comparison to the east coast's sucks too.


Surely he's being sarcastic, yes? The same administration that wants to double down on automation, and the same political party that believes displacement and precariousness is a free will choice?

The administration has no position on automation. I doubt that savy as to the pros and cons of it. It just happens that the people they enable care about automation.

That is why he made the statement. He knows that they're not equipped to deal with it.


I just remembered today that the Republicans and Republican governors intentionally sabotaged and blocked the plans for nationwide rail solely because "fuck Obama".

And now I'm angry again.

Scott Walker literally ran and and won on that specific point of stopping high speed rail.


The administration has no position on automation. I doubt that savy as to the pros and cons of it. It just happens that the people they enable care about automation.

That is why he made the statement. He knows that they're not equipped to deal with it.

Uh..Trump's labor pick loves the idea of automation. He hates the minimum wage, too.


Do we have Trump's presidential photograph yet, the one that will get put up in government offices? I never liked Obama's first term photo that much.


The idea of someone running, and then winning, off of being against convenient travel is just... what

Wisconsin's politics are best understood as a bunch of white people who really, really hate Milwaukee and Madison and will do whatever it takes to fuck them over.

Kind of like Michigan. A lot of these midwestern states are built on racial politics that faded away decades ago in other states. Illinois being the exception because Chicago is large enough to overwhelm the rest of the state, New York style.


He loves the idea of it. But liking it is different to harnessing it or actually implementing policies to counter the harmful effects of it.

The policies don't even have to be enacted at the top, as they're already happening now.

I am concerned about the countering, for I feel the reality of the changes in play really do break the Republican worldview.

If poverty is an act of free will, can technology be blamed for putting people there? It's far too quick of them to assume being thrown down is a choice on the person's effort, not systemic cultivations...

That scares the fuck out of me.


Hey does anyone in the rustbelt know what giant rail infrastructure means?

Reduced isolation

They don't care. They would rather be poor and fuck over black people than be well off and have black people be well off as well.

We are not dealing with rational actors here.


Destroy the ACA
Defund PP
Cut Medicaid funding

Truly all pressures of natural selection again the sick and poor.

Al that will be left are rich healthy people.
As I study for the boards, all this politics and especially Tom Price draw my intense ire.

Access is not the same thing as healthcare and he knows that. Alas he will almost certainly be confirmed.


I hate that Russia's communists are a bunch of nostalgic idiots who don't want to stop Putin's transformation of Russia into an authoritarian power but just change what party should be continuing the transformation. The collapse of USSR should have given them the perfect opportunity to get back to the basics of socialism unencumbered by all the things holding the USSR back, but instead they just want to repeat the past. They're reactionaries disguised as communists.

A Russian Communist Party MP has announced plans to draft a law that would allow alterations to the constitution, such as re-introducing the notion of state ideology in the form of “patriotism and primacy of the state.”

Vladimir Bortko said in comments with Kommersant daily that he had developed a bill on the Constitutional Assembly and would draft it to the lower house in the nearest future. If passed, the bill would allow changes to be made to the constitution’s articles concerning the basics of Russian statehood and the main rights and freedoms of Russian citizens.

The lawmaker’s ultimate objective is to abolish Article 13 of the constitution, which reads that Russia cannot have a state ideology, and replace it with an article that would put the interests of the state above all others.

“The ideology of the constitution is manifested through its content. And it promotes the ideology of liberalism, even though formally the ban on ideology remains in force. The idea of personal freedoms is being prioritized,” Bortko said.

“I propose a state-centered and patriotic ideology that would put the interests of the state above all other principles of the constitution. Not some abstract freedoms of an individual, but very particular interests of the state that are currently being ignored,” he added.

https://************/politics/374108-communists-want-return-of-state/ (Can't help it if RT is the one reporting it).

If they were really communists they'd be doing everything they could to undermine Putin, including violence. But they're happily chugging along the anti-West train as the controlled opposition.


No Scrubs
I hate that Russia's communists are a bunch of nostalgic idiots who don't want to stop Putin's transformation of Russia into an authoritarian power but just change what party should be continuing the transformation. The collapse of USSR should have given them the perfect opportunity to get back to the basics of socialism unencumbered by all the things holding the USSR back, but instead they just want to repeat the past. They're reactionaries disguised as communists.

https://************/politics/374108-communists-want-return-of-state/ (Can't help it if RT is the one reporting it).

If they were really communists they'd be doing everything they could to undermine Putin, including violence. But they're happily chugging along the anti-West train as the controlled opposition.

Russia as a whole seems to be unable to move past the shadow of the USSR.
Democratic Rep. Gabbard Makes Secret Trip to Syria

Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii has just departed war-torn Damascus following what her aides described as a ”fact-finding" mission to work toward ending the nearly six-year conflict in Syria.

In describing the purpose of the trip, Gabbard spokeswoman Emily Latimer said she ”felt it was important to meet with a number of individuals and groups, including religious leaders, humanitarian workers, refugees, and government and community leaders."

This month, she introduced the Stop Arming Terrorists Act, which would prohibit the U.S. government from providing funding and weapons to Sunni militant groups working to overthrow the Assad regime, such as the Levant Front, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, and al Qaeda.

In interviews, she has called for the United States to abandon its goal of removing Assad and focus on eliminating the Islamic State and al Qaeda.

”Gabbard has long been committed to peace and ending counterproductive, interventionist wars," her spokeswoman told Foreign Policy.

When asked if Gabbard met with Assad, the strongman many blame for a conflict that has killed 400,000 and displaced millions, Latimer declined to comment, citing security and logistical concerns.

To her critics, Gabbard is an apologist to a regime that has committed countless war crimes and destabilized the greater Middle East. To her supporters, she's a lonely voice of sanity against a growing tide of bipartisan interventionism that risks bogging down the United States in another conflict in the Middle East.

She has repeatedly compared Assad to Muammar al-Qaddafi and Saddam Hussein, brutal dictators who fell prey to Western intervention in conflicts that later became unpopular.

”I don't think Assad should be removed," Gabbard told CNN. ”If Assad is removed and overthrown, ISIS, al Qaeda, al Nusra — these Islamic extremist groups will walk straight in and take over all of Syria. ... They will be even stronger."



You guys ready for Trump's next campaign slogan?

Donald Trump said:
Halfway through his interview with The Washington Post, Trump shared a bit of news: He already has decided on his slogan for a reelection bid in 2020.

“Are you ready?” he said. “ ‘Keep America Great,’ exclamation point.”

“Get me my lawyer!” the president-elect shouted.

Two minutes later, one arrived.

“Will you trademark and register, if you would, if you like it — I think I like it, right? Do this: ‘Keep America Great,’ with an exclamation point. With and without an exclamation. ‘Keep America Great,’ ” Trump said.

“Got it,” the lawyer replied.

That bit of business out of the way, Trump returned to the interview.

The guy even makes a show out of announcing a potential campaign slogan 4 years in advance. The whole interview is interesting, so here's the source
You guys ready for Trump's next campaign slogan?

The guy even makes a show out of announcing a potential campaign slogan 4 years in advance. The whole interview is interesting, so here's the source

"Keep America Great" is the tagline to one of The Purge movies.

You could make this shit up, but everyone would think it was wildly unrealistic in a movie.


2,000 GM workers to lose jobs on Trump Inauguration Day

Robert Sheridan is a 40-year-old GM worker who voted for Donald Trump. He can barely contain his excitement about Inauguration Day, even though it will be a rough day for him on a personal level.

He's one of 2,000 GM factory workers losing their jobs on Friday, the same day that Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president.

Sheridan -- and thousands like him -- are desperately hoping Trump will save their jobs.
"Please help us in Lordstown," says Sheridan, a soft-spoken Midwesterner with three kids. "This is a great middle class job. You can't find one better around here."

These are GM's first layoffs in six years. About 1,200 workers in Lordstown, Ohio (where Sheridan works) are getting the ax and another 800 in Lansing, Michigan -- both key states that led to Trump's victory. Given the vote totals, many of these workers likely voted for Trump, breaking ranks with the United Automobile Workers union that backed Hillary Clinton.

Trump appeared to hear their outcry. In early January, he slammed GM in a tweet.
"General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border," Trump tweeted.

"Trump's tweet really gave us hope," Sheridan says. He's worked at GM (GM) for seven years and makes $25 an hour installing brake lines. It's the kind of pay that finally allowed him to buy a house and decent sports equipment for his kids. Other factories in the area pay only $9 to $12 an hour.

So excited for President Trump on the day he's losing his job. Maybe Trump will send out another tweet and he'll get all hopeful again.
This is a bad thing? You need money to win races, especially at the local level. Anything lower than a state-level race will probably be decided by money spent unless one of the people running is a total fuckup.

I'm fairly suspicious of how effective lobbying *money* is at the national level, so in theory I should be cool with this. However, R's are setting themselves up as the party of graft. Banning lobbyist money is a strong piece of symbolism to help accomplish that goal.


No Scrubs
I'm fairly suspicious of how effective lobbying *money* is at the national level, so in theory I should be cool with this. However, R's are setting themselves up as the party of graft. Banning lobbyist money is a strong piece of symbolism to help accomplish that goal.

The problem is Obama tried that and Dems were massively outspent as a result. Tying one arm around our backs just to look good nationally probably won't help win locally. Local elections are all about name recognition and you need money to get that in many cases.
I'm fairly suspicious of how effective lobbying *money* is at the national level, so in theory I should be cool with this. However, R's are setting themselves up as the party of graft. Banning lobbyist money is a strong piece of symbolism to help accomplish that goal.

Lobbyist money is one thing, but corporate money might as well be a surrender flag being put up.
2,000 GM workers to lose jobs on Trump Inauguration Day

So excited for President Trump on the day he's losing his job. Maybe Trump will send out another tweet and he'll get all hopeful again.

I'm convinced Trump voters in manufacturing got conned more than anyone else. "I don't think Trump will actually repeal the ACA" people are just dumb, but I doubt that they even know that their jobs are going to all be replaced by robots before the end of Trump's term.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
2,000 GM workers to lose jobs on Trump Inauguration Day

So excited for President Trump on the day he's losing his job. Maybe Trump will send out another tweet and he'll get all hopeful again.

If he doesn't get his job back, I'm sure he'll get a nice MAGA hat to make up for it, so I'm sure he'll be fine.

The problem is Obama tried that and Dems were massively outspent as a result. Tying one arm around our backs just to look good nationally probably won't help win locally. Local elections are all about name recognition and you need money to get that in many cases.

Yeah, the Obama years have to make the Dems learn that they can't intentionally fuck themselves over for shitty, unproductive PR purposes anymore.


No Scrubs
I'm convinced Trump voters in manufacturing got conned more than anyone else. "I don't think Trump will actually repeal the ACA" people are just dumb, but I doubt that they even know that their jobs are going to all be replaced by robots before the end of Trump's term.

The Rust Belt and manufacturers got sold on the idea of their fading way of life coming back to them, they didn't want the truth. They didn't want a fix. They wanted the impossible and Trump was craven enough to promise it to them.
The problem is Obama tried that and Dems were massively outspent as a result. Tying one arm around our backs just to look good nationally probably won't help win locally. Local elections are all about name recognition and you need money to get that in many cases.

Unless I'm looking in the wrong place that doesn't appear to be true? The party seems like they've outraised the republican party, with some variations in the committe vs. the Congressional comitte vs. the senatorial committee.

Also fun, Dems seemed to raise and send more in the years they got clobbered.

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